This is the rise of a talented young man who does not rely on others but relies on himself to do things that others think are impossible and create his own legend.

Chi Cang felt that this was the path of growth that Shi Hao should experience, and it was valuable, so he did not plan to go to the upper realm immediately and wipe out everything.

On the one hand, there are extremely powerful beings stationed in the restricted areas of the upper world. It does not mean that only those few immortals are immortal beings, but these terrifying beings are unknown to us and the enemy.

At Chi Cang's current level, he is still not invincible. Although they have a true phoenix on their side, the nirvana of the true phoenix will take some time now, and its early birth may have an impact on it.

On the other hand, even if the upper world is cleared now, the troubled times are ended, and the nine heavens are unified, it will have no significance for future wars. On the contrary, it will arouse vigilance in foreign lands and make preparations in advance.

Of course, to fight against foreign forces, one must first settle the internal affairs. To fight foreign lands, one must first clean up internal cancers. Otherwise, the tragedy of the Immortal Era will happen again.

The people in front throw their heads and shed blood, while the people behind sit back and enjoy the results, pointing their swords at the creatures on their side. This has already happened once, and Chi Cang will naturally not let it happen again.

However, this requires an opportunity. After they have accumulated enough strength and have the capital to fight against the foreign land, they can then plow through the holes with thunderous force. It is best to trick the foreign land and frustrate the foreign land's spirit while showing weakness.

If Jiutian is wiped out in advance, and the foreign lands know the situation on Jiutian's side, and know that the old, weak, sick and disabled are not dead yet and have the strength to fight, then when the foreign lands' troops come, the army will march forward, and all the immortal kings will arrive. .

This would put Jiutian's side in a disadvantageous situation. They were not as strong as the opponent, and they had to face each other head-on from the beginning. Naturally, Chi Cang would not do such a stupid thing.

In general, one needs to be forbearing. As for Chi Cang showing his strength in the Virtual God Realm, the impact is actually not very big. Those monks just suspected that he was the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors, but there was no evidence. At most, they were just rumors. Furthermore, He said that the connection between Sanqian Daozhou and Jiutian in the upper realm has long been lost. Even if it is reestablished, this matter will not cause much trouble.

At present, what Chi Cang and Liu Shen have to do is to improve their strength as soon as possible. They have recovered to the peak level of the human realm, and the next step is to become immortals.

Both of them were Nirvana cultivators and once stood on the top of the mountain. Liu Shen in particular was an invincible giant of the Immortal King. During those long years, he also had the idea of ​​defeating the king and becoming an emperor. Unfortunately, there was no hope at all. .

Now he starts over again and gets the original true solution to the transcendence chapter. He knows that being an immortal in the mortal world is the real transcendence. He naturally hopes to take this path. Needless to say, Chi Cang has great ambitions, desires to be the strongest, and desires to become the legendary As a quasi-immortal emperor, it is an inevitable result to follow the path of immortality in the world of mortals.

Therefore, the two need to find a world in the end of the Dharma era and try to become an immortal in that difficult environment where it is impossible to become an immortal.

Right now, entering the Primordial Gate is a good choice. According to Liu Shen, Zhen Long and others' guess, the Primordial Gate is very likely to lead to the Boundary Sea. On this long road, you will encounter many things and hardships. Suitable for Chi Cang and Liu Shen at this time.

In addition to the True Phoenix, the two of them are the hope of this alliance and shoulder important missions. Whether they can set off a wave of counterattacks in foreign lands in the future depends on their achievements.

Everyone talked about the Primordial Gate and the Upper Realm until late at night. Finally, they reached an agreement that the Upper Realm would remain unchanged for the time being, leaving Shi Hao with a training ground, and in order not to expose their knowledge in advance. The power of the alliance gives the alien world the illusion that it is invincible.

Just like the Stone King in the original imperial city, he would hold back and inflict severe damage to foreign lands at the most critical moment in the future, making them feel the pain.

First make the enemy crazy for a while, and then let them lose their hands and feet.

As for the primordial gate, Chi Cang and Liu Shen must enter. They need to find the Dharma End World. Moreover, Liu Shen has left legacies in other great realms, which is very important to him. Therefore, they must Collect them all, and use the power of nirvana from several lifetimes to attack the supreme realm.

Others, such as Zhenlong, Kunpeng, etc., have different choices.

"I won't go on the road with you two anymore. My body is dead, my soul is gone, my origin has disappeared, and now all that's left are obsessions and marks.

Just stay in this stone village, watch the sun rise and set, watch the clouds roll and relax, protect this place, and teach my children.

