The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 154 The Ten Fierce Phoenixes

I don't know how much time passed, but under the abyss of the Thunder Sea, a not-so-majestic golden ancient tree climbed up with difficulty. It was Liu Shen who was lucky enough to survive.

He was blasted too many times, his essence was torn apart, he was seriously injured and dying, and he was shrouded in the terrifying thunder and lightning in the thunder and lightning abyss. He almost turned into ashes. If he hadn't happened to encounter a thunder pool, he clung to it despite the terrifying heavenly punishment. , He will definitely not survive.

Fortunately, Liu Shen survived the catastrophe and followed Lei Chi out of the Thunder Sea and came to the cobblestone path.

He trudged to the end of the cobblestone path. He couldn't hold on any longer and was about to disintegrate.

At the last moment, Liu Shen sealed himself and began Nirvana. Based on the current situation, he broke free from a brilliant seed and rushed out of the sea of ​​​​thunder along the cobblestone path. He walked into the world behind, leaving only the remains standing. At the end of the path.

This road was very safe in the recent era. The immortal kings in the heavens knew that the catastrophe was coming and would not rush to the boundary sea. The creatures in the boundary sea either went too deep to come back, or they had their own unique coordinates. The passage will not take the path of the embankment.

His relics will not be discovered by others, but when the dark turmoil really breaks out, this golden ancient tree relics may not be safe.

However, Liu Shen knew in his heart that he would come back again to find this remnant.

After all, it is the accumulation of the pinnacle of a lifetime. In the process of struggling to produce the seeds, the Taoist fruits of the previous life are scattered in the remains and merged with the power of Nirvana. If it is opened again after endless years, it will gain unparalleled power.

The brilliant willow seeds rushed into the ancient world adjacent to the Thunder and Lightning Abyss, embarking on a long journey back.

This kind of nirvana is not an ordinary nirvana, but all kinds of old memories are lost, everything remains in the old body, and you really start all over again.

Only one obsession still exists, guiding Liu Shen to go towards Jiutian, and this place is so far away from Jiutian and Ten Earths that it is immeasurably far away. God knows how many ancient worlds are separated.

This journey is destined to be a long one.

The scene ended here, Chi Cang came back to his senses, and he knew what happened next. God Liu passed through many ancient realms in the sky along the way, and continued to reach nirvana, leaving behind his body and remains, and finally reached Jiutian in the ancient era of the new era. .

At that time, Jiutian had already experienced a major reshuffle. Everyone in the world had forgotten that there was a giant who was invincible in the sky and the earth in the Ancient Immortal Era. They only remembered that the willow tree was the remaining immortal root from the Ancient Immortal Era.

Only the creatures in Diguan still circulated the legend about a supreme being who could enter and exit foreign lands nine times and no one could stop him.

Of course, there are still some people who have survived from ancient times who know the truth, such as the supreme beings in the restricted area, but they are wary and know the reputation of Liu Shen, so they are not willing to provoke or contaminate the cause and effect.

The wheel of history rolls forward, and the brilliance and ending along the way will be crushed into dust.

The real dragon sighed. It turned out that after it was seriously injured and escaped into the eight realms of the lower world, so many things happened in the world. God Liu was furious and violently beheaded five ancient ancestors from foreign lands to pay homage to all the dead friends and heroic spirits.

In fact, they did not blame Liu Shen for asking him to go to the Immortal Realm to ask for help. They may have expected the result. Leaders such as Wu Ending and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Immortal King may have meant to allow the ancestor sacrifice to remain flexible and leave a legacy to the original nine heavens. hope.

Unfortunately, who can control the direction of history? Even if there is one, he is not an Immortal King. The force is unstoppable, and even an Immortal King will be shattered to pieces.

The three of them sat in silence for a long time and remained silent. They were all reminiscing about this sad and beautiful history. At the same time, they were also reflecting on whether they could do better? Avoid tragedy?

After a long time, Chi Cang was the first to speak out. He still had something important to tell Liu Shen and Zhen Long.

In the following time, he described in detail the illusion he experienced in the ancient city altar.

When it comes to the ancient emperor's fall and the legendary emperor, Liu Shen and Zhenlong are very serious, sometimes asking questions, sometimes listening quietly.

