The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 157 Ancient World

The huge crack is like the mouth of some giant creature, swallowing everything, which is horrifying.

The fierce battle between the genuine Immortal King-level True Phoenix and the Immortal King formed the world on the other side of the rift. You can imagine what the situation would be like there.

"Let's go together." Liu Shen saw Chi Cang's hesitation. He wanted to go alone with Zhenhuang Yuanshen because there might be unknown dangers in that world.

Chi Cang has the body of an immortal king, so he has no fear, but the real dragon and Liu Shen cannot. If Willow God is forced to activate the power of Nirvana in advance, the past accumulation and dormancy may be in vain, which is what Chi Cang does not want to see. of.

But now, Liu Shen insisted on going down, and Chi Cang said nothing.

He guided the radiance released from the Immortal King's body to cover the Willow God and the True Dragon, and stepped into the unfathomable chasm. It was pitch black, surrounded by terrifying rules of order, and boundless chaos.

The Immortal King's Qi coming from the world at the end of the rift and the rules of order in the rift together form a terrifying field, eroding people's souls, destroying their bodies, and confusing time and space.

Without the True Phoenix Spirit ahead to guide the way, Chi Cang might have lost his way here.

The true phoenix has five colors all over its body, burning with blazing flames. It is like a dazzling beacon in the darkness, pointing the way forward.

Chi Cang, Liu Shen, and Zhen Long followed closely behind.

After an unknown amount of time, light suddenly appeared in the crack in the darkness. As everyone got closer, the light became brighter and gradually filled the entire sight.


The light shined, and they rushed out, escaped from the gap, and came to the real battlefield.

The first scene that comes into view is the extremely desolate land. Looking around, it is empty and there is nothing. Huge sinkholes can be seen everywhere on the land. Looking from top to bottom, you can see that they are the claws of living creatures. Of course, there are also traces of weapons that came out. They are all so large that if you stand below, you will not realize what they are. You will only feel that it is a big pit. Only if you stand high enough can you get a full view.

The sky is a little gloomy, as if it is still filled with gunpowder smoke, which gives people a very bad feeling. All kinds of immortal kings' murderous intentions are filled in the void, forming strong winds that blow across the boundless earth. If the creatures in the human realm come here, they will definitely be killed. Eroded and disintegrated on the spot.

Only immortal beings can gain a foothold here.


The true phoenix spirit spoke out, spread its colorful wings, and soared between heaven and earth. It rushed in one direction.

Chi Cang and the others followed without hesitation.

"Back then, I struggled to escape from the siege and escaped into the lower realm. As a result, the two immortal kings refused to give up and chased me. Finally, at the edge of the flood domain, I fought fiercely with them, forming this immortal ancient land. Realm." Zhenhuang Yuanshen explained.

"What happened to the two immortal kings?" Chi Cang asked. The danger in this industry came from these two immortal kings, and he naturally wanted to know more about it.

"I don't know, a part of my soul is wandering outside the core battlefield, unable to really enter, and I don't know the real situation inside." Zhenhuang Yuanshen shook his head.

Chi Cang knew it was talking about the five-colored sparrow.

"Okay, let's go over and find out."

Three people and one phoenix flew across the endless land. During this period, they saw countless relics of the war, including rolling lava, thousands of miles of red ground, colorful pools of blood, and various broken bones, claws, feathers, etc. scattered everywhere.

All the scenes tell the horror of the war.

The seriously injured and dying True Phoenix was jointly pursued by two immortal kings and blocked in the chaotic zone of the lower realm, trying to completely kill this one of the ten evil men who poses a major threat to other lands.

As for Zhenhuang, she naturally has to fight tooth and nail in order to survive.

The battle between the two was so dark that the sun and the moon lost all light. In the end, an independent world was opened up. Needless to say, the final result must be tragic. It is difficult to tell who is the real winner.

If the winner is the immortal king, the true phoenix may not be able to separate its soul and escape. If the winner is the true phoenix, then it does not need to separate its soul. Of course, there is another possibility, maybe the true phoenix is ​​unknown. He and Weird invaded, and as a last resort, he separated a part of his pure soul to preserve hope.

Chi Cang was thinking about the possible situation, and the specific details could only be determined after in-depth exploration.

Not long after, they came to the limit of what the five-colored sparrow could reach.

It always lingers here, unable to penetrate deep, yet extremely thirsty for what lies deep.

