Regarding the Immortal Mountain at this moment, Chi Cang had no intention of discussing it, and he didn't say much and directly resorted to force.

In this world where people eat people, force is the best way to solve problems. Let these people who have been on the altar for a long time feel what pain is, let them feel fear, and experience the feeling of falling from heaven to hell. Only in this way can they be honest. .

Coming to the top of the Five Elements Mountain and overlooking the Everlasting Mountain is precisely to crush the self-esteem of these creatures and destroy the myths in their hearts.

The Lord of the Immortal Mountain, the Immortal Lord, may be considered a giant in the upper realm, overlooking hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers, but in front of Chi Cang, he is nothing more than an ant. His power in the lower realm is also nothing, just like an inconspicuous microman. dust.

If it weren't for the fact that Bulao Mountain is Shi Hao's mother's clan, Chi Cang might just slap the place to pieces, or let Kunpeng do the same.

But now, with this relationship, Chi Cang felt that he wanted to kill people, but not all of them. The injustices had their heads and the debts had their owners. It was enough to kill some creatures with greater cause and effect, just as a warning to the monkeys.

Kunpeng was cold and charming, with a frosty face. After hearing Chi Cang's words, her black hair rose up, and the roots were light, emitting a terrifying chaotic light, causing the void to twist and collapse.

She stared at the Five Elements Mountain Peak below, her eyes flickering, filled with terrifying symbols.

As the saying goes, blood is thicker than water. At this moment, Kunpeng's parents and children are being suppressed under the Five Elements Mountain, being tortured and kept in the dark. For a mother, this is intolerable.

Therefore, Kunpeng is in a state of being about to go berserk. Although he is no longer as brave as before, he still has the terrifying fighting power of the Supreme Being.

The strongest person in the Bulao Mountain in the lower realm was only in the divine fire realm, so naturally he couldn't stop her. Only the Five Elements Mountain that suppressed Kun Pengzi could be regarded as a slight obstacle.

"Dare I ask where your senior comes from? This is the gate of our Immortal Mountain. Any living being who wants to enter the Immortal Mountain must enter from the main gate in an upright manner and trespass into the forbidden area of ​​​​our religion. Senior intends to fight with me to the death of the Immortal Mountain. "?" A middle-aged man in the divine fire realm wearing golden armor shouted loudly.

There are three other divine fire realm creatures beside him, who together control the Immortal Mountain in the lower realm.

The Bulao Mountain monks all over the mountains and plains heard the words of their ancestors, and they all frowned slightly, feeling something was wrong.

Because these words do not sound very strong, and they seem to be very afraid of the enemy. If in normal times, with the power of Bulao Mountain, they directly attack them head-on and face-to-face, no one in the world would dare to oppose them.

But this time something seemed unusual.

Chi Cang didn't make a sound, his hands were clasped behind his back, his eyes were indifferent, and there was vicissitudes of life in his calmness.

Shi Hao's heartbeat was a little faster. He knew that Kunpeng, one of the ten evils, might take action. It was a great luck to see one of the ten evils take action. He had explored Kunpeng's nest and learned about Kunpeng in the Demon Hua Cave. At that time, Shi Hao had seen how terrifying this ancient supreme demon bird was, and he could smash the sun, moon and stars outside the territory at will.

Kunpeng looked down. There was an endless coldness in her eyes, which made the void freeze. She completely ignored the words of that god. What a little god is. He dared to yell at the ten evil spirits. If Chi Cang hadn't explained it in advance. According to the situation, she told her that this was Shi Hao's mother's clan, and she might have made the Everlasting Mountain vanish into thin air long ago.

At the same time, Kunpeng learned from Xiaota and Liu Shen about what happened that year. At that time, Kunpengzi made a big fuss in the upper world and was besieged by giants from all sides. The main force among them was the forces belonging to the true immortals who attacked her back then. Other major religions also participated.

Since there is a mysterious method of cultivating primary and secondary bodies, killing the main body walking outside will make Kunpengzi's secondary body even more powerful. Therefore, various religions advocated suppressing Kunpengzi's main body. After discussions between all parties, the final decision was made. Bulaoshan is responsible for suppressing it.

In order to prevent Kunpengzi from being able to escape from the predicament, the Immortal God took the initiative and used the Five Elements Mountain as a magical weapon to suppress Kunpengzi in the eight realms of the lower realm with thin spiritual energy, in an attempt to let him fend for himself.

"Hehe, Bulaoshan is going to be in bad luck." Xiaota's voice sounded from between Shi Hao's hair.

"Xiaota, do you also have a grudge against Bulaoshan? Why does it sound like you are taking pleasure in others' misfortune?" Shi Hao asked suspiciously.

"You don't need to ask any more about this. In short, the worse the fate of this guy, the happier I am." Xiaota didn't want to say more, it seemed to be a bad old memory.

Shi Hao's heart was racing. He felt that the fact that the small pagoda fell in Baiduan Mountain and wasted endless years must have something to do with the major religions in the upper world. Maybe it was besieged. Who wouldn't want to get a powerful chaos weapon like the small pagoda? ?

