The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 153 The Former Willow God

This is the cause and effect between Liu Shen and the Seven Kings. After receiving the remains of the past, Liu Shen has obviously recovered many old memories.

In the last set of scenes, Chi Cang saw Liu Shen in white clothes returning from the so-called hometown of immortals. He seemed to be asking for help.

Asking for help as an ancestral sacrificial spirit was already the best effort of the primitive ancient world. You must know that the Willow God at that time was almost a totem-like existence in the primitive ancient world.

With him coming forward, I think the Immortal Realm will not deny this face. Unfortunately, differences arise among the kings of the Immortal Realm. Several immortal kings headed by Ao Sheng and Taishi have grudges against the ancestor sacrifice spirits and do not agree to send troops.

Other Immortal Kings, such as Hunyuan Immortal King and Pan King, were the leaders in sending troops immediately. The two parties argued endlessly and finally reached an agreement to send troops, but not now.

Although the Immortal Realm is said to have the same origin as the Primitive Ancient Realm, they are ultimately two independent realms. The kings of the Immortal Realm have a premonition of the most terrifying dark turmoil in history that will come in the next era, and they are unwilling to engage in a major war.

Hunyuan Immortal King, Pan King, etc. all advocated sending troops for the sake of ancestor worship spirits and some immortal kings in the primitive ancient world. Moreover, if the foreign realm really occupied the primitive ancient world, it would be very detrimental to the immortal realm. On the other hand, the person who takes action is likely to be contaminated with dark matter and pollute the fairyland. This kind of material should be feared by any world that has not been invaded by darkness. Once the person takes action, it is likely that he will not be able to come back.

Although they took the lead in sending troops, they were unwilling to turn against Ao Sheng, Taishi and others who were also the Immortal Kings of the Immortal Realm. In the future, they would still be waiting for them to guard the Immortal Realm together. Relatively speaking, the ancestor sacrifice spirits were the real outsiders.

Not only did Liu Shen, who encountered obstacles at every turn, fail to call for reinforcements immediately, but he was also tricked into being dragged into the fairyland by Ao Sheng and others who had a grudge.

By the time He returned, the situation was over. The leaders of the original ancient world, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal King, the Immortal King of the Endless Immortal King, and others fought bloody battles in Da Chitian. The Immortal Tortoise Shells defeated their opponents, and the Immortal Kings fought endlessly to the death.

Isolated and helpless, the Immortal King of the foreign land fought in turns, consuming the two giants in turn. In the end, they were exhausted and fell in a pool of blood. The real immortal of the Xu family returned with a flag and wrapped his body.

The Immortal Monk King, the Seven Border Kings, and the Ten Fierce People all died, disappeared, and were seriously injured. The entire primitive ancient world was in pieces.

Looking at the devastated mountains and rivers, looking at the bloody corpses, and the big flags wrapped with the broken corpses of the two leaders, listening to the desperate cries and roars of all souls in his ears, Liu Shen said nothing. Very silent, with a kind of silent anger.

Rather than entering a foreign land, he actually wanted to kill those insidious people in the fairyland. Without their obstruction, Liu Shen would not have come back so late. Perhaps with him present, the battle between the fairy turtle shells may not be possible. It would end so bleakly.

But in the end, Liu Shen still chose to fight in a foreign land for the last battle in his life.

Because when they enter the Immortal Realm, the kings of the Immortal Realm will not sit back and watch the Immortal Kings of their own world being killed. They will protect them no matter what. The strongest dark turmoil in history is about to happen. Every king is an important force and cannot be lost. These few Over the past epoch, there have been far fewer kings entering the realm sea, just to prepare for this great catastrophe that will sweep through all the heavens and realms.

Liu Shen ignored the dissuasion of the remaining king and insisted on killing in a foreign land. He felt guilty and did not show up at the most critical moment. He watched helplessly as his comrades passed away. For him, this was a battle of redemption.

The only surviving Stone King Chi Cang met opened the city gate for Liu Shen, and then he resolutely fought his way in from the borderlands.

After the horrific battle, Liu Shen returned, dressed in peerless white, holding a bloody head. The creatures in Diguan were horrified, because it was the head of an ancient ancestor from a foreign land. His eyes were wide open and he was dead in silence, full of disbelief, and the blood was still steaming.

He placed the head of the ancient ancestor from a foreign land on the ancestral altar built by the new emperor Guanzhong True Immortals to pay homage to his old friend, and then without hesitation he went in again.

The second time, he returned with the head of the ancient ancestor. Liu Shen was so powerful that he was an invincible giant. Ordinary ancient ancestors from foreign lands could not stop him. Only those famous foreign giants could compete with him.

The third time, the fourth time...the seventh time.

Liu Shen, who has returned again, is already covered in white clothes stained with blood, including the blood of the ancient ancestors from foreign lands and his own blood. Compared with the white clothes like snow, it is so dazzling.

