The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 144 Entering the Abyss

The boundary sea is boundless and filled with mist formed by the aggregation of water vapor, which can interfere with the soul, sight, and perception of living beings, so it is easy to get lost when sailing on the sea.

Fortunately, Chi Cang did not leave the dam too far, and the fog above the sea was not too thick, making his return journey smooth, with no surprises or dangers along the way.

Half a year later, Chi Cang approached the dam. It was like a majestic giant ridge lying in front of it, blocking the magnificent boundary sea.

No matter how the sea water beats, the dike remains motionless. It has stood here for endless years. I don’t know when it was built or why it was built. In short, it is much older than the era of the Lord of Heaven.

Chi Cang drove the thunder pool and climbed to an ancient and obsolete embankment. The place was full of pits and traces of time, and many places were dilapidated.

He couldn't help but lament that time is too ruthless, and no matter how great things are, they will wither and decay one day.

Across the embankment, Chi Cang stood on the dirt ground, looking at the sandy land in the distance.

He now faces a choice, whether to cross the Thunder and Lightning Abyss and find a way to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, or to leave through the teleportation array left by the Lord of Heaven.

Both roads are full of unknowns, and we don’t know where they will lead. Relatively speaking, the road after the Thunder and Lightning Abyss may be longer.

Because there are many interfaces on the dike side and the ancient roads are rugged, trying to find the way to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths may involve many twists and turns. Chi Cang had previously felt the spirit of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths in the deep altar well in the center of the ancient city at the bottom of the Thunder Sea. breath.

Perhaps the teleportation array will lead to a place close to Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

He stood there, weighing and thinking in his mind. In the end, Chi Cang chose the teleportation array. It was very likely to lead to the so-called Immortal Realm, and the Immortal Realm was adjacent to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, so there would always be a way to return.

After making his decision, Chi Cang walked step by step to the teleportation array.

Rough lines and simple outlines left traces in the dry soil, forming a teleportation array.

There are no gems, no magical materials, just a few simple strokes, like a child's graffiti. If it were not for the dike world, no one would believe that it is a magic circle that can take people away from the dike world.

As Chi Cang injects divine power, these lines begin to glow, sacred and bright, and the dry soil spurts out power, opening a portal.

At the same moment, anomalies appeared in the sand. Wisps of blood mist emerged from the red sand, and patches of black light intertwined. The strange and ominous power filled the air, making people horrified.

Chi Cang knew that this sandy land was once an ancient battlefield. Countless strange creatures and powerful men from all over the world fell here. Their blood soaked into the yellow sand, turning it red.

The Thunder Abyss was created partly to suppress this ominous sand.

At this moment, Chi Cang opened the teleportation array left by the Lord of Heaven, alarming the strange things buried under the red sand, and suddenly erupted.


The Thunder and Lightning Abyss sensed an abnormality, and the vast thunder and lightning turned into rolling waves, submerging the sandy land.

Chi Cang also took action, a thunder pool appeared in his palm, and the light of infinite order burst out, echoing the incoming sea of ​​thunder, emitting patches of lightning, completely wiping out the red sand.

Under the blazing heavenly punishment, the strange aura was forcibly suppressed, and the red sand returned to its previous calm. Chi Cang breathed a sigh of relief. The strange movement in the red sand just now gave him a sense of crisis, as if the sand Some terrifying creature is buried underground and is about to emerge from the sand.

He didn't have time to figure out the reason. The portal opened by the teleportation array was gradually becoming dim and couldn't be delayed for long.

So, Chi Cang stepped into the portal and entered a gray world. This seemed to be a passage, with space power spreading across the layers of void.

The light here is not sufficient, and there is a great majesty coming from it that makes people tremble and make them suffocate.

An iron-blooded, solemn, and murderous atmosphere floated in the void, and a creepy murderous aura was being released and transmitted.

Gradually, Chi Cang saw clearly that it was a grand ancient city located in front of it.

Soon, the passage came to the end, Chi Cang landed on a piece of land, and the transmission ended.

As soon as he walked out, Chi Cang began to observe the surrounding environment. It was very desolate, with no human figures to be seen, a lack of life, only dead silence, and the desolation that had accumulated over the ages.

Not far ahead, a city stands, deserted and alone. It can be seen that it has been baptized by war and is covered with mottled traces.

At this time, Chi Cang noticed the soil under his feet. The chilling energy came from the soil.

