The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 174 The Light of the Flying Immortal

A month has passed. Under Chi Cang's non-stop practice day and night, he has reached the pinnacle of the True One realm. The next step down is to become a god. However, between the True One and the gods, there is another extremely special realm called For holy sacrifice.

In this world, this is a unique path. Few monks are willing to try it because it is too dangerous. Once successful, they will be called the God King, but if they fail, it will be like falling from the sky. Generally, if you fall badly, even if you survive, you will be worse than dead, even worse than an ordinary true god. The risk is directly proportional to the reward.

Since ancient times, many monks who have reached the pinnacle of the True Realm have faced a choice, whether to make a normal breakthrough and enter the world of gods, or choose to practice the path of holy sacrifice. For the sake of safety, most monks will choose the former.

After all, there are many bloody examples of the latter, but for those talented people who are determined to take the strongest path, no matter how dangerous the road to the Holy Sacrifice is, they will step on it one after another.

There is no way, there is a legend in the world that only the creatures who have set foot in the realm of holy sacrifice can be regarded as the true king of gods. Without experiencing holy sacrifice, they cannot step into the pinnacle of Shinto and cannot touch immortality.

Although this is a legend, it is the default thing in the cultivation world. For monks who long to reach the top, the Holy Sacrifice is an unavoidable way.

This realm is the most bizarre. No matter who the person is in the Holy Sacrifice Realm, their cultivation is very unstable. Sometimes they are no different from gods, possessing a lot of magic power, and sometimes their moral performance declines to the point where they are not even as good as divine fire. , one's own realm fluctuates high and low.

The most important thing is that if you want to practice this state, you need a special thing called sage wood, which is a strange treasure of heaven and earth.

Chi Cang did not intend to skip the Holy Sacrifice Realm, but he did not have the Saint Wood, so he stopped.

This kind of ancient tree also grows in the lower realm, so Chicang doesn't have to go to the upper realm to look for it.

There are many theories about the Sage Wood. Some people say that it is the transformation of plants rooted in the immortal bones left in the previous era after they decayed. Others say that the Sage Tree is not a plant from this world, but comes from a mysterious place. In the ancient world, it has magical effects, so it is very rare.

In Chi Cang's view, the latter statement is more likely to be true. You must know that the roots of this world's Dharma are in the Immortal Realm. Back then, this world was almost wiped out by foreign lands, and the strong ones were almost dead. The practice of Dharma Controlled by a foreign land, all kinds of inheritance are on the verge of being cut off.

After the strong men from the fairyland defeated the foreign land, they passed down the law of this world in this world.

The Sage Wood is something that is used in this world's Dharma, so it may come from the Immortal Realm, which is what the world calls the mysterious ancient world.

Monks can use the sage wood to baptize and burn their bodies. Of course, this is not a real ignition, but a light formed by the rules of heaven and earth entrenched in the sage wood to temper the Tao and the body.

Chi Cang stood up from sitting cross-legged and stood in the void. Next, he was going to find the saint wood used for the holy sacrifice.

"Fellow Taoist True Dragon has been out for a while, looking for spiritual objects for Gegu's baptism. He has traveled all over the eight regions. Maybe he knows the whereabouts of the Sage Wood." Chi Cang said to himself, planning to ask the True Dragon first.

Although the Eight Realms are not big, it is a bit unrealistic to find the Sage Tree immediately. This kind of thing usually grows in the secret realm. It is difficult to detect it unless you come there in person. It would be a waste of time to look for it bit by bit.

One step after arriving at the True Dragon's Nest, Chi Cang sent out a message to ask about the whereabouts of the True Dragon Saint Mu.

"Sage Wood, this kind of thing is very rare. It is an indispensable thing for the true god to advance to the holy sacrifice. It is extremely rare in the upper world, but not so rare in the lower world. Because the eight realms of the lower world lack spiritual energy, becoming a venerable can give you respect. , almost no one can become a true god.

A few years ago, when I went out to look for spiritual objects, I saw sage trees in several secret realms. Fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor just went straight to look for them. "The real dragon responded and gave Chicang several coordinates.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist True Dragon."

Chi Cang thanked him, followed the nearest coordinates, and soon arrived at a mountain range.

This place is located in the endless wilderness. It is an inconspicuous place in the vast primitive mountains. It is no different from other places. If you don't stop and explore carefully, you will not find that there is a special cave here.

Under the dense mountain peaks, Chi Cang sensed strange spatial fluctuations. He stretched out his palm and tore it gently, immediately tearing a crack in the void.

A strong energy surged out from the crack and rushed toward his face.

