Under the gaze of the stunned leaders, Chi Cang did not continue to attack the Bronze Immortal Palace, but headed in one direction without looking back.

In the Bronze Immortal Palace, the old supreme leader of the sect was shocked and let out a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that this terrifying mysterious strong man would continue to take action, and he would definitely be doomed by then.

Fortunately, the other party left without actually killing him.

"Is this direction... no man's land?" A leader said, thinking a lot.

"I see, he came here for the vast no man's land."

The old Supreme of the Immortal Palace also suddenly realized that there are many great secrets hidden in the no-man's land. Even a Supreme like him cannot easily set foot in it. The origin of this strong humanoid man is mysterious. It makes sense to go to the no-man's land. However, the other party No one knows what its purpose is.

"This creature probably has some grudges with my Immortal Palace, otherwise he wouldn't have such a murderous intention towards me." The number one figure in the Immortal Palace said to himself, recalling the enemies of the Immortal Palace in his mind, but after thinking about it, I didn't have any clue for a long time.

Since when did the Immortal Palace have enemies from the Immortal Realm? Why have you never heard of it? As a creature born after the Ancient Immortal Era, he actually doesn't know much. The true immortals of the religion spend most of their time sleeping and haven't told him much about the secrets of the Immortal Ancient. Therefore, the old man doesn't know either. This is how the same thing.

However, judging from the fact that the mysterious man did not kill him, but only taught him a lesson, it seems that he is not an enemy of the Immortal Palace.

"Could it be that this person is moody and wants to teach me a lesson just because I said something?" The old leader of the Immortal Palace looked very ugly. If this is really the case, then disaster will come from his mouth.

In the distance, Chi Cang hid the thunder around him and traveled through the void at high speed, quickly passing through several states.

He didn't know that the sect leaders thought he was going to no man's land. In fact, he was just rushing to the big state where the Cross Yin and Yang Forbidden Zone was located.

Zhongzhou is in the center of the Three Thousand States, and Chi Cang's destination happens to be in the direction of no man's land. The two are just a coincidence.

Walking through the vast land, overlooking the boundless and magnificent mountains and rivers, Chi Cang couldn't help but think of the original Imperial Pass full of gunpowder smoke. The two places were the same as the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, but the scenes were completely different.

One can be called hell, and the other can be called heaven.

The creatures living in Sanqian Daozhou today probably don't know that their peaceful years are the result of someone carrying the burden for them.

With a lot of emotions, after Chi Cang left Zhongzhou far enough away, he found an altar in a large religion that could span the continent. With a power that was as powerful as the Supreme, the monks of the religion were naturally unable to stop Chi Cang from teleporting. .

Before leaving, Chi Cang erased the memories of him in the minds of these monks. His transmission was not in vain. A drop of Thunder Tribulation Liquid fell into the sect's ground, bursting with infinite vitality. The entire sect's practice environment was greatly improved. Before long, this great religion will be filled with outstanding people.

For Chi Cang, this is just a matter of convenience. Although the production speed of Thunder Tribulation Liquid is limited, it will be continuously produced as long as there is a shortage. It is only a drop, so naturally it is nothing.

Through the altar, Chi Cang crossed hundreds of millions of miles of void and reached the great state where the Cross Yin and Yang Forbidden Zone was located.

He did not delay and immediately rushed to the site of the Cross Yin and Yang Forbidden Zone.

Not long after, Chi Cang arrived. The place was very remote and desolate. As far as the eye could see, it was full of overgrown weeds, rocks and broken mountains.

This is completely different from the restricted area of ​​life in the eyes of the world. In people's impression, the restricted area of ​​​​life must be surrounded by endless beauty, rich essence of heaven and earth, and all kinds of essences.

However, the area around the Cross Yin and Yang Forbidden Zone was completely deserted, with no human beings seen for hundreds of thousands of miles.

Chi Cang slowly walked over, not surprised, because this place used to be not bad, but was later killed by foreign creatures and destroyed by a terrifying battle.

This state is extremely close to no man's land, and the no man's land was the battlefield where foreign lands invaded the Three Thousand Dao States. Maybe when the foreign armies invaded this state, they hit a wall in the Cross Yin and Yang Forbidden Zone, and then stopped. .

Otherwise, the boundaries of the no-man’s land are likely to expand a bit.

He went thousands of miles deep, and as far as he could see, there were broken mountains and rivers. It was too quiet here, and there was no life. There were no sacred trees, spiritual grass, birds, animals, ants, insects, etc.

