"I don't believe they can escape. Besides, I fought with them in the dark palace and tempered myself. I have already formed a karma with them. Sooner or later, it will come true. If I become king, the first thing I will do is to kill him. them."

"It's not that simple. The kings of the Immortal Realm kept these people not only because of their outstanding military exploits for the Immortal Realm, but also for other deep-seated reasons.

It is said that some of these kings who fell into the embrace of darkness knew the secrets of ancient artifacts of foreign origin. The giants of the fairyland wanted to find a breakthrough from here, so they did not kill them.

Therefore, their existence is not unreasonable. The Immortal King is difficult to kill, but it is not impossible. The reason why they stay must have a special purpose. " Lord Bird warned Chi Cang not to be impulsive.

"Why choose the eight realms of the lower realm for the cage?"

"In the Immortal Realm, the essence is holy and has never been polluted. Whenever dark matter is found, it will be completely removed. However, the original Nine Heavens experienced the battle of the Immortal Ancient and was almost slaughtered by foreign creatures and almost abandoned.

Those powerful kings were fully infected by dark matter, which was equivalent to several large sources of darkness. It would be too risky to suppress them in the fairyland, so they were transferred to our world. "

"Haha, the fairyland is really clean and tidy." Chi Cang shook his head.

"Sigh... Which world is not afraid of dark matter? Ever since the Immortal Realm sent troops to this world during the Battle of Ancient Immortals, it has actively blocked the portal and completely disconnected it from Jiutian. The connection between heaven and earth has not been opened until now. Think about it. At that time, the passage between Jiutian and Immortal Realm was wide open, and monks could travel between the two realms at will, which prospered for a while.

It's a pity that it's gone forever. Who doesn't think about their mother world? Even if Jiutian and Immortal Realm have the same origin, they are still two independent realms after all. "Uncle Jingbi was full of emotions. He had experienced that era when the two worlds were interconnected and many forces had their own families in both worlds and were very prosperous.

Chi Cang talked with the two old men for a long time before leaving.

After leaving the Virtual God Realm, Chi Cang returned to Shicun and solved the matter in the Xiling Realm. He could now focus on his cultivation.

At the moment of Chi Cang, the Ancient Immortal Dao Fruit is the pinnacle of the realm of humanity, and the current Dao Fruit is the True One. After experiencing half of the tempering of the Immortal Breaking Curse, both the Immortal Ancient Dao Fruit and the contemporary Dao Fruit have been tempered. They seem to be extremely condensed, but in fact There are still shortcomings.

There is no other reason. Chi Cang hasn't absorbed all the Immortal-breaking Curse yet, and there is still half of it.

In the following time, Chi Cang's main practice was to introduce the remaining half of the Immortal-breaking Curse into his body, endure the inhuman pain, cut off the unstable and vain Taoist practices, and cultivate the strongest Taoist fruit.

He came to the abyss alone and started silently, introducing a little bit at a time and increasing the amount little by little.

In this way, Chi Cang's Taoism did not increase, but his combat power became more terrifying, rising steadily.

Liu Shen, True Dragon, True Phoenix, etc. are all practicing, concentrating on recovery and nirvana. The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk and Xiaota also received some Super Thunder Tribulation Liquid for digestion.

Shi Hao began to practice in the Formation Realm. He was already at the peak of the Inscription Realm, only one step away from being a prince. After the battle with Shi Yi, he was ready to break through. Later, the Divine Flame Man settled in Shi Village and became Shi Hao. Hao's sparring partner, Shi Hao often consulted with him, which made the Shenyan man realize what it means to be unable to stop.

In the process, he successfully broke through the realm and became a king of the formation realm who was less than fourteen years old.

Moreover, unlike the ordinary formation realm, Shi Hao is powerful beyond common sense. He takes the strongest path at every step and strictly demands himself with the record stone tablet left by Chi Cang in the Virtual God Realm.

Originally, Shi Hao was desperate and wanted to break Chi Cang's record of being the strongest in each realm, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake it. Later, Master Bird and Uncle Jingbi gave him a good introduction to Chi Cang's situation, and he Then I realized that no one could break it.

Chi Cang is considered a re-cultivator. He has a foundation from his previous life and has also gone to places like the Boundary Sea to refine his Taoism. He is simply not comparable to monks practicing in the environment of the eight realms of the lower world. He can only try to get closer, but cannot surpass.

Even if Shi Hao made an unprecedented breakthrough in the Cave Heaven Realm, it would still be difficult to shake the stone tablet that said "The Strongest in the Cave Heaven Realm".

Therefore, Shi Hao was relieved and stopped trying to do his best. According to the words of Mr. Bird and Mr. Jingbi, in the future, if Shi Hao takes the strongest path and goes back after hard work, he may not be as good as Chi Cang.

