The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 151 Return to Stone Village

Chi Cang stepped out of the passage and descended into a vast wilderness.

Looking down at the foot, there are mountains and valleys, endless spiritual grass and tall trees, ancient ferocious beasts can be seen everywhere, all kinds of poisonous insects and beasts are everywhere, and beast roars can be heard from time to time.

This is the wilderness that Chi Cang is familiar with. The place where he came is near Shicun, and a piece of green cloud in the distance can be vaguely seen. It is hazy, sacred and peaceful, and it is the emanation of Liu Shen.

He took one step forward, and in a flash, he arrived at the entrance of Shicun.

The first time I saw Liu Shen, Liu Shen today was completely different from before.

The willow tree became taller, and the half of the charred tree stump seemed to have been reborn. Most of the old black bark had faded away, showing vitality. The remaining charred bark, which was like dragon scales, was not very fast. It faded away completely. A matter of time.

On the tree, green clouds shine, silk ribbons hang down, and the roots are crystal clear, like a waterfall.

More than two years have passed, and the Willow God's original eighteen willow branches have become fifty, which is in line with the number of fifty on the great road. When Chi Cang looked at it, he could feel an extraordinary aura.

He had a guess in his mind that this might be a turning point in Liu Shen's Nirvana. In the years to come, Liu Shen would recover faster and faster.

At this moment, He is extremely tall, full of vitality, exuding hazy green light and peaceful aura.

Under the blessing of the God of Willow, Shicun is peaceful. At the same time, Shicun is full of aura, and there is even a faint milky white haze condensed on the streets, slowly flowing in the void, nourishing the land.

This is all because of the true dragon essence that penetrated into the ground and the many great medicines that Shi Hao of the Gu family brought back and planted in the village. This place has become a pure land of practice. In the eight realms of the lower world, it can be called the The most advanced training environment.

In the village, a group of naughty and mischievous children were running, ranging from a sluggish one-year-old kid to an eight- or nine-year-old child. What left Chi Cang speechless was that they were all chasing the colorful sparrow of extraordinary origin. It was simply a replica of Shi Hao's group.

Suddenly, Chi Cang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at the Five-Colored Bird with a deep look. His eyes were densely covered with powerful order symbols, and he saw some changes in the Five-Colored Bird.

As the Five-Colored Bird said back then, it is forgetting something as the years go by. Perhaps at this moment, the Five-Colored Bird has forgotten what it desires. If there is no external force to change it, it will continue to be confused.

At that time, Wuseque told Chi Cang that he could not go to that place without the Supreme Taoism, but in fact, Chi Cang had the body of an Immortal King, and as long as he did not encounter the danger of the Immortal King series, he would be basically fine.

Even without the body of the Immortal King, his current moral conduct and combat power are enough. When he comes back this time, he intends to fulfill his original promise and help the colorful sparrow to get back what it desires.

"Huh? There is a person coming from the entrance of the village." A baby who was still sucking milk said.

"It's Uncle Chicang." An older child said in surprise. He and Shi Hao were of the same generation, and he had called him Uncle Chicang since he was a child.

In fact, with Chi Cang's age, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is at the level of the ancestor. However, since he is starting over and achieving nirvana in Shicun, he naturally won't care so much.

"Grandpa Chi Cang?" A two-year-old little guy showed a look of surprise. Although he was not born when Chi Cang left, he had heard the elders talk about Chi Cang.

A group of children gathered around with eyes full of curiosity. Chi Cang touched their heads and released a lot of essence from his hands. He secretly washed these children. He did not say that they were children of Shicun, just based on their ancestors. You have taken great care of Chi Cang, and you should enjoy this kind of treatment.

Soon, the news of Chi Cang's return spread throughout the village. Men, women and children came, and it was very lively.

Here, Chi Cang lost all those years and got along with the villagers as before.

The familiar faces of the old patriarch Shi Yunfeng, Shi Linhu, Shi Feijiao, etc. made Chi Cang feel very warm, as if he had returned home.

"Where's Xiaohao?"

Chi Cang asked doubtfully. He did not sense Shi Hao's aura in the village.

"Xiao Hao came back and brought a lot of seafood to the village, such as giant lobsters, sperm turtles, etc., but he left not long after. According to Liu Shen, it was because his grandfather escaped from trouble and returned to the Stone Kingdom." Shi Yunfeng replied.

Chi Cang nodded, knowing Shi Hao's situation.

He looked at the people in the village. Everyone's condition had become stronger due to changes in the environment and regular consumption of the flesh and blood of pure-blooded creatures.

Many people not only entered the realm of moving blood, but even advanced to the cave heaven. People who were already very powerful, such as Shi Linhu and Shi Feijiao, even reached the level of spirit transformation, and were considered masters in the wilderness.