When he came to the very depths, Chi Cang saw traces of the great battle.

The charred mountain looked like it had been burned, and the ground was covered with ashes. Even though many thousands of years had passed, there was still no change here.

Here, Chi Cang sensed the sun essence. He thought that countless years ago, the sun essence here had rioted due to the war, so there were traces of burning.

Continuing forward, I had a new experience. It was no longer the remnants of fire, but a bone-chilling feeling, as if the abyss of hell had been opened.

Not far away, Chi Cang saw a lake. It was very vast, but it had dried up. However, the black mist-like air could still be seen at the bottom of the dried lake. This was the lunar air, coming from the bottom of the lake and from the cracks in the cracked mud. comes out, forming mist.

Both the lunar and the sun appeared, which was the sign of the cross yin and yang restricted area, indicating that Chi Cang was approaching the destination.

He walked forward quickly, passing through the broken mountains in an instant and arriving at an extremely open plain.

The blazing spiritual consciousness poured out overwhelmingly, and soon covered the entire ancient plain. On the land of the plain, there was a thick layer of ashes. Obviously, something had been burned here. Walking on the plain, I felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange. God knows what lies beneath the ashes.

"Endless strong men, burned into ashes." Chi Cang said to himself, roughly knowing what happened here.

Among the ashes in the ground, there are the ashes of various strong men, which have not changed after a long time.

He went deep into the plains and found a cracked stone tablet in one place, with ancient immortal texts engraved on it, describing the fact that this place was a cross Yin and Yang restricted area.

Chi Cang did not search anymore, but took action to clean up the ashes in front of him. Countless powerful people were buried here, and their bodies had died. Their bones had turned to ashes and were mixed with the ashes, making them full of demonic power.

This was brought by alien beings. Chi Cang had killed a quasi-immortal king in the sea of ​​​​world, and he was very familiar with that kind of demonic power.

Soon, Chicang excavated numerous palaces and buildings. They were all collapsed and turned into ruins. The rubble on them was already in disarray. It had been buried for an entire era. It would be great if it could be preserved. .

Chi Cang also discovered medicine fields, martial arts arenas, etc. around them, which were very grand. There were even dead magic medicines in the medicine fields.

It can be seen that the former Cross Yin-Yang Forbidden Zone was not deserted, but very lively. The descendants of Genichi, the owner of the forbidden zone, lived in it.

However, after a battle with a foreign land, they were all wiped out into dust. Genyi's two true immortal Taoist boys also died, leaving only their obsessions that will always be by their side.

Soon after, Chi Cang found the Taiyin and Sun Rivers under the ashes of the plain. Although they had dried up, there was still a small amount of water left, filled with the atmosphere of the Taiyin and the Sun.

The road to the lower world that Chi Cang learned is exactly where the Taiyin and Sun Rivers meet.

Judging from the dry riverbed on the plain, the Cross Yin and Yang Forbidden Zone site is located at the intersection of the Yin and Yang rivers. However, there is no road in the site that leads to the lower realm.

Chi Cang thought about it. When he and Liu Shen entered the Cross Yin and Yang Forbidden Zone in the lower world, they encountered the Taiyin Sun River flowing on the earth. Later, after he used the Taiyin Sun Law, the passage to the forbidden zone was revealed. Think about it. It's similar here.

Then, he waved his hands, and the Taiyin and the Sun evolved here. Whether it was his natal Thunder Emperor method or the Kunpeng method, there were changes in yin and yang.

Therefore, Chi Cang is very familiar with it.

As he formed the seal, the whole world actually resonated with it, as if something was about to wake up.

When Chi Cang performed the two opposing methods to the extreme, the sky above the entire plain rumbled, and two vast rivers appeared, rushing endlessly in the void.

One river is as black as ink, with surging Yin Qi, and is rolling continuously, which is the Taiyin River. The other river is golden, like rushing magma, and is the Sun River.

These two long rivers meet in the void and collide to produce chaotic energy, which is extremely terrifying.

At the same time, some huge palaces appeared, located near two large rivers.

In the distant past, the core area of ​​this ancient restricted area of ​​life was not on the earth, but in the void and in the universe.

The lunar sun river on the ground is just a projection of the real long river.

Chi Cang ignored the terrifying fluctuations caused by the collision of the two rivers in the void, went straight to the boundless void above, and went up the long river to the place where they met.

On the way, he saw many huge palaces, which were once the places where living beings cultivated their lives in the Cross Yin and Yang Forbidden Zone.

