The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 148 Encounter with the Bronze Immortal Palace

Shi Wang and Chi Cang in the original imperial city did not know what happened in the foreign land. At this moment, they were discussing how to use the strengthened Tianyuan Forbidden Formation to give the foreign land a "surprise".

At the same time, the two were also discussing where to go for the women and children of the Imperial City. The war was ruthless and too many people died. The descendants of the Seven Queens in the Imperial City have long been extinct. There are not many young adults left, and the rest are weak. Women, children and the elderly.

According to the frequency of checks in foreign lands, if Chi Cang arrived a few years later, there would not be a single young man here.

There is no way, the Stone King is sleeping, and every temptation of the Immortal will make the Imperial City pay a heavy price. The disabled old people in the city are the young adults who were lucky enough to survive the war.

"Next, everything will return to the state it was in when you were not yet in the future. My descendants can stay here for now. Don't worry, I will not let them die in vain." King Shi said.

Chi Cang nodded, believing that with the methods of an Immortal King, there should be no problem in protecting these women and children in the imperial city.

King Shi felt guilty and would rather sacrifice himself than let his existing descendants wither. He just needed these descendants to maintain their original state and not make the foreign land suspicious. In this way, he could catch the foreign land by surprise when the real war came and deal a severe blow to the foreign land.

"With seniors here, they will be safe and sound."

Chi Cang and Stone King stood on the city wall, overlooking the bone-covered land on the island, with memories in their eyes, as if they had returned to the magnificent Immortal Era, fighting against the sky and the earth, roaring on the battlefield.

"It's time for you to leave. Go ahead and go your own way. Don't be disturbed by external objects. Take a long-term view. Only when you give up can you gain something." King Shi reminded, and gave Chi Cang a domino, holding it. It can pass through Tianyuan smoothly.

Although Chi Cang has the body of an immortal king and is not afraid of the power of the abyss, if he makes a big noise and disturbs the foreign land, the consequences will be unpredictable.

Chi Cang nodded, with a thought in his heart. King Shi's words seemed to have something to do with giving up. Did he mean to cherish his life at a critical moment?

Judging from this, King Shi is still not optimistic about Jiutian.

Thinking about it, so many strong men in the Immortal Ancient Era have been defeated. What can the few remaining old, weak, sick and disabled people in Liao Liao do in this era? Can it be compared to the supreme beings such as Infinity and Six Paths of Reincarnation?

With a long sigh, Chi Cang dismissed the thoughts in his mind. It was useless to think about it now. Just take one step at a time and do your best.

"Senior Stone King, have you ever known the location of the Cross Yin-Yang Forbidden Zone site?" he suddenly asked.

If you want to return to the eight realms of the lower realm, besides going to those big religions and relying on the ancient formations in the religions that lead to the lower realm, there is another way, and that is the ancient path left in the ruins of the Cross Yin and Yang Forbidden Zone.

King Shi obviously knew, and he answered the question as soon as Chi Cang finished speaking.

"The Cross Yin and Yang Forbidden Zone is within the Three Thousand Provinces..."

Chi Cang learned the location of the ancient road and said goodbye to King Shi without hesitation. Before leaving, he went to see the women and children in the city. Looking at the innocent but determined children one after another, Chi Cang felt heartbroken. They have endured things that their age should not have to endure.

"Grandpa Lei Di, where are you going? Will you come again?"

Knowing that Chi Cang was about to leave, the children were very reluctant to leave. Since they were born and came to this world, they have been living in the Imperial City. They have never seen outsiders, only endless immortals and puppet monsters. Chi Cang Cang was the first stranger they came into contact with.

And this stranger helped them a lot and brought the original imperial city to life at dusk, so they were naturally reluctant to leave him.

Touching their heads, Chi Cang replied kindly: "Yes, when the time comes, I will bring more strong men to kill them, let the blood of foreign lands splash here, and pay homage to the heroic spirits who died here."

When the children heard this, their big eyes were full of excitement, and they instantly felt that they were no longer alone. This was not an isolated city, and there were still people who cared about them.

Even the adults had tears in their eyes. The Thunder Emperor, one of the Ten Evils, was the supreme figure in the Immortal Ancient Era. Naturally, he meant what he said.

Chi Cang didn't stay long, waved to the hopeful faces in the Imperial Pass, and said goodbye like this.

He returned to the city wall and stood beside Stone King, took out all the Thunder Tribulation Liquid produced from the Thunder Pond Immortal Seed, and handed it to Stone King.

This kind of fairy liquid is very useful, and the blazing thunder pond fairy seed can be produced infinitely. The only limitation is the production speed. It is impossible to fill it up in an instant after taking it.

