The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 181 Immortal Blood, Ants

This is a creature with infinite power, with a blurry figure, sitting high on the ninth level of the sky. The silvery white light turns into a divine disk, shrouding it like the sun, and a pair of vicissitudes of life and indifferent eyes appear, Overlooking the world.

As he recited the sutra, one symbol after another jumped out from his mouth, turning into giant mountains holding up the sky, and arranged them above. This is the Immortal Sutra of Immortality, which is said to be able to save all living beings. He wants to use this kind of ruthlessness Go up to the scriptures and suppress Kunpengzi again.

The Five Elements Mountain, which provided the coordinates, also cooperated with him and transformed into the form of a magical weapon. The five beams of light merged into one, becoming a treasure seal with radiant fairy light, engraved with the ancient marks of gods and demons and the aura of creation.

It rushed straight up and came to the head of the projection of the Immortal Lord. It resonated with the Immortal Sutra cast by the Immortal Lord and gave blessings.

In an instant, the entire sky was covered with immortal mountains one after another, which were transformed from the runes of the Immortal Sutra of Immortality. They had the power to seal the sky and were terrifying.

"Senior Kunpeng? Although I have never met him, I have heard of his reputation. When he came to the Immortal Mountain, I should have swept the bed to greet him. However, I made an oath and had no choice but to suppress Kunpengzi." came the voice of the Immortal Lord in the silver light. Unexpectedly, the voice was very young, like a young man speaking in his golden years.

Kunpeng below looked at him coldly.


She whispered, but in the ears of the Immortal Heavenly Lord and the people of the Qin tribe, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue. This sound contained the immortal sound of the great avenue, which was deafening.

The silver light trembled, twisted, and almost disappeared. The immortal mountains arranged in an array also shook non-stop.

The Immortal Heavenly Lord stabilized the situation and was shocked. He truly felt Kunpeng's terrifying combat power. With his projection and the Five Elements Mountain that had not yet been unlocked, trying to repel Kunpeng was like hitting an egg against a stone.

However, the Immortal Lord was not ready to give up. His role in suppressing the immortal beings was an oath made between the Immortal Mountain and the various major religions. It was extremely involved. If Kunpengzi was allowed to escape, he would be ignoring cause and effect.

However, in terms of cause and effect, attacking Kunpeng in front of him seems to have greater cause and effect, but the Immortal Lord has no choice.

"Senior Kunpeng, I've offended you. I'm afraid you won't be able to take it away today." Immortal Heavenly Lord sighed and took action boldly.

The majestic celestial mountains are filled with the power of the five elements and covered with dense symbols. They carry the general trend of heaven and earth and suppress it, trying to suppress it together with Kunpeng.

Kunpengzi looked at the Immortal Lord coldly. His hair was shining, as if it were made of gold. He interpreted the supreme law. Even if his body was withered, he still stood tall against the sky and the earth.

It wants to take action and fight against this creature that has had conflicts with it and suppressed it for endless years.

Kunpeng stopped it. At this time, Kunpengzi had just woken up. It had been severely injured after being suppressed for a long time, and it was impossible to defeat the projection of the Immortal God in charge of the Five Elements Mountain.

Besides, with her and Chi Cang here, how could it be Kun Pengzi's turn to take action?

A drop of thunderous treasure liquid appeared in her hand, and then floated towards Kun Pengzi, who was as skinny as firewood. Suddenly, a rich and extremely rich force of creation, vitality and supreme order filled the world.

Kunpengzi was slightly shocked, a little stunned, what kind of treasure liquid was that? It actually has the illusion that if it swallows the refining, it will be cured immediately.

"Take it. This is your Uncle Thunder Emperor's Thunder Tribulation Liquid. It is enough to restore your injuries and replenish your lost vitality." Kunpeng said.

"Uncle Thunder Emperor?" Kun Pengzi was shocked again. The reputation of the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors shocked the ancient times and the present. Legend has it that he had died in the Immortal Ancient, and now he is still alive in the world like his mother?

It suddenly realized that it looked up and saw Chi Cang standing in the chaos.

Kunpengzi, who had been unruly all his life, was a little shocked at this moment. He seemed to see a supreme king of thunder and lightning who dominated the human world, standing in the nine heavens.

Vast, mysterious, domineering, majestic, this is what it felt in Chi Cang.


The Immortal Mountains blessed by the Five Elements Mountain suddenly fell. Each one was majestic and vast, like a world falling from the sky.

There are too many, it is overwhelming, the whole sky is filled, vast and boundless.

Facing this majestic Xianyue, Kunpeng's face was expressionless, and his ancient well was calm.