When Chi Cang finished speaking, both of them fell into deep shock. The emperor who fell in the age of the emperor turned out to be like this. The source of darkness was really shocking.

Chi Cang looked at Liu Shen, and it was obvious that he wanted to hear his opinion, because Liu Shen had great courage and hoped to go to the source of darkness to find out.

Now it is confirmed that if one does not reach the quasi-immortal emperor, one will die in vain after reaching the end of the boundary sea.

Liu Shen naturally knew what Chi Cang meant. He pondered for a long time, and then said: "In this case, let's discuss the matter of killing to the source of darkness. If we want to truly solve everything, we need more than one quasi-immortal emperor. It seems that we need to accumulate strength.

However, the road is ahead and cannot be retreated. Jiehai is the battlefield of the Immortal King. If you want to grow quickly and find the way to defeat the king, Jiehai is the best choice. "

Chicang and Zhenlong both nodded. A quasi-immortal emperor crossed the embankment and reached the end of the boundary sea without even raising a wave. If they had not become quasi-immortal emperors and went there rashly, it would be like a mayfly shaking the tree.

Although Liu Shen has a deep obsession and wants to calm everything down, he is not stupid. It is the behavior of a fool to do something if he knows that he cannot do it. But from the perspective of sharpening the Dao Fruit, Jiehai is a good choice. .

"The next nine days and even all the heavens will depend on two of them." The real dragon sighed and said, although it knew so many great secrets, it was useless. It wanted to kill the enemy but was unable to save it.

"Fellow True Dragon Daoist, you don't have to be completely desperate. You have also seen my path. It is said to be the path of heavenly punishment and destruction, but it is also accompanied by the creation of heaven and earth, and the creation of all the souls in the world. One day I can make everything that has passed away Come back again." Chi Cang comforted.

As he spoke, he took out all the Thunder Tribulation Liquid and gave it to the True Dragon. This super Thunder Tribulation Liquid was of great use to the Immortal King and brought the dying Stone King back to life. It was also effective against the True Dragon. However, considering Since the True Dragon was once an extremely powerful giant, the effectiveness of the Thunder Tribulation Liquid may be weaker, but it is still beneficial.

Zhenlong thanked him and said he didn't need so much.

In the end, the real dragon took most of it and gave the other half to Liu Shen. He wanted to re-study this Thunder Tribulation Liquid to accommodate all the heavens and all the worlds, so Liu Shen paid great attention to it. Maybe he could get significant gains from it and supplement it. Come to your own path.

"Fellow Daoist Kunpeng's sand of obsession has condensed into a ball under the influence of Thunder Tribulation Liquid. It only needs to be warmed and cultivated for one or two years before it can be revived. Although it is irreversible and it has fallen after all, this is not It’s a different kind of life, and there is still hope for the future.

As for Daoist Kunpeng's weapon Tianhuang, it has almost been repaired. During the period of Lei Chi's transformation, it was re-refined with the help of that kind of energy. "Chi Cang told the two of them the current situation of the Ten Fierce Kunpengs.

Liu Shen and Zhenlong were very happy to learn that Kunpeng, one of the ten evil spirits, was about to revive. Most of their former friends were buried in the long river of history, and it was not easy to see them again.

"And one more thing."

Suddenly, Chi Cang said this.

Liu Shen and Zhen Long looked at it with solemn expressions, because Chi Cang's expression was very solemn, and they knew at a glance that it was not a trivial matter.

"About the colorful sparrows building their nests outside the village..." When he said this, Chi Cang looked at Liu Shen.

Liu Shen, who had gained the memories of the old days, must know a lot. All he had to do was throw some light on things, and besides, he didn't know much.

Sure enough, Liu Shen spoke up.

"It is Zhenhuang Cannian, one of the ten evils of the ancient immortals. It has the Taoist behavior of the Immortal King. It is a genuine king. In fact, it is not a native creature of Jiutian, but comes from the Boundary Sea. Later, it followed me to return to Jiutian. , becoming one of the ten most evil people in this world."