A few people stayed here, standing in the void, looking down at the earth below. Here, colorful mist transpired, lingering among the mountains and rivers. The vitality was rich, and the overflowing breath of phoenix blood made the place no longer deserted, and some plants grew.

The plants that can grow on the Immortal King's battlefield are naturally not simple.

Chi Cang looked at the colorful mist-shrouded mountains and saw some green grass, rooted in the colorful rocks. It seemed that it had been soaked in the blood of the true phoenix, and there was an indescribable vitality there.

There is nothing special about this kind of grass. It has neither strong fragrance nor brilliant luster. It is just an ordinary green color.

However, if you look closely, you will find that their rhizomes are very extraordinary. They are silvery, thick, and shiny. They are extremely strange, like a silver galaxy flowing.

Mysterious symbols of order appeared in Chi Cang's eyes, arranged and combined, emitting the power to break through illusions.

Through the blade, he actually sensed the power of reincarnation. There was a strange fluctuation of reincarnation, which made people fall into it unconsciously, as if it was taking people to the reincarnation.

"Is this grass... reincarnation grass?"

He looked surprised. Grass with the power of reincarnation is rare in the world and has not been seen much since ancient times.

"It's probably not Samsara Grass. This kind of thing is too rare. There haven't been a few of them since ancient times, but there are a lot of them growing here.

If you guessed correctly, this should be called Immortal Grass. Liu Shen replied.

"Immortal grass? I have heard some rumors about this kind of sacred grass." The real dragon spoke out and looked at the true phoenix soul.

Chi Cang also looked at Zhenhuang. The grass growing in this area must have something to do with Zhenhuang.

The true phoenix soul flapped its wings, and the five-colored fairy flames burned quietly, with a look of memory in its eyes.

"Bu Fu Cao, speaking of it, this is an embarrassing incident. I don't want to mention it again, but now fellow Taoist Lei Emperor has doubts in his mind, so I am naturally willing to help him clear his doubts."

After saying that, it paused, and then continued: "Back then, after I returned from the Realm Sea and was accepted by the Original Nine Heavens, I accidentally got a kind of sacred grass called the Soul-Reviving Grass, which has the mysterious ability to resurrect people, flesh and white bones. When mature, the blue clouds form into the sky, like an undulating ocean.

Strange, mysterious, and powerful, these are the characteristics of the Resurrection Grass. In short, it is a rare treasure that is of great use to the Immortal King.

At that time, it was said that there was a fairy tree in the world, and if you drank the fruit, you could instantly become an immortal. However, it was divided into four trees by a supremely powerful man, so its effectiveness was greatly reduced, and it could only help people become gods.

A Taoist friend and I want to cultivate a magical grass that is as good as the Immortal Tree and can make people immortal. I have the Resurrection Grass, and he has the Samsara Grass. If the properties of the two are combined into one, the effect will be astonishing. "Immortal grass".

Unfortunately, this kind of grass is too heaven-defying and is not allowed to appear in the world. We only got a weakened version of the "Immortal Grass", which only has some properties of reincarnation and rebirth, and its effectiveness is completely incomparable. We can only call it Immortal Grass.

If a person is seriously injured and dying, treatment with this herb can keep his body incorruptible, his consciousness intact, and maintain a very stable state without deterioration. Of course, it is impossible to cure him, and he can only maintain the "incorruption" state. "status. "

Chi Cang suddenly realized that this was the origin of the green grass all over the ground.

"Although their effectiveness is far inferior to the two mother plants, they are better in quantity. If the quantity is sufficient, they can also play a big role." Zhenhuang Yuanshen added.

"Who is that fellow Taoist who is in charge of the reincarnation grass?"

"It is the leader of the original nine heavens in ancient times - the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation."

"It's him?"

Chi Cang nodded. The name of the Immortal King of Six Paths of Reincarnation has been spread throughout the ages. He controls the law of reincarnation and has reached the pinnacle. Possessing the Reincarnation Grass is also expected.

"There are so many incorruptible grasses growing here, which is a bit unreasonable. Could it be that fellow Taoists deliberately planted them in order to ensure that the body does not rot?" He said thoughtfully.

Willow God and True Dragon looked into the colorful mist in the distance. Through the mist, they could see that the mountains and plains were all green. There was no doubt that these were incorruptible grasses and full of vitality.

"I can't say for sure. It's possible. The war at that time was too fierce. Even if the two souls I separated were combined into one, it would be less than one-tenth of what it was in its heyday. I can't remember that battle at all." The True Phoenix Soul searched its sea of ​​consciousness over and over again, but unfortunately, there was nothing gained.