Suddenly, a pair of golden wings appeared behind her, which was more majestic than the mountains. A terrifying aura filled the air, and the power of the Supreme swept across the sky and the earth, shattering the clouds in all directions.

The scene was extremely terrifying. Kunpeng revealed his true form, which was a pair of huge wings. They were as brilliant as fairy gold and endless like clouds hanging from the sky. At this moment, the world was about to collapse.

The Qin monks in the Immortal Mountain have already collapsed to the ground. Even the gods who were originally aloof have collapsed and trembled like mortals.

Kunpeng's supreme pressure points directly to the depths of the soul and is impossible to resist. Therefore, they are afraid from the bottom of their hearts.


The golden haze stirred, and the sky shone with golden clouds. Kunpeng's wings cut through the sky like that, surpassing the limitations of time and space at an indescribable speed, and reached the sky.



Two sounds sounded almost at the same time. The first sound was the sound of the Everlasting Mountains exploding all over the sky, and the second sound was the sound of the golden wings hitting the seal formed by the Five Elements Mountain, which resounded throughout the world.

People stared at the scene in the sky with their eyes wide open in disbelief.

The majestic and powerful falling mountains were as fragile as bubbles. It felt like a huge golden lightning rushed through, and everything became a dreamy bubble.

Where the Immortal Lord sits cross-legged, there is a terrifying void filled with large cracks, like dense spider webs, constantly spreading outward.

There was no longer any figure of the Immortal Heavenly Lord there, and the silver sun that enveloped him disappeared at the moment of collision. As for the Five Elements Mountain and the Immortal Heavenly Lord, they had already flown backwards, smashing into layers of void and almost being destroyed. Hit the chaotic zone of Xuanyu.

During this process, Immortal Heavenly Lord exploded several times. If it hadn't left a mark in Five Elements Mountain, he would have been completely destroyed.


The Immortal Heavenly Lord was horrified. Are these the legendary Ten Evil Kunpengs? Legend has it that in its heyday, it was an immortal creature, but now it is in a wrong state. It is only at the supreme level, but it is still so terrifying.

No wonder the few remnant immortals in the upper world who were said to have besieged Kunpeng were never born. They probably suffered great losses at the hands of Kunpeng back then, and they have not recovered yet.

"There is no other way but to break the seal. Fortunately, those people haven't taken action yet, and the drastic change in the lower realm has not happened yet. Otherwise, it would be difficult for me to break your seal in the lower realm." Immortal Heavenly Lord sighed.

At this moment, he revealed his true body, and the silver sun surrounding him had been shattered into powder by Kunpeng's blow just now.

There is no solemnity, simplicity or staleness as imagined. The Immortal Lord is incredibly young. Judging from his appearance, he is only eighteen or nineteen years old. He is extremely handsome, full of vitality, and not old at all, which is in line with his title.

He said nothing more, chanted a spell in his mouth, and spit out symbols that shone with fairy light. They were displayed in the void and emitted the sound of the avenue. Soon, the world began to vibrate, as if it was resonating with it.

This is an ancient sacrificial text, which can explain cause and effect to the heaven and earth, avoid the power of the interface to the greatest extent, and release things to the lower world.

You must know that if you want to descend from the upper realm to the eight realms, you need to pay a huge price. Generally speaking, the leader of the great religion will not go down to the realm easily, and will only come down once after an extremely long period of time. That is, it is said in the eight realms During the great catastrophe, the creatures in the eight realms of the lower world were harvested as leeks.

Now, if the Immortal Lord wants to unlock the seal of the Five Elements Peak, he needs some special things, which can only be dropped from the upper world. This sacrificial inscription has played a big role.


The void shook violently, and the entire mysterious realm was affected. Countless creatures felt it in their hearts, as if something terrifying was about to force its way into this world, which was horrifying.

In the small world, Shi Hao was reunited with his relatives and expressed his longing for these years. His younger brother Qin Hao stood not far away, looking at his brother and parents without saying a word, very silent.

Shi Ziling and Qin Yining brought the two brothers together and gave them many instructions, hoping that they could be reconciled.

The two knew that their second son had lived in Burao Mountain since he was a child, living in an environment surrounded by Qin monks. The person who is in charge of Burao Mountain now is not from Qin Yining's lineage, otherwise the couple would not be under house arrest and forced to have another son. .

Under the influence of the Qin monks of this lineage, Qin Hao knew the reason for his birth. He was born to Shi Ziling and his wife to save their eldest son.

On the one hand, Bulaoshan knew that their first child was born with the Supreme Bone, and he was very interested in whether they could have another child with the Supreme Bone. On the other hand, the upper world needed them to implement the Supreme Nirvana Plan. The two of them were originally unwilling to have another son, but later the Qin tribe told them that the essence and blood of the second son might be able to save the eldest son. They were hesitant, so they agreed. Many reasons contributed to the birth of Qin Hao.

