The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 143 Destroy the enemy

Everything returned to its previous state. The sea of ​​​​boundaries surged, and waves surged up. They hit the rocks and shattered into pieces, which meant that one broken world after another collapsed into dust.

Chi Cang stood on the rocks, with a mysterious radiance rising all over his body, resisting the ubiquitous wind of the boundary sea. It took him three months to successfully ignite the divine fire and make a key breakthrough.

The Immortal Seed in the Thunder Pond has undergone a comprehensive transformation. It no longer only represents a world of heavenly punishment, but has a broader meaning and the possibility of infinite growth. From now on, Chi Cang only needs to continue to absorb the original symbols in the Thunder Pond and This great power can be attributed to oneself, and at the same time, the Thunder Pond Immortal Seed must continue to grow and become stronger.

The harvest was huge, and Chi Cang couldn't help but smile. Before going to sea, everything was uncertain. The vast sea was vast and endless. No one knew whether they could find islands or reefs. It might be possible that after a hundred years, everything would be lost. Out of reach.

Fortunately, he met the dying Nvzhen Immortal and obtained important directional information through the transaction, which gave him hope for enlightenment and breakthrough. Otherwise, Chi Cang could only wander alone in the boundless world. On the sea, as he continues to go deeper, he will lose direction and drift with the current.

You must know that after those true Immortal King-level creatures penetrate into the Realm Sea, they need specific coordinates and directions to return. Otherwise, they will not be able to find their way back at all, let alone Chi Cang who is not an Immortal King.

In short, this industry is very lucky. Everything was achieved as expected, and it did not take too long. It only took less than two years from landing in the boundary sea to finding the reef and successfully lighting the divine fire.

If he rushes back now, he will definitely still be able to catch up with Liu Shen in time.

Thinking of this, Chi Cang suddenly felt like leaving.

However, an ambitious look fell on him, preventing him from sailing immediately.

The owner of the gaze is the creature who is suspected to be the quasi-immortal king. He is standing on a dark bamboo raft and heading towards the reef. He is already very close. He has crossed the red line and can kill him in an instant.

Chi Cang is fearless, his eyes are extremely deep, full of taboo-like symbols of order, and his whole person has a great majesty, as if he is a king or the sky.

The immortal creature's face was expressionless, but in fact, his heart was shaken, because this creature with a thunder pool survived that kind of weird punishment. This is really incredible and rare in ancient times.

There were thousands of thoughts in his mind, and he thought of a lot. It is impossible for an ordinary creature to cause such weirdness. This is definitely a rare talent in ancient times. In addition, it is even more rare to be a genius who can survive the weirdness. Among the ancient history It has never been recorded in China.

Therefore, he deduced that this extraordinary creature in front of him had a big secret. This is true for all those with great luck. There were ancient books that specifically deduced this kind of thing and recorded it in the historical policy.

In addition, Chicang possesses an extremely mysterious thunder pool, which contains the secret of creation and vitality, which makes immortal creatures very eager.

Based on these reasons, he had no reason to sit back and watch Chi Cang leave. Even if he took some risks by taking it by force, it was worth it.

Looking at Chi Cang, the immortal creature spoke an ancient language.

Through the fluctuations of the avenue, Chi Cang understood the meaning of this creature, and his eyes couldn't help but become a little colder.

This powerful creature who had stepped into the realm of immortality actually asked him to borrow the thunder pool for a look. This was simply fantastic.

No matter what, Chi Cang will not let Lei Chi leave his hand. This is his Dao Fruit. Giving it to others is equivalent to cutting off one's own path.


Chi Cang responded with the immortal language he used before the emperor fell, blessing with the mysterious light outside his body, penetrating through the layers of sea water and reaching the ears of the immortal creatures.

When the immortal creature heard this, his expression suddenly turned cold. Without saying anything, he directly stretched out a palm, followed the direction of the reef, crossed the sea, and enveloped the reef.

This immortal creature is very decisive. Since he refuses to give, he will take it hard and grab it directly.

He could see clearly just now that Chi Cang's method of igniting the divine fire was not a method in the realm of true immortals at all, and was far from even the peak of humanity. Therefore, he guessed that there was something wrong with Chi Cang's state, and even if there was a threat, it would not be too great. .

Although he suffered heavy losses and his energy and spirit were not at their peak, he still had the ability to be a quasi-immortal king. In the world sea, apart from the kings, he was one of the top ones.

There was no wave in the Chicang Ancient Well. Facing the big hand aimed at the Immortal King, he did not move, as if he was ignoring it.

The eyes of the immortal creature narrowed slightly, but the movements of his hands kept moving. On the huge palm, the immortal law was like a sea, burning blazingly. The five fingers were like pillars holding the sky, grasping towards the rocks, and the five fingers were closed together, trying to catch Chi Cang in the palm of his hand. , imprisoned.

A majestic and trembling divine power surged in like an overwhelming force, covering the entire reef.

Chi Cang felt stiff all over, overwhelmed by this terrifying pressure.