"Could it be that the small tower originally had six floors, but those so-called giants from the upper world fought for it and took away two floors?" He thought to himself, speculating on the past of the small tower.

"No, the comer is not good. We can't resist it. Let's make a sacrifice quickly and wake up the seniors of Five Elements Mountain to protect our door." The God of Bulao Mountain and Kunpeng who just spoke looked at each other and felt that their souls were going to be stiff. If he hadn't been at the foot of Five Elements Mountain, this look would have blown him to pieces.

"Also, bring Shi Hao's parents and Qin Hao here. Since those two people came with Shi Hao, they must be the strong ones behind Shi Hao. We must master the means to restrain them. Qin Wu, you go .”

The leader of the Immortal Mountain is very strong and is almost ready to break through to the true god. Most of the Immortal Mountain gods present will go to the upper realm in the future, leaving only one person to guard this realm. From the current point of view, the guardian is likely to be This deity is about to become the leader of the true gods, but that is not necessarily the case, because guarding the lower realm requires not entirely personal strength, but also depends on the degree of compatibility with the Five Elements Mountain. In this aspect, the deity named Qin Wu is the most outstanding. .

Qin Wu's whole body was shrouded in silver light, beating like an eternal holy fire. When he received the order to bring Shi Hao's parents and younger brothers over, his eyes moved slightly, flickered a few times, and finally nodded.

Now that Shi Hao is here, he will definitely look for his parents and relatives. If he touches these now, he may be robbed in the future. However, Qin Wu has absolute confidence in Bulao Mountain and believes that the creatures in the sky cannot cause any trouble.


At this moment, Kunpeng, one of the ten evil spirits, took action. His palms flipped, yin and yang collided, and chaotic haze spewed out, filling the sky and the earth, as if he was creating a new world.

The power belonging to the Supreme lingered in her palm, possessing unrivaled majestic power. The entire Everlasting Mountain was slightly distorted by this, as if it would be reduced to nothing under this blow.

Everyone in Bulao Mountain was horrified, they couldn't help but tremble, and their souls were all gone. What kind of terrifying opponent had they provoked? Why do they feel that their supreme ancestor is far inferior to this creature?

The big hand clapped it down, causing countless stars from outside the realm to fall together. Along the way, the void cracked inch by inch, and everything was beaten into nothingness.

Several gods looked horrified, and hurriedly offered sacrifices, tremblingly chanting incantations, directly burning their bodies, and calling out to the Five Elements Mountain.

"Senior, our clan is about to be destroyed. Please wake up."

They roared, and their whole bodies were ignited with blazing flames. The spells were hurried, and the entire Five Elements Mountain began to rumble and shake. Then, the mountain cracked, revealing the original body inside, which was simple and condensed.


A huge fighting spirit surged up, majestic and majestic, causing the void to twist and collapse.

"I have woken up, who is attacking?" A voice sounded from the Five Elements Mountain, ancient and vicissitudes of life, as if it had been sleeping for hundreds of millions of years.

Under the sacrifice of several gods at all costs, the Five Elements Mountain awakened. In the years since Kunpengzi made a big fuss in the upper world, it has been sleeping, repairing its body, warming up the weapon gods, and never woke up until Today, this calm was broken.

In fact, even if no one calls, it will wake up, because Kunpeng's supreme hand is about to fall, bringing with it waves that will destroy the world.

"Haha, Five Elements Mountain, if no one takes the lead, it will not be the enemy of the Ten Evil Kunpengs at all. This guy is going to fall into trouble." Xiaota said easily.

"I think you must have been violently beaten by the Five Elements Mountain back then." Shi Hao speculated on the side, trying to get something out of the small tower's mouth.

Although it knew that Shi Hao was provoking generals, Xiaota still refuted it because it still cared about its own face.

"It was their shameless siege back then, do you understand? If we were to challenge each other, I wouldn't be able to tear this Five Elements Mountain into five pieces?"

Shi Hao didn't believe it. He had heard rumors about Five Elements Mountain from outsiders. It was the most precious ancient artifact in Burao Mountain. Legend has it that it was born from chaos and should not be weaker than the small pagoda.

"Stop bragging, what's the origin of it?"

"I'm telling the truth, but it is one of the few weapons that can compete with me.

Speaking of its origin, it can be regarded as ancient and terrifying. If it can be truly traced back, it may be traced back to before the Immortal Era. "Xiaota's tone gradually became serious.

"What? Before the Ancient Immortal Era?" Shi Hao was surprised. It was even older than the Ancient Immortal Era. The origins of these Five Elements Mountain Peaks were really quite big.

"It is rumored that it was discovered by the Immortal Lord in a ruined ancient world. On the Five Elements Mountain, there were countless remains of gods and demons, all of which were born from the Five Elements Mountain. In other words, it carries the gods and demons of the heavens.

There is a saying that the Five Elements Mountain is the instrument that opened the sky of that world. It is related to the origin of the world and was born out of chaos.

However, it is sealed, and the appearance you see is only its appearance after sealing. Just like me, there were originally nine floors of the tower, but now there are only four floors, which is incomplete. "Little Tower said quietly.

