The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 158 Return of the Ten Evils

Looking at the strange lake with dense plants, Chi Cang frowned slightly. These plants gave him a very ominous feeling. After all, they were grasses that grew after swallowing the blood of the Immortal King. Naturally, they could not be normal.

Those dark evolvers in foreign lands will gradually consume dark matter in the process of evolution. When they reach the level of the Immortal King, dark matter is basically no longer found in their bodies. However, when they die or compress them Darkness and ominousness will appear on their own when drinking blood.

There have been traitors in the Immortal Realm. There was nothing abnormal on the surface, but in fact they had fallen into darkness. Some Immortal Kings tried to compress their blood. When it was compressed to the extreme, the sacred and brilliant Immortal Blood actually appeared out of thin air in large amounts of black. Blood, this shows that the unknown has always been hidden in the source of blood, and has not faded away in evolution at all.

Now, the two immortal kings chasing the true phoenix are likely to die. As time goes by, the darkness and ominousness hidden deep in their blood will gradually surface and affect the surroundings.

"This lake may not be peaceful." The True Phoenix Yuanshen also had an ominous premonition. Looking at Chi Cang, Liu Shen and the True Dragon, it had no choice but to rush in recklessly. It might suffer a catastrophe.

"It doesn't matter, what kind of storm can the dead Immortal King cause?" Chi Cang replied, and then took out the Thunder Pond Immortal Seed and enlarged it, just like it did in the Boundary Sea, to become a Thunder Pond Treasure Raft.

It put the Lei Chi Treasure Raft into the colorful blood lake and invited everyone to get on the boat.

It is perfect to use this immortal species from the Thunder Pond that has undergone transformation and possesses great power as a treasure raft to cross the Blood Lake.

The best way to deal with the unknown darkness is thunder, and the forbidden thunder in the thunder pond fairy species is the emperor of thunder, enough to make the darkness disappear.

Liu Shen, True Dragon, and True Phoenix all came to the Leichi treasure raft, and then Chi Cang controlled the treasure raft to sail towards the center of the blood lake.

In the blood lake, there was no sound except the howling wind, and the lake surface was very calm, without a trace of ripples, as if there was no danger.

However, Chi Cang felt a sense of crisis, like a gleam on his back, as if a pair of cold eyes were staring at them in the dark.

Not only him, but everyone else on the treasure raft also felt this way.

However, this lake is formed by the blood of the Immortal King. It is extremely terrifying. With their way of doing things, they cannot do anything here. Relying on the blazing body of the Immortal King for defense is already the limit, unless Liu Shen activates the power of Nirvana in his previous life. , otherwise, they can only defend passively.

"My thunder pool has completely transformed in the boundary sea. It is no longer the same as before. If it comes to attack us, it will be asking for trouble." Chi Cang whispered to reassure everyone.

Next, they had an uneventful journey, with the thunder raft drifting on the lake and gradually approaching the center.

Above the mottled blood lake, there was a colorful mist that blocked people's sight. Therefore, Chicang did not dare to drive too fast, and the speed was very slow.

After walking for a while, suddenly, the fog in front became thicker, and it seemed that there was a huge thing standing in front of the thunder raft.

"Is it an island?"

Chi Cang opened his unique martial arts eye, and with the help of the power of the Immortal King's body, he stared ahead.

As a result, he saw a horrifying scene. The so-called island was actually a thigh covered with scales. It was extremely ferocious and belonged to an unknown creature.

Its surface was scorched black, with countless cracks scattered across it. Five-colored blood still leached out from the cracks and merged into the colorful blood lake.

There is no doubt that this leg is the remains of an immortal king, and the traces of a fierce battle can be clearly seen.

He told his companions what he had seen.

"It's better not to touch the Immortal King's legs for the time being. The top priority is to find the body of fellow Taoist True Phoenix."

Chi Cang nodded and steered the thunder pool around the "island".

During the subsequent journey, they encountered various mutilated bodies, including claws, arms, and hideous heads with bloody flesh, all belonging to the Immortal King.

