Chi Cang is fearless. Since his Nirvana to Stone Village, he has experienced so much and transformed again and again. In the end, he ignited the divine fire in the vast sea of ​​​​boundaries and achieved an unprecedented divine fire realm. Even he himself cannot explain his current situation. How strong is he?

When a living being goes too far or too high on the road of spiritual cultivation, there is no reference around him, only himself.

At this moment, Chi Cang is standing on the top of the divine fire. Throughout the ages, no creature in the divine fire realm can be his enemy in a battle of the same level.

Even the Ancient Immortal Dao Fruit - Escape Realm is the same. Chi Cang even feels that he can attack the Supreme. Of course, this is when the Immortal King's body is not stimulated.

The transformation just now was too complete. The original symbols in the Thunder Pond Immortal Seed broke through the confinement and were sublimated to the extreme. The original symbols engraved in the blazing blood Shen Xi, bones, flesh, soul, and the cave outside the body also sublimated. His whole figure was like Like a fairy, a terrifying life transition took place, jumping out of the original realm, soaring upwards, and reaching an incredible situation.

It has never happened in ancient times, and it will be difficult to see it in the future. At this time, Chi Cang can truly be said to be invincible at the same level in ancient and modern times.

His eyes were bright, and he saw the tall figures blocking the front through the layers of black fog.

This is the second wave of strangeness caused by the ancient lamp hanging high at the source of the ancient bluestone road. It is several times more numerous than before, and more powerful, as if it is further considering Chi Cang's combat power.

Chi Cang looked at the glimmer of light in the darkness coldly, feeling very uncomfortable with this kind of aloof and manipulative behavior.

He strode forward on the ancient bluestone road with overwhelming momentum. Lightning, thunder, etc. surrounded and flashed around him, making terrifying crackling sounds.

Not only that, but the four immortal qi cultivated by Chi Cang also came close to him. The initial qi, which symbolized a new path, combined with his thunder pool. Suddenly, the thunder light exploded, the fairy mist rose, and the thunder pool became more and more extraordinary, as if To become the incarnation of the order of heaven and earth.

And the three immortal auras that merged with the Taoist Fruit of this Life are lingering around Chi Cang's body, like three true dragons, circling around the body, setting off Chi Cang's transcendent and peerless appearance, like an otherworldly true immortal.

With the thunder pool above his head, he stepped forward, his steps were consistent with the heaven and earth, and he walked like a dragon and a tiger, like an emperor who looked down on the past and present, standing on the nine heavens, looking down on all enemies of the same rank.

Soon, Chi Cang met those figures.

A total of seven figures, all very tall, stood on the bluestone road, blocking Chi Cang's way forward.

These figures are different from the one just now. They all show their true appearance. Some are wearing armor and some are wearing feathered clothes. They are all different. There is an inexplicable brilliance in the eyes of each figure. They are not dull at all, like To truly have life.

The seven powerful men released cold and icy killing intent, filling the place. Each one of them was in the peak realm of escape, their auras were shocking, and their power was immeasurable.

If such an escape spirit were picked out alone, each one of them would be so powerful that no one at the same level would dare to respect them. It would be even more terrifying than the strongest escape spirit in history known to the world.

This is the strange calamity aimed at Chi Cang, enough to become a nightmare for all Dunyi monks.

Chi Cang had an expressionless face and said nothing. He strode straight towards the creatures blocking his way.

The tall creature at the front carries a pair of jet-black wings with eye-catching golden markings, which are the wings of Kunpeng.

Among the creatures behind, there are those wearing bright red feathers and filled with the aura of a true phoenix, there are also those whose swords are shocking and piercing the sky, and there are even those who are surrounded by thunder, like the King of Thunder.

The seven great creatures are all different, but they all exude a kind of aura, which corresponds to the seven supreme techniques mastered by Chi Cang, and seems to be the ultimate evolution of the seven techniques.

With blazing eyes flashing, facing the tall creature carrying golden-striped wings in the dark, he directly used the Kunpeng Technique.

The black river surged, and a pair of Kunpeng wings slowly emerged. The moon and the sun intertwined, and the golden light burst out, dispelling the endless darkness and haze.

What is different from the creatures on the opposite side is that the Kunpeng wings behind Chi Cang are covered with mysterious symbols of order, and there is a kind of majesty that makes people dare not look directly.

In the cave of treasure-nurturing, Chicang is filled with incomplete original symbols. When the original symbols in the Leichi Immortal Seeds transform, the symbols in the Chicang Cave also transform. Slowly, the treasures contained within are transformed. The art is also tainted with the flavor of original symbols.

At this moment, behind Chi Cang are both the Wings of Kunpeng and the Wings of Order. The fusion of the two transcends the past.


Chi Cang shouted coldly, and attacked at extremely high speed. He struck with a volley in the air, and for a moment, all directions trembled, splitting the void.

"Use the Kunpeng magic to compete with me?"

The man with the black Kunpeng wings suddenly made a sound and spoke. His eyes were so bright that it was shocking.