Zhenlong had long known that Zhenhuang did not come from Jiutian. Although Chicang heard about it for the first time, he was not surprised. In fact, the real birthplace of many races among the ten evils was not Jiutian.

For example, the Skyhorned Ant clan originated in the Immortal Realm. There are still restricted areas belonging to the Skyhorned Ant clan in the depths of the Fairyland. Another example is the Jiuyou Zhan, whose origin is even more mysterious. It is said that it comes from a destroyed area. The great realm of the world migrated to Jiutian later.

In comparison, the True Phoenix, one of the ten evil spirits, comes from the Boundary Sea, which is perfectly normal.

In large worlds such as the Immortal Realm and the Original Nine Heavens, taking in Immortal Kings from the outside world is a way to strengthen oneself. The more kings there are in a large world, the stronger the strength. Creatures in the sea of ​​​​the world want to invade and occupy, of course. , it must be reliable enough to accommodate foreign kings, otherwise, it will not increase the strength, but leave hidden dangers.

Afterwards, Chi Cang recounted the conversation he had had with Wu Se Que, and made it clear that Wu Se Que might have forgotten those things.

"It has never said this to me. I guess it is because you recover quickly and open up a new path along the way, there is hope that you can help it." Liu Shen said.

In fact, the relationship between the five-colored sparrow and the Willow God is closer. It is also because the Willow God is rooted in Shicun that it built its nest near Shicun.

However, Liu Shen's initial recovery speed was very slow. Although Wu Se Que's obsession at that time had not dissipated, considering Liu Shen's recovery speed and the danger of the area, Wu Se Que did not choose to ask the ancestor sacrifice spirits for help.

It wasn't until Chicang airborne to Shicun later that he restored the Supreme Being at a speed that was jaw-dropping. You must know that Liu Shen had been saving up a willow stick in Shicun for decades, but Chicang achieved it overnight.

Therefore, just after Chi Cang broke through the blood movement and the Ancient Immortal Dao Fruit returned to the level of the Venerable, the five-color bird couldn't wait to call Chi Cang and talk to Chi Cang.

Returning this time, Chi Cang has discovered that the Five-Colored Bird is in something wrong. His obsession has dissipated and he can no longer be found.

Perhaps this is the reason why in Shi Hao's memory, the Five-Colored Bird did not ask Liu God for help because its obsession disappeared. Later, because of Liu God's instructions, it stayed in the lower stone village to look after Shi Hao.

It is sad that the ten evil people of this generation lost great opportunities because they forgot the past.

However, Chi Cang's arrival changed things for the better. He had already obtained the coordinates in the chaotic flow from the Five-Colored Bird in advance, but he never had the chance to go there. Now that he is back, it's time to go and find out.

Of course, it was impossible for Chi Cang to go alone. After experiencing a series of events, he understood the truth. Even if a lion fights a rabbit, he can summon the Willow God and the real dragon with all his strength. Why should he show off and go alone?

This is just like when you attack the source of darkness in the future, you are destined not to be alone.

"I didn't expect it to be a real phoenix, but something doesn't feel right." The real dragon muttered to himself in confusion. It interacted with the real phoenix and was very familiar with it, but the five-colored sparrow didn't give him the feeling of being too familiar.

"It is actually not accurate to say that it is an obsession or a soul. On the basis of the remaining soul, it once again suffered a heavy blow. Back then, the true phoenix attracted a crazy siege from foreign kings. Its immortality was terrifying. , if you give it a little chance, it will be reborn from the ashes and reach nirvana.

Therefore, its foundation has been cut off over and over again, and its soul has been killed and exploded countless times. It can be said that at this moment, it is really just a remnant and only remembers a few things. "

"Is that so?" Zhenlong understood clearly. It seemed that Zhenhuang was in worse condition than him. At least its memory was complete. Zhenhuang Cannian didn't even know who it was. He only knew that he might be from the Realm Sea. , Immortals built their nests next to the Willow God in ancient times, and forgot all the others.

"Let's leave immediately. Maybe if we leave a moment earlier, the outcome of the matter will be different." Chi Cang suggested.

Liu Shen and Zhenlong nodded in agreement. This kind of thing really cannot be postponed. Sometimes, if you are just a few breaths late, everything will be too late. They know this very well.

