The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 150 The Shocked Lord of the Forbidden Zone

Chi Cang stepped onto the wooden bridge and walked all the way to the hills, where the vegetation was lush and the air was fresh, just like a paradise.

However, Chi Cang knew that this was all the effect created by the immortal magic circle. In fact, everything in the Cross Yin and Yang Forbidden Zone withered and withered and was damaged in that battle.

Genyi's Taoist boy had already been waiting at the end of the bridge for a long time. When he saw Chi Cang arriving, he saluted respectfully.

The Lord of the Forbidden Zone has said that with Chi Cang's qualifications, talents and talents, it is inevitable to become a king and an ancestor. Moreover, this process will be very fast, and there is no need to endure half an epoch or even several epochs like other living beings.

His path and fruit are still there, but practicing the Dharma in this world now is just to make up for the shortcomings of the previous path, to introduce the old and bring out the new, to achieve the ultimate transformation.

Therefore, to a certain extent, Chi Cang and Gen Yi are already kindred spirits.

Even if the Taoist boy is older than Chi Cang, he should respect Chi Cang as his senior.

Chi Cang nodded, and then the Taoist boy led the way, with Chi Cang following behind.

The two of them passed through hills and low mountains and arrived at the center of the restricted area.

Several thatched houses were built on the flat terrain among the hills. Different from the majestic ancient palaces on the low hills, the thatched houses were simple, but they had a charm that transcended the mortal world.

The Lord of the restricted area, Gen Yi, stood beside the thatched house, as if he had been waiting for a long time. He was dressed in white, clean and flawless, extremely handsome, with a gentle smile on his face and deep eyes. He was a peerless handsome man.

He and Chi Cang nodded. From Chi Cang's eyes, the owner of the restricted area knew that Chi Cang had succeeded. In just over two years, he had achieved his goal in that extremely dangerous area and returned safely.

This shocked him. You must know that countless years ago, the Lord of the Forbidden Zone personally set foot on that road to fight in the Boundary Sea. Naturally, he knew the terror of the Boundary Sea.

I thought that even if Chicang succeeded, it would take decades, or even hundreds of years. Who would have thought that he did it in less than three years, which is really unexpected.

"It seems that I still underestimated you." The master of the restricted area sighed, but his face was full of smiles. He was born out of obsession, eager for someone to come and accomplish what he had never done back then.

Obviously, Chi Cang was such a latecomer, filling his heart with hope.

"The Boundary Sea is indeed dangerous. I didn't go too deep, otherwise the consequences would be unpredictable.

Just by going to sea, I met a true immortal, and later met a quasi-immortal king. Fortunately, everything went smoothly and no major disasters occurred. Chi Cang responded.

Not far from the hut, Chi Cang saw a small crystal lake. He had seen it a few years ago. At that time, he was walking in a hurry and didn't pay much attention to it.

Now that he came back and saw it again, he became a little interested.

"Cosmic Lake?"

The blazing eyes were bright, and they contained terrifying symbols of order. He saw some clues about Xiaohu.

A drop of lake water is like a big star, and the endless stars turn into a vast sea of ​​​​stars, like a universe lying in front of you.

"This is the lake of the universe, also called the lake of life and death. Only those with extraordinary talent can cross it. The road you just passed is a road of trial. It is oppressed with overwhelming power. Anyone who can pass it can pass it. Let’s go into the restricted area, and if you want to see me, you still need to pass the last hurdle, which is the cosmic lake.” The owner of the restricted area spoke up to clear up Chi Cang’s doubts.

Then he continued: "Of course, this is not prepared for you, but a test set for those unparalleled talents with supreme qualifications."

Chi Cang nodded. He had already passed the trial road. Although it was a bit difficult, he was still able to do it with ease.

He didn't want to miss the cosmic lake in front of him. After obtaining the consent of the owner of the restricted area, Chi Cang stepped towards the crystal clear lake.

When the soles of his feet touched the lake water, ripples appeared on the lake surface, like a sea of ​​stars shaking endlessly. Terrifying power fluctuations erupted, and endless lake water came in to dissolve the blazing soles of his feet.


It was as if an ancient universe had been opened, and terrifying power swept over the sky. Soon, the flesh and blood on the soles of Chi Cang's feet began to fall off, revealing a glistening white skeleton, which was bloody and scary.

But Chi Cang was expressionless and very calm, and his pace and frequency remained unchanged.

At the same time, his body was sinking into the lake.

Later, Chi Cang turned into white bones from head to home, without a trace of flesh and blood, as if he had become an undead spirit.

