This possibility is very high. After all, the establishment of the Virtual God Realm is not directly related to the True Phoenix, but it contains the True Phoenix treasure technique. There is obviously an unknown past in it.

Chi Cang immediately informed Liu Shen and Zhen Long of these thoughts.

"It is very possible that the two guardians of the Virtual God Realm actually have great origins. Their bodies have nothing to do with the five-color bird that masters the law of fire. From this, it can be seen that the five-color bird is really very likely to be the lost true phoenix. Incomplete soul." Liu Shen replied loudly.

"The origin of Tian Da? Does Liu Shen know the secret?"

"I didn't know it before, but now, with the fusion of the remains and the recovery of past life memories, I naturally know."

Liu Shen paused and said: "The one who is called Uncle Jingbi by the people in the lower world is a supreme Immortal King from the original Nine Heavens in ancient times. He embarked on the road of evolution with a body of Immortal Gold. He is extremely powerful, and is the same as Ao Sheng. They are creatures of the same level."

"This old guy is actually a supreme Immortal King?" Chi Cang was speechless, because Uncle Jingbi was a thief, liked to deceive people, and was very shady, which was somewhat incompatible with the supreme Immortal King.

However, Liu Shen's words are naturally not false.

"Is it Taoist Immortal Gold?" Zhenlong quickly knew who Liu Shen was talking about.

"It's him. In the last battle of Immortal Ancient, he was killed in the border area. I thought he had fallen. Unexpectedly, the Yuan Shen was sealed to the Virtual God Realm and guarded this place. I think it was the fault of the Immortal King of the Immortal Realm. , they don’t trust the seal here.”

"Where's the other one?" Chi Cang asked Master Bird. This old guy hangs out with Uncle Jingbi every day. The two of them guard the dark palace together. His origins are probably no worse than Uncle Jingbi.

"He is also a supreme Immortal King, known as the second in the world, and belongs to the dragon clan. In ancient times, he was the mainstay of the original Nine Heavens."

"Dragon clan?" Chi Cang heard this and muttered to himself in confusion, and couldn't help but look at the real dragon.

The real dragon sighed.

"In fact, he and my clan are both primitive dragon clans. Later, in order to compete for the name of the true dragon, I competed with him and finally won. Since then, our clan has been the orthodox true dragon clan, enjoying The destiny of heaven and earth in this world."

"It's so..."

Chi Cang suddenly realized, and at the same time, he felt that he should know this, but he had lost his memory and had not yet recovered it.

"One is the Immortal Gold Enlightenment, and the other is the Primitive Dragon Clan. It is true that they have nothing to do with the Five-Colored Bird. So, it is really possible." Chi Cang said, if the Five-Colored Bird is really part of the lost spirit of Zhenhuang, he thought If you want to help the real phoenix, you have to ask Master Bird for the five-colored bird that is inseparable from it.

"At present, it seems very possible, but it still needs to be verified before it can be confirmed." Liu Shen nodded.

The three of them directly opened the void passage and reached the Flood Territory among the eight domains. The coordinates of the Chaos Zone controlled by Chi Cang are here. They are not far from the Desolate Territory and are adjacent to each other.

Stepping out of the passage, everyone came to a dry and charred land. Looking around, they saw broken mountains and rivers, and many large cracks on the ground, bottomless, as if a fire had burned the place.

This was very similar to the scene near the Sun River in the Cross Yin and Yang Forbidden Zone that Chi Cang had previously explored, as if the sun had fallen and baked the earth into purgatory.

However, they are also different. Although the earth here is scorched black, it does not lack vitality. Instead of being bare, many plants grow on the dry and cracked earth, which are green and lush, extremely lush.

"The vitality is so strong that it is like a vast ocean. This is the result of the true phoenix's energy and blood overflowing to nourish the world." Liu Shen made a judgment.

"How did you know about this place?" Wu Seque, who had been silent all this time, asked.

It originally built its nest near here, and later went to Stone Village after sensing the aura of the ancestor sacrifice spirit.

In the colorful bird's memory, only it should know about this place. After all, it has never told anyone else.

"You told me, but you forgot a lot." Chi Cang explained.

The five-colored sparrow stood on a vigorous old tree, blinking its eyes thoughtfully. It combed its feathers from time to time. The five colors looked colorful under the sun, and it was extremely beautiful.

"So that's it, I am indeed forgetting something." Wuseque believed Chi Cang's words. On the one hand, it could feel that it had forgotten many memories. On the other hand, Chi Cang and others were all big figures in the Ancient Immortal Era. , it is impossible to secretly follow it here.

