The real dragon and the second best dragon in the world looked at each other, and there was no contact between the two since the battle to win the name. It was not until the end of the Immortal Ancient Era, when the foreign land fully attacked the primitive ancient world, that they stood together again and became comrades-in-arms.

Unexpectedly, after that battle, the two of them would meet again in the spiritual kingdom in this way.

"Fellow Taoist is still thinking about what happened back then..."

"No, I have already said that the winner is the king and the loser is because my skills are inferior to others."

After finishing speaking, they all said no more. That era has passed with the wind, and naturally there is no need to pay too much attention to what happened in that era.

The battle for the title meant a lot back then. The true dragon who received the luck of the world became a giant and became stronger and stronger, while the failed No. 2 under heaven maintained the realm of the supreme immortal king. The No. 2 under heaven was originally reluctant to lose. , by the time of Immortal Ancient times, it was far inferior to the real dragon.

"Fellow Taoist Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit, Fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor."

Uncle Jingbi and Master Bird greeted Liu Shen and Chi Cang. At this time, they had completely remembered the past.

"Congratulations to both of you. You have been confused for an era, and now you wake up." Liu Shen said.

"We have to thank Taoist Brother Lei Di for this. Thanks to him. Otherwise, we don't know how long we would have been in a state of confusion. Guarding ourselves outside the dark palace all year round, we would inevitably be tainted with darkness and ominousness. We would become more and more confused and lose ourselves. Until he fell into darkness." Uncle Jingbi said with emotion.

Of course, the person who understands their condition best is himself. In recent years, the invasion of darkness has become more and more serious. Without external interference, the consequences would be disastrous.

Fortunately, the appearance of Chi Cang interrupted this process, and now it was a direct step, allowing them to untie all the shackles and restore the ancient memory of the immortals.

At this time, Master Bird looked at the five-colored bird standing on his shoulder, sighing in his eyes.

He looked at the colorful sparrow again, already understanding all the causes and consequences.

"It is indeed the incomplete soul of the True Phoenix. It accidentally wandered into the False God Realm. We discovered it and took it in. Who knew that, staying near the dark palace with us all year round, it was also eroded by unknown sources and became Hun He, before losing his final clarity, he engraved the Ten Evil Treasures and True Phoenix Treasures in his mind, not wanting this invincible technique to be lost.

You all know what happened after that. It stood on my shoulders and stayed in the False God Realm for who knows how long. It wasn’t until today that things turned around. "

"I see, everything is revealed."

"Back then, fellow Taoist True Phoenix was besieged. The Immortal King of the Foreign Realm was afraid of its peak power of Nirvana and immortality, and charged at him over and over again. Fellow Taoist True Phoenix was also extraordinary, retaining part of his soul throughout his life." Uncle Bi sighed and admired the real phoenix's ability to survive.

It is worthy of being said to be an immortal being.

After listening to everyone's conversation, the Five-Colored Bird also realized that it was the incomplete soul of the True Phoenix, one of the ten evil spirits. The same was true for the Five-Colored Bird in front of him. No wonder he had an inexplicable connection with it.

"Next, let's unite the two incomplete souls into one. Maybe fellow Taoist True Phoenix can reappear in the world. With its recovery ability, it will definitely be reborn from the ashes." Master Bird said.

"Well, before that, the darkness and ominousness in its body need to be cleared away. This is the main culprit that caused it to get lost." Chi Cang pointed at the five-colored bird on Master Bird's shoulder.

Then, he personally took action and baptized the five-color bird with forbidden thunder.

This kind of crimson thunder is extremely frightening, filled with the ultimate aura of destruction. The sky thunder surges, punishing the world. All the black mist that represents the unknown and darkness is smashed into pieces. In the process, the eyes of the five-color bird Gradually it became brighter and clearer, and I was no longer so confused.

The colorful bird opposite also felt it, and felt that the connection was getting deeper and deeper, and there was an urge to become one with the colorful bird.

The same is true for the five-colored bird. It flaps its five-colored wings, and its whole body burns with blazing flames. It is so bright that it makes the air here much hotter.

In the end, Chi Cang used forbidden thunder to dispel the darkness, allowing the five-color bird to completely return to its original state.

"The true phoenix has met fellow Taoists and ancestor sacrifice spirits." The five-color bird said. Its condition was better than that of the five-color bird. After all, the important true phoenix treasure skills fell on its side.

"It is a great blessing that fellow Taoist True Phoenix is ​​safe."

After reminiscing about the past, the five-colored bird was grateful to Master Bird and Master Jingbi for taking it in. At that time, it had just experienced a war and was on the verge of extinction. After coming to the spiritual kingdom of Xushen Realm, it slowly cultivated and became what it is today. .

After saying hello to the ancient immortal friend, the five-color bird looked at another part of his soul, and the five-color bird was also staring at it. The two five-color bird looked at each other, as if they were still sensing something silently.

Everyone said nothing, just watched quietly.

Soon, the colorful sparrow made a sound.

"Integrate, you are me, I am you, only when we are one, we are our true selves."

The five-colored bird nodded in agreement.

"Just in case, you and I become one and rebuild the glory of ancient immortality."

The two incomplete souls have reached an agreement. Each of them has huge shortcomings, and only fusion can make up for them.

After the words fell, the five-color bird rushed out at a high speed. Everything was as usual, nothing changed. It had no magic power, but the five-color bird was different. It was burning with colorful fairy flames, as if it had turned into a multi-colored sun, and then moved towards it. The colorful sparrow rushed away.

The two extraordinary divine birds collided with each other, making a terrifying loud noise. After the five-colored birds rushed into the colorful blazing sun, it was like adding fuel to the fire, making the flames more powerful and blazing, and the color of the flames inside changed astonishingly. .