This is a small world, because it is too hidden and no one cares about it. Over the years, no one has ever found it and entered it. The real dragon walks in all directions and discovered this place with its powerful detection ability, and entered the small world to find himself. Things needed.

The real dragon has no interest in other things and naturally will not move. Therefore, this small secret world is extremely well preserved.

When Chicang entered through the crack, what he saw was a scene of birds singing and flowers fragrant. Various elixirs grew randomly on the roadside. The mountains were towering and majestic. Halfway up the mountain, clouds and mist shrouded it, just like a fairyland. What you don't know is still there. I thought I was in some fairy mountain.

Chi Cang's huge spiritual consciousness was overwhelming, covering the entire secret world in just an instant. On the back of the mountain, he found a special spiritual tree, only as tall as a person, with bark like dragon scales and leaves like jade. The plants are all different, some are all golden, like poured fairy gold, some are blood red, as if blood is flowing, and some are green, emitting auspicious light together, very bright.

This is the saint tree that Chi Cang needs. The ordinary saint tree is only one foot tall, but the saint tree here is as tall as an adult. This shows how far this secret realm is. For a long time, no one has broken the peace here. In addition, The rich essence of heaven and earth here allows the spiritual trees and spiritual plants in the small world of the secret realm to grow peacefully, and the years are full.

Chi Cang came to this piece of saint wood and sat down cross-legged. Here he would start the practice of the holy sacrifice realm.

Under the terrifying consciousness, everything in the secret world was invisible. He was convinced that there was nothing abnormal here and it was a good place for practice and retreat.

Soon, Chi Cang began to practice Holy Sacrifice. He was not afraid of the decline that others were afraid of, because Holy Sacrifice was a part of the Dao Fruit in this world and had nothing to do with the Ancient Immortal Dao Fruit. No matter how he declined, he could reach the pinnacle of the human realm. the power of.


Under the pull of Blazing Cang, these Saint Woods were attracted, and pieces of fire-like material floated out, drowning Blazing Cang. This is the essence of Saint Wood, the light of Tao, and the fragments of law, which can sharpen his Dharma. , the avenue and the body, it can be called the most sacred baptism.

He can feel that every particle of his body is "burning", buzzing and vibrating in the essence of fire, and is repeatedly tempered, not only the body, but also the soul, and also the law and Tao.

Even though Chicang has the physical cave and the soul cave, and has reached extremely terrifying situations in these two realms, he still has a different feeling when he is baptized by the saint wood. This is singing in harmony with the great road, allowing the rhythm of the body and soul Become consistent and inspire the God of the human body.

No wonder the successful ones are called God Kings. There are indeed some skills. If you skip the Holy Sacrifice and directly advance to the level of God, you will miss a lot of valuable experiences.

Chi Cang immersed himself in the baptism, let go of his body and mind, and let his "god" wander and swim in the ocean of avenues. In the process, his body and soul became flawless, more ethereal, and easier to connect with the world. The avenue resonates.

Just when his mind was not distracted and his body and mind were relaxed, the void around him suddenly cracked open, and the sacred light rain fell, as if the light of a flying fairy was blooming, the fairy mist filled the air, and it was extremely holy, as if he had arrived at the hometown of immortals.

Immortal lights flew out one after another, hazy and hard to see clearly. In a trance, it seemed like someone was flying among them.

Later, crystal petals appeared one after another around Chi Cang, exuding fragrance and tangy fragrance. Each one was exquisite and clear, sacred and peaceful.

Chi Cang didn't know it himself. He closed his eyes slightly and fell into a deep understanding. He had no idea that there were these strange scenes around him.

At this time, the place where the light and rain fell suddenly changed, and a deep and quiet path appeared, made of bluestone slabs, winding and leading to the distance.

Golden lotuses densely covered with avenue runes grew randomly on the roadside, and there were also elixirs nourished by flying fairy light rain, exuding the aura of immortality.

It's so sacred. Accompanied by the brilliant immortal runes, this road seems to lead directly to the top of the immortal path. Once you step on it, you can fly to immortality immediately.

It seems to have a magical power that any monk who practices immortality cannot refuse.

Chi Cang was also attracted, and he stood up from sitting cross-legged unconsciously, and set foot on the path where the Feixian light rained endlessly.

The winding path led to secluded places, and as he walked along the path, he gradually moved away from the place where he sat cross-legged, heading towards the unknown depths.

With every step he takes, the golden lotus on the roadside will sway out with mysterious symbols, which will stick to Chi Cang's body together with the light rain, making his aura become blazing. The same is true for the elixirs. They are extremely sacred and filled with the aura of immortality. Nourish the blazing body.