Knowing this, Qin Hao would inevitably have a grudge in his heart, and would feel that he was just a tool born to save his brother, a substitute.

But which child in the world is not the heart and soul of his parents? How could Shi Ziling and his wife ignore Qin Hao's life?

"Father and mother, don't worry, I will take good care of my brother and won't let anything happen to him." Shi Hao understood everything and probably knew what the knot in his brother's heart was. When the two met for the first time, the atmosphere was not very harmonious. .

Qin Hao was dressed in silver battle clothes and looked handsome as a young man. After hearing Shi Hao's words, he said stubbornly: "No, I will become the strongest person in the world."

"Okay, my brother will become the strongest person in the future, and then he will take care of his brother." Shi Hao said with a smile. He was very strong in the outside world, but when facing his family, he was completely different.

In particular, he knows that this younger brother has suffered a lot of grievances. If he lives in a different place, he will also think that his status in the hearts of his parents is lower than that of his older brother, and he will feel uncomfortable.

"The fighting outside was very fierce, and the Immortal Lord was beaten violently." Xiaota said from Shi Hao's hair.

This was not a sound transmission, so Qin Hao on the side also heard it. He looked at Xiaota with some surprise. The same was true for Shi Hao's parents. They couldn't believe it. Would someone as powerful as the Immortal Lord be beaten violently? This is incredible.

"Huh? No, this guy is going to go on a rampage, let's get out." Xiaota's tone suddenly changed, from relaxed to serious.

Shi Hao's heart froze and he nodded.

"Xiaota, protect my family."

"Don't worry, with that one here, no matter what happens, your family will be safe and sound."

Shi Hao knew in his heart that the person Xiaota was talking about was Chi Cang, and he was immediately relieved. The title of Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors alone could make people feel at ease.

The small tower shook, scattered light, enveloped Shi Hao's family, and then sent a message to Chi Cang.


A passage appeared out of thin air, and Xiaota rushed out with Shi Hao and the others. The next second, they appeared high in the sky and came behind Chi Cang.

This is the sky above the center of Burao Mountain. Standing here, you can overlook the entire Burao Mountain. After Qin Hao, Shi Ziling, and Qin Yining stood firm, they realized where they were. They were all shocked and speechless. They stood here. , is completely contemptuous of the Everlasting Mountain, which is equivalent to trampling the Everlasting Mountain under your feet. Who in the world dares to do this?

Looking at the majestic figure standing in the chaos in front of them, the three of them were shocked from the bottom of their hearts. Is this the elder that Shi Hao mentioned? The power is immeasurable and cannot be seen through at all.

He stands there as if he is an insurmountable peak. No matter how many years go by and eras change, he will remain eternal.

"Hao'er..." Shi Ziling looked at Shi Hao aside.

Shi Hao nodded.

Qin Hao looked at Chi Cang's back, and his heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate. Could this strong man be the Thunder Emperor, one of the ten most ferocious men, as rumored?

"Uncle Chicang."

Chi Cang nodded lightly and turned to look at Qin Hao. He saw the piece of immortal bone in Qin Hao's body. It was extraordinary. It contained terrifying power and was densely covered with immortal runes.

Implanting such a bone in the body will indeed be of great help to the path of spiritual practice, but when it comes to cause and effect, things become complicated. Does the owner of the immortal bone still have the will to survive? No one knows.

"It's not simple. This bone has a big cause and effect." Chi Cang looked at it for a few times and said solemnly.

"Uncle Chicang, could this bone put people's lives in danger?" Shi Hao heard this and was a little worried about his brother's safety.

Shi Ziling and his wife also looked over, with worries on their faces.

"Not necessarily. From the current point of view, it is beneficial, but this bone involves immortal creatures. It is difficult to say what will happen in the future. The pros and cons still need to be considered." Chi Cang shook his head and said.

"It involves immortal beings..." Shi Hao and his parents looked at each other. There was no need to say how terrifying the immortal beings were. They were very worried that Qin Hao would be robbed in the future.

Qin Hao felt a little cold in his heart. He was really afraid that Chi Cang would catch the bone.

"This is my path, I don't need you to arrange it."

"This bone should have been planted under Qin Changsheng's instructions. All we need to do is capture him and ask him." Chi Cang said casually.

"Capture Qin Changsheng?" Shi Ziling and Qin Yining were startled. Isn't the person in front of them too strong? He actually made it so simple to catch the Immortal Lord, as if Qin Changsheng was just an insignificant person.

