The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 183 Big Cause and Effect

It's so blazing, a thunder pool is more dazzling than the sun, the thunder is brilliant, the lightning is flying, the ancient and simple pool wall is covered with orderly lines, and I don't know what kind of stone it is made of, washing away the breath of time, as if Just rushed out of the long river of time.

Chi Cang, bathed in thunder and lightning, stood on the thunder pool with his hands behind his back. His eyes were as deep as the stars. The terrifying aura at the peak of the human realm spread overwhelmingly, making the world tremble and making the big stars outside the territory shine. It fell and exploded like fireworks.

This is not the pinnacle of the ordinary human realm. Under the cutting of the Immortal Breaking Curse, the blazing Ancient Immortal Dao Fruit has already advanced a step further. His realm has not changed, but his combat power has broken through the shackles and reached an incredible state. Now he is , can attack immortals horizontally and defeat immortals in retrograde motion.

Qin Changsheng took a breath. This mysterious strong man was really driving the thunder pool. Although all the catastrophes after the Immortal Ancient Era were hidden and almost invisible, things like the thunder pool did not completely disappear.

Some of the heaven-defying geniuses in the upper realm will cause thunder punishment when they are going through tribulation, and they will see the thunder pool.

However, since ancient times, I have only heard of people grabbing the Thunder Tribulation Liquid, but I have never heard of anyone being able to obtain the Thunder Pond or even control the Thunder Pond.

In history, only one of the ten legendary evils, the Thunder Emperor, who shocked the past and the present, was able to control the thunder pool, impose punishments on behalf of heaven, and judge the world.

At this moment, a majestic figure like an emperor stood on the Thunder Pond, killing at a very fast speed and sending the Five Elements Mountain flying into the chaos. Besides the Thunder Emperor, who else could it be?

"Another one of the Ten Evils."

Qin Changsheng was frightened for a while. He thought that with Five Elements Mountain there, there would be no accidents in suppressing Kun Pengzi. Who would have thought that there are so many terrifying creatures hidden in this tiny place in the Eight Realms of the Lower Realm.

All in all, the two top ten villains are all from the previous era. According to rumors, they have all fallen. However, the reality is that both of them are alive and well. They still retain part of their fighting power and can fight against true immortals. .

For the first time, he felt powerless. He was all-powerful in the upper realm and was called a giant, feared by all directions and respected by everyone in the universe. However, after arriving in the lower realm, he could only be at the mercy of others.

Even if he were in the lower realm in his true form, he would not be able to make any waves, and his ending would be no different from the projection of the leader of the Western Sect and the Master of the Sword Valley.

Just now, Qin Changsheng witnessed with his own eyes what happened to the two sect leaders after they projected themselves into the lower realm. They turned into ashes without even farting. One was crushed by Chi Cang with a finger across hundreds of millions of miles of void, and the other was crushed by Kunpeng's pair. The golden chaos wings swept through and turned into nothingness on the spot.

He couldn't help but think of one thing. The taboo sects in the upper realm were about to join forces with the lower realm to harvest the world's great medicine. If they had known how dangerous and terrifying the lower realm was, they might not have been able to proceed as scheduled.

Of course, many of the creatures preparing to prepare for the lower world this time are terrifying figures who are nearing the end of their lifespan. Even if they knew there was danger here, they would probably choose to take the gamble.

At their level, lifespan is not only endless, but also lasts for millions of years. In other words, those who are about to end their lifespan are incredibly old. Many people were born much longer than Qin Changsheng. They were all the top leaders of the major religions countless years ago. It was difficult to tell whether there were beings among them who could surpass the leaders.

However, in this lower realm, even a dragon has to be coiled, a tiger has to lie down, and even if a true immortal comes to the world, he will die.


There was a loud noise in the chaotic zone, and the heavy haze rolled like a huge wave. A vast five-element mountain peak rushed out from it, exuding immortal energy.

A vague figure followed the steps and stood on the opposite side of Chi Cang.

"Defeat the Immortal Dao with humanity, defeat the Immortal in retrograde motion, invincible, worthy of being the youngest of the Ten Fierce, with endless potential..." The Immortal Dao creature sighed.

"I can't do anything to you. The oath is void. He will no longer be an enemy of Kun Pengzi, and I will not take action for this again."

Hearing this, Chi Cang looked coldly at Wuxing Mountain and Qin Changsheng's projection.

"You said you can't be enemies if you don't want to be enemies? What does it have to do with us if you end your karma? Now, you have a big karma on your hands."

Qin Changsheng's heart froze and he didn't say anything. As early as the moment he decided to attack Kunpeng, he had expected that this situation might happen.

Unfortunately, there was no other way. He had made an oath back then, and he was responsible for suppressing Kunpengzi, and Bulaoshan received various benefits. The condition was that if Kunpengzi wanted to escape from trouble one day, he would do his best to stop it.

Relatively speaking, unlocking the seal of Five Elements Mountain and unleashing the power of immortals is already an effort. Even if Kunpengzi and the others make a big fuss in the upper world, the various religions can't say anything, especially those who have true immortals behind them. .