Shi Hao's heart was shaken. What kind of terrifying power could a world-creating weapon have? It's scary to think about it. Even if it is sealed now, it is still powerful.

Kunpeng's chaotic hand fell down, seemingly slowly but urgently, as if space and time had been frozen. People couldn't move and could only watch it fall.

The Five Elements Mountain Peak trembled, and the will immediately noticed the big hand above its head. The Five Elements Mountain Mountain was horrified, and it sensed the terrifying fluctuations of the Supreme Level. This is an attack that it cannot resist at present.

Before the seal is released, the Five Elements Mountain can at most display the combat power of the first level of Escape, as well as the small tower, the reincarnation disk, etc., which is the so-called pseudo-supreme. If it is taken to the upper world, this kind of strength can be compared to the top sect. leader.

In the upper realm, the realm of the leader spans a wide range. In some small sects, Xu Dao can be called the leader, and the leaders of the top sects are generally close to escape one or have already entered escape one.

In private, many people call Monk Dunyi the Supreme. On the one hand, it is to show respect, and on the other hand, they also wish that Monk Dunyi can break through to the Supreme.

Now, the seal of Five Elements Mountain has not been broken, and naturally it cannot stop Kunpeng. It shouted low, and the five finger-like peaks glowed at the same time, and the divine light of five colors shot up into the sky, trying to stop the fall of the big hand of chaos.

However, in the face of absolute power, Wuxingshan cannot stop it even if it goes all out.


The five elements of divine light were instantly defeated, and the terrifying hand of chaos fell violently.

Many monks of the Qin tribe were frightened, because they saw the terrifying scene of the universe arising and dying in the big hand of chaos, and the stars exploding like fireworks.

It can be seen that Kunpeng restrained a lot and did not let the power spread out. Otherwise, the entire Xuanyu will sink, and the lives will be reduced to charcoal and bleeding.

Just when the big hand of chaos was about to fall, it suddenly changed the direction of its power and swatted diagonally towards the Five Elements Mountain.


How can the Five Elements Mountain, which is firmly suppressed on the earth, stop Kunpeng's big hand? He was sent flying straight away, smashing into the void along the way and turning over countless somersaults.

If it weren't for the solid body of Five Elements Mountain and the powerful power of the internal seal, it would definitely fall apart under this blow.


"Lord Wuxingshan!"

Several gods of the Qin tribe looked at this scene in shock and couldn't believe it, because their ancestor, the Immortal Lord, said that with the Five Elements Mountain here, the lower realm gates would be safe and sound.

As a result, now, that woman knocked down the Five Elements Mountain, the highest mountain in their hearts, with one blow, which was simply terrifying.

Chi Cang looked at the Five Elements Mountain, with mysterious symbols of order flashing in his eyes. He could see that there was a huge power hidden inside the Five Elements Mountain, perhaps reaching the level of a true immortal. However, for those who could attack horizontally, To him, who is immortal, this is nothing.

"Haha, this guy has his day too." Xiaota felt happy in his heart. He had suffered a lot at the hands of Wuxing Mountain back then. Now that he saw Wuxing Mountain deflated and crushed by Kunpeng, he was naturally happy.

"Eh? Is that... the creature suppressed by the Five Elements Mountain?" Shi Hao looked at the original location of the Five Elements Mountain. There, there was a creature with disheveled hair. It was trapped by the Five Elements Divine Chain. It was as skinny as firewood, with hair as full as weeds. Withered and yellow, covering the body, it seems that it has been suppressed for endless years.

"Is he your target?"

In the distance, Wuxing Mountain controlled its body shape and said angrily. It glowed all over and tried its best to suppress the rioting power in the mountain. With Kunpeng's attack, who could escape it? If it hadn't been special, it would have exploded long ago.

Kunpeng didn't speak, but looked at the bound creatures on the ground. His cold eyes slowly faded, and there was some divine brilliance.

This creature was thin and dry, not powerful at all. Its body was covered with dirt and rocks, and its hair had not been trimmed for a long time. It was very long and covered its whole body like a withered yellow mess.

For a long time, it has been suppressed under the Five Elements Mountain, locked by the Five Elements Divine Chain. It is difficult to break free, unable to absorb the essence of heaven and earth, and the whole person is skinny.

It’s hard to imagine how it got here over the years.

The monks of the Qin tribe were all horrified when they looked at the creature suppressed by the Five Elements Mountain. They felt cold from head to toe. Once this creature escapes from the trap, it will inevitably lead to the collapse of the earth.

Unexpectedly, those people above came here for this immortal creature.

"Let's take a good look at who she is! If you dare to imprison Kunpengzi, you guys are so tired of living." Xiaota spoke out, sending out chaotic fluctuations.

When Wuxingshan heard this, he noticed the small glistening white tower in Shi Hao's hair.

"It's you?"

Regarding Kunpeng's main and secondary bodies, during the period when Shi Hao emerged from the immortal ancient flower bud, the immortal creature was the primary body, and the Kunmen old man was the secondary body.

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