In essence, Chi Cang is just a creature who has escaped to the first realm. Facing a terrifying creature that is about to advance to the immortal king, he is worse than an ant. The only thing he can rely on is the dormant immortal king-level ten evil bodies.

So, it's not that he doesn't want to move, it's that he can't move.

The big hand pressed down, causing the sea surface to become turbulent, and the blazing bones creaked under the pressure, as if they were about to collapse in the next second.

There is no doubt that this is a life-threatening crisis, not from Chi Cang himself. If it were a life-threatening situation faced by Chi Cang, the Ten Fierce Bodies would not have reacted. But now, this crisis comes from outside, and the dust is trapped in Chi Cang. The ten evil spirits in the deepest part of the body were stimulated.

The mysterious glow on the surface of his body erupted in an instant. It was originally hazy and quiet, but now, it was so bright that it was impossible to look directly at it.

At the same time, an indescribable force rushed out like an explosion, distorting the void and rippled into the boundary sea, where waves were annihilated.

The big hand that the immortal creature approached became riddled with holes in an instant, and was shattered into pieces by the extremely powerful physical force.

The sky was filled with bright red, and the immortal blood spilled into the boundary sea, and was swallowed up by the waves in an instant.

The physical power belonging to the Immortal King level spreads along the big hand towards the immortal creatures, destroying everything in its path.

An extremely strong immortal arm turned into bones in an instant, and the arm bones were broken soon after, and were annihilated into powder.

The face of the immortal creature changed dramatically. This was the power of the Immortal King. Although his realm was only one word different from that of the Immortal King, it was a world of difference.

After entering that realm, everything was different. Compared with the quasi-immortal king, he was in the sky and on the earth.

The terrifying power of the Immortal King's physical body rushed towards him. He tried his best to resist it. First he cut off his own arm, and the remaining flesh and blood on it burned to stop the power. Then, an ancient furnace appeared and blocked the front. This was not over yet. Immortal The creatures release their immortal divine energy, run with all their strength, and use forbidden methods to welcome the power of the Immortal King.


The severed arm was instantly destroyed, and the ancient furnace filled with immortal power trembled violently, and then turned into dust. Finally, the immortal creature and the immortal king-level physical power collided head-on.



With a loud noise, the quasi-immortal king was knocked away. He coughed up blood, his whole body was cracked, and his chest was deeply sunken. He broke away from the bamboo raft and fell into the boundless sea.

Compared to the king, he was more than a step behind. Otherwise, Chi Cang's body would only emit the power of the Immortal King's physical body, and this quasi-immortal king would definitely be even worse.

His eyes were bright and flames were burning, and he knew that this was an excellent opportunity.

After suffering this big loss, with the experience of the quasi-immortal king, it is difficult to say that he will not see anything. If he is allowed to react, Chi Cang will be in danger.

Therefore, kill him while he is sick, and do not let him rise from the sea while the immortal creature falls into the sea.

When he took action, it was not the terrifying immortal king-level physical power. That kind of power disappeared as quickly as it came. It disappeared after just one blow.

Chi Cang's method is naturally thunder pools. They are made of ancient rocks, entangled with mist and lightning, and are extremely mysterious. Chi Cang put them into the surface of the boundary sea. Under Chi Cang's control, they rushed towards the place where the immortal creature fell into the sea at high speed.

One breath after another is like an astonishing thunder pool, suspended on the sea, sailing at extremely fast speeds, like warships, racing with wind and lightning, surrounded by fog and thunder and lightning.

On the sea surface not far from the bamboo raft, the sea water surged and the waves continued. A blood-stained arm suddenly stretched out and touched the sea surface. The immortal law bloomed, forming a force that caused the immortal creatures to crawl out of the sea. come out.

You must know that the sea water here is formed by vast and broken ancient worlds. Falling into the sea is equivalent to being run over by ancient worlds one after another. The power of the law of the avenue will destroy the creatures that fall into ashes.

The immortal creature was severely injured by the immortal king-level physical power. After falling into the sea of ​​​​the world, it suffered from the grinding of countless ancient worlds. It was very uncomfortable and its body was bloody and bloody.

He struggled, endured the severe pain, and swam toward the bamboo raft. It was an important tool for crossing the boundary sea and could resist the friction between interfaces.

Just as he was approaching the bamboo raft, on the sea in the distance, nine phantoms of different colors broke through the waves and rushed toward him at extremely high speeds.

After seeing these colorful things clearly, the immortal creature was stunned for a moment. Isn't this a thunder pool? That kind of aura is definitely unmistakable, but why are there so many thunder pools? Moreover, wasn’t that extraordinary creature unwilling to give him a thunder pool?

Why were nine given at once?

The next moment, his expression changed drastically. The enemy ordered the nine-mouth thunder pool to come towards him. It was definitely not a good intention, and it was most likely a terrifying attack method.

