The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 176 Getting married?

The two women had slender figures and proud curves. They were held tightly by Shi Hao's big hands and quickly approached Shi Cun.

"Ah, what a beautiful fat girl, she looks like a fairy. Uncle Hao can carry two of them back at once. It's amazing." The naughty boy in the village yelled.

The adults were also very excited. They saw that people of the same generation as Shi Hao in the village were getting married and had children, but Shi Hao made no movement. They were all worried about Shi Hao.

Every time Shi Hao went out, he would give many instructions to take the matter of finding a wife to heart. Unexpectedly, this time, this boy would be so confident that he would find two wives directly.

Moreover, the two girls were both unrealistically beautiful, with fair and crystal clear skin, tender and supple, and their dresses could not hide their proud figures. Anyway, Ishimura could not find such women, who looked just like the people in the paintings.

"Xiao Hao is so awesome. He is truly the pride of our village after carrying back two fairies." Da Zhuang said in admiration and gave a thumbs up.

Ermeng took his child's hand and asked Shi Hao to cheer up. Everyone has children, and Shi Hao should also catch up.

When Yun Xi and Huo Ling'er heard this, their faces turned red and they were ashamed. After all, they were just two girls and couldn't resist such passionate words.

Shi Hao laughed and said to the elders: "Grandpa Patriarch, Uncle Lin Hu, aunts, what do you think of the fat man I brought back? Does it suit your liking?"

"Both girls are very good. They are as beautiful as gods. Your aunt and I have never seen such a beautiful girl."

"Look at this waist, how thin it is. Look at the back, it's big and round. It looks like it's good for fertility. I think it's OK. Xiao Hao is lucky." Another aunt said fiercely.

Everyone nodded, very satisfied with Shi Hao's two wives.

Yun Xi and Huo Ling'er couldn't bear it anymore. Why would a thin waist and round hips be so good for fertility? After hearing what the aunt said, they were so embarrassed that they wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

"Let us down quickly."

The two women stretched out their jade hands, one on each side, grabbed Shi Hao's ears and twisted them hard.


Shi Hao was in pain and couldn't help but cry out. As soon as he let go, the two women slid off his shoulders.

Then, without letting go of their anger, they pinched the flesh of Shi Hao's waist and twisted it to 360 degrees.

Shi Hao gritted his teeth in pain, but he was still smiling, enjoying himself secretly.

Such actions are naturally considered flirting by the villagers.

"Look, the relationship between the two girls and Xiao Hao is really good."

"Yes, we are people who have been through this, so we all understand."

Several aunties were chirping, which made the two women blush with embarrassment.

At this time, the children from the village ran over, surrounded Yun Xi and Huo Ling'er, and affectionately called them aunties, as if they were Shi Hao's wives.

"Shi Hao!"

Yun Xi and Huo Ling'er whispered, wanting Shi Hao to explain to the villagers. Unexpectedly, Shi Hao pretended not to hear, and they gritted their teeth in anger.

Both Yun Xi and Huo Ling'er are tall and tall, with a swaying posture as they walk. Their big, watery eyes, long eyelashes, curved eyebrows, and snow-white skin make them astonishing. .

In particular, the two women have different styles and each have their own merits. They are absolutely stunning in the world.

The nine lions, fire crows, five-colored phoenixes, etc. that followed behind all laughed and winked at Shi Hao.

"Huh? Two stunning beauties?"

Suddenly, a figure walked out of the village. It was very tall, with a majestic body and a strong aura. It was the Shenyan man who stayed in Shicun. But now, there was no Shenyan around him. This was Shicun, so naturally he couldn't be reckless here.

When the divine flame man saw the two stunning girls beside Shi Hao, his eyes widened. One was purple and the other was fiery red. The two stood together, like a picture of a fairy.

"Very good, I like the most beautiful women."

The Shenyan man walked over quickly and wanted to talk to the two women.

Yun Xi, Huo Ling'er, Nine-Headed Lion and others were extremely surprised when they saw the coming person, because they were all present during the battle between the two stones. They saw this man holding a Chaos Divine Disk and taking action, first targeting Fairy Yue Chan from the Extraterrestrial Butian Sect, and later He also attacked the domain envoy and Shi Hao secretly.

In the end, he was suppressed by a strong man who was suspected of being the Thunder Emperor. Unexpectedly, he was in the stone village where Shi Hao lived.

The Shenyan man came over and asked the two girls their names. Yun Xi and Huo Ling'er ignored him and looked at Shi Hao.

Shi Hao stared at the divine flame man and smiled slightly, showing his white teeth.

"They are my wives. If you dare to strike up a conversation like this, are you itching again?"