In fact, he didn't have much grudge against Kun Pengzi. It was just the general trend at that time. However, for Kun Pengzi, as long as he took action, he would be his enemy.

Qin Changsheng also knew this, and it was his own fault for reaching this point.

"This junior is willing to bear all the consequences." He said this calmly.

At this time, the True Spirit of Five Elements Mountain opened his mouth and said, "Can you please open up one side?"

It was impossible for him to watch Qin Changsheng being killed. The wrath of the ten evil spirits was simply not something that a mere quasi-supreme person could withstand.

"Open the net? Haha, if you really suppressed Fellow Daoist Kunpeng today, can you also open the net?" Chi Cang was very indifferent, the thunder pool under his feet was thundering, overflowing with red light, this is forbidden thunder, Even if you meet a fairy, you will be frightened.

"I admit that this is a big cause and effect, but the past is in the past. The fact is that you have won. I can owe my fellow Taoists the cause and effect to make up for it. If there is any need in the future, I will be there without hesitation." The true spirit of Wuxing Mountain is sincere. said.

Before Chi Cang could answer, Kunpeng actually took the initiative to speak out.


Chi Cang wanted to refuse and stand up for Kunpeng, but Kunpeng took the initiative to say so, and he couldn't say anything. He could understand Kunpeng's thoughts. In the future, counterattacks in foreign lands would require immortal king-level power. The more the better, the Five Elements Mountain It's unfathomable, and now it's just a drop of true immortal's blood to unseal it. If the seal is completely unsealed, you will definitely be able to enter the realm of the Immortal King.

I owe them a great debt of karma today, and when I pay it back in the future, it should be in the battle with foreign lands.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist. One more thing. Qin Changsheng was kind to me, and all his cause and effect will be attributed to me."

"It's not impossible to return to you, but there is a prerequisite." Chi Cang said indifferently.

"Fellow Taoist, just ask."

"Take my blow. If your true spirit is immortal, you will not kill Qin Changsheng."

The True Spirit of Five Elements Mountain did not hesitate, nodded, and sighed slightly. Today, they prevented Kunpeng mother and son from reuniting and touched the great cause and effect of the Immortal King level. How could they easily reveal it with just one sentence?

"Okay, fellow Taoist, please."

After the words fell, the Five Elements Mountain True Spirit's whole body bloomed with the radiance of immortality, and his right hand merged with the Five Elements Mountain. In just a moment, his palm burst out with the most dazzling light in the world, and his five fingers burned blazingly, as if containing five bright blazing suns.

The power of the five elements surges, lingering between the palms of the fingers, and the terrifying aura fills the air, sealing the sky and the earth, imprisoning all things in the world.

He stood in the fairy mist, his whole body hazy, waiting for Chi Cang's attack.

Chi Cang was speechless, and the palm behind his back stretched out. He activated the thunder pool, and with the help of the original symbols in the thunder pool, he controlled the taboo. In an instant, thunder was dense, red as blood, and the endless power of order filled Chi Cang's palm. , the people watching were frightened and their scalps were numb.

Even Kunpeng showed a strange color. This kind of thunder was so terrifying that it reminded her of a taboo object. Throughout the ages, there are countless people who defy the heavens and have been decapitated by it and fell into a pool of blood, and the eternity has been wiped out.

She also had a glimpse of it back then. Fortunately, the thing did not really fall down. Otherwise, there would be no Kunpeng among the Ten Ancient Immortals.

That kind of forbidden thunder that is as red as blood has a very distinct appearance and energy. It is very different from ordinary thunder. It can be distinguished at a glance. It can be called the ultimate nightmare of a peerless genius. Now, Chi Cang is in charge of the forbidden thunder. Touching the most fundamental secret of heaven and earth is really shocking.

She thought of the comments made by the people of that era on the Thunder Emperor.

Today's Thunder Emperor is even better than before, and I really can't imagine how far he will go.

The True Spirit of Five Elements Mountain was also shaken in his heart, with a sense of crisis. He sighed in his heart, and finally understood why Chi Cang was called the Thunder Emperor. He could even control this kind of thunder, and he was worthy of being the Emperor of Thunder.


Chi Cang seemed to be standing in a world of thunder, with thunder stars emerging one after another, rumbling around him. In the thunder universe, he was the center, he was the emperor.


Endless order symbols, red lightning, etc. are all concentrated on the blazing right index finger, like a hot iron, and countless slender lightnings are like spider webs surrounding this finger, which is boundless in terror.

It's hard to imagine how terrifying the power would be if one finger condensed the forbidden thunder in the sky and swallowed up the power of infinite order. It would definitely make the world fall over.

Standing high above the nine heavens, his eyes were cold and there was a kind of great majesty, like a supreme king. With a finger, in an instant, the universe exploded, the sea of ​​stars was turbulent, and a terrifying destruction occurred in the void, with layers shattering. , turned into nothingness.