The deeper he went, the more powerful Chi Cang's aura became. In the end, it reached the level of the previous ten evils, powerful enough to dominate the sky and the earth.

Suddenly, something appeared in front of the path. It was an ancient temple, which was emitting bright light and was very sacred.

There was an inexplicable thing inside that attracted Chi Cang and led him into the sacred ancient temple. It was like a voice calling him to go, but it was also like something else.

Moreover, there seems to be a grand sound of scriptures that sounds, causing huge spiritual ripples, soothing the restlessness in people's hearts, but it also makes people feel a little drowsy.

In this unconscious state, Chi Cang approached the sacred ancient temple step by step. The closer he got, the stronger Chi Cang's aura became, and he soon reached the level of the Immortal King. At the same time, the sound of the scriptures in the ancient temple became clearer and clearer.

The steady increase in strength made Chi Cang feel something in his mind, and his instinct told him that as long as he stepped into that ancient palace, he could fulfill his greatest obsession and become a quasi-immortal emperor.

The power he has gained so far feels very real. He is approaching the ultimate Immortal King at an extremely fast speed. This feeling of soaring power gives Chicang an unprecedented sense of satisfaction. As long as he continues to move forward and enters the ancient palace, he can directly enter the quasi-immortal emperor realm. Since ancient times, few people have been able to step forward. The temptation is too great.

Chi Cang's heartbeat accelerated, and his instinct urged him to speed up. Soon, he became a giant with boundless magic power. He could destroy an ancient world with a wave of his hand, travel on the long river of time, and be omnipotent.

Just as he was about to approach the sacred ancient temple, the original symbol in the thunder pool on Chi Cang's chest shook slightly.


A bolt of red lightning with the character "一" falling down was like a thunderbolt from the sky, waking up Chi Cang who was immersed in the great satisfaction of gaining strength.

His eyes were no longer obsessed, they were as deep as the stars, and various symbols of order turned into big stars, rumbling and rotating.

In his eyes, the simple bluestone slabs had changed and turned into bloody corpses. The so-called golden lotus and fairy medicine had lost their sacred side and became ugly, dark, dark, and strange, with lifelike human faces. His face was spitting dark matter at him. When he got here, the dark matter had already formed a big cocoon, covering most of Chi Cang's body.

As for the splendid sacred ancient temple in front, it has turned into a dark cage without any light. In the darkness, there seemed to be palms stretched out, waving constantly, as if to welcome and call Chi Cang.

Chi Cang was a little frightened and angry when he woke up, and he almost got caught. Once he walked into the dark cage, it would be difficult to get out.


Chi Cang said coldly to himself, a blazing red light erupted all over his body, and forbidden lightning intertwined, densely packed, shattering all the dark matter, and he was able to break free.

After doing all this, Chi Cang left without looking back, stepping on the bleeding bones and returning the same way.

At this time, a familiar voice sounded from behind, coming from the dark cage.

Chi Cang's heart was shocked, and when he looked back, he saw that the dark cage had changed and turned into a tall and majestic building. Layers of ladders led up to the sky and were built in front of the supreme emperor's chair. On top of the supreme emperor's chair , sits a supreme emperor, possessing the quasi-immortal emperor realm, and looks exactly like Chi Cang.

"Why leave? If you come here, you can become the supreme emperor of eternity."

"Chi Cang" spoke out, his eyes were puzzled and sincere, hoping that Chi Cang would change his mind and come back to accept this great power.

"I long to become a quasi-immortal emperor, but I don't long to get it from others. I want to cultivate it myself. I used this temptation and fell into the inferior position."

"You liked this feeling just now, didn't you?"

"You just took advantage of it when I was enlightened. Now that I wake up, everything you did was in vain."

Chi Cang shouted coldly, ignored it, turned around and ran away, rushing towards the real world.

"Chi Cang" on the emperor's chair became indifferent, and a huge amount of dark matter surged all over his body. He stretched out his palm and grasped it in the void. Chi Cang's path immediately became chaotic, and the exit was blocked.

He did not panic. He condensed the red taboo thunder knife in his hand and swung it violently, creating a new world in the chaos and carving a way out.

The moment he saw the light, Chi Cang sensed the attack from behind. He turned around and performed the Six Paths of Reincarnation Technique. A bright millstone composed of six supreme treasures slowly rotated and rolled over, making a "crunching" sound. Horrible sounds.

Without looking at the result, Chi Cang rushed out of the opened passage.

His vision was instantly filled with light. In front of him was still the piece of Saint Wood, and under his feet was still the land of the secret world. Everything just now seemed to be an illusion.

"The light of flying immortals."

Chi Cang looked solemn, knowing what he had encountered.

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