"Shi Hao may return in the near future. Judging from the news from the False God Realm, he has already made an appointment with his cousin." Liu Shen spoke out and took off a green willow leaf inlaid with gold.

There is a message left by God Willow to Shi Hao on it, and it is also filled with powerful power. If their group does not return for a long time, Shi Hao can use this willow leaf to go to the Virtual God Realm.

This is the endless wilderness, not those ancient countries that sacrifice to heaven every year. If you want to enter the Virtual God Realm in the wilderness, you need the power to break through the obstacles. The current Shi Hao is far from being able to do that.

Liu Shen dispersed the fog, and the conversation between the three ended.

At this time, Shi Yunfeng, who was smiling and talking with Mr. Shicun at the head of the village, looked slightly stunned, then quickly stood up and quickly came to Chi Cang and the others.

After Liu Shen gave some instructions, he handed the willow leaf to Shi Yunfeng.

"Lord Sacrifice Spirit, do you want to travel far?"

"It may take some time to explore a secret place, but we will come back." Chi Cang explained next to him.

Shi Yunfeng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. He knew in his heart that extraordinary practitioners like Liu Shen and Chi Cang could not protect a small stone village forever, and they would eventually leave one day.

This can be seen from the changes of Willow God. From a charred tree stump without any fluctuation to pulling out a tender branch, and now fifty branches, this is a recovery process. Willow God is recuperating and recovering from nirvana. .

After Shi Yunfeng left, the three of them were ready to set off. The ancient bark like scales shone slightly, and a figure in white stepped out of it.

Looking at the Liu Shen fluttering in white clothes, Chi Cang was in a daze, and the peerless figure in white clothes appeared in his mind again, entering and exiting nine times, killing the kings of foreign lands with fear.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, let's go." Liu Shen's voice brought Chi Cang back to his senses.

The three of them saw the five-colored sparrow on the old jujube tree behind the stone village. The five-color feathers shone charmingly under the sunlight. It was really beautiful. No wonder the children in the village wanted to catch it.

The five-colored sparrow is a true phoenix, perhaps to protect itself, so it transforms into a sparrow and walks between heaven and earth.

If you transform into a five-color true phoenix, it will definitely cause many disasters. Of course, the so-called disasters must come from the powerful immortals. The creatures in the human realm are not enough to embarrass the five-color sparrow, and may not even be able to keep up with its shadow.

"Ancestral Sacrificial Spirit, Thunder Emperor, and True Dragon, three Taoist friends came together, I wonder what the reason is?" Wu Seque really forgot a lot, even the most important things.

"We want to take you to a place where your past may be hidden." Chi Cang said.

"My past? I come from Jiehai. I should have been in Jiehai in the past. Do you want to take me to Jiehai?" Wu Seque was puzzled.

Chi Cang was speechless. It seemed that Wu Se Que had really forgotten what happened in the past and had no memory of the True Phoenix at all. It seemed like some key part was missing.

"You'll know once you get there. In short, we won't harm you."

"Okay, then let's go. Fellow Taoists, please forgive me. It's not that I don't trust you."

The three nodded, and the five-colored sparrow lost a key part, which caused it to forget everything about the ten evils, as if someone had separated it from its soul.

Suddenly, Chi Cang thought of something. In the spiritual kingdom of Xu Shen Realm, there was an old man who was known as the Bird Master. There was a five-color bird standing on his shoulder. He really had many things in common with the five-color bird, and , in the cage where the dark warrior is trapped in the Virtual God Realm, there is a treasure of the True Phoenix Treasure, one of the ten evil treasures.

Why is it that the treasured treasure there is not any other treasure among the Ten Evil Treasures, but the True Phoenix Treasure?

Thinking of this, Chi Cang had some guesses in his mind. Could it be that part of the five-color bird's memory of the true phoenix wandered into the virtual god world and became a five-color bird?

Then, under the invasion of darkness over time, that part of the soul, like Bird Master and Jingbi Master, forgot the past and gradually lost itself. Before getting lost, it was worried that the true phoenix treasure technique would be lost, so it left behind in the dark hall inheritance?

It's time to let go again, the fourth update is fatal, let's call it a day.

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