It wasn't until they reached the central area of ​​the Blood Lake that they encountered the body of the true phoenix.

The five-colored feathers should have been bright and eye-catching, but in reality they were completely black.

A huge dark phoenix lay motionless in the blood lake, surrounded by countless strange plants, and the water around it was impenetrable.

Those are incorruptible grasses that can maintain the body's condition and prevent it from deteriorating and decaying. At this moment, they release that characteristic, making the true phoenix's body remain intact and lifelike.

In the chest, abdomen, head and other positions of the True Phoenix's body, there are also the claws and weapons of the Immortal King, deeply embedded in them, causing huge damage.

"Sure enough, my body was eroded by darkness and ominousness. At the last moment, I sowed seeds such as incorruptible grass, and separated the remaining pure soul and sent it to the outside world." The True Phoenix Soul remembered something.

Back then, it fought to the death of two immortal kings and managed to survive with its terrifying immortality. However, it was also completely eroded by the darkness, and all its Nirvana skills were useless. In desperation, it could only separate out its pure soul and send it to The outside world, to avoid repeating the mistakes of the body.

During this process, the Immortal King interfered, causing the soul to be divided into two parts. One part wandered into the Virtual God Realm and became a five-color bird, which was taken in by the Bird Master. The other part became a five-color sparrow, built a nest nearby, and wandered around this area. , wanted to enter the center to find the physical body, but was still afraid of the darkness and the unknown.

Until today, the true phoenix spirit has become one, and accompanied by strong men such as Chi Cang, it has found its own body.

However, the physical body has completely fallen into darkness, and no part of it is intact.

The true phoenix sowed incorruptible grass and other plant seeds in an attempt to prevent the situation from deteriorating, but failed. Its body had become the dark true phoenix.

However, the Immortal Grass is not completely ineffective. The reincarnation property blocks the growth of the dark soul, while the immortality property maintains the vitality of this body.

According to legend, holding the Samsara Grass in your mouth can lead you to enter reincarnation and gain unimaginable experiences. It is mysterious and mysterious. However, it is also very dangerous. If it is not handled correctly, the holder will fall into reincarnation forever, and his consciousness will collapse from then on.

When the dark power invades the body of the true phoenix, a new dark soul will generally be born. However, under the influence of a large amount of immortal grass, this new dark soul fell into reincarnation before it was fully born, making this body The body always remains the same.

From a certain perspective, the true phoenix's actions protected his body.

"Fellow Daoist True Phoenix's physical body is still there, and no new soul has been born, so it's not too late."

"However, this body has completely fallen into darkness, and I cannot return." said the True Phoenix Yuanshen.

"With the Thunder Tribulation Liquid from Fellow Daoist Thunder Emperor, it is enough to expel the darkness and ominousness in Fellow Daoist True Phoenix's body." True Dragon responded.

In fact, at the border gates in the Ancient Immortal Era, there were often creatures infected by darkness. At that time, people's common solution was to induce thunder tribulation and collect the thunder tribulation liquid. The effect of Thunder Tribulation Liquid will be greater.

Later, the appearance of Thunder Emperor Chi Cang made the dark erosion no longer a deterrent, because he had a thunder pool that could produce unlimited thunder calamity liquid.

However, he was still ten fierce at that time, and the Thunder Tribulation Liquid he possessed was of no use to the Immortal King. Foreign creatures designed to besiege him, and they were also afraid that after he advanced to become a King, the Thunder Tribulation Liquid would have an effect on the Immortal King.

Now, Chi Cang has not become a king, but he has achieved this.

When the real phoenix heard this, his eyes showed excitement. With the blazing Thunder Tribulation Liquid present, there was hope for its recovery.

"It's not too late, otherwise things will change. Let's start now." Chi Cang said, staring at the remains of the immortal king, his eyes sparkling and very profound.

The immortal grass that had swallowed the blood of the Immortal King not only covered the body of the True Phoenix, but also the remains of the Immortal King.

Considering the effectiveness of Immortal Grass, those covered remains of the Immortal King might still retain their ancient will and be able to exert some of their former abilities.

