The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 175 Meeting the Parents

When refining one's body in this realm, some incomprehensible and strange things often happen, such as the light of flying immortals, inexplicable halls, mysterious ancient roads, etc., which lead people to go up and finally disappear.

In historical records, many peerless figures left the world in this way, and finally disappeared, never to appear again, and their life and death are unknown.

This is exactly what Chi Cang encountered. Fortunately, the original symbol emitted lightning at the critical moment, waking him up. Otherwise, when Chi Cang stepped into the dark cage, he would never be able to get out again.

There is no doubt that the cage is related to the unknown darkness. Any living being who is practicing in the Holy Sacrifice Realm in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths may be led in and then disappear, and no such person will be found in the world from now on.

"No wonder." Chi Cang said to himself, somewhat enlightened. He thought of the description of the Holy Sacrifice Realm. If a monk chooses to transcend the Holy Sacrifice and be promoted to a god, he will not be able to reach the top of the Shinto in the future. It is precisely because this realm is special and it is the first step to reach the top. The only way to go, so it attracts weirdness.

In the dark, there is a force that controls the birth and growth of the geniuses in this world. It has become inevitable for people who defy the heavens to suffer disasters, including the weird things that stump the Supreme Being and so on.

Chi Cang frowned slightly. This strange power had restricted the development of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. Many creatures that should have amazed the world died early due to this. However, there is no such thing in foreign lands. Talents are abundant, geniuses emerge in endlessly, and there are new ones in every era. The Immortal King of Jin appears, and how can Jiutian fight against foreign lands?

In this world, most of the most talented people were taken away by an unknown source. Only a handful of them survived. Among the shortest, they stood taller. Others, who were not considered top-notch creatures, became kings and hegemons and were known as peerless geniuses. , but if he were to be dragged over to compete with the peerless genius from a foreign land, it would be like hitting a stone with an egg.

Chi Cang thought about it, King Shi once told him that one of the seven kings broke through the original imperial city that year, fought into the nine heavens, pursued the unknown source, and never came back. He was probably in danger.

Thinking about it, that is the source of the strange encounters between Jiutian monks. If that place can be destroyed, the geniuses in this world will no longer be restricted and can flourish.

However, if you want to do this, you must at least be stronger than the one among the seven kings who killed Jiutian. After all, he has not even been solved, and you must be stronger than him to have any hope of eradicating the weirdness.

At this time, Chi Cang remembered what Liu Shen said. There are three things that monks are most afraid of encountering when crossing the void, the blood-stained ancient ship, the light of flying immortals, and the ancient palace of chaos. According to Liu Shen, there are three things between the three. Related, yet different.

In other words, there may be three strange sources in this world, namely these three phenomena. What Chi Cang encountered just now was the light of the flying immortal.

A mysterious path led him up. Both sides of the road were covered with flying immortal light rain. It was like walking on the road leading to the peak of immortality. Every step he took would increase his strength. It felt extremely real. For a person who is pursuing the immortality, For a monk, this is an irresistible temptation.

Perhaps the wailing bones at the feet and the palms stretched out from the dark cage are the unparalleled figures who have been tricked throughout the ages, too many to imagine.

Chi Cang sighed softly, this is a dark history of blood and tears, if it is not ended, it will continue in the future.

He abandoned distracting thoughts, continued on the path of holy sacrifice, and took in the light and rain of the great road in the saint's tree to temper himself.

Once, twice... ten times, time passed day by day, and suddenly, on a certain day, Chi Cang's body trembled slightly, flames were rising all over his body, and he made a crisp sound, as if something had been destroyed, and he was no longer shackles.

During the Holy Sacrifice, Chi Cang truly entered this strange realm. At this moment, a massive amount of combat power surged out from the Dao Fruit of this World, and his energy and blood surged to the sky. He was countless times more powerful than Zhenyi, and could rival the gods.

Chi Cang stood up slowly and waved his hand, destroying the light rain around him. This kind of thing always lingered around him during the holy sacrifice. It seemed that he was not willing to lead Chi Cang away. Unfortunately, he had already Be prepared.

Shaking his head, Chi Cang took action to tear the void apart and left this small secret world. The holy sacrifice was completed and it was time to go back.

Outside the wilderness, Shi Hao returned with a group of people, including the nine-headed lion, fire crow, five-color luan bird, etc. he met in Baiduan Mountain, as well as Yunxi from Tianshen Mountain and Huo Ling'er, the princess of the Fire Kingdom.

"We'll be at my house soon." Shi Hao said with a smile. This was the first time he brought someone back to the village. It had nothing to do with anything else. It was just because these people had a good relationship with him and were very curious about his past. Shi Hao felt that please It's okay for them to visit Shicun. Today's Shicun can be called the safest place in the eight realms of the lower world, and no accidents will happen.

"I'm really curious as to what kind of place can a peerless genius like you emerge from." The nine-headed lion whispered, and the others nodded.