This doesn't look like a dead thing at all, but a living creature.

Chi Cang was unmoved and went straight to kill, cold and domineering. Thousands of Kunpeng runes combined with order runes bloomed with dazzling light and great majesty. A pair of Kunpeng wings of order could destroy everything.

The tall man roared, and the dark wings behind his back spread out, splitting the endless void, turning into a black stream of light, and colliding with the blazing Kunpeng Wings of Order.


There was no huge collision sound, only the sound of cutting tofu, the dark wings were chopped, black feathers flew all over the sky, and blood splashed everywhere.

Along with the jet-black wings, the tall man's waist was also cut off. He was split into two. His eyes were full of disbelief, as if he couldn't believe that he could be so fragile.

"How can it be?"

He was like a living creature, whispering there.

Chi Cang had no expression on his face and waved his hand to destroy it?


He shook his head and made an evaluation. Perhaps for the escaped souls in the outside world, these guys were so powerful that they could only look up to them, but in front of him, they were far from enough.

After killing the creatures that represented the ultimate performance of Kunpeng's magic, Chi Cang continued to move forward.


The creature dressed in bright red feathers arrived and turned into an extremely gorgeous true phoenix, dyeing the ancient bluestone road red. The flames surged and overflowed with unparalleled heat.

It was as if a sun had crashed into it, burning mountains and boiling seas, and drying up endless galaxies.

Chi Cang was still shaking his head.

"You can not."

He also used the True Phoenix Treasure Technique, and pieces of bright red and dazzling feathers bloomed like lotus flowers. The next moment, a huge True Phoenix rushed out from it, carrying fairy flames that filled the sky, burning everything in the world.

The two suns collided together, causing a terrifying explosion. Flames shot into the sky, and the flagstones on the bluestone road were burned black, with large cracks appearing.

In the blazing bright light, a black and broken figure flew back and landed at the feet of the remaining five creatures. It was the humanoid creature that represented the true phoenix magic. His gorgeous feathers had long been turned into ashes. All that was left of his body was still burning.

The five tall creatures didn't even look down, they just ignored it and walked towards Chi Cang together.

It seems that after losing two people, the remaining five creatures will take action together.

Chi Cang was fearless, and the flames on his body had long been extinguished. He stepped on the bluestone road and faced five powerful creatures head-on.

"hold head high!"

A jet-black true dragon appeared, with dense scales and an icy luster. It flicked its tail towards Blazing Cang, crushing everything.

Chi Cang was speechless. The real dragon claws in his hands enlarged and covered the sky. He grabbed the dark dragon tail that was thrown away. It was so powerful that no matter how hard the opponent struggled, he could not break free.

Then, his other hand turned into a second real dragon claw, grabbing the body of the jet-black real dragon like a loach, and grabbed it fiercely.


The dark true dragon was pinched at the waist, and blood spurted out and flowed all over the ground.

This strange creature, which represented the ultimate interpretation of the true dragon magic, was directly killed by Chi Cang without even being able to survive a single encounter.

Immediately afterwards, another strange creature arrived. In the billowing black mist, a nine-leaf sword grass took root. The grass grew nine leaves, and the nine leaves were like swords. As they turned, the world turned upside down and fell to the stars outside the domain.

The astonishing sword energy came straight towards Chi Cang's neck, cutting even the black mist.

However, Chi Cang remained calm.

He opened his palms, chaos energy filled the air, and a nine-leaf sword grass grew out of the chaos. The infinite sword energy, with red lightning, destroyed the universe and cut off the past, present and future.


The creature who used the Grass-Character Sword Technique spurted blood from its neck. Under its incredible gaze, its head flew high, and a terrifying blood hole appeared between its eyebrows. It was actually killed in an instant.

Chi Cang didn't stop, and six black holes suddenly appeared in his hand, spinning slowly, like a big millstone, grinding the heavens for eternity.

This is the Heavenly Art of Six Paths of Reincarnation, performed in Chi Cang's hands, releasing terrifying power.


A strange creature wielded the Six Paths of Reincarnation and collided head-on with Chi Cang.


The twelve black holes crushed each other, making a heart-pounding sound.

The stalemate did not last long. Chi Cang moved forward with unparalleled strength, blasting the six black holes on the opposite side with an invincible attitude, crushing them all the way, and blasting the creature into dust.

"too weak."

Chi Cang shook his head and sighed. These figures were really not his enemies. After undergoing transformation, he had reached an unimaginable level. Perhaps even this strange ancient lamp had not expected it.

He continued to move forward, and a cave appeared above his head. It was huge, vast, and mysterious, as if it contained a big world.

A sacred willow tree is rooted in it, and its branches are flying all over the sky, like divine chains of order, piercing the void and killing the strange creatures that symbolize the willow divine law.


The monstrous aura erupted, and behind the strange creatures, a tall, ancient willow tree appeared. Thousands of branches were pulled out at the same time. It was so majestic that it hid the path of withering and prosperity, which was shocking.