"Let's go, all the truth lies at the end of the fog." Chi Cang, Liu Shen and True Dragon stepped forward together, stepping into the sacred and extraordinary colorful fog.

This mist looks sacred, but is actually very dangerous. It is filled with the murderous intention of the Immortal King. Fortunately, the blazing body of the Immortal King opens up a piece of pure land and resists all dangers.

As for the true phoenix soul, it was not robbed when it flew in the five-color mist. This is because a large part of the power in the mist comes from its body and will not hurt it. And to a certain extent, the true phoenix soul can Channel these forces.

After traveling a certain distance, the aphrodisiac became more and more dense, and some other plants appeared, all of which had grown over endless years.

"These spiritual plants all have the characteristic of keeping the body unchanged, that is, "incorruptible", and most of them can be found in Jiutian and have appeared in history." Chi Cang observed this for a while and discovered this characteristic.

"Perhaps the situation is quite optimistic. The release of these spiritual plants by fellow Taoist True Phoenix is ​​likely to keep the body as it is and maintain the same state for the future.

What could cause the body of a Ten Evil Immortal King to rot? It must be from those two immortal kings. "The real dragon guessed.

The others nodded.

Finally, they came to the center of the colorful mist. The mist here was so thick that it almost condensed into liquid droplets.

The ground is covered with all kinds of sacred grass. It looks green and full of amazing vitality.

In the void, the fluctuations of the Immortal King series were violent and terrifying. Even if the body of the blazing Cang Immortal King opened the pure land, everyone still felt a sense of horror.

As if there were immortal king-level creatures lying in front of them, they knew that this was probably the center of the great battle that year.

In its heyday, this pressure would have been nothing, but now, everyone is in the wrong state.

However, they are all people who have seen big scenes and will not be frightened by the Immortal King's coercion.

They continued to move forward, walking very slowly, including the True Phoenix Yuanshen. When it arrived here, it felt a feeling of palpitations. This was also the reason why the five-colored sparrow hesitated and lingered outside the central battlefield.

Suddenly, all three of them heard the sound of running water. It was very slight, but it was definitely there.

Chi Cang looked at his feet and seemed to realize something. He stretched out his palm and pushed aside the dense green grass. Sure enough, he found flowing liquid.

It shows five colors, exactly the same as the colors on the real phoenix.

"Is it the blood of fellow Taoist True Phoenix? It has been flowing for an epoch."

Then, Chi Cang discovered another five colors of blood, which were different from the five colors of the true phoenix. They were another five kinds, containing terrifying demonic power.

There is no doubt that these five colors of blood belong to the Immortal King.

"Five-color blood is a symbol of the immortal king in foreign lands. Only people from the Imperial Clan can possess it. If a creature with five-color blood appears in the descendants of the Imperial Clan, they may reach the half-step realm of immortality even if they don't practice." The real dragon said solemnly. .

The grass beneath their feet was flowing with the blood of the five-color true phoenix and the blood of the two immortal kings. Sometimes it flowed separately, sometimes it was mixed together. Their blood all showed five colors, but the colors were different.


They continued to move forward and were about to see the body of the true phoenix. At this moment, the spirit of the true phoenix could no longer remain safe in the Gangfeng and escaped into the pure land opened by the bright sky.


The blazing pure land suffered a terrible impact, and a tragic murderous intention filled the void, blowing into the distance with the strong wind.

Under this stimulation, the body of the blazing Immortal King was activated with more power. Mysterious symbols appeared from the depths of the flesh and blood, releasing the unparalleled pressure of the Immortal King. Soon, the Pure Land was stabilized. No more shaky.

Not far out, they stopped because they had reached their destination.

Ahead, there is a lake, with immortal energy steaming and overwhelming the world. The terrifying energy overflows from it and can easily tear the Supreme Being apart.

The blood flowing in the grass is flowing from the lake. This is a lake full of blood, showing strange multi-colors, including red, silver... and black light. It is gathered by the blood of three supreme powerhouses. Become.

What's even more weird is that those plants have grown into the lake, and the parts that stick out of the lake are shining with strange light. Obviously, the incorruptible grass growing in the blood lake is stronger than the similar ones outside in every aspect.

Standing by the lake and listening carefully, in addition to the whistling wind, there is also the whispering sound of reincarnation. This is the characteristic released by the immortal grass when it is gathered together.

"It's very close, right in this blood lake." The emotions of the True Phoenix Soul fluctuated so much that it could already sense its own body.

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