Shi Hao gave an amazing performance in the world-famous two-stone battle, crushing Shi Yi throughout the whole process, and defeating the Supreme Secret of Double Eyes in the final collision, explaining what it means to be truly invincible, and then went into seclusion for a year, and then returned. When he came out of the border, he defeated all the enemies from outside the territory. They were all crushed without any trace of defeat. Many people sighed. Xiaoshi's rise has become inevitable and no one can stop it.

The origin of such a genius naturally aroused everyone's curiosity. There were rumors in the world that Shi Hao was taught by a supremely powerful person who was suspected to be the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors, but in the end they were just rumors and the authenticity was unknown.

This time Shi Hao proposed to take them back to the village as guests, which really excited everyone. It was naturally exciting to witness Xiao Shi's mysterious home with his own eyes.

Yun Xi heard something from her grandfather, but it was vague. After all, Yun Canghai worked in Shicun hoeing the ground every day. How could he have the nerve to tell his granddaughter about this in detail?

"Isn't this a big, hidden family that is aloof from the world?" Huo Ling'er asked curiously with his big eyes flashing.

The outside world has long known about Shi Hao's life experience. He is from the Stone Clan. He is a cousin to Shi Yi from Prince Wu's Mansion. However, he had the Supreme Bone dug out when he was young and lived outside. Many people say that Shi Hao is in the Stone Clan. He grew up in the clan's first ancestral land, where there was a large hidden clan with many strong men.

"You'll know when you get there. Hey, Grandpa Patriarch, Uncle Lin Hu, and Aunt Hu are always urging me. This time, I will carry back two beautiful fat girls. They will definitely be very happy and they will definitely entertain you warmly." Shi Hao laughed, not shying away from Yun Xi and Huo Ling'er at all, he was very thick-skinned.

The two girls were staring at him. They were both incredibly beautiful, like fairies walking out of a painting. One was wearing a quiet purple dress, and the other was wearing a fiery red fairy dress. Their styles were completely different, and they were different in every look and smile. Such style.

The nine lions and fire crows nearby all laughed secretly, which was profound.

Along the way, they have experienced a lot, and are almost inseparable. Even the straightest men can tell that the two girls are interested in Shi Hao, and sometimes they will argue with each other verbally, which makes them sigh that Shi Hao is very lucky.

You must know that Yun Xi is the goddess of the Tianshen Mountain, the goddess in the hearts of the younger generation of the Ancient God Mountain, and the most ideal partner, while Huo Ling'er is the princess of the Fire Kingdom and the favorite daughter of the Fire Emperor. These two girls have extraordinary life experiences. Appearance, aptitude, temperament, etc. are all excellent in this lower world. Getting the love of one of them can burn high incense, and Shi Hao has won the favor of two beauties at once, which makes people envious.

They set out on the road. This place was already Shi Hao's western frontier, not far from Shi Village. Shi Hao asked Huo Ling'er to take out the void animal skin, carry everyone, and cross the void.

This Void Beast Skin is not simple. It is a rare immortal treasure. It is born with Void Runes. The little towers in Shi Hao's hair are all interested in the Void Beast Skin. It transmits information to Shi Hao. If he lets it swallow it, he can get a chance to take action.

However, Shi Hao refused because he would suffer losses every time he traded with Xiaota. Besides, the void skin belonged to Huo Ling'er, not his.

In Shi Hao's heart, Huo Ling'er is one of his own, and he can never cheat his own people no matter what.

The silver symbol beat and made a "buzzing" sound, and the magic weapon made from the void animal skin carried everyone through the void at high speed.

Everyone was talking and laughing, and felt very relaxed.

Just when everyone relaxed their vigilance, a change occurred. The originally peaceful void passage became distorted, the road became blurred, and terrifying cracks appeared in the space, which meant that they were about to be wrapped and crushed by the power of the void.

"How could this happen? This piece of void animal skin was passed down from ancient times and has never had any problems." Huo Ling'er's face turned pale.

This void crack is extremely terrifying, and only the powerful can survive the storm.

"There are more and more cracks. If we don't think of a way, we will all die here." The nine-headed lion looked at Shi Hao. Among the few people present, Shi Hao was probably the only one who had a way. Anyway, they were helpless.

"We may have inadvertently approached a supreme being, whose aura affected the stability of the void, and the animal skins were disturbed." Yun Xi came from Tianshen Mountain and knew more.

When Shi Hao heard this, he immediately understood something.

He took out the willow stick given by Willow God and said to the willow stick: "Willow God, I'm back."

The next moment, the void flickered, and the field seemed to undergo some kind of change. The void animal skin glowed, and everyone rushed out.

No matter how far they traveled, they walked out of the void and came to the real world. The vast wilderness came into view, a primitive scene.