When the Shenyan man heard this, his neck shrank conditionedly. Because he was often beaten violently by Shi Hao, he was already afraid of being beaten.

After learning that the two beautiful girls were Shi Hao's wives, the Shenyan man had no choice but to give up. He did not want to provoke this ferocious young man.

"Okay, since she is your woman, forget it, but Yue Chan, don't snatch her from me." The Shenyan man said warily.

He couldn't forget the iceberg beauty Fairy Yue Chan. The more he couldn't get it, the more he wanted it. These days, all he could think about was Yue Chan.

"Who is your wife?"

Yun Xi and Huo Ling'er were originally happy because Shi Hao protected them, but the next second they realized, when did they become the wives of this naughty kid?

"Although it's not the case now, it will definitely be the case in the future. I can't escape anyway," Shi Hao muttered to himself, and the flesh on both sides of his waist was hit hard again.

The Shenyan man was very envious, shaking his head and sighing: "Two flowers are inserted in..."

He didn't dare to say the next words because Shi Hao glared at him fiercely, and the shock effect was obvious.

The villagers were not unhappy because of the Shenyan man. They were indifferent to this outsider at first. Later, the Shenyan man gradually integrated into the stone village and communicated with everyone, and no one regarded him as an outsider.

"Uncle Daoyan is feeling spring again."

"That's right, I talk about a fairy sister every night."

Hearing this, the Shenyan man glanced at the leather child of Shicun lightly.

"What do children know?"

Looking at the two girls who were "flirting", the old patriarch Shi Yunfeng said with a smile: "Xiao Hao, you can't wrong this girl. It's not easy to come all the way here. It's early rather than late. Let me help you make arrangements today. Let’s get married.”

"That's right, since the two little girls plan to marry you, you can't let them down. The wedding must be a big one." Shi Linhu agreed with the patriarch's opinion and echoed loudly.

Other enthusiastic aunties are also urging.

"Yes, yes, we are here to help." The Nine Heavens Lions and the others were all trying to hold back their smiles in order to keep the world from falling into chaos. Of course, they were not trying to force anyone to do anything. They all saw that the two women were interested in Shi Hao, and they definitely had secret feelings for him.

"At first glance, these young brothers are like a dragon or a phoenix among people. They will surely rise to the sky in the future. This time, they will be the parents of the two girls. Let's take care of it." Shi Feijiao said.

Others also followed suit. Shi Hao's childhood playmates, uncles and aunts all had a heated discussion on how to organize a grand wedding for Shi Hao.

Shi Hao held back his smile, listening to the elders' opinions and nodding from time to time.

This frightened Yun Xi and Huo Ling'er. They hadn't planned to get married yet. Wasn't this too sudden? Especially after they heard an aunt's remarks, they almost fainted.

"Tonight's bridal chamber is full of flowers and candles. Anyway, I have to give birth to a few babies in the village."

"That's right, Xiao Hao will be away for months or even years. This time he must leave a few children behind."

Yun Xi and Huo Ling'er's pretty faces turned red with embarrassment, and their faces turned pale with fear. Not only did they have to get married, but they also had to have a baby. This was a huge impact on them.

The two girls wanted to explain, but unfortunately, they couldn't explain at all, because Shi Hao's behavior of carrying them back to the village just now was in line with the tradition of Shi Hao. In the hearts of the villagers, these two girls were already Shi Hao's wives.

They were helpless and could only continue to pinch Shi Hao's waist. However, Shi Hao, who had rough skin and thick flesh, was not moved at all and kept laughing secretly.

"Uncle, it's not what you think."

"Madam, you have misunderstood."

The two girls were at a loss to explain, and an aunt came over.

"Child, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Auntie has been through this before and will teach you how to get married later."


They were really frightened. They didn't really want to marry Shi Hao here, right? And you want to have sex with him?

The two were nervous and embarrassed, with peach-shaped faces. They felt like their faces were burning and burning. Under the enthusiasm of the villagers, they could no longer resist and ran away. Even when they ran away, they were swaying. A sense of beauty.

"You guys are quite lucky." A man named Dao Yan said sourly from the side.

"Xiao Hao, the two girls are shy, so hurry up and chase them." An aunt suggested.

Shi Hao did not chase after him, but explained to everyone: "Grandfather, uncles and aunts, you don't have to worry about me, we are not getting married today..."

Before he could finish speaking, a voice interrupted him.

"It doesn't matter if you get married now, time flies by, time is gone, and the past cannot be returned. Don't leave any regrets in the future."

The calm and vicissitudes of words came from a figure not far away, it was Chi Cang who had returned from cultivating the Holy Sacrifice.

