The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 184 The Disaster of Immortality

"That bone?"

Qin Changsheng's eyes were bright. He first looked at Shi Hao's chest, then at Qin Hao, Shi Ziling, and Qin Yining not far away, and instantly understood the reason.

Shi Hao is the boy who was born with the Supreme Bone in the news from the lower world, and Qin Hao is Shi Hao's younger brother. Because of the Supreme Nirvana Project, Qin Hao was transplanted with the Immortal Bone in his body. Now, Shi Hao's family is skeptical about this bone. With an attitude of suspicion and scrutiny, I want to find out its details.

Qin Changsheng was not surprised by this. With Chi Cang, Kun Peng, and the small jade-white tower around, he could naturally see the extraordinary nature of the immortal bones in Qin Hao's body.

Seeing Qin Changsheng speak, everyone's eyes were attracted to him, wanting to hear his explanation, especially Qin Hao. Along the way, the immortal bone in his chest has been of great help to him. It can be said that without this piece If there were no bones, there would be no Qin Hao who is now proud of his peers.

"It's a long story. This bone... is an immortal bone. It comes from the no-man's land of the upper world. It's very mysterious and weird. I call it the curse of immortality."

Qin Changsheng said leisurely that he looked about eighteen or nineteen years old, like a young man in his golden years. His lips were red and his teeth were white, and he was extremely handsome. It was difficult to compare him with words such as "Lord of the Ageless Mountain" and "Tianzun". Connected together.

"Eternal life disaster?"

Shi Hao and others looked at each other in confusion. After hearing these three words, they felt their hearts pounding and had an unknown premonition.

If it is a good thing, why is it labeled with the word "disaster" at the end? Moreover, Qin Changsheng said, it is mysterious and weird.

They had doubts and wanted to ask, but they held back. They all looked directly at Qin Changsheng, waiting for his next words.

Chi Cang was thinking about the meaning of these three words. Immortality disaster, as the name suggests, is a disaster created by living beings in order to live forever. It doesn't sound like a good thing.

"A long time ago, I was a handsome young man with lofty ambitions. I was considered a prodigy, and I became famous very early in the battle.

Once, I was competing with an enemy and accidentally entered the no-man's land and got lost in it. It was the real restricted area of ​​life. I narrowly escaped death and stumbled through most of the no-man's land and arrived at the border wilderness of Diguan.

Then, I inadvertently broke into an ancient area. It was extremely weird. It looked fairy-like and extremely holy, but there were bloodstains all over the ground.

Blood, blood, mud, etc. were everywhere, and there was also a swamp where bright red blood-like liquid gurgled. I passed out before I could explore it.

When I woke up again, I had left there and my body returned to Sanqianzhou. From then on, I was completely different and had a bone in my body. "Qin Changsheng said happily.

Facing the two ten evil men, he did not dare to hide it.

"Is this the part in my brother's body?" Shi Hao asked aloud.

Qin Changsheng looked at Shi Hao and nodded lightly.

"It's this piece. It's an immortal bone, with the word "immortality" engraved on it."

Speaking of this, Qin Changsheng sighed.

"It was also because of this Immortal Bone that I changed my name to Qin Changsheng. Back then, I was not called Changsheng. Ever since I got this bone, I had the idea of ​​changing my name. I don't know why, I got so obsessed with it that I actually changed my name to Qin. Immortal."

The people next to me were horrified to hear that just because the word "immortality" was written on the bones, it affected a person and made him change his name. If you think about it carefully, it is really scary and makes people shudder.

Shi Hao and his parents looked at each other and felt that this piece of immortal bone was full of ominousness. It was implanted in Qin Hao's body, and the fortune and misfortune were unpredictable.

"Later, I found an ancient cave and wanted to find out the secret of this bone. Unexpectedly, I fell into a deep enlightenment without knowing it.

When I woke up, it was actually a hundred thousand years later. When I walked out of the ancient cave, time had changed, the world had changed, and the world had changed. "

When Shi Hao and others heard this, they were shocked. How many people can live for one hundred thousand years? Even those supremely powerful people cannot stay in seclusion for a hundred thousand years at a time. This is too bizarre.

"Even in the past one hundred thousand years, I still remain young, vigorous, and full of vitality. Moreover, my cultivation has skyrocketed and I have become one of the few strong men in the Three Thousand States.

However, most of my contemporaries are dead, and only a few people who have become peerless leaders are still alive. One of my confidants, who waited for me for many years, was finally forced by the elders of the clan to marry someone else. Endless years have passed and she has become a pile of loess.