This is not a fantasy. You must know that when they crossed the Blood Lake on the Leichi Treasure Raft, they all felt that there were inexplicable eyes staring at them. Maybe this was the reason.

True Dragon, Liu Shen, and True Phoenix noticed Chi Cang's eyes and instantly understood his thoughts.

"The centipede insects are dead but not stiff. They may still have lingering memories."

"Just wait and see what happens. I will sprinkle Thunder Tribulation Liquid into the body of fellow Taoist to dispel the darkness and uncertainty. I think they will not be able to sit still and will jump out." Chi Cang replied.

With that said, Chi Cang drove the thunder pool treasure raft to the head of the true phoenix, preparing to start from here, because the head is where the sea of ​​consciousness is, the habitat of the soul, and it is extremely mysterious. Purifying this place first will be more effective for the recovery of the true phoenix. favorable.

The head was huge, like a giant mountain towering into the sky, lying on its side in the lake of blood. When they came to the side of the head's face, they saw a tragic scene.

A broken black Gugo accurately pierced the center of Zhenhuang's eyebrows. Five-colored dark blood flowed down the wound and fell into the lake, sending out ripples in circles.

This is a fierce weapon, a weapon of an immortal king. It penetrates the center of the True Phoenix's eyebrows, crushes the True Phoenix's soul, and destroys the True Phoenix's action of sending out its soul. Otherwise, the True Phoenix will be destroyed. The pure souls sent out will not be the only ones now.

The ferocious aura belonging to the Immortal King filled the world, making people's hearts tremble.

Chi Cang ignored it and chose the spot at the crack between the eyebrows of Gu Ge and Zhen Huang.

Relying on the power of the Immortal King's body, he protected everyone and climbed to the wound, and then poured the Thunder Tribulation Liquid bred in the Thunder Pond into it.

This is the crimson thunder calamity fluid, which corresponds to the most terrifying taboo heavenly punishment. It contains astonishing vitality of creation, as well as the terrifying power of order. It is the nemesis of darkness and ominousness.

In the Immortal Era, Thunder Tribulation Liquid was considered to be the best way to eliminate dark erosion and curses, and this is still the case even now.

The Thunder Tribulation Liquid, which is very useful to the Immortal King, reacted as soon as it was poured in. It exploded directly inside the head of the real phoenix. Countless forbidden thunders wandered inside, erupting with a devastating effect that destroyed the world and occupied the area. The dark power of endless years was cleared away at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, the dark power seemed to have life and launched a fierce counterattack against the Thunder Tribulation Liquid. Unfortunately, in front of the Super Thunder Tribulation Liquid, these dark forces were not enough and were destroyed like ice and snow melting.

Chi Cang controls the flow rate so that the pouring speed is equal to the speed at which the original symbol inside the thunder pool produces the Thunder Tribulation Liquid. In this way, the Thunder Tribulation Liquid will continue to flow in without stopping. Eradicating the darkness in the True Phoenix body is just a matter of time. A matter of time.


The black Gu Ge was the first to bear the brunt. It was doused by the Super Thunder Tribulation Liquid, and the ominous traces entangled around the Gu Ge were wiped out. It gradually returned to its original silver color.

Not long after, the real phoenix's head was cleaned and restored to its original bright and colorful colors. A strong vitality overflowed and burned fiercely in the void, becoming the nourishment of the flames.

The True Phoenix Soul made no secret of its joy and chirped happily.

Under Chi Cang's instructions, it rushed towards the head that had been away for a long time, wanting to settle in it again.

The moment it entered the head, the flames burning on the feathers of the True Phoenix's head became even more intense. Two huge eyes slowly opened. In just an instant, the temperature here increased several times.

True Phoenix, one of the ten evils, the invincible and powerful man who once dominated the world, truly awakens at this moment.

At the same time, that inexplicable cold gaze stared at this place, and murderous intent surged like a vast ocean. Just as Chi Cang expected, they couldn't sit still when they saw the real phoenix embarking on the road to recovery. .

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