The place suddenly became quiet. Although Chi Cang was not related to the villagers, everyone knew that he and Liu Shen were the same kind of people, and there was a hint of reverence in them. Therefore, Chi Cang's words held great weight.

Especially Shi Hao, who regarded Chi Cang as his mentor. He was about to say that this time he would bring the two girls back to show everyone and they would talk about the marriage later. Unexpectedly, Chi Cang interrupted him and was inclined to let him Getting married now was unexpected by Shi Hao.

Looking at Shi Hao who was a little confused, Chi Cang smiled. The reason why he said this was because he could see some clues about the future from the memory of Shi Hao. The Shi Hao in his memory said goodbye to the mulberry fields in Sin State. The mulberry-picking woman in the forest embarks on the road of struggle for hegemony and goes further and further.

Without those memories of Chi Cang, how cruel the situation in Jiutian would be, what would be the ending between Shi Hao and Huo Ling'er? it goes without saying.

Chi Cang didn't know the meaning of those memories. He just wanted Shi Hao not to have so many regrets. You need to know that you can't start over in life.

"You don't have to worry about insisting on marrying them now because of my words. Marriage is not a matter of one person, and you have to ask for the opinions of other girls.

I just want to remind you of one thing. The road to evolution is long and cruel. There is nothing wrong with pursuing the road wholeheartedly, but don’t ignore the scenery on the roadside and the people around you. The Tao follows nature. Follow your heart and don’t force yourself. .

This life is different. Even if the sky falls, we will still be there to hold it up. "Chi Cang said with great intentions. He didn't want this child to give up too much because he was carrying a heavy mission.

Shi Hao nodded, seeming to understand. Now he is only fourteen years old. Strictly speaking, he is just a teenager. Although according to the custom of the wilderness, he should get married and have children at this age, but Shi Hao always feels that it is still too early for Yun. Xi and Huo Ling'er, he couldn't explain what they felt.

Anyway, I don’t hate them and I like to be with them. Who doesn’t like fat women? Bringing them back to the village to tease them, maybe there is a hint in my heart that if I really want to get married in the future, I will find such a fat woman.

As for what Chi Cang said about them holding up the sky if it fell, Shi Hao didn't quite understand, but he could hear that it was for his own good.

At this moment, the nine-headed lion, the fire crow, the five-color phoenix, etc. all looked at Chi Cang in a daze. On the day of the battle between the two stones, they followed their elders to watch the battle in the Void God Realm and saw Chi Cang take action.

Red lightning fell like a downpour, and the terrifying Six Paths of Reincarnation shattered the sky and the earth. The sun and the moon lost all light, suppressing the arrogant Chaos God Disk. There are rumors in the world that this is the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors. If it is true, , that means they saw one of the Ten Evils with their own eyes.

Their breathing became faster and they looked at Shi Hao, their eyes seemed to be asking for confirmation.

However, Shi Hao did not speak. He would not give a definite answer to Chi Cang's identity.

"Since you are Shi Hao's friend, you will be a guest when you come to Stone Village, so you don't have to be too restrained." Chi Cang said calmly.

The nine-headed lions and others were flattered that this supreme power had mentioned them, which was simply incredible.

They were a little flustered, their hearts were beating fast, and they hurriedly saluted Chi Cang.

Chi Cang nodded slightly, then turned and left.

Afterwards, everyone dispersed and began to prepare wine and meat in the village. They wanted to entertain the two girls and the Nine Heavenly Lions. After all, it was Shi Hao's first time to bring people back to the village, so it was natural to have a grand ceremony.

In Shi Yunfeng's small courtyard, Huo Ling'er and Yun Xi were sitting on stone benches, their pretty faces flushed with embarrassment. They had not yet recovered from the scene just now. This was the first time they had run away because of such a thing.

When Shi Hao led the nine-headed lion, fire crow and others in, the two women immediately stared at him, wanting to beat him up.

"We're not done with you."

From the perspective of Yun Xi and Huo Ling'er, it was just because Shi Hao became a dull gourd and didn't say a word that the villagers' misunderstanding about this matter became deeper and deeper.

The nine-headed lion and others snickered secretly, showing an expression that we understand.

Shi Hao didn't take it seriously. He walked over with a smile, leaned close to the two women and said quietly: "An uncle of mine said that it is good to get married now."

Yun Xi and Huo Ling'er rolled their eyes at him: "We won't agree anyway."

"Really? You have all seen my uncle, who was in the Void God Realm. At that time, he suppressed that corner of the Chaos Divine Disk." Shi Hao was calm and frightened them.

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