In the future, if fellow Taoist Thunder Emperors have the method to resurrect the mark and counterattack in foreign lands, and the True Dragon is needed to charge into battle and fight on the battlefield, the True Dragon will not refuse. "In the chaotic mist, a vague figure said this, it was the true dragon, the head of the ten evils.

Its decision was to stay in Shicun and not enter the primitive gate with Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

According to current records, the Primordial Gate is extremely dangerous. It has only appeared a few times since ancient times. Whenever it appears, it will cause chaos and lead to rivers of blood.

Many supreme-level masters stepped into the Primordial Gate for a chance to win a lifetime. As a result, not long after, blood flowed out of the white portal. It was the blood of the person who entered, which was extremely dangerous.

Although the true dragon has the ability to be close to immortals and has the ability to protect itself in the primitive gate, it does not make sense to embark on this path. It is not a Nirvana restoration and does not need to be tempered. Chi Cang and Liu Shen are not weak. It doesn't need its protection, so it's better to stay in Shicun and live a quiet and simple life.

Moreover, its child, Little True Dragon Gegu, has not grown up yet and is still in its infancy. If it guides the way, it will avoid many detours.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen were not surprised by True Dragon's choice, and it was good to stay in Shicun.

"My choice is the same as that of True Dragon Taoist Fellow, not to enter the Primordial Gate." Kunpeng said, his face as beautiful as jade, and his black gold armor shimmering.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen nodded.

Today's Kunpeng has just reached the strength of the Supreme Being, and his condition is much worse than that of a real dragon. Staying is the best choice.

"I'm with you." A white bone tower vibrated gently and made a sound. It was the small tower that Shi Hao brought out from Baiduan Mountain.

When Chi Cang was plotting the reincarnation disk in the Void God Realm, he secretly communicated with him and promised to help him regain the two-story tower, so Xiaota was in a good mood these days.

It has also heard about the Primordial Gate and knows that there is a great secret hidden in it, so it wants to enter with Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

Chicang and Liu Shen naturally would not refuse. In Shi Hao's memory, it was Liu Shen and Xiaota who entered the original gate.

The final decision is made by the samsara chart.

"I also plan to go with you."

In the chaotic air, a corner of the Samsara Disk is looming, its surface is not smooth, and there are various ancient patterns engraved on it. If they light up, earth-shattering power will burst out.

It saw Chi Cang's Six Paths of Reincarnation in the Virtual God Realm. After coming to Shicun, it had a deeper understanding of Chi Cang. From the perspective of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan, Chi Cang's future is bright. Following him, he will definitely be able to Find all the six corners and recreate the glory of the past.

At this point, the people who have entered the Primordial Gate have been identified, including Liu Shen, Chi Cang, Xiaota and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk. Others are dormant in the lower realm, waiting for their return.

It was late at night, and everything was dark. Only Shicun was shrouded in hazy light, like a fairyland. The heroes greeted each other and then dispersed.

On the second day, Shi Hao came to Liu Shen and Chi Cang.

After returning to Shicun from the Double Stone War, Shi Hao had been practicing here for more than a year. He felt it was time to go out for a walk. The way to practice requires a calm heart. Being too persistent will often lead to waste in haste.

However, before asking about Shi Cun, Shi Hao still had a question that had been pressing in his heart, and he had not asked it until now.

"Liu Shen, Uncle Chicang, Shi Hao has a doubt. A year ago, I used the soul-killing needle and the soul-suppressing tower with the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Skill to destroy Shi Yi's soul. At the last moment, I was attacked by a spider from the Demon Spirit Lake, which made me have There was a slight pause, allowing Shi Yi to breathe and explode an eyeball.

I want to know, has he really fallen? "

Facing Shi Hao's question, Chi Cang answered:

"For monks in the lower realm, death in the False God Realm is not a true death if it is not destroyed by the so-called forbidden weapon. In other words, Shi Yi is still alive."

Chi Cang watched the whole battle, and naturally saw Shi Yi's escape from death.

He continued: "However, except for the double pupil, Shi Yi's other souls have been killed by the soul-killing needle and the soul-suppressing tower. Even if there are still broken souls left, it is almost as good as death, unless something goes against him." A gift from heaven to help him change his destiny against heaven."

Chi Cang's eyes were deep. In the memory of Shi Hao, he saw Shi Yi reappearing in the world. Moreover, he became famous in the upper world, entered the Immortal Ancient Flower Bud, met Shi Hao and Qin Hao, and was known as the Shi Family. Three brothers, from this point of view, the girl in gray clothes and double eyes who took away Shi Yi's body found something against the heavens and rescued Shi Yi.

What will it be?

He thought of Shi Hao's encounter with the woman with double pupils in Medicine Capital. Could it be that she went to Medicine Capital just to resurrect Shi Yi? In addition, during the Great Tribulation of the Eight Realms, a woman in gray clothes with double eyes took risks, snatched food from the tiger's mouth, and snatched away a flower with the first spiritual root in the wilderness.