After careful observation, he discovered that this was not soil at all, but was formed after the bones of hundreds of millions of dead creatures were crushed. Bone fragments and slag can still be seen today. The dark red areas are made of blood, while the white areas are covered with blood. It's bones.

Looking around, this vast land is like this. It is hard to imagine how many lives were lost in the war that took place here.

Moreover, many of these fallen creatures were extremely powerful beings. Even if they were killed in battle and only their bones were left, their shocking and peerless aura still remained, which was horrifying.

Chi Cang was speechless, feeling inexplicably familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before. At the same time, his thunder pool was buzzing, vibrating, and humming softly, feeling the familiar rules of the avenue.

This means that this place is the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands that Chi Cang longs to return to.

Thinking of this, he understood that this piece of land was the great abyss he saw through the ancient well on the altar of the ancient city at the bottom of the Thunder Sea.

Chi Cang remembered clearly that the Great Abyss was extremely spectacular, with endless stars rotating in it, like a big mouth swallowing the sky and the earth. In the center of the Great Abyss, there was a vast land suspended, and an immortal ancient city was located in the center of the land. at.

Since the end of the Ancient Immortal Era, the foreign lands have never given up on blocking the Nine Heavens. However, they have all been blocked. This mysterious place known as "Tian Yuan" plays an important role.

Under the arrangement of the Supreme Being of the Immortal Realm, it connects the branches of the Sea of ​​Order in the Immortal Realm, and can lower the ocean of order to resist the iron hoofs of foreign lands.

The ancient city located in the center of the land was the core of the layout back then and could borrow Tianyuan's power.

From the beginning of this era to the present, during this long period of time, the foreign lands have never stopped. It was this ancient city that repelled them and saved the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands.

"I didn't expect it to be teleported here."

Chi Cang whispered, very surprised. He looked at the mottled and majestic ancient city in the distance, his eyes were solemn, and his skin was a little tight.

The ancient city stands tall and peaceful, but it gives Chicang an unusual feeling, as if it is a sleeping giant of immortality, which is terrifying.

He looked further away and saw transparent borders, indicating that the continent had a limited area.

Withdrawing his gaze, Chi Cang walked towards the ancient city in the center of the continent. He had heard Liu Shen mention that on the front line against foreign lands, there was an ancient city full of legends that had endured for a long time. True Dragon also mentioned it. , back then, the famous Seven Kings of the Frontier were stationed there.

It is like a torrent of steel. It has gone through many eras of wars, been damaged many times, and was finally repaired. It still stands at the forefront until now.

The people who stayed in the ancient city were all the descendants of the Seven Kings of the Frontier, which were several large clans called the Sin Clan. Many forces and creatures in the eight realms of the lower world were descendants of the Sin Clan, such as those to which Shi Hao belonged. Stone tribe, such as the tribes of the Fire Nation.

Stepping slowly, Chi Cang thought of a lot of information about the Seven Kings of the Bianhuang and the descendants of the Sin Clan.

Zhenlong and others have said that the descendants of the Seven Kings are slandered as a sinful race, most likely because people at the border have seen the Seven Kings personally cutting off the heads of their companions who were invaded by darkness. In addition, there are other The reason is very complicated and involves the Immortal King of the Immortal Realm.

Ever since he heard these things, Chi Cang has been very dissatisfied with the treatment of the descendants of the seven kings of the border wilderness. The remaining immortals in Jiutian did nothing when facing external enemies, but persecuted the descendants of meritorious people internally. Such behavior makes people Chilling.

Now that he was teleported here, Chi Cang naturally wanted to know more about what happened to this legendary ancient imperial city.

He slowly arrived at the ancient city. The ancient city didn't look particularly tall, but it gave people a majestic and vicissitude feeling. It was made of some rare stone. It was solid and powerful. It had withstood the flames of war and was stained with immortal blood. , like a monument that will not fall down.

On the ground near the ancient city, many skeletons appeared, some so lifelike that people couldn't help but wonder whether they were still alive.

However, under the gaze of the blazing martial arts eyes, nothing can be hidden. These creatures have been dead for an unknown number of years. All their magic power and blood essence have dried up, and no pressure is emitted.

When Chi Cang's eyes came to an area near the city wall, he was suddenly stunned.

There were bunches of firelight, showing a faint red color. There were piles of skeletons in the firelight. You could see that they could be cleaned. There was still flesh and blood on the skeletons that had not been burned clean. Some of the firelights still had the cheeks of living creatures.