There are also children who have grown up in this environment since childhood. Their foundations are extremely strong, and their physical fitness and potential are far beyond those of their parents. They are not at the same level at all.

The future of Stone Village is bright. Although there are many big bosses here, there is no need to worry about safety. However, the future of every ethnic group is the next generation. Reproduction is a necessary condition for the continuation of a race or a village, and it must be taken seriously no matter what.

At this time, a large shadow was cast in the sky, and the sound of thunder bursting was heard. It was a huge and boundless thunderbird. When its wings were spread out, it almost covered the sky and the sun, like a piece of flying land.

It patrolled the land and discovered the returning Chi Cang, and immediately flew back to Stone Village in excitement.

In the distance, smoke and dust towered into the sky, and many behemoths were approaching quickly. The ground was shaking, and it could be seen that these were absolutely unimaginable behemoths.

However, the people in the village were not nervous at all and seemed to have become accustomed to it.

"Red Bull, Dajin, and Erjin are back." The little guy who was still nursing said happily.

Perhaps it was because Shi Hao often looked for animal milk to make fragrant animal milk. These beast masters liked the children in the village very much and got along with them. They often took the children to visit the wilderness and go to heaven and earth.

This is actually what Chi Cang wants to see. When he brought these ancient relics that were not pure blood back to the village, his main purpose was not to use them as mounts, but to tie these relics to Shicun.

It's not the kind of binding of interests, but a sincere relationship.

At the beginning, the relics were afraid of Chi Cang and forcibly suppressed their wildness and violent temper. Later, as they got along with each other and continued to evolve, the relics had completely integrated into Shicun. Even if Chi Cang and Liu Shen were gone, they I will also defend this place.

The Lihuo Bull Demon came. After seeing Chi Cang, he was so excited that he couldn't control himself. He spread his hooves and rushed over. At this moment, the Bull Demon was already a great master at the level of a Venerable. He evolved into a pure-blooded creature and roamed the wilderness. No one dares to disobey the endless ferocious beasts.

However, in front of Chi Cang, it was still that stupid cow. Chi Cang smiled and touched the horn of the Lihuo Bull Demon. He had taken out the Bull Demon's precious blood from here and baptized Shi Hao.

Feeling Chi Cang's touch, Niu Mo seemed to recall that old memory and couldn't help but shiver.

The devil ape, the golden-haired lion, the golden suanni, and the gray dragon all came, as well as the thunder-scaled eagle whose whole body shone with thunder. They practiced together with the thunder sparrow, and now they have returned to the stone village with the thunder sparrow.

Chi Cang greeted these beast masters and baptized them.

With his current ability, it is more than enough to baptize the Beast Lord.

Feeling the astonishing energy and blood rising inside their bodies, the beast masters' eyes were filled with excitement, and they looked at Chi Cang with even more reverence.

I still remember that Chi Cang had just returned to the level of the Venerable. At that time, the Beast Lords were just arrayed. As time went by, they became Beast Lords, but Chi Cang had already far surpassed the Venerable, reaching a level of This amazing evolutionary trajectory is beyond the reach of ordinary people and is awe-inspiring.

After talking to the villagers and beast masters, Chi Cang walked into the village and walked towards the bottom of the tall green willow trees.

There, three eight rare chickens are walking leisurely. They are almost identical in appearance. It is difficult for ordinary people to tell which one is which. They have a high status in the village. They often lay spiritual eggs, which are as effective as elixirs. People in the village will They treat them as babies, and even those naughty milk babies will not mess with them.

Staying under the willow tree all year round, the three eight precious chickens are very energetic, and the eggs they lay are becoming more and more amazing. This place has become their exclusive residence.

In this regard, Liu Shen didn't say anything. He rarely spoke and just silently guarded Shicun.

When Chi Cang arrived, the three Eight Treasure Chickens were originally ignored. Because of their high status, they often put on a show and wouldn't let anyone come.

As a result, the next second, the three chickens reacted and remembered who the visitor was. This was a creature on the same level as the willow tree spirit. No matter how pretentious they were, they did not dare to show off in front of Chi Cang.

Afraid that Chi Cang would stew them in a fit of anger, the three Eight Treasure Chickens felt guilty and ran away quickly, not daring to stay there any longer.

Chi Cang ignored it. He looked at the sacred and brilliant Liu Shen and said, "Liu Shen, I'm back."

The willow tree is majestic, with fifty long green branches dancing in the void, like fifty divine chains of order, glittering and translucent.


Liu Shen's voice came, and he sensed Chi Cang's first-level Taoism and terrifying combat power comparable to the Supreme. It was obvious that Chi Cang had gained a lot.

Suddenly, the void trembled, chaos energy filled the air, and the true dragon's figure appeared in front of Chi Cang and Liu Shen. It had already found all the materials and gave the little true dragon Gegu a special baptism of the true dragon clan.

"Fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor actually went to the dam world."

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