Several people let out a sigh of relief, and all stared at Shi Hao in shock, because they all saw what Shi Hao had done just now, and just said a word to the willow tree, and the result was different.

"Is that supremely powerful man the senior of your village?"

Shi Hao nodded. He had guessed something. It should be that a catastrophe was coming, and the creatures in the upper world were about to go down to the lower world. In order to hide Shi Cun, Liu Shen deliberately released the field to distort other people's perceptions.

Everyone got the answer in the affirmative, and felt relieved but also shocked. There was such a terrifying strong man in a small mountain village, which filled their hearts with awe.

"This place is still a few hundred miles away from my home. Let's go there with our precious phantoms." Shi Hao greeted, turning into a stream of light, and the others followed behind.

To them, a few hundred miles was nothing. Soon after, they stopped. They were still more than a mile away from Stone Village, but they could already see towering willow trees.

Everyone was shocked, including Shi Hao. When he came back last time, Willow God only had 108 branches. This time, there were already thousands of branches.

Each one is shining brightly, overflowing with rays of light, like a divine chain of order, gently swaying, blooming with a halo, and a sacred atmosphere.

A small village is located under the willow trees. It is quiet and peaceful, far away from the hustle and bustle of the world. It is aloof from the world. Wisps of white mist flow in the air, like wisps of fairy mist. The fragrance is so fragrant that you can smell it from a mile away. , obviously, the sacred medicine is planted in Stone Village.

"This willow tree..." Everyone was stunned, shocked by the sacredness of the Willow God. Because of the presence of the Willow God, the whole world was different. When had they ever seen such an amazing scene?

"It's the sacrificial spirit of our village." Shi Hao replied with a smile.

"Sacrifice to the spirit?"

The people present looked at each other, some speechless. The sacrificial spirit of a village was actually more powerful and mysterious than the sacrificial spirit of an ancient country. It was simply unimaginable.

At this time, a hill rumbled and moved, approaching very quickly. To be precise, it was a golden Suan Ni that was taller than the mountain. It was covered in golden light, surrounded by light mist and lightning. Its aura was terrifying and unfathomable, and it was about to approach the divine fire. .

A pair of huge eyes looked over, making everyone's hearts tremble. Is this the golden Suanni of the Venerable level?

Only Shi Hao waved happily.


He called out the name he had given to the Golden Suan Ni with a smile on his face. The extremely powerful Golden Suan Ni had gentle eyes. He leaned down and rubbed Shi Hao's palm affectionately with his huge head.

Everyone was turned to stone, a little unbelievable that a powerful venerable was about to ignite the divine fire, but in the end, he was like a pet in front of Shi Hao.

"Dajin? This guy's name is as unreliable as ever." Huo Ling'er complained.

When they were in the Fire Nation, she and Shi Hao met the Fire Nation's sacrificial spirit. When she learned that Shi Hao had named the Fire Nation's sacrificial spirit Xiaohong, she was a little speechless. Later, a Dahong who called himself Da Hong had a blue nose and swollen eyes. Niao pulled Shi Hao and accused him angrily. Huo Ling'er listened to the whole incident and almost laughed out loud.

It turned out that Shi Hao handed the real feathers from the Fire Nation's sacrifice to the Big Red Bird and asked it to go to the Fire Nation to become a disciple. He also specifically asked him to call himself Da Hong. The final result was that Da Hong was violently beaten by Xiao Hong, although in the end he still I taught it a lot of things, but it was often beaten because of the name "Big Red", which made it miserable.

Now, after hearing "Dajin", Huo Ling'er once again saw Shi Hao's naming ability.

Not long after, other beast masters also appeared, including the gray dragon with scales and long horns, the dark and majestic demon ape, the fire-riding bull demon stepping on flames, the thunder sparrow that blocked the sky and the sun, and the tall and majestic golden-haired lion. .

"Xiao Jiao, Xiao Hei, Red Bull, Xiao Que, Er Jin... I'm back."

Shi Hao ran over happily. Every powerful beast master was very close to him. They had searched for all kinds of beast milk for him, brewed the fragrant beast milk, and had accompanied him to practice and travel in the wilderness. The feelings are deep.

When everyone heard these names, they were all confused. They didn't know how to describe them. It was hard to describe them in one word. However, these names were quite consistent with the appearance characteristics of the beast masters.

At this time, the villagers also noticed what was going on here. Roosters crowing and dogs barked. The old patriarch Shi Yunfeng and the adults in the village all came out and looked around.

"It's Xiaohao who's back, and he's bringing someone with him. This is the first time." The villagers were surprised.

Shi Hao also saw them and waved happily. He took a peek at the two girls next to him and found that they were looking up at the willow tree. They were lost in thought. He decisively carried them, one on each shoulder, and ran towards Stone Village.

"Carry my wife back to the village and take you to meet your parents." Shi Hao smiled happily, moving his hands around.

"What are you doing? Put me down quickly."

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