Qin Changsheng's eyes were filled with shock. The gap was so huge, like fireflies compared to the bright moon, like sand compared to the stars. The aftermath of just one finger could kill him countless times.

Kunpeng also showed a solemn expression. When the Thunder Emperor pointed his finger, who could stop him? In the Ancient Immortal Era, the Thunder Emperor used this finger to defeat all the enemies in the world, astonishing an era.

The True Spirit of Five Elements Mountain felt heavy pressure. Chicang was different from Kunpeng. His state was comparable to that of a true immortal. The thunder pool he controlled was even more mysterious than that of Five Elements Mountain. He had no shortcomings at all. He was better than Kunpeng who held Tianhuang. Much scarier.

Especially this shocking finger, which symbolizes the ultimate destruction, even a true immortal can be killed.

"Five elements seal the sky!"

He waved the palm that merged with the Five Elements Mountain Peak and moved toward the Thunder Emperor's fingers. The five fingers represented the Five Elements respectively, imprisoning all things in the void as they circulated.

Chi Cang was speechless, and the Thunder Emperor's finger suddenly fell, crushing time and space for eternity. The whole world was darkened, and only this finger was glowing.


The huge Thunder Emperor Finger collided with the palm of the Five Elements Mountain True Spirit, and earth-shaking fluctuations erupted. The void shattered, the sky collapsed, and the earth collapsed, just like the end of the world.


There was a clear cracking sound, and under the watchful eyes of Kunpeng and others, the palm of the Five Elements Mountain True Spirit was cracked. The moment it collided with the Thunder Emperor's finger, countless forbidden thunderbolts rushed out from the Thunder Emperor's finger, with unparalleled power. Said to destroy the heaven and the earth, it suddenly broke through the confinement of the power of the five elements and bombarded the palm of the true spirit of the Five Elements Mountain.


The Five Elements Mountain flew out from the palm, and the palm cracked. The terrifying cracks ran along the arm and gradually spread to the whole body of the Five Elements Mountain True Spirit.

His face was full of disbelief and disbelief. Just one finger could be so terrifying. Is this the Forbidden Thunder? Is this the Thunder Emperor?


The fairy mist shattered, and the figure inside dimmed, full of cracks. Finally, it was fragmented and turned into little streams of light, returning to the Five Elements Mountain.

And the Five Elements Mountain, under the Thunder Emperor's finger, rolled in the void and shattered the boundless chaos.

The blood of the True Immortal that tore the seal on Five Elements Mountain was affected, and the cause and effect came back, corroding that drop of True Immortal's blood.

The Five Elements Mountain, which was originally shining with fairy light, was sealed again, and its surface luster dimmed, losing its former power.

"Fellow Taoist is worthy of the name of Thunder Emperor, but I am the next one." From the dim Five Elements Mountain, the weak voice of the True Spirit of Five Elements Mountain came out.

"In that case, let him live."

After saying that, Chi Cang's big hand suddenly spread out and grabbed Qin Changsheng's projection.


When the Five Elements Mountain True Spirit saw this, he spoke anxiously, wouldn't he want to kill Qin Changsheng?

"I said I won't kill him unless I kill him, but let's keep this projection. There will always be some price to pay." Chi Cang replied indifferently.

When the Five Elements Mountain True Spirit heard this, he sighed and said nothing more. Although the projection was destroyed and the real body would be damaged, this was already the best result.

The next moment, the blood of the True Immortal was completely corroded, and the Five Elements Mountain buzzed, completely sealed, and the combat power and aura returned to Dunyi.

At the same time, the True Spirit of Five Elements Mountain fell into a deep sleep and disappeared.

On the other side, Qin Changsheng only felt that he was imprisoned by a terrifying force, unable to move at all, and could only watch helplessly as the big hand fell down.

A quasi-supreme projection, in front of a majestic creature that can attack immortality, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is worse than dust.

Chi Cang caught Qin Changsheng's projection, looked at Kunpeng, and returned to the Immortal Mountain. The Five Elements Mountain followed suit.

"Today's cause will be tomorrow's result. If necessary in the future, I will not refuse." Wuxing Mountain sent out a message, and then rushed into an ancient bronze palace on Burao Mountain.

The divine light was blazing, the vitality fluctuated astonishingly, the ancient bronze palace shook, a magic circle glowed, and then collapsed, the Five Elements Mountain went to the upper realm.

Looking at the projection of the Immortal Lord in Chicang's hand, Xiaota gloated and said, "You old boy is here too, you must have kicked the iron plate."

Qin Changsheng didn't answer or said anything. He seemed to have accepted the result.

Qin Hao, Qin Yining, and Shi Ziling looked at this scene in surprise. The projection of the Immortal Lord, a giant of the upper world, was casually held in the palm of his hand, which was inexplicably shocking.

"Tell me what happened to the immortal bones in his body." Chi Cang said suddenly.

Shi Hao looked at Chi Cang gratefully. He was about to ask about the bone. If he didn't understand clearly, he would not feel at ease.

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