Compared with the palace buildings on the ground, the ones here are obviously higher-end, and those who are qualified to live here must be the core members of the restricted area.

However, they were all destroyed and perished in the ancient world.

Chi Cang came to the ruins in the void, looking for the so-called passage. However, after searching for a long time, he could not find the passage. He began to perform the method of lunar sun again, to bathe in the avenue and blend in with it.

Yin and Yang, life and death, are both opposites and closely related. One moment, Chi Cang's body erupts with lightning that destroys the world, another moment, it reveals a rich and incomparable vitality, another moment, there are countless spots, turning into a Kun, and sometimes the golden light shines brightly, and it turns into a roc.

The Taiyin and Sun rivers were aroused and changed their course to meet where Chi Cang stood.


There was a violent earthquake, and the world seemed to explode. Yin and Yang met and collided to create chaos.

Endless chaos energy filled the air, and in the chaos energy, a portal appeared, which was very mysterious.


The door slowly opened, revealing the world inside. You could vaguely see a staircase paved with gray-brown stones, leading to an unknown distance.

Chi Cang cheered up and found it, here it is.

He took one last look at the so-called upper world, without any hesitation, turned around and entered the portal, and embarked on his return journey.


As soon as he entered, there was a loud noise from Chi Cang's body, as if big stars were smashing over him, and the Tianling Cap, chest, back, limbs, etc. all encountered terrifying pressure.

This is a supreme pressure that transcends the extreme. No matter how powerful the genius is when he comes here, he will suffer oppression stronger than himself.

Chi Cang is no exception.

His bones were cracking, as if he was about to collapse.

However, this did not endanger Chi Cang's life. Therefore, the Immortal King's body was not activated and he could resist with his own Dao Fruit.

After gaining a firm foothold, Chi Cang began to walk along the stairs. It was not easy for him to walk. Although he was already powerful enough to hit the Supreme with Escape Fruit, the suppression here not only surpassed the extreme realm, but was always stronger than the living beings themselves. To be stronger, you can ignore this rule only if your cultivation reaches the level of arranging the creatures in this area or surpasses it.

The creature who arranged this place is most likely the Lord of the Forbidden Zone. He is a genuine Immortal King, and Chi Cang's current level is far less than that.

Therefore, he could only move forward step by step under this mountain of pressure.

After walking for dozens of miles, the road is still long and there is no end in sight.

Chaos surged around, and various laws intertwined and collided, making whistling sounds, as if ancient beasts were roaring.

Chi Cang's expression was solemn, because these rules were so powerful and terrifying that they restricted powerful beings from going from the upper world to the lower world. If they were truly powerful, it would be difficult for a true immortal to come down to the lower world.

As he went deeper, the power of the rules that Chicang saw became more surging. The rules and orders were like red-hot irons, intertwined in the void, emitting a dazzling light that could easily penetrate the Supreme, which was terrifying. .

However, when walking on this gray-brown path, all the terrible rules are blocked out and cannot come in. Just like the cobblestone path above the Thunder and Lightning Abyss in the Dam Realm, it can resist the power of the outside world.

Chi Cang stepped on the stairs and walked down step by step, as if he had really walked from the top to the bottom.

I don’t know how long it has passed, maybe two days, maybe three days. Chi Cang can’t tell clearly. There is a mysterious field here, which makes the perception of living beings become dull or even invalid, giving people a sense of time change and space dislocation. The feeling is that everything is difficult to distinguish.

Finally, Chi Cang broke free from the quagmire and came to an area. Here, he sensed the breath of the eight realms of the lower world and the familiar cross Yin and Yang restricted area.

The fragrant fragrance of the elixir of life appeared again, lingering between Chi Cang's mouth and nose, it was very lifelike, as if there was really a plant of the elixir of life planted not far away.

But Chi Cang knew that this was an illusion. The elixir of longevity in the restricted area had long been gone, and it was just the immortal magic circle buried around the restricted area that recreated the scene of the past.

"Finally home."

Chi Cang sighed that he had gone far enough this time. He went to the dike world, sailed into the boundary sea, went to the original imperial city at the border, and then came to Sanqian Daozhou from Jiutian, and finally returned from the road that crossed the Yin and Yang restricted area, and detoured A big circle.

At this time, people in the restricted area also discovered Chi Cang coming from the upper world.

"You...are back?" the voice of the lord of the restricted area came, very surprised.

Then, a lush wooden bridge spread from the distance to Chi Cang's feet, leading him into the restricted area.

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