Other strong men in Stone Village, such as the Golden Suan Ni, the Gray Jiao, the Thunder Bird, the Lihuo Bull Demon, the Golden-haired Lion, the Demon Ape, the Thunder Scale Eagle, etc., are also working hard to practice and live in the Stone Village where the big guys gather, making their Conditions in all aspects have changed accordingly, especially after Liu Shen's recovery has accelerated, and the phenomenon of returning to his ancestors often occurs in an endless stream.

Even the depressed and hopeless man Shenyan began to practice seriously. He had never suffered from such anger for most of his life. Therefore, the man Shenyan was determined to practice hard and suppress Shi Hao in the future. Those who beat him will come back.

Since then, Shicun has entered a relatively peaceful life. The tribesmen work at sunrise and rest at sunset. Although their cultivation has become stronger and their bodies are much stronger than before, they still like this simple and unpretentious life. This is It is the Shicun that Chi Cang and Shi Hao remember, and it has never changed.

Everyone else has their own things to do, concentrating on their cultivation without any distractions. This vast wilderness is also very peaceful, especially the large area with Shicun as the center.

Tribes and sects living in the wilderness all spread the legend of a mysterious mountain village. There are countless strong and moody people there. If they are provoked, rivers of blood will flow. The areas near Shicun are listed in the clan mottos of many sects and tribes. It is a forbidden area and cannot be entered forever.

However, there are always passionate young people who cannot resist the temptation of curiosity and go secretly to see what is in the so-called forbidden area. As a result, they all faint for no reason. When they wake up, they are lying in the wilderness with some... The claw marks are horrifying.

Many young people said that before they fainted, they saw a huge black shadow flashing away. They were so frightened that they never dared to take risks again.

Stone Village, in such an atmosphere, is isolated from the world. During the day, there is smoke and laughter, and at night, there are fluorescent lights, just like a fairyland.

Years pass easily, time is hard to stay, and in the blink of an eye, more than a year has passed.

Chi Cang finally adapted to the complete Immortal-Reducing Curse, and used his un-immortal Dao Xing to resist the Immortal-Resisting Curse that could kill the real Immortal Dao Xing. His Dao Xing was solid, indestructible, and extremely powerful.

Now, he can really defeat immortals in reverse. He has this feeling that he can attack immortals.

This is just the Ancient Immortal Dao Fruit. If it is covered by the Dao Fruit in this world, the result will be unimaginable. Maybe we can really complete the description in the Transcendence Chapter and become an immortal in the world of mortals.

After Chi Cang's insights, he believes that the node of becoming an immortal is very important to the future path. It is the starting point of the immortal realm. It is so special. If it can make an amazing start, the future will be smooth, and maybe it can reach the legend. in that field.

Therefore, Chi Cang decided to temporarily seal the Ancient Immortal Dao Fruit and keep it at the peak of the human realm, waiting for the current Dao Fruit to come up and become immortals together.

As his cultivation became stronger, the unlocking of the Immortal Ancient Dao Fruit was no longer as uncontrollable as before, and became slightly more controllable. Therefore, it was not difficult to achieve this.

After completing his training, Chi Cang was about to return to Shicun. Suddenly, he stopped and looked at his thunder pool in surprise.

There, the light shines, thunder and lightning flash, and endless life essence overflows, affecting the entire abyss. A force of creation flows and is scattered in the abyss. On the walls of the abyss, green plants spread at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If you take a breath of energy here, I am afraid that any injuries will be restored to their original state in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the thunder pool rumbled and shook, as if something huge was about to break out of its shell.

Chi Cang was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

The thunder pool is connected to him, how could he not know the situation?


In the thunder pool, endless lightning intertwined, turning into a sea of ​​thunder, with turbulent waves, huge waves, and very unstable.

Vaguely, there seemed to be a huge thing swimming among them, occasionally revealing its dark back.

The thunder pool may not seem big, but the space inside is endless and vast. The dark creature in the thunder sea reveals its body in the lightning from time to time, as if it is preparing for something.

Chi Cang waited quietly without disturbing.

Not long after, a terrifying tsunami set off on the Thunder Sea, with strong winds and huge waves. Riding on the wind and waves, a pitch-black Kun fish leapt up and burst out with a dazzling golden light the moment it left the water.

The Kun fish turned into a roc, spread its wings like clouds hanging from the sky, soared ninety thousand miles, rushed out of the thunder pond, and came to the sky above the abyss. Along with it, there was a big halberd. It stopped trembling and whining, as if crying with joy.

Chi Cang looked up at the sky, silently watching Kun Peng, one of the ten evil spirits, reappear in the world. It could be felt that she was very happy. She was destined to die, but was pulled back by Chi Cang Shengsheng.