Outside the firelight, there are various runes locked. This is the Gedai magic circle, filled with the aura of immortality.

He knew that these skeletons and corpses belonged to the immortals, and the fire that burned them had continued to burn for an unknown length of time. Perhaps it had started burning since the Immortal Era, and it had not finished burning until today.

Chi Cang can imagine how fierce the battle here is. So many immortal-level magic circles are naturally not used to resist creatures in the human realm.

Suddenly, he saw living beings standing on the city wall. It was very desolate and quiet, but there were people alive in the ancient city.

Chi Cang felt happy, it was good that someone was alive. In this world, living is the greatest hope.

On the ancient mottled city wall, several ragged children looked warily at the sudden appearance of Chi Cang. They ranged from five to fifteen or sixteen years old. Their faces were dirty and their clothes were shabby. .

Looking at the faces of these children, Chi Cang felt a slight stagnation in his heart. They should have been at a vigorous age, but he saw numbness on their faces. It is not difficult to imagine what their childhood was like. It must be full of joys and sorrows, and full of emotions. Blood and fire.

Next to the child, there were several old people. They were very weak, as if they had been seriously injured, their roots were damaged, and their energy and spirit were sluggish.

At this moment, several old people were looking down with solemn expressions.

This is not the first time that peaceful humanoid creatures have appeared outside the ancient city. In order to eradicate this ancient city, Foreign World did everything possible. In addition to attacking with immortal power, they also tried to deceive them into opening the city gate.

Therefore, Chi Cang's appearance was naturally considered to be another deception from the foreign land.

You must know that this is Tianyuan, and it is impossible to approach without a true immortal level cultivation. Everyone in the city knows clearly that in the nine days and ten places after the ancient immortal era, no true immortal will be born, and the few remaining immortals will not come. to here.

Based on these circumstances, there is no doubt that Chi Cang is a creature from a foreign land in disguise.

Just when the old man on the city wall was about to activate the immortal magic circle to suppress the invading enemies, he was stopped by the leader of the one-armed old man.

He was holding a huge bronze ax with one arm. The broken arm could not regenerate blood and flesh. There were terrible laws on it that were eroding his flesh and body. The shabby clothes were covered with dried blood stains.

Staring at Chi Cang, the one-armed old man's eyes were shining. For some reason, he had a strange feeling that the person in front of him was not necessarily a foreign creature. Although his reason told him that it was, the one-armed old man still chose to try to believe in himself. Feeling, see if the creature in front of you can give strong proof that it is not a foreign creature.

Seeing the one-armed old man preventing them from activating the magic circle, the other old men understood what he was thinking, but they all sighed.

It is impossible for this isolated city to have support. Those who approach must have Taoism at the level of a true immortal. The world is vast and there is no hope.

The one-armed old man is just fantasizing.

Of course, there is no price to pay for distinguishing. If you can stop it, this ancient city can naturally stop it. If you can't stop it, no matter how hard you try, it will be in vain.

"Your Excellency...where are you from?"

The one-armed old man spoke as if he hadn't spoken for a long time. His voice was hoarse and his words were unclear.

It seems that there is only fighting here, only blood and fire, and even ordinary communication is very rare.

Chi Cang looked serious and stood at the foot of the city, not far from the immortal fires. If the people in the city activated the magic circle, they could attack him in an instant.

Chi Cang, who has the body of an Immortal King, is naturally not afraid of immortal attacks. However, activating that kind of formation must be quite costly, so avoid it as much as possible.

He saw the alertness and vigilance in the eyes of the people on the city wall, and he understood the reason after just a little thought.

What he has to do now is to prove his identity and state his position. Otherwise, the people in the city will not open the city gate, but will activate those immortal magic circles.

"I come from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths."

Chi Cang whispered, the sound was not loud, but it was very clear, and people on the city wall could hear it.

However, they didn't express anything, because that's what the last foreign creature said, but it was a pity that it was exposed ruthlessly in the end.

"Is there anything you can prove? Or you can get closer and accept the verification from the ancient city." The one-armed old man replied, with an uncertain brilliance flashing in his eyes.

After Chi Cang heard this, he thought for a while, what else could best prove his identity besides Lei Chi?

The next moment, a hazy thunder pool of fairy mist appeared in his palm. It was simple and mysterious, surrounded by thunder and flying lightning, and it was sacred.

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