"This is already the edge of the Flood Domain, adjacent to Chaos. If you walk through this dense forest, you will not belong to the eight lower realms and cannot enter the Virtual God Realm. I suggest that we go to the Virtual God Realm first to confirm the true identity and origin of the five-color bird. ." Chi Cang said.

Liu Shen and Zhenlong didn't have any objections, and Wuseque naturally didn't.

"Let's go together and find a secret place to store the body."

Then, Chi Cang opened a temporary cave and arranged many taboo runes. Liu Shen and True Dragon also took action to strengthen the seal. Then, three people and a bird came to the cave.

They penetrated the barrier of the False God Realm with their powerful power, and their souls left the body and stepped straight into the light door that appeared.

Except for the five-colored sparrow, everyone else has a physical body. The three of them and one sparrow stepped into the light door and came to a ruins. Just like entering the Virtual God Realm from the wilderness, the entrance here also has many past events, and there have been horrific battles. , completely different from those ancient kingdoms that directly entered the initial land.

They passed through the ruins and did not enter a populated place. Instead, they ran straight to the chaotic zone in the False God Realm. This was the way to the dark palace. Chi Cang often came here to practice with those powerful stone statues before lighting the divine fire. Therefore, , he is familiar with it.

As a result, before they could reach the ultimate place in the Virtual God Realm, the dark palace where the stone statues were imprisoned, Master Bird and Master Jingbi appeared.

The two old men had everything as before. Ever since Chicang broke the record last time and triggered a certain arrangement that allowed the two old men to recover some memories, a large number of geniuses came to the Virtual God Realm, all for the "strongest in the blood-moving realm". ", "The strongest in the cave world" and other titles.

Including the unknowing Shi Hao, as well as Shi Yi, various pure-blooded creatures, geniuses of various races, etc., the virtual god world has become extremely lively, with geniuses breaking various records every day.

This is a big plus for Uncle Jingbi and Master Bird, because the more records in the Virtual God Realm are broken, the more memories they can recover. The more important the record, the better the effect.

However, it is difficult for latecomers to reach the height set by Chicang, so the memories of Uncle Jingbi and Master Bird have not been restored much. After all, the talents of the eight realms of the lower realm are inferior in various conditions.

"You haven't appeared for a long time. I thought you left the lower world." Uncle Jingbi said.

"It is impossible for a person like you to stay in the lower world forever. Like the hidden dragon in the abyss, one day he will soar into the sky." Lord Bird praised.

The two old men had witnessed with their own eyes the scene of Chi Cang suppressing the stone statues in the dark palace. You must know that those creatures were immortal kings at their peak. Each level had surpassed the extreme realm and was ridiculously powerful.

However, Chi Cang was able to untie the chains of the stone statues and then beat them back to the sealed state. Such a powerful combat power was rare in ancient times and modern times.

"In the past two years or so, I have indeed left the lower realm, but there is still some time before I really leave." Chi Cang responded.

Then, Uncle Jingbi and Master Bird looked at Liu Shen, True Dragon and Five Colored Sparrow beside Chi Cang.

"This is the way to the ultimate place. Why did you bring other people with you?"

"Yes, didn't I say that at the beginning? It must be kept secret. There is a lot at stake here, and you should know it."

The two old men said, a little anxious. This is the ultimate secret of the False God Realm, where the immortal kings who fell into darkness in ancient times are imprisoned. Once something goes wrong, it will be a catastrophe to release these dark kings.

Chi Cang smiled and replied: "They are all trustworthy people, and they are all old acquaintances with you in the past."

"A trustworthy person? An old acquaintance?"

Bird Master and Jingbi Master looked puzzled and looked at Liu Shen and Zhen Long, hoping to find a familiar place, but unfortunately, there was only unfamiliarity. They had forgotten too much, and now they cannot remember it even if they meet.

"Don't you remember me?" The real dragon looked at Master Bird, and a huge and boundless real dragon appeared behind him, with ferocious scales shining with cold metallic luster, and a pair of huge dragon eyes looking down at all directions, majestic and indifferent , ruthless, powerful body, the slightest movement can turn the world upside down, which is heart-stopping.

"Real dragon!"

Master Bird's pupils shrank and he recognized the real dragon. Of course, he only recognized that this was the head of the ten evils. The same was true for Master Jingbi.

"Since he is the real dragon, the leader of the ten evils, then it will be fine."

Liu Shen threw out a stream of light and flew in front of Master Bird and Master Jingbi. It was a willow leaf, green with golden light, overflowing with mysterious energy.

"This is……"

The two old men's eyes were straight, as if they had seen each other before.