When Chi Cang completely sank into the lake, he slowly floated up again, and flesh and fur began to grow on his white bones. After walking about a few dozen feet, he stood on the lake again, and his body returned to its original state. The breath of life is extremely vigorous.

Seeing this scene, the Lord of the Forbidden Zone nodded affirmatively. This result was within his expectation. Chi Cang's ability to pass through the trial road from the upper world to the lower world has proven his extraordinary talent. Of course, the Universe Lake is not a problem.

Chi Cang came to the hut, and at the invitation of the owner of the restricted area, he sat down at a coffee table and asked Chi Cang about his experience in this industry.

"Tea, boy."

Gen Yi made a sound, and then the Taoist boy brought tea from the thatched house, placed it on the coffee table, and then stood respectfully behind Gen Yi.

At the same time, another woman appeared next to him. She was beautiful, fresh and refined. She was a female immortal in her lifetime. Like the man, she was a Taoist boy who was the master of the restricted area.

"Although only more than two years have passed, I see that your expression and behavior are filled with the accumulation of time compared to a few years ago. I think you must have experienced something special in the dam world. "Watai's eyes are deep and he sees very accurately.

A few years ago, less than ten years after Chi Cang woke up, when he woke up in Shicun, except for the memory of Shi Hao, everything else was blank. This was equivalent to starting all over again.

Although Chi Cang, Liu Shen, Zhen Long, etc. are regarded as Taoist friends, from all aspects of his life, he is still a bit immature and has not been tempered by the years.

The Lord of the Forbidden Zone saw this, and he knew that this was because Chi Cang had lost his ancient memories of immortality and had to start over again.

But this time, there is a lot more in Chi Cang's eyes, and there is an indescribable vicissitude. This is the baptism of time, the precipitation of time. To put it simply, Chi Cang really has the temperament of an old monster. This is consistent with his status as one of the ten evil men.

"I did experience some magical things." Chi Cang replied.

"Menghui Diluo witnessed a major event that shocked the ages." His expression was serious, letting the owner of the restricted area understand the seriousness of the matter.

"Menghui Diluo?"

The Lord of the Forbidden Zone was extremely surprised. Diluo, that was an era that was too ancient to be studied. In the eyes of immortal kings like them, Diluo represented mystery, because it was said that it was an era when emperors existed, and there was no one in the world. The Immortal King does not want to defeat the king and become the emperor, so once the emperor's fall is involved, the Immortal King's creatures will treat it seriously.

"Well, it should be older than Diluo, or early Diluo. There is too little information about that era, and I'm not sure..."

Chi Cang began to narrate his bizarre experience on the altar of the ancient city. He traveled to that ancient city and witnessed the swarming of dark creatures from the sea, the opening of a terrifying wooden box, and the rise and desolation of a quasi-immortal emperor. Finally, I saw him walking through the sand step by step, crossing the dike, heading towards the end of the boundary sea, and disappearing.

After listening to Chi Cang's description, the owner of the restricted area was shocked, and even he could not remain calm.

After a long time, the owner of the restricted area came back to his senses. He let out a long sigh and said with sudden realization: "It turns out that the footprints were left by a quasi-immortal emperor. No wonder the creatures in the immortal king's domain can't leave a trace on the sand. , only the existence of that series can do it.”

A line of footprints, an uncertain road, is like a lighthouse, guiding those who come after to rush into the boundary sea. The owner of the restricted area also followed this line of footprints and embarked on the road of conquest.

Unexpectedly, the owner of the footprints is a quasi-immortal emperor who is invincible in heaven and earth.

After sighing with emotion, his eyes flickered slightly, as if he thought of something, and then murmured to himself: "Diluo... Diluo, is it a metaphor for the fall of the quasi-immortal emperor who shocked the ages?"

Thinking of this, the owner of the restricted area was shocked, and he quickly thought of the source of darkness.

The quasi-immortal emperor in Chi Cang's mouth, the Lord of Heaven, crossed the sea of ​​​​the world alone to find the source of darkness and quell all the chaos. However, he ended up going too far and never came back. Moreover, that era was called the Emperor's Fall by later generations. .

If there were no accidents, the Lord of Heaven must have fallen at the end of the boundary sea.

So, even a quasi-immortal emperor can't calm down, how terrifying is the darkness at the end of the sea of ​​​​world?

The owner of the restricted area felt chills in his heart. The darkness was much more terrifying than imagined. No Immortal King could shake it. Even the Quasi-Immortal Emperor had been defeated. What was the use of the Immortal King?

He couldn't help but think of his past self. He was extremely talented, knowledgeable, and unparalleled in power. He thought he was special and invincible. If he followed that path, he would be able to find the way to defeat the king and quell the black disaster.

