The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 180 Mother and Son

"Did you bring someone here to rescue him? It seems that after the battle, your obsession has not gone away, and you are still unwilling to give up until now." Wuxingshan mentioned the old things and said this.

Xiaota laughed.

"Haha, you should take care of yourself. I told you to take a good look at who she is."

Upon hearing this, Wuxingshan looked directly at Kunpeng's face and sensed her aura.

In just an instant, it saw some clues. Five Elements Mountain was inexplicably frightened and did not believe in its own judgment, because some people had disappeared in the long river of time and could never reappear.

However, after looking at the skinny and motionless Kun Pengzi, and then at the peerless and charming Kunpeng, and thinking of the profound words contained in the small pagoda, he suddenly understood the cause and effect.

"How can it be?"

Wuxingshan couldn't believe how a dead person could appear in the world and have terrifying combat power of the Supreme level. This was too unbelievable.

"She would definitely die if she was hit by that kind of spell. There is no reason why she could survive." Wu Xingshan obviously had some understanding of that incident.

At this time, Kunpeng's figure suddenly disappeared. Many people wiped their eyes and looked up at the sky, but only saw Shi Hao and Chi Cang.

"Over there!"

The people of the Qin tribe exclaimed that Kunpeng had arrived at the suppression site of Wuxing Mountain at some point and walked in front of the immortal creatures.

"Oops...Oops..." Several gods in the Everlasting Mountain had a premonition that something bad was going to happen, and the immortal creature was about to be released.

They knew some ancient secrets and knew how terrifying this skinny creature was. In those endless years, countless people died in order to suppress it.

What's even more terrifying is that this beautiful woman is even more troublesome than the immortal creature. Moreover, there is a mysterious creature standing with hands behind its hands in the sky. It has not made a move from beginning to end. No one knows how strong he is.

According to the rumors, this being who did not take action was most likely the one who was suspected of being the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors who took action to suppress the Chaos God Disk in the Void God Realm during the Two Stones War.

The people of the Qin tribe were trembling, unable to control themselves. They were usually aloof and aloof, but today they tasted the bitter pill and felt the fear of being dominated.

Now, they can only place their hope on the Five Elements Mountain, hoping that it can exert its power and solve the trouble.

However, at this moment, Wuxing Mountain didn't know what to do. That woman was Kunpeng, one of the ten evil spirits, and a supreme immortal powerhouse. Even if she was no longer at her peak, she still had supreme combat power.

You know, even the Immortal Heavenly Lord has never climbed to the Supreme Immortal Mountain. Who can stop Kunpeng?

Perhaps by unlocking its own seal, Kunpeng can be suppressed, but only the Immortal Lord masters this method.


Five Elements Mountain shouted, a little anxious. Its five peaks stand side by side, extremely majestic and boundless. Chaos energy falls down, like a vast divine waterfall, making a huge roar.

This is its current strongest state, extremely close to the realm of the Supreme. However, Wuxingshan knows that if it does not truly break through to the Supreme, it will not be able to compare with the creatures in this realm. The realm of the Supreme is fundamentally different from the previous realm. , it is impossible to reverse the attack.

Kunpeng ignored the Five Elements Mountain and regarded it as nothing. You must know that she used to overlook the nine heavens and ten earths, and even the Immortal King could fight. The Five Elements Mountain, which had only one level of fighting power, naturally could not enter her eyes.

Besides, what she is doing now is to save her child, and anyone who dares to stop her will pay a heavy price.

She walked slowly and stopped in front of a simple altar. This was the key to sealing Kun Pengzi. The Five Elements Divine Chains that trapped Kun Pengzi all extended from this altar.

Ignoring the roaring Five Elements Mountain, Kunpeng stretched out his slender fingers, fired out the Yin and Yang Qi, turned into a fairy sword, and slashed at the Five Elements Divine Chain.


In the face of absolute power, the Five Elements Divine Chain could not stop it and broke immediately.

Kunpengzi lay motionless on his back on the ground. The chains on his body kept breaking. Within a few breaths, he was completely free.

"You..." Wuxingshan was shocked and angry, but did not say anything harsh. It knew that it could no longer control the situation on its own.

As a result, it activated an ancient bronze temple on the mountain, making it shine as clear as jasper, somewhat unlike bronze, more like jade.

"It is anxious and wants to inform the upper realm. The copper palace is the coordinate. It is estimated that the Immortal Heavenly Lord will be unable to sit still. However, if he wants to get to the lower realm, he will have to pay a heavy price." Xiaota said.