This golden roc was so big that when its wings were spread out, it covered tens of thousands of miles of wilderness. Endless golden light shone on the earth, and those who didn't know thought it was a god coming to the world.

Only the strong men in Shicun knew that this was the resurrection of one of the Ten Evils who looked down upon the world.

Kunpeng shrank and turned into normal size, flying between the sky and the earth, chirping happily from time to time, and the euphorbia followed behind, sharing the master's joy.

After a long time, a figure appeared in front of Chi Cang. This was a woman with a tall figure, her body covered with fairy mist, and her face like a fairy. She could vaguely see that she was wearing a black armor with dots of golden markings.

"Kunpeng thanks fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor for your help." The woman's voice was ethereal, like the sound of nature.

"You and I are both Jiutian monks. We belong to the Ten Evils, and we are old acquaintances. It is our duty to help fellow Taoists." Chi Cang replied.

Then, Chi Cang sighed.

"After all, it's still a bit short of a fire. I can only help fellow Taoists recover to this extent. Although Lei Chi has the vitality of creation, it is still unable to truly resurrect one of the Ten Evils."

Kunpeng reappeared, but it was not at its peak, and its state was somewhat similar to that of a real dragon. It was regarded as a mark and could only exert part of the Tao fruit before birth.

In the past, the Ten Fierce Kunpeng's combat power was comparable to that of the Immortal King, but now, she is only at the level of the Supreme, far behind the realm of Immortal Dao.

You know, before Kunpeng entered the Thunder Pond, only the sand of obsession was left. It is very rare for him to be able to recover to his current level.

The woman shook her head gently, her appearance was stunning, like a mysterious goddess from the Nine Heavens.

"That's enough. If it weren't for Fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor, I might have returned to heaven and earth. After millions of years, everything would be gone without a trace."

"I know that my friend is unwilling to give up and wants to kill the enemy with his own hands, but in the current state, I am afraid that I can't do it. When my Leichi changes again, I will let my Taoist friend personally avenge the past." Chi Cang saw Kunpeng's regret and said, If she recovers to the level of a true immortal, she can personally kill the upper realm and liquidate the remaining immortals who once attacked and besieged her one by one.

It's a pity that the Supreme is far from enough. She is not the pinnacle of the human realm like Chi Cang, but she can barely reach the level of becoming the Supreme among the Supremes. The gap between her and the True Immortal is as big as heaven and earth.

"Even if I don't do it myself, one day they will be liquidated. The past history will not disappear, but will be remembered by the passage of time. The things I have done and the causes I have planted will take root and sprout." Kun Peng smiled. said.

She knew the virtues of those people too well and believed that they would be robbed for this one day in the future.

Chi Cang and Kun Peng walked side by side and returned to the stone village. At this moment, the real dragon had refined enough super thunder tribulation liquid, and his condition was much better. He no longer had only a few blows like when he attacked Pu Demon King, and, The mark has been strengthened and is close to the true immortal.

Everyone else also gained something. Willow God became more majestic, with ancient trees reaching into the sky, and thousands of green and brilliant willow branches hanging down, shedding light like the sea. He thus reached the pinnacle of the human realm.

Only the true phoenix has not yet awakened. Its nirvana cycle is unprecedentedly long. If it awakens, it will directly return to its peak.

Kunpeng returned, and Shicun gained another powerful warrior. At night, the strong men gathered together to discuss important matters.

Most of the supreme experts who survived the entire original nine days are here. They formed an alliance and wanted to start a battle of revenge.

However, in their current state, they are still far from successful and need to continue to gather strength.

Moreover, Chicang needs to find a way to truly resurrect the mark. Otherwise, it will be difficult for True Dragon, Kunpeng, etc. to return to their heyday and truly participate in the war with foreign lands.

They talked about the upcoming catastrophe. For Shi Cun now, the catastrophe in the eight realms of the lower realm is completely trivial and not worth worrying about.

The only thing that needs attention is leaving. Chi Cang mentioned the Primordial Gate. Around the Primordial Gate, everyone started a discussion and expressed their opinions.

Besides this, there is also something about the upper world.

Chi Cang advanced one after another, and while unlocking the Immortal Ancient Dao Fruit, he also unlocked the memories related to Shi Hao.

He saw the Willow God and Xiaota leaving the Primordial Gate. After the immortal creatures went to the upper realm, Shi Hao fought to the death to destroy them and put his own life in the seven gods. The rotten grass seeds enabled Shi Hao to come back to life, and Shi Hao was seen entering the upper realm, continuing to practice, stepping into the immortal ancient ruins, igniting the fire of ten thousand ways, cultivating three immortal energies, and taking the lead.

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