In the end, I realized that he was just a mayfly shaking a tree. He was thrown into the furnace of the sea of ​​​​world and could not even make waves.

Since the ancient Emperor's Fall era, the best of the Infinite Realm have entered the Realm Sea one after another. God knows how many heaven-defying strong men have gathered. Among them, many of them have had their mother realms dried up and broken. But it itself is intact and still immortal.

Who dares to say that he can stand out among these incomparably powerful beings and dominate all directions?

The lord of the restricted area looked at Chi Cang. He thought that Chi Cang had a great chance. Over the years, he had seen many unnatural beings. Chi Cang was the most special one, and he could rise quickly and recover in a short period of time. peak.

Chi Cang also talked about his experience of trapping the quasi-immortal king to death in the boundary sea. The whole process seemed smooth, but in fact it was thrilling. If there was no such method as the self-explosion of the thunder pool, the quasi-immortal king would have waited for him to react, climbed onto the bamboo raft, and Chi Cang Cang could only control the thunder pool and run away.

Attacking Chi Cang made him suffer a big loss. Based on the experience and palace of the Immortal King, he will never repeat the previous methods. What Chi Cang fears most is imprisonment, because it does not threaten life and cannot inspire immortality. The great power of the king's body.

When Chi Cang talked about the Stone King who was still alive in the original imperial city, the owner of the restricted area shook his head and sighed.

"The seven kings are all affectionate and righteous people. The three burning kings you saw in the Imperial Pass are another king of the Stone Clan, the Suzaku King, and King Mu, one of the human kings. .

Back then, the three of them died early in the battle. When the Nine Heavenly Spirits established the New Imperial Pass, a true immortal took action and built an ancestral altar to worship their heroic spirits.

It's a pity that a generation of strongest men just disappeared into thin air. "

Chi Cang felt something in his heart and couldn't help but sigh. In the picture given by King Shi, the seven kings had all been very kind to him and were all his predecessors.

The king of the Stone Clan who died first in the battle was considered the oldest of the seven kings.

The original imperial city was attacked a long time ago, and all the creatures in the city were slaughtered.

The Seven Kings are creatures that grew up in the next dozen eras.

It should be noted that there are only a few creatures like the Immortal King in one era. Just like in foreign lands, starting from the ancient emperor's fall era, in each era, there are usually two or three, sometimes one, and one after another. In the past, the number of immortal kings accumulated in foreign lands has been extremely staggering.

In addition to those who went to the boundary sea and those who were damaged in the battle, the number of immortal kings still sitting in foreign lands is still terrifying.

It was because Liu Shen was so powerful that he was able to make nine advances and nine exits.

After talking a lot, Chi Cang drank the cup of tea and said goodbye to the Lord of the Forbidden Zone.

Before leaving, the owner of the restricted area mentioned Shi Hao.

"A creature that can be favored by both you and the ancestor sacrifice spirit must be extraordinary. If we are destined, I will treat him to a cup of tea." The owner of the restricted area smiled, his white clothes fluttering, and he was gentle and elegant.

"Few people have drunk Taoist friend's tea since ancient times. If Shi Hao can drink it, it will be an affirmation for him." Chi Cang responded.

"He is with you, so there is no need for me to add any extra details. However, I have a hunch that he and I are destined to meet one day."

Chi Cang was a little surprised when he heard this. The Lord of the Forbidden Zone meant that with the guidance of him and Liu Shen, Shi Hao did not need to come here to seek enlightenment, but then someone who was destined to him came, meaning that Shi Hao would find the Forbidden Zone by himself in the future?

He just proposed to bring Shi Hao over for a visit, but the owner of the restricted area refused, saying that everything would take its course.

Perhaps the Lord of the Forbidden Zone really had a premonition of something. A creature of his level should pay attention to the occasional flash of inspiration.

Saying goodbye to the Lord of the Forbidden Zone, Chi Cang embarked on the road back. After passing through the passage, he came to the place where he and Liu Shen had arrived. Ignoring the field, Chi Cang left straight away and arrived at the Heaven Realm, one of the eight realms in the lower realm.

Looking at the boundless sky and vast earth, and feeling the familiar rules of the great road, Chi Cang has truly arrived in the eight realms of the lower world.

He tore open the void casually, and countless powerful symbols appeared, imprisoning the space, and a void passage opened up.

Chi Cang took a step forward, stepped into the void passage, and disappeared.

Before 12 o'clock, I will post the second chapter. The production team is a bit lazy...I'm sorry.

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