The production process is not under his control and is a spontaneous behavior of the original symbols.

However, the day when he completely controls the original symbols and the thousands of great powers belong to himself, he will be able to create the Super Thunder Tribulation Liquid.

After doing all this, he bid farewell to King Shi again and left the Imperial City alone.

Calculating the time, more than two years have passed since he teleported away from the Cross Yin and Yang Forbidden Zone. This period of time is not long, but it is not short either. With Liu Shen's recovery speed, his current combat power is probably close to the Supreme.

And Shi Hao should have returned from Kunpeng's nest. At this time, there are really not many years left before the catastrophe breaks out. It is the right time for Chi Cang to return now.

Holding the domino in hand, Chi Cang passed through the barrier on the periphery of the floating land without any obstruction, and slowly descended into a desert.

The first glow of the morning glow was particularly brilliant, dyeing the entire desert a light golden color.

Chi Cang stood on the desert, his eyes penetrated the boundless void, and saw a majestic city standing in a distant place. Some city defenders were vaguely visible on it, looking into the distance vigilantly.

He knew that this was the Imperial Pass re-established by later generations. It was much larger than the original Imperial City, but in terms of its foundation and momentum, this new Imperial Pass was still far inferior to the original Imperial City.

It should be noted that in that ancient primitive imperial city, the blood of powerful men of Immortal King level who have fallen has not dried up to this day, so the two are naturally incomparable.

Chi Cang looked at the silent and towering New Emperor Pass, but did not approach it. Now was not the time. It would be better to do less than to do more.

Those residual immortals are not fuel-efficient lamps, and there are still many restricted areas standing in Jiutian. There are many people who threaten Chicang, so it is better to be cautious.

He figured out the direction and left as fast as he could.

A month later, Sanqian Daozhou, Zhongzhou, beside the ancient altar.

At this moment, the beam of light soared into the sky, and electric arcs appeared one after another. They were so thick that it was unimaginable, penetrating the sky and the earth, making this place brilliant, like the arrival of a vast divine kingdom. This is a terrifying force that is urging the ancient altar to let the remaining immortal magic. Array recovery.

The fluctuations were so great that all the major religions were alarmed. Gods, leaders, etc. all heard the sound and came over. Their hearts were throbbing, and they were paying close attention to the situation on the altar.

This ancient altar is a grand immortal formation left over from the previous era. It has existed since ancient times and remains to this day. It is jointly cared for by various religions in the three thousand Daozhou.

After endless years of silence, this kind of movement suddenly broke out today. All the leaders had incredible expressions on their faces. Who would use this formation to come here after being in the dust for so long?


Blazing lightning was shot down from high in the sky, forcing the remaining formation to move. As the characters and symbols of the Immortal Ancient Era appeared and rotated, the remaining formation was activated.

All the arcs intertwined to form a gate of light, blazing with holiness, and an extremely rich essence rushed out, as if communicating with the divine world.


The leaders were tensed up, as if they were facing a formidable enemy, feeling that a terrifying creature in the light door was about to come here.

Under the gaze of everyone, a dazzling figure stepped forward from the light door, releasing an unparalleled aura that shook the sky and the earth. Many gods present could not stop trembling, and their eyes were frightened.

Only the few supreme experts at the head never fluctuated and were as stable as Mount Tai.

In the light door passage, a humanoid creature walked out. It was as tall as a normal adult. It was surrounded by dazzling arcs of electricity, as if it had just returned from the world of thunder.

Those arcs were so bright that even the God of Yao couldn't open his eyes. Some cult leaders tried their best to see the faces of the humanoid creatures, but they couldn't see through them at all.

Only a pair of weather-beaten eyes were exposed, as well as that captivating and vast power.

All of this demonstrates the antiquity and power of this humanoid creature.

The sect leaders were filled with fear and had some speculations in their minds. The humanoid creature walking out of the light door in front of them was probably at the supreme level, which was far beyond what they could compare with.

Among the creatures present, only a few strong ones at the front could talk to them on an equal footing.

"Why are fellow Taoists here?"

A very old voice came from a copper temple covered with green patina. When he spoke, there was complete silence around the altar, and no one dared to disturb him.

The human-shaped light and shadow did not speak, but just stared at the ancient bronze temple, with a strange brilliance flashing in its eyes.

He is none other than Chi Cang, who borrowed the ancient immortal formation from Jiutian and came to Sanqian Daozhou.

Because of the Great War in the Immortal Era, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths were split into nineteen independent worlds. If you want to travel from one day in the Nine Heavens to one of the Ten Earths, you need to borrow this cross-border teleportation array. Otherwise, Unable to reach.