Qin Hao was also a little shocked. He didn't know if this strong man was talking nonsense or if he was really that scary.

Suddenly, a throbbing feeling emerged in everyone's mind, as if something terrifying had forced its way into the mysterious realm.


An exclamation came from Qin Hao. Everyone looked and saw an astonishing sight.

The immortal bones on Qin Hao's chest involuntarily released the immortal radiance, shrouding it, and one after another mysterious immortal symbols lit up, and vaguely, there seemed to be the sound of chanting, resounding throughout the world.

"This is……"

Shi Hao looked at Chi Cang. He was still talking about this bone just now. Something unusual like this happened right away. How could he not make people worried?

His parents were even more anxious and their faces turned pale.

Qin Hao, who was full of passion, felt touched when he saw the caring expressions of his parents and brother, but he immediately became indifferent.

Chi Cang looked at the immortal bone, then at the rolling sea of ​​clouds in the distance, and then said: "Interesting, Qin Changsheng spent a lot of money to send a drop of blood from the upper world, and it actually resonated with this immortal bone. It seems that The two should have the same origin.”

"Is the blood of the True Immortal... to unlock the seal of Five Elements Mountain?"

The small tower looked at the horizon in surprise. That was the direction in which Qin Changsheng flew upside down. There was a terrifying energy filling the sky, and the entire sky was dyed with bright red clouds.

Suddenly, the mutation regenerated, and in the west, immeasurable golden light bloomed, spraying auspicious clouds, filling the heaven and earth. Then, a huge figure appeared. It was a huge statue, golden in color, both solemn and solemn, both sacred and compassionate. .

Qin Yining's expression was extremely solemn. She came from the upper world and was the Saint of the Everlasting Mountain. Naturally, she knew who this powerful person was.

"The leader of the Western religion!"

The huge golden dharma image suddenly shrank and condensed into a six-foot-long golden body. The body was crystal clear and brilliant. Holding a green bamboo in hand, it stood up from the ground, left the west, and came towards the Everlasting Mountain at a high speed.

At this moment, in the Immortal Mountain, the immortal creatures are refining the Thunder Tribulation Liquid, and their vitality is becoming more and more intense. The leader of the Western Sect is here just for it.

"This guy has also gone down to the lower realm, and he wants to suppress Kunpengzi again." Xiaota obviously knew the leader of the Western Sect, and had once conquered him.

Shi Hao's family all looked at Chi Cang. They already knew that Chi Cang was on the side of the immortal creatures.

Chi Cang looked at the menacing Zhangliu golden body and said calmly: "I'm just an ant. I dare to participate in this matter. I don't know what I can do."

Before everyone could be shocked, he stretched out his hand toward the void, and a strange ripple washed out. In just a moment, the high-speed moving Zhangliu Golden Body was affected, and it immediately stopped moving and froze in place.

The breeze blew by, and the golden body was wiped out inch by inch and turned into ashes.

"How scary..." Xiaota was stunned. The leader of the Western Sect, known as a giant in the upper world, overlooked the endless years of the three thousand states. As a result, in the lower world, his projection was extinguished by someone's finger.

It should be noted that although the Zhangliu golden body is a projection, its initial combat power is not much worse than that of the original body. Unfortunately, in front of Chi Cang, he is no different from an ant.

Qin Yining secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva and was shocked by Chi Cang's power. The leader of the Western Sect and the Immortal Lord Qin Changsheng were on the same level, but they couldn't even block Chi Cang's finger. Moreover, there was still a gap between the two. Staring at the boundless void is equivalent to sitting cross-legged hundreds of millions of miles away and killing an insignificant ant with one finger.

Qin Hao's eyes widened and his pupils shrank. After this blow, he no longer doubted Chi Cang's words just now. The other party could really capture the Immortal Lord.


The purple energy came from the east, and spread for eight thousand miles. In the distance, an old cow appeared, its hooves stepped on the void, walking slowly, carrying a shadow approaching the Everlasting Mountain. This creature carried a fairy sword on its back, releasing a terrifying killing light.

"Lord of Sword Valley?"

Qin Yining also recognized the origin of the old man riding the bull. Like the leader of the Western Sect, this man was one of the top figures in the upper world.

"This guy is here too. When we besieged Kunpengzi, Jiangu was the main force." Xiaota said with schadenfreude. It knew that the projection of the old man riding the bull would be killed before he could hold a single breath. Ten evil spirits were involved, and the so-called leader was involved. You are not eligible to participate at all, unless you have immortal artifacts like Qin Changsheng.

Sure enough, before Chi Cang could take action, there was a streak of golden lightning across the sky. Before the old man riding the bull could figure out what was going on, he was beaten into nothingness without even pulling out his sword.

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