Shi Hao's heart was shaken. Is the Lord of the Eternal Mountain heading to the lower realm? I have long heard of the reputation of this powerful man, and now I am about to see it with my own eyes.

"Eh? How come Qin Wu hasn't come back after being gone for so long?" Several gods in Bulao Mountain were a little confused. Logically speaking, it should be effortless for a strong man in the divine fire realm to bring Qin Yining, Shi Ziling, and Qin Hao here. But Qin Wu went there for a while and still didn't come back.

At this moment, Qin Wu stood in front of the small world where Qin Yining and Shi Ziling were imprisoned. He tried many methods to get in, but they all failed and he could not shake it. It seemed that this place had been sealed by some powerful force.

After coming back to his senses, Qin Wu looked up at the sky and looked at the mysterious strong man standing with his hands behind his back. He immediately understood that this strong man must have done it.

He was a little powerless, claiming to be the supreme god. Looking down at the lower world, he also felt the taste of a mortal.

In the small world, a young man with a tall head frowned, noticing the abnormality of the small world. He was dressed in shiny silver clothes, filled with the aura of a god. The young man was heroic, tall and heroic.

If Shi Hao were here and saw this young man, he would definitely recognize him as his younger brother who he has never met before, because the edges of the young man's eyes are somewhat similar to those of Shi Ziling and Qin Yining, which can be seen at a glance.

He sensed it carefully for a while, then turned around and said to his parents: "Father, mother, don't worry, something must have happened in Burao Mountain. In order to protect us, the elders sealed this world."

Shi Ziling is very tall. Compared with when he made a big fuss in Prince Wu's Mansion, his eyes are a little more weathered and less energetic, but they are still as heroic as before.

He looked at his wife and said doubtfully: "I don't know why, but I have an indescribable feeling, which seems to be excitement and anxiety. It makes me feel uneasy."

"Me too, something important must have happened related to us." Qin Yining responded.

When Qin Hao next to him heard this, his eyes shone brightly, as if he had guessed something. He was a little silent, a little entangled, and finally comforted his parents: "It must be because he has been too tired recently, and my father has been practicing too hard. This is not good. "

"Maybe." Shi Ziling sighed slightly. He had to do this. Only by continuing to practice and become stronger could he hope to escape from being under house arrest.

In the outside world, Kunpeng cut all the Five Elements Divine Chains, and Kunpengzi was no longer bound, but it remained motionless.

Xiaota said with some fright: "You won't fall because of exhaustion, right?"

Shi Hao looked at Kunpeng. If Kunpengzi died here, she would definitely go crazy. Although there is another incarnation surviving, it will not completely die.

"He's still alive. He just used a certain method to trap his essence, seal his body, and cut off contact with the outside world." Chi Cang explained next to him.

The next moment, his words were verified.

Kunpeng waved his hand and spread a large amount of yin and yang power, all of which was submerged into the withered figure.

After doing all this, Kun Pengzi's body moved, and a terrifying wave appeared within it. It truly revived and woke up from hibernation.

Everyone who saw this scene took a breath. The creatures suppressed by Five Elements Mountain were really not dead. They were still alive. Obviously, it had used some kind of secret method to trap its essence in order to resist the years and time. of scouring.

Even so, there is still consumption, but it has been reduced to a minimum, allowing it to survive until now.

Under the wild hair like wild grass, a pair of golden pupils slowly lit up, as bright as the sun. Many creatures staring there immediately screamed, all closed their eyes, and blood dripped from the corners of their eyes.

Kun Pengzi, an immortal creature, opened his eyes to see the world again after endless years.

What caught his eye was not a powerful enemy who wanted to kill it, nor an overwhelming attack, but a stunning woman with a gentle expression and tears in her eyes. This was somewhat different from what Kun Pengzi had imagined.

It has become accustomed to being slandered by all parties, surrounded and besieged by enemies from all directions, and fighting bloody battles from all directions. When it wakes up again, the prosperous years of the past gradually come to mind.

But, who is this woman in front of me? Why does it feel familiar?


Kunpengzi was shocked to find that his blood was surging involuntarily, like an aroused tide. He could clearly hear the blood flowing at an extremely fast speed, as if Kunpengs were turning into Kunpengs, soaring up to ninety thousand miles.

At this moment, it understood everything. The woman looking at it with affection and love was its mother who had fallen and had never met.

Kunpengzi's soul trembled a little and he couldn't help but shed tears. Even though he was invincible in the upper world and was oppressed by those despicable enemies with great power, fighting against the sky and the earth, and being the enemy of the whole world, he did not feel sad and never shed a single tear. Now, Kunpengzi really couldn't help it.