"He is the ancient ancestor's sacrificial spirit."

"Ancestor sacrifice spirit?"

Master Bird and Master Jingbi looked at each other, and the confusion in their eyes was dispelled. Although they did not remember it completely, it was very vague, but they were convinced that the other party was completely trustworthy.

"Then this fellow Taoist is."

The two old men looked at the five-color bird, and found that the five-color bird was looking at the five-color bird on Master Bird's shoulder. They had the same five-color feathers, and the five-color bird was also a kind of divine bird. If you look closely, you will find that It is surrounded by five-colored light, like a kind of divine flame, which is very extraordinary.

The two colorful sparrows look so much alike that they seem to be two separate clones.

This can't help but give rise to many associations.

Chi Cang was speechless and said to himself: "It shouldn't be wrong, they are one."

Liu Shen and Zhen Long were also observing silently, and they both came to the same conclusion as Chi Cang.

An ancient mystery seems to be solved today.


Mr. Bird was a little confused. He didn't look carefully just now. Now he looked carefully and realized that the two divine birds were so similar. No one would believe them if they said they had nothing to do with each other.

Uncle Jingbi's eyes flickered and he said nothing.

The five-color bird looked at the five-color bird on Master Bird's shoulder curiously, and vaguely felt something unusual. There seemed to be some special connection between the two, but they were separated by some force, so it was very blurry. .

"They are the broken souls of one body, and their true bodies are the true phoenixes, one of the ten evils of the ancient immortals." Chi Cang spoke out in response to Lord Bird.

His words were decisive, and it could be heard from his tone that Chi Cang had already made up his mind about this conclusion.

"True Phoenix?"

The bodies of Master Bird and Master Jingbi trembled slightly. The fog in their eyes once again dissipated. They recalled some ancient past events, but they were intermittent and incomplete.

Seeing this, Chi Cang didn't say anything. He took a step forward, moved across the endless void, and came to the cave heaven paradise where the spirit transformation realm belonged. Soon, a record monument rose slowly, with a few large characters written on it in ancient sacred scripts - The spirit transformation realm is the strongest.

This kind of record is of great significance. What is the strongest in the spirit transformation realm? That is the strongest in all fields included in the Spiritual Transformation Realm, and it is the ultimate record. Only this kind of record can make Master Bird and Master Jingbi sober with the naked eye. Other small records are just a drop in the bucket and need to be accumulated to achieve something. some effects.

The next moment, Chi Cang appeared in the Inscription Realm area again. There is no doubt that he is the strongest in the Inscription Realm. Since his rebirth and Nirvana, Chi Cang has taken every step very solidly, breaking through himself with every step, and finally ignited the divine fire. Before that, all the realms that had been cultivated in the eight realms of the lower realm were re-cultivated in the realm sea.

This is much more astonishing than rebuilding in those complete realms. It is not at the same level at all.

Therefore, at this moment, Chi Cang has become frighteningly powerful, enough to overlook enemies of the same level both in ancient and modern times.

Then, "The strongest in the formation realm"...

In the Virtual God Realm, he has set foot on every level in the early stage, leaving behind a record that stands proud of the past and present.

After doing all this, Chi Cang returned to Liu Shen Zhenlong. At this moment, Master Bird and Master Jingbi were undergoing earth-shaking changes.

The birth of a series of ultimate records caused an extremely terrible impact on the two of them, as if layers of shackles had been broken away.

Half of their bodies are shining with fairy light, and half are as dark as ink. Their divinity is as turbulent as the vast sea, and their demonic power is not to be outdone. The thought of gods and demons is extremely weird.

But in the end, divinity suppressed demonic nature, all because Chi Cang had too many records, and each realm left an insurmountable mountain.

After a long time, the gods and demons stirred, and the dark demonic power was suppressed and disappeared. The divine power filled the air, the fairy light shone, and the two old men became immortal, and the wretched temperament faded away.

However, the next second, two lewd smiles destroyed this atmosphere.

"Hey, you didn't know it was me until today."

"It felt like I slept for an eternity."

Judging from the eyes of the two old men, they understood everything and restored their memories.

"Have you two fellow Taoists reminisced about the past?" Zhenlong asked.


We are sealed here to become the guardians of the False God Realm. In addition to guarding the dark palace, our mission is to cultivate the strongest genius. Now, a series of ultimate records created by fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor have met all conditions. It dispelled the fog in my mind.

Memories that had been sealed in dust for endless years all came flooding back. "Uncle Jingbi explained.

Master Bird is very direct.

"Fellow Taoist True Dragon, you are well."

Chapter 2 is going to be very late.

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