The creatures in Diguan were inexplicably shocked. They fought into foreign lands seven times and returned unharmed. Moreover, they brought a total of four heads of ancient ancestors from foreign lands. Such a terrifying achievement was unprecedented.

You must know that Liu Shen is only one person, but in a foreign land to recharge his batteries, there are groups of ancient ancestors.

After seeing Liu Shen resting for a while, he was preparing to attack the foreign land again. Countless people were trying to stop him. Liu Shen's seven attacks were all sudden attacks. The further back he went, the more immortal kings came, and some immortal giants had already set off. , if we fight in again, we will definitely encounter a siege, and the consequences will be disastrous.

King Shi and his comrades were also trying to dissuade him, hoping that Liu Shen would stop there. They had already done enough, and they did not want Liu Shen, who had been kind to them, to bleed into a foreign land.

However, Liu Shen did not stop, and entered the foreign land for the eighth time. This time, he returned, but his steps were slow, leaving a bloody footprint in the void.

Obviously, He encountered the most terrifying siege, and the white clothes on his body were stained with blood, which was dazzling, sad, and sad.

Many people are crying. Many kings in the primitive ancient world have died. The only remaining ancestor sacrifice spirits that can compete with the giants have become the pillars of people's hearts. Now, this pillar is also shaky and is about to collapse.

However, what shocked people was that Liu Shen was going to enter a foreign land for the ninth time. They couldn't believe it, and they all thought that the ancestor sacrifice spirit was looking for a decent burial place for itself, and wanted to be buried in the long river of history with the Immortal Ancient Era. Among them, for a strong man like him, dying on the battlefield is the best destination.

The Stone King and other kings stopped Liu Shen from going to the foreign land again. However, unable to resist, Liu Shen insisted on going. In his opinion, he returned seriously injured. The kings of the foreign land would not have thought that he would risk his life to return to the foreign land with serious injuries. Kill it.

In the end, the kings had no choice but to open the city gate for the ninth time. The heavy imperial city portal was opened, stained with the blood of a powerful person like the Immortal King, exuding a terrifying aura.

Liu Shen was dressed in blood. Under the gaze of all spirits, he stepped through the huge door alone and headed towards the foreign land. The dark boundary wall and the huge hole were like the mouth of an abyss, which made people feel horrified.

In the following time, people waited anxiously, and the days passed like years. I don’t know how long they waited. Finally, Liu Shen returned. Blood was dripping all over his body. He trembled with every step he took. He was extremely weak, but his steps remained the same. Firm and powerful, he held a ferocious head in his hand. It did not belong to humans. It was the ancient ancestor of a certain imperial clan in a foreign land. The head was beheaded by Liu Shen and raised in front of the immortal kings.

Behind Liu Shen, a figure of the Immortal King appeared. He was very angry and seemed to be attacking in a big way.

At this time, the remaining kings among the seven kings stood on the top of the city, facing many powerful enemies with Liu Shen.

"Forget it, the Immortal Realm is about to move. It is not appropriate to fight anymore at this time. Finding that thing is the main business. This city will be slaughtered sooner or later." A terrifying immortal king said, and then slowly retreated.

The other immortal kings also retreated. In fact, their retreat was also due to fear of Liu Shen. He killed the ancient ancestors in the chaos, entering and exiting nine times, killing five immortal kings in total. He had already killed The kings of foreign lands are frightened.

There is an immortal giant who wants to take action to suppress Liu Shen and save the face of Foreign Land, but he is told that someone will take action, and Foreign World can just sit back and watch. You must know that although Liu Shen is seriously injured, he still has the terrifying ability to kill the ancient ancestor. It would be better to let the Immortal Realm and the Primitive Ancient Realm fight within themselves.

Therefore, the Immortal King receded like a tide. Next, they allocated a part of their powerful force to guard the territory bordering the original imperial city to prevent Liu Shen from coming again. In the words of the Immortal King, this madman cannot It cannot be judged by common sense.

The severely injured Liu Shen took root in the New Emperor Pass, transformed into a towering ancient tree, and absorbed the essence from all directions to repair itself. This was a vast battlefield, where immortal kings fell, and the energy they spilled out was enough for Liu Shen to repair himself.

At the same time, it has become the spiritual pillar of the survivors in this broken world, and is the only surviving giant.

However, the good times did not last long. One day, there was a supreme existence in the fairyland and a lower realm. Several big hands came to kill them, belonging to Ao Sheng, Taishi and others.

The fluctuations of the Immortal King series are overwhelming, as if they are about to shatter the entire universe. The New Emperor City seems to be doomed, and the heaven and earth are wailing and whining.

"You dare!"

There were loud shouts in the original imperial city, and a big hand of Immortal King level reached out to resist Ao Sheng and others.