The immortal creature had a solemn expression on his face and swam towards the bamboo raft at an accelerated pace. He never left the sea water for a moment, and never got rid of the torture.

Even the water vapor in the Boundary Sea can easily dissolve the physical body and soul of living beings, let alone direct contact with sea water.

While observing the location of the Nine-Kou Lei Pond, he looked at the bamboo raft, and his heartbeat accelerated unknowingly.

Tools that can float on and cross the boundary sea are hard to find in the world. He only has a bamboo raft, which becomes his only life-saving straw.

At the moment of life and death, this quasi-immortal king burst out with unprecedented potential. Even though the bones were thick, he was still trying his best to move his arms. Gradually, he approached the bamboo raft, and he only felt that he saw hope.

However, the nine-mouth thunder pool suddenly erupted with blazing lightning, and mysterious order symbols emerged one after another on the stone wall on the surface. With the blessing of these order symbols, the speed of the thunder pool suddenly increased a lot.

In the horrified gaze of the quasi-immortal king, Lei Chi rushed towards him and came to him.

A total of nine people arrived at the same time. As they approached the quasi-immortal king, a terrifying fairy light erupted from the mouth of Lei Chi. Endless thunder was detonated and exploded in front of the quasi-immortal king.


The quasi-immortal king smelled the smell of death. He couldn't believe that he, who was close to the level of a king, would collapse in such frustration.

The nine thunder pools exploded, each one capable of killing a true immortal. The nine mouths exploded at the same time, and the power shook the heaven and the earth. The terrifying storm of order impacted the whole body of the immortal creature, and there were also blazing thunders, with a terrifying sense of destruction. The power is so powerful that it can destroy the world.


The quasi-immortal king was not in a good condition, but now, he was covered by the explosion of the nine-mouth thunder pool. Although he would not die immediately, he was still more seriously injured.

He sank into the boundary sea again, with no intact part of his body, and even his soul was full of holes.


The severely injured quasi-immortal king couldn't hold back for a moment and drank a few drops of seawater. The result was devastating. He only felt his body sinking and his internal organs were crushed by the heavy pressure of seawater.


His soul was stimulated, and the immortal energy in his body burst out, and he rushed out of the sea. He did not really sink, but before he could be happy, not far away, another thunder pool rushed over, and it was already in front of him. Any one of the first nine bites would have been huge before.

The quasi-immortal king was sluggish, forgetting to think for a moment.


An earth-shattering explosion sounded, and the body of the quasi-immortal king was directly blown into several pieces, scattered on the surface of the boundary sea.

Except for the broken body where the soul is located, the rest of the broken limbs slowly sank into the boundary sea without any surprise, and were decomposed into the most basic rules of the avenue and essence by the friction between the interfaces.

This is the most terrifying place in the Boundary Sea. Any strong person swallowed by it will have no bones left, no trace, and nothing will be left.


There was a sound of heavy breathing. The vitality of the quasi-immortal king was terrifyingly strong. He was not dead yet and still had a breath of life.

At this moment, only half of the immortal creature's body is left, covered in blood and cracks. The flesh and blood are blurred and it is unbearable to look at, but he is still alive.

Chi Cang frowned. He was indeed a quasi-immortal king. He was so difficult to kill. If ten people couldn't kill him, let's continue.

Soon, the terrifying explosion sounded again in the sea. The quasi-immortal king of a generation fell in frustration, sank into the sea, disappeared, and died in the hands of the thunder pool he longed for.

The sea surged and submerged all traces, leaving only a bamboo raft floating alone on the sea.

Chi Cang put down his thunder pool and came to the bamboo raft, about to take it away.

Suddenly, he felt horrified and almost jumped up. He saw a blood-stained hand bone rushing out of the sea at some point and grabbing Chi Cang's ankle.

The quasi-immortal king was extremely unwilling to give up. There were still residual thoughts on the remaining hand bones, so he transcended the limit and rushed out.

Unfortunately, he could only do this one step. The mysterious light on Chi Cang's body swept across, and the obsession immediately disappeared.

Without the control of obsession, the bones of the hand loosened and slid weakly into the boundless sea, sinking little by little.

Chi Cang looked at the rolling sea water, shocked. He thought that the quasi-immortal king was completely dead, because he sank into the sea water for a long time and did not appear. In the end, there was a ferocious hand bone that was white with a little bit of bright red. came out, beyond his expectation.

"What a terrifying vitality."

He sighed, warning himself in his heart that he should be careful next time. He should always be vigilant when the enemy is not really confirmed to be dead.

Chi Cang did not move and waited in place for a long time. During this period, there was no movement in the boundary sea. This time, there would be no more miracles.

So, he put away the bamboo raft, discerned the direction, and drove away in the thunder pool. He wanted to find a way back to the eight realms of the lower realm. The Lord of the Forbidden Zone said that it would take a hundred years for the teleportation array in the Cross Yin and Yang Forbidden Zone to be activated. If you really have to wait a hundred years, the day lilies will be cold.

The old book will be finished at the end of this month

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