A cluster of flames as bright as blood burst out from the center, and the fire was raging, burning down the eternal sky.

This flame is constantly changing and struggling, as if it is undergoing some kind of cruel transformation and nirvana.

Finally, the calamity ashes rustled down, and a five-color divine phoenix rushed out from the calamity ashes. Its whole body was covered with colorful feathers, and its eyes were bright and incomparably deep.

The five-color sparrow and the five-color bird have successfully merged and become one. Although this state is not one-tenth of what it was in its heyday, it is still rare.

It has not really fallen, only its obsession is left, but it has a real soul that remains. The true phoenix, which ranks among the ten most ferocious, is said to be immortal. Even if it is besieged by the immortal king of a foreign land, it has never really died.

Now, the true phoenix has returned and wants to resurrect from nirvana.

"Thank you, Fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor."

The real phoenix has learned everything from the forgotten memories of the five-color bird. The reason why it was able to reunite with the residual god was also because of Chi Cang, so it was very grateful to Chi Cang.

"Why is this necessary? We are comrades-in-arms. Needless to say, we will meet again in the future to kill all the executioners in foreign lands." Chi Cang waved his hand and said.

His words were exactly what the people present thought. They thought that the original Nine Heavens Immortal King was dead and there were not many left. As a result, with Chi Cang's efforts, they reappeared in the world one after another. If they could return to the world, Peak is definitely a force that cannot be ignored and will set off stormy waves.

With the fusion of the five-color sparrow and the five-color bird, the purpose of this trip was achieved, and it was time for them to leave. There were still important things to do outside.

The soul of the true phoenix is ​​intact, but the body is hard to say. After all, it is targeted by those immortal kings. It is hard to say whether it can be preserved. It is best to go there and take a look immediately.

"What are your plans?"

Chi Cang asked Master Jingbi and Master Bird that they were both once supreme immortal kings. Now that they have revived their old memories, they wonder what they will think.

"Let's just stay here until we get used to it. Besides, the dark palace also needs people to guard it. If those guys escape, there will definitely be a big mess."

"Indeed, our mission has not been completed yet. In addition to guarding the dark palace, we also need to cultivate powerful geniuses. Although this lower world is barren, there are still some defiant people. The boy you asked us to take care of you last time is It’s very interesting. Although he is still far behind you, he has already begun to take shape. I am very optimistic about him.”

The two old men had a good attitude and did not show any resentment because they were locked up here. They were also seriously injured and dying, and they could no longer hold on. They were detained and brought to the Void God Realm, which was actually not bad.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you two to take care of the Dark Palace. If anything unusual happens, you can let us know through Shi Hao."

"No problem. If we can't settle things, we must ask fellow Taoists to help."

Saying goodbye to Master Bird and Master Jingbi, the three of them and one phoenix returned along the original path and soon left the Virtual God Realm.

Chi Cang, Liu Shen, and True Dragon returned to their respective physical bodies. The five-color True Phoenix had no physical body and maintained its soul form.

When they left the cave, Chi Cang waved his hand and erased all traces.

When they came to the scorched earth and green dense forest again, the few people were much more confident. With the fused True Phoenix Yuan Shen here, this journey should be much smoother.

"I sensed that my true body is in front of me." The five-color true phoenix said, with uncontrollable joy in his eyes.

"Let's go."

Three people and one phoenix stepped into the dense forest. Their speed was so fast that it was indescribable to say that they were lightning fast.

The deeper they go into this land, the richer the vitality in the air becomes, which shows that they are gradually approaching their destination.

Coexisting with the vitality is a kind of demonic power, which is impressive. This was left by the Immortal King who besieged the True Phoenix. Even after an era, it has not faded.

There is more than one kind of demonic power, there are many, mixed with the overflowing vitality of the real phoenix, forming an extremely terrifying field. If ordinary creatures come close to this place, if they are not good enough, they will inevitably suffer disaster.

The plants growing here are very strange, with magic patterns on their leaves, exuding an ominous aura all the time.

Along the way, there are many large and small lakes, some of which are colorful, and some of which are mixed and intertwined. These are all the results of the battle that year. For creatures of the Immortal King level, a drop of blood can penetrate the endless lakes. The Star Continent would have been penetrated long ago if it weren't for its unusually strong strength.

Not long after, they arrived at the deepest part of the chaotic field. Once here, dangers were everywhere, all kinds of traces of battles were still unleashing terrifying murderous intent.

The True Phoenix Yuanshen led the way and led everyone to find a large crack in the void. Chaos energy was everywhere here, bordering on chaos. The crack was pitch black and eerie energy overflowed.

It turns out that what they just walked through was not a real battlefield, but just the aftermath.

The real battlefield of the Immortal King-level war is already a world of its own on the other side of the rift. When approaching the rift, you can feel the terrifying pressure of the Immortal King level constantly passing from the rift to this side.

Chi Cang's body of the Immortal King had already been activated, and he guided this power to form a layer of light that shrouded the True Dragon and the Willow God to prevent them from being robbed.

Although Liu Shen has a trump card, it is best not to activate it in advance. All the power of Nirvana should be gathered and activated together for the best effect.

The true dragon, on the other hand, was too seriously injured and had already fallen. The origin of the giant was wiped out, and what was left was just a broken mark, unable to exert one hundred millionth of its power at its peak.

Only the true phoenix soul was unaffected. Its whole body was burning with brilliant multi-colored fire, and it was very bright in front of the big dark crack.

In fact, the five-colored sparrow before the fusion often came here, perhaps because the main body is in that realm, and it is not affected by coercion here.

"This is it." The True Phoenix Soul's eyes flickered, staring at the crack and flapping its wings.

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