Unfortunately, I couldn't even find her grave, so I could only stop silently in that area. "

At this moment, Qin Changsheng showed infinite sadness. It was hard to imagine that such a giant in the upper world would be hurt by love. This was Qin Changsheng that Qin Hao and the others had never known.

After hearing Qin Changsheng's words, Shi Hao inexplicably thought of Chi Cang's warning.

Years pass easily, time is hard to keep, the past cannot be returned, cherish the people in front of you.

As a person involved in it, it is difficult to understand this truth. I always feel that I can take care of everything. When I am strong enough to make the world tremble, I can have all the good things and keep everything I want to keep. As everyone knows, when I step forward Once you have walked the road, you can no longer turn around.

Time flies like an arrow, and time flies like a shuttle. Many years have passed, and when I look back, I am already at a loss.

Qin Changsheng continued: "I stayed in the area where Hongyan lived for a long time, and then left. Since I had no descendants, I found her lineage, adopted an adopted son, and treated her as my own. Finally, I had a son. A lineage of the Everlasting Mountains.”

"What? The Qin Clan in Bulaoshan is not the ancestor's bloodline?" Qin Yining was shocked.

Shi Hao and Qin Hao were also a little surprised. They thought that they had half the blood of the Qin clan and that Qin Changsheng was their ancestor. Who knew that this was not the case at all.

"Yes, strictly speaking, I have no descendants, but I have always regarded this lineage as my own." Qin Changsheng replied.

"Let's talk about that bone. After I came out of the ancient cave, my cultivation has skyrocketed. I can grow in Taoism without practicing. Moreover, I am often in a trance and see all kinds of strange scenes.

There are battles between immortal creatures, a sea of ​​blood, a dark universe, and so on.

This bone also guided me to some mysterious ancient places to find treasures, which is how I found Five Elements Mountain.

I originally thought that I would always be stronger because of this bone, but not long after, a creature named Mu Changsheng found me.

He claimed that he also entered the ancient land full of bloodstains and saw me unconscious. In addition, there was a snow-white baby. At that time, there were three of us creatures.

Among them, the baby was the weirdest, with horny skin and black nails around it.

Not long after, the baby ran away, and Mu Changsheng also left that area. There was no fairy bone in his body, but there was some kind of true blood that didn't belong to him, which helped his strength skyrocketed and he became a Supreme, in this process, he who originally had another name changed his name to Mu Changsheng.

I thought that if I didn't take out the immortal bones from my body, I would eventually become a supreme being. However, thinking of these weird things, I felt wary, so I finally removed the immortal bones from my body, and my realm always stopped at the quasi-supreme level. It is only one step away from the true supreme. "

When everyone heard this, they looked at Qin Changsheng in surprise. They did not expect that he had such determination. That would be the temptation to become a supreme being. Who in the world does not desire it? But with it at his fingertips, he finally chose to give up.

"If this bone is so weird, why did the senior transplant it into other people's bodies to harm them?"

"Don't worry, listen to me, I don't mean any harm.

After removing this piece of immortal bone, I tried to transplant it into the body of a servant. I found that there was no change of name or other strange phenomena. Instead, their strength increased greatly because of it. It seemed that the cause and effect of this bone should only be on me. .

After discovering this, I used this immortal bone to train several extraordinary descendants, which supported the entire Everlasting Mountain. Otherwise, with their qualifications, it would be difficult for them to reach a high level.

The same is true for Qin Hao. The reason why I want to transplant the immortal bone into his body is also because of you. You are born with supreme bone and have an extraordinary bone in your body. Qin Hao is your brother. Even if he is not born with supreme bone, he still has some special qualities. Therefore, I listed him as a candidate for the Supreme Nirvana Plan. "Qin Changsheng told the whole story without reservation.

Shi Hao looked at Chi Cang and saw that he didn't say anything. He knew that Qin Changsheng was not lying, so he felt relieved. However, after hearing Qin Changsheng's experience, he was extremely afraid of that bone. If he could, he I don’t want my younger brother to rely on such bones to grow up.

However, Qin Hao had his own ideas. After learning that the immortal bones would not confuse anyone except Qin Changsheng, he had no idea of ​​removing the immortal bones and wanted to rely on them to rise.

"This is my own path." Qin Hao said.

He had said so. Even if Shi Hao and his parents were worried, there was nothing they could do. It was impossible to force Qin Hao's future path.

I already feel guilty about him, so naturally I can't do this. It will hurt Qin Hao's heart even more. It's hard to make peace with a broken mirror, so it's better to let nature take its course.

"Senior, do you think this matter will be detrimental to Qin Hao's future?" Shi Ziling was eager to love his son, saluted Chi Cang, and asked about the Immortal Bones.

The blazing eyes are deep, and there are horrifying scenes of the sun