However, the willows of order that rushed out of the blazing cave sky were indestructible, and they stood out as soon as they were touched. The willows of order were as powerful as broken bamboos, knocking back the branches all over the sky, and then penetrated the eyebrows of the strange creatures and rushed out from the back of the head.

The next moment, the whole body of the strange creature shriveled up and turned into ashes in an instant. This is the way of withering and prosperity. One thought will wither and the other will prosper.

"Still too weak."

Chi Cang pushed past and said indifferently. He looked at the last creature, and blazing thunder flashed all over his body.

This creature represents Chicang's own magic - the Thunder Emperor's magic. On its body, black thunder and lightning are wrapped around it, with black blood stains. It looks like it has just retreated from the battlefield, and its armor is full of big holes.


The last weird creature uttered a word, and then rushed over, carrying thousands of feet of thunder, gathering the calamity clouds in the sky, and killing Chi Cang.

"Using the Thunder Dao Treasure Technique in front of me is simply a trick."

Chi Cang looked down at this creature, letting the clouds of calamity envelope him, and the thunder falling in the sky. No matter how terrifying the thunder was, when it came to his side, it disappeared like a mud cow into the sea.

You know, Chi Cang can rely on himself to go down to the depths of the Thunder Sea and live in peace with those super terrifying heavenly punishments, and this is before igniting the divine fire.

After igniting the divine fire, his ability to control thunder has become even more powerful. He has reached the realm of transformation. There are countless geniuses in the world. He is the only one who can achieve this level.

Chi Cang let the creature attack hard for a while, and then used a forbidden secret technique - Thunderous Nine Heavens.

Generally speaking, this taboo method is best performed on a thunderstorm day, as it can be closer to heavenly punishment and attract the most terrifying lightning.

However, Chi Cang is not someone else, he is the Emperor of Thunder, and what he cultivates is the way of heavenly punishment. In any environment and under any situation, his thunder technique is at its peak power.


Bolts of lightning struck down, extremely blazing, showing a forbidden red color, illuminating the entire ancient bluestone road and the face of that strange creature.

After a loud noise, the ancient bluestone road was completely silent. The entire seven invincible escapees were killed by the blazing sky.

He explained what it means to be the most powerful Escape in history, surpassing people's understanding of Escape creatures.

Chi Cang swept away the obstacles and strode forward on the ancient bluestone road. There was a thunder pool shining with fairy light suspended in his hand. After it was combined with the mother's energy, it became more and more extraordinary, a kind of "primordial" energy that could not be concealed. Dwelling seems to be the ultimate source of all things.

His steps were not fast, but he was shrinking. Almost in an instant, he arrived at the end of the ancient bluestone road.

The faint ancient lamp is hanging high in the sky, releasing its gleaming brilliance.

Suddenly, Chi Cang's expression changed slightly, and the ancient lamp emitted a soft chirp, like a mirror. The wick reflected the scene of Chi Cang killing "himself" and destroying seven terrible creatures.

Immediately afterwards, the ancient lamp trembled slightly and rushed into the distance, intending to leave here.

However, Chi Cang couldn't let it go, because the ancient lamp reflected his secrets and various methods were recorded, which was definitely not good for him.

If it were leaked out and allowed others to study it thoroughly, it might be hampered everywhere in the future.

This ancient lamp has something to do with darkness and weirdness, and its whereabouts are known without even thinking about it.


Chi Cang used the Nine Heavens Tribulation Light and threw it out of the thunder pool, colliding with the ancient lamp.

What's horrifying is that this ancient lamp actually blocked Chi Cang's method, and there was no problem when it collided with the thunder pool, it just shook violently.

And, the next second, the ancient lamp emits a strange light, illuminating Chi Cang's whole body. The blood, flesh, bones, and soul light are all invisible and become transparent.

At this moment, Chi Cang really didn't have any secrets, they were all illuminated by this ancient lamp.

He was palpitating to the extreme. If this fell into the hands of the dark side, it would be a catastrophe.

However, Chi Cang could not do anything to this ancient lamp and could not destroy it.

At this time, the ancient lamp suddenly shook, and when it reflected the light of the blazing soul, it actually triggered something deeply hidden, causing it to slowly appear from the state of nothingness.

This is a thunder path origin mark, with blazing flames burning around it. The strange thing is that the flame does not spill out the slightest warmth, as if it is just an illusory vision.

Gu Deng trembled, as if he sensed something was wrong, and walked away quickly, wanting to leave.

However, in front of its escape route, a long river suddenly appeared, filled with the power of time, cause and effect, etc. The ancient lamp had no time to dodge and crashed into it. Then, everything disappeared and the black mist slowly dispersed, leaving only The remaining rocks are still standing.

Chi Cang stood on the reef, frowning slightly, what was the meaning of that scene just now? How could a long river suddenly appear? When the ancient lantern rushed into the river, was it considered an escape?

At this moment, he had too many questions in his mind.


The silent sea water around the reef became rough again, constantly lapping at the reef shore, and a strange catastrophe ended in this way.

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