This is definitely something that defies heaven and its effectiveness is immeasurable. However, these are all speculations and may not be true.

After listening to Chi Cang's description, Shi Hao understood clearly that even if Shi Yi was not dead, his condition was extremely bad. To revive, the price needed to be paid was unimaginable. Being called a heaven-defying thing by Chi Cang would naturally not be simple. .

He no longer dwelled on this matter. Even if Shi Yi came back from the dead, it was his fate.

On that battlefield in the sky, Shi Hao used his absolute power to crush the myth of the Supreme Secret of Double Eyes that Shi Yi was proud of. To a certain extent, it was considered revenge.

"Liu Shen, Uncle Chicang, the catastrophe is approaching, can you still go out and walk now?"

From his elders, Shi Hao learned that the wilderness was about to be in chaos, and he didn't know what would happen if he went out now.

"Of course." Chi Cang nodded.

Liu Shen also echoed: "Go ahead. After your battle with Shi Yixu God Realm, the creatures from outside the territory began to enter the wilderness. It is still beneficial to go out for a walk and compete with others."

Later, God Liu told Shi Hao that if a turmoil really breaks out and affects him, he can take out the crystal wicker that was given to Shi Hao before and hold it in his hand to return to Stone Village in an instant.

Shi Hao kept this in mind, bid farewell to all the elders, left Stone Village, and headed outside the wilderness.

Looking at the young man's back, Chi Cang thought of his parents who were under house arrest in Mount Everest.

There were not only Shi Hao's parents, but also the son of Kunpeng who had been suppressed for endless years - an immortal creature. Although this was just a secondary body, it was no different from the real body.

Considering Shi Hao and Kun Peng, Chi Cang felt that it was better to go to Mount Everlasting to bring their relatives out safely.

However, there is no need to worry about this matter. Kun Pengzi, Shi Ziling, Qin Yining, etc. are not in danger for the time being. Chi Cang plans to wait for Shi Hao to return to the village next time to set off to Bulao Mountain. After all, they are Shi Hao's parents, and he should go there in person. .

Later, Chi Cang informed Kunpeng about this.

"A clone? If that's the case, then there's no need to worry." Kunpeng replied, with no visible expression.

Suddenly, Chi Cang's unexplained heart palpitations came from Kun Peng in front of him, which was a horrifying murderous intention.

At this moment, Kunpeng's emotions were very complicated, ranging from joy at knowing the whereabouts of his child to anger because Kunpengzi was suppressed by some people.

In this world, maternal love is great and powerful, especially for a strong person like Kunpeng. Touching her child will undoubtedly touch her bottom line.

Chi Cang believes that the future trip to the Everlasting Mountain will not be peaceful. Although Kunpeng is as beautiful as a fairy and has no power to restrain a chicken, in fact, she kills people like hemp. Chi Cang has been to Kunpeng's nest. The Demon Transformation Cave was filled with countless ferocious beasts that Kunpeng had killed.

Moreover, that was what happened after Kunpeng was robbed and fell under the Immortal-breaking Curse. Before that, countless strong men died under her hands. It should be noted that the materials used in her weapons have the true qualities of many powerful enemies. bone.

In fact, among the creatures that can grow to the point of being extremely ferocious, who is not the one who kills the whole world?

After negotiating with Kunpeng about the time for the trip to the Immortal Mountain, Chi Cang started a new practice. At this moment, he needs to improve the Dao Fruit in this life. When the Dao Fruit in this life reaches the peak of the human realm, he will try to become an immortal in the world of mortals. day.

But in this world, there is no need for Chi Cang to work hard to develop the Dao Fruit. When the divine fire is ignited in the boundary sea, the original symbols in the thunder pool undergo transformation and are fully sublimated through tempering. They originally represented the nine heavens and ten earths, and expanded to include all heavens. Wanjie, Chicang only needs to follow the original steps and attribute the power of the original symbol to himself.

In other words, his path has already appeared, and the future Dao Fruit is in the Lei Pond, just waiting to be mastered step by step. There is no so-called bottleneck here in Chi Cang.

He will soar upwards with such overwhelming momentum that not even the so-called five-hundred-year supreme line can stop him.

Sitting cross-legged in the abyss, Chi Cang began to practice in the true realm.

With that wisp of Immortal-breaking Curse, his cultivation speed will be much slower than normal. Every additional trace of Taoism will be repeatedly chopped by this terrifying ray of light, until it can no longer be cut, and then it can accumulate.

However, this also means that Chi Cang is always taking the strongest path, and every step is extremely practical.

Not much inspiration, but there are still two chapters.

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