"Haha, a few newly promoted Immortal Kings, who have only been in this level for a few epochs, dare to compete with us? They are overestimating their own capabilities. Liu Shu's attack is about the same, but you are still far behind." Jueding named Ao Sheng The Immortal King coldly snorted, just one person defeated all the giants in the original imperial city.

He, Taishi and others are the very ancient Immortal Kings in the Immortal Realm. They have become Immortal Kings for countless epochs. They are contemporaries with the ancestors of the Seven Kings. They have accumulated a lot and are only one step away from becoming giants. They are incomparable. The powerful but insufficiently accumulated Seven Kings will naturally be defeated.

King Shi and the other kings were helpless. The most powerful among the seven kings died first. They were also injured. They really couldn't stop Ao Sheng and Taishi who were at their peak...

"We are here for the willow tree, others should stay away, be careful of getting involved in the great cause and effect, causing death and death." Taishi spoke out, very coldly, with overwhelming power, like the sky, wanting to judge this world.

"Stop your hands. This is the grudge between me and them. It has nothing to do with you. Continue to protect this city and don't let it fall." The huge and brilliant golden willow made a sound, rumbling.

The few remaining kings in the original imperial city felt sad and knew that it would be useless to take action, but would instead plunge the imperial city into ruin.

After a painful struggle, they gave up and chose to stop, because Liu Shen sent a message to them, as if he was giving instructions for the funeral, but Liu Shen also said that these people may not be able to keep him, even if he Even though he was seriously injured, he was also an invincible giant.

"Haha, those who understand current affairs are heroes. We in the Immortal Realm have long reached a consensus. As long as we kill the willow trees, no matter what the outcome of this battle, the Immortal Realm will send troops. By then, your world will be saved." Yuanchu, another supreme immortal king, said with a smile.

The remaining seven kings clenched their fists, eager to kill immediately. They already understood the reason why the ancestor sacrifice spirit did not return at the critical moment, and it was all because of these three people.


The giant golden willow fluttered, and the whole heaven and earth matched it. As it rhythmed with it, countless sacrificial sounds sounded, filling the air with the terrifying power of the Immortal King.

The three most powerful immortal kings, Ao Sheng, Taishi, and Yuanchu, looked solemn as if they were facing a formidable enemy. They knew that they were besieging an invincible giant. Even if they were seriously injured and dying, they had to be cautious.

An earth-shattering war broke out, and the four powerful men deliberately controlled it, so that the world was not destroyed.

However, the New Emperor Pass was bulldozed by the vast force. It was the root of Liu Shen. It was originally supposed to be restored with the help of the energy permeating the battlefield, but now it is no longer possible.

Liu Shen was so brave and invincible that he could withstand the siege of the three most powerful immortal kings at the beginning. He came and went again and again, and even caused them to see blood. However, the good times did not last long. He entered a foreign land, entered and exited nine times, and consumed too much. Especially the last time, they fought fiercely with many immortal giants and suffered heavy losses. Now they are at the end of their game.

Gradually, Liu Shen fell into a disadvantage and lost to the three immortal kings of the Immortal Domain.


Ao Sheng held the sword wing and slashed out a terrifying sword light, as if to cut off the past, present and future. Taishi raised the Tiange, and Yuanchu's hand shot out the Yuanchu fairy light. The three major attack methods came together, and Liu Shen's front foot was severely damaged. , it was too late to resist, and the tree trunk was directly broken by the roots.

"The willow tree, the cause and effect of the past, ends today." Ao Sheng's eyes were cold, and he waved the sword wings in his hand repeatedly, cutting off many golden branches.

Taishi and Yuanchu also launched a fierce attack to completely wipe out Liu Shen.

"You are an Immortal King, but you are narrow-minded, and you will suffer disaster in the future." Liu Shen's words were still calm, and there was no trace of fear or panic. This is the peerless style that a giant should have.

"It's a joke. Since ancient times, we have always brought disaster to others. Who in the world can bring disaster to us?" Ao Sheng laughed, and the methods in his hands became more powerful. The entire borderland was about to be destroyed. .

Liu Shen sighed, dragging his broken body and rushed to other interfaces. The three supreme immortal kings killed all the vitality in the roots of Liu Shen's roots in the New Emperor City, and then chased after him. Naturally, they would not let the cooked duck fly away.


With a loud shout, the three Immortal Kings killed each other, and entered another interface with Liu Shen. They fought fiercely in various ruined areas, fighting as they walked, and countless worlds were broken along the way.

Liu Shen, who was getting weaker and weaker, killed the three supreme immortal kings who were covered in blood. This battle was extremely fierce.

Finally, they reached the Thunder Abyss, and Liu Shen was killed and exploded. He was too seriously injured, and he fell into the vast Thunder Abyss.

Ao Sheng, Taishi, and Yuanchu stood on the cobblestone path, looking down, looking for traces of God Liu, and then left after confirming that He had really fallen and turned into ashes.

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