Under everyone's gaze, it was sobbing, sad, and happy.

This is its mother, the only relative in the world. When it was born from the small chaotic world that sealed it, Kunpengzi knew the result of his mother's death under the Immortal-Zhe Curse. At that time, it felt sad and full of anger. , entered the upper realm alone, and after successful cultivation, he turned the three thousand states upside down, complaining about what happened to his mother.

It's a pity that one person's power is limited after all. Among the three thousand Daozhous controlled by Canxian, they can easily unite all the top forces to attack it. It is difficult for them to defeat four hands with two fists. They are finally defeated and suppressed in a cage-like cage. Nether.

Now, when she woke up and saw the mother who was the most unfamiliar to her, but also the one she was closest to and cared about most, Kun Pengzi was so excited that she couldn't help it.

Its messy hair like withered yellow weeds moves without wind, and every inch is stained with sacred golden brilliance. Its two golden pupils are shining like two golden lamps in the darkness, illuminating the dark world.

"Is this an illusion?"

Kun Pengzi stretched out his hand to wipe away his tears and said in a hoarse voice.

The people around him were all silent. They looked at Kun Pengzi who was crying in disbelief. Is this the same big devil who killed millions of people and left them with blood and blood? Can such a cold-blooded creature cry?

The Five Elements Mountain silently urged the Tongdian without saying a word. When Kun Pengzi saw his mother, he cried with excitement. This is human nature, but its duty is to suppress Kunpengzi. The agreement made by the teacher cannot be changed.

Shi Hao above looked at the scene where Kunpeng mother and son met, and couldn't help but think of himself. He could feel that feeling.

Chi Cang, who was next to him, patted his shoulder and saw the tears shining in Shi Hao's eyes.

"Uncle Chicang..."

"Go, your parents and relatives are waiting for you."

Before Shi Hao could say anything, the whole person disappeared. Only Chi Cang stood alone in the sky.

Below, Kunpeng stepped forward and reached out to touch Kunpengzi's cheek.

"It's true, kid, I've suffered a lot for you these years." Kunpeng spoke out so gently that it made Kunpengzi's cold heart tremble.

It realized that it was not alone or unaccompanied, and that its mother was still in this world. This was a warmth that Kunpengzi had never felt before.

"Oh my God, who is this woman? How can an immortal creature be like her child?" The people of the Qin tribe were numb. Immortal creatures are already troublesome enough. They are terrifying and terrifying, and their ferocious power will shock the ages. Now there is another one. What's even more terrifying is that it seems to be one generation higher than the immortal creatures.

"The recognition of mother and son is indeed touching, but that's it." The voice from Wuxing Mountain came, breaking the tranquility here.

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge aura suddenly appeared, boundless in terror, shaking the Everlasting Mountain and the entire Xuan Realm. All living beings felt their hearts throbbing, stopped what they were doing, and looked up at the sky.

An unimaginable being is about to appear.

If the stars and rivers rise and fall, like morning dew and clouds, the atmosphere between heaven and earth is completely chaotic, all kinds of rays of light are rising into the sky, rising and falling indefinitely, complex and mysterious orders appear, and then collapse.

The void is like a tattered picture scroll, shaking and twisting, with chaotic light flowing, and the scene is terrifying and difficult to understand.

The green copper palace on the Five Elements Mountain releases special energy and becomes a coordinate, providing direction for the supreme being in the vast chaos and guiding him forward.


There was a loud noise, and the light of the talisman shot into the sky, filling the sky and the earth. The sound of murmuring chanting resounded, channeling the supreme power of thought, and the entire mysterious realm resonated.

In the void, a huge figure appeared, sitting cross-legged on the spot, with a layer of bright silver light surrounding its entire body.

"Tianzun!" The people of the Qin tribe couldn't help crying with joy when they saw the phantom of their ancestor, as if they saw hope.

"Is this the so-called Immortal Lord?" Chi Cang was very calm, and there was no fluctuation in his heart. He could see that the Immortal Lord had not ascended to the supreme position, but it was extremely close, only one step away. Moreover, the one in the lower realm was just a projection, not a The real body makes the power that the Immortal Lord can exert even more limited, and he can't do anything to Kunpeng at all.

In the sky, the shadow of the Immortal Lord was chanting as soon as he appeared. Every time he chanted a word, it turned into a giant mountain of symbols and lined up in the sky, as if he was preparing some terrifying sealing method.

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