It took Chi Cang a month to find the place. Taking advantage of the negligence of the creatures guarding the ancient formation, he forcibly activated the teleportation immortal formation and came to Sanqian Daozhou.

What he didn't expect was that when he arrived, there would be so many people waiting for him, especially, he also saw people from the Bronze Immortal Palace.

This is an old supreme being, the number one figure in the Bronze Immortal Palace. He is extremely powerful. He once participated in planning the siege of the old leader of the Supreme Palace, defeating three thousand invincible opponents in the state.

Such a character was originally in a deep sleep. If it weren't for the importance of this broken immortal formation, he would never wake up.

Looking at the ancient bronze palace, Chi Cang thought of Kunpeng who was tortured to death by the Immortal-breaking Curse. This vicious forbidden curse was cast by the Immortal of this lineage.

His eyes gradually became sharp, as if they were fairy swords piercing the sky, which was very compelling.

The sect leaders noticed something was wrong. Why did this mysterious creature that descended through the immortal formation look like it was about to take action? Does he have a grudge against the Bronze Immortal Palace?

"What do you mean, fellow Taoist? Why do you have murderous intentions towards me?" In the ancient bronze palace, a pair of cold eyes slowly opened, revealing a terrifying scene of stars falling and the universe collapsing.

He could naturally feel Chi Cang's murderous intention, and he couldn't calm down immediately, because in his induction, Chi Cang had the supreme level of combat power.

Everyone retreated silently, thinking that a war was about to break out.

This was indeed the case. The thunder around Chi Cang became even brighter, as if he had become the incarnation of heaven's punishment. The wisps of crimson lightning that kept beating made everyone's hearts beat with fear, trembling from the soul, and all of them were confused.

Who is this guy? Is it the incarnation of Heavenly Tribulation?


Chi Cang's unparalleled fighting power exploded completely, overwhelming the universe, like a human-shaped thunder and lightning sun, rushing towards the ancient bronze palace, making everyone who saw it tremble with fear.

"What? Are you really planning to attack the seniors of the Immortal Palace?" A leader exclaimed.

That is the Lord of the Immortal Palace, a supreme being who has defeated invincible opponents in the sky and on the earth. He has not made a move for many years. Now, a mysterious creature comes through the formation, and it would be a bit too much to be the first to find trouble. .

The old man sitting cross-legged in the Ancient Bronze Palace did not dare to be careless. He felt the threat brought by Blazing Cang and immediately activated the Ancient Bronze Palace. The aura of terror filled the air, as if a true immortal had revived, releasing huge pressure. This was a terrifying statue. Once the weapon is activated, it will destroy the world.

Chi Cang has no fear at all. He has the body of an Immortal King. If he rushes over directly, he can instantly demolish this rotten copper palace that is pretentious and likes to play with broken patina.

Everyone's hearts were in their throats. The battle of the Supremes had not happened for a long time. This was definitely a shocking collision.

Just when the blazing thunder transformed by Chi Cang was about to collide with the ancient temple, he suddenly withdrew his power, became defenseless, and changed his trajectory, moving upwards.


With a loud noise, the roof of the Bronze Immortal Palace suffered a devastating blow. It was smashed to pieces, and a huge "skylight" opened directly.

Everyone was stunned and couldn't believe what they saw. An ancient artifact that was famous throughout the ages and was known as one of the top ten weapons in the upper world was smashed into the ceiling by a mysterious man?

"This...isn't this a dream?"

The old Supreme Being, who was sitting cross-legged in the Bronze Immortal Palace, was horrified and felt a cool breeze blowing above his head.

He was surprised and confused, what kind of power was that just now? It burst out all of a sudden, as if it was going to subvert the infinite universe and collapse the world into dust. Even the true immortal resurgence of the Bronze Immortal Palace had to avoid its edge. What is the origin of this mysterious man?

Chi Cang stood high in the sky, looking down at the ancient bronze palace that was smashed by the Immortal King's body, and chuckled contemptuously.


If it weren't for the idea from the Thunder Pond Immortal Zhongtianhuang, who was eager to solve this vein with his own hands, Chi Cang would not have changed direction at all, and crashed directly into the copper palace, smashing it into scrap metal.

A chuckle was filled with endless ridicule and contempt, as if saying that the old supreme master of the Bronze Immortal Palace was overestimating his abilities. When he heard this, he felt ridicule and his face turned red.

He is a supreme figure who respects three thousand states. How has he ever been humiliated like this?

However, the old man was so frightened by the power just now, like an ant looking up to the gods. Even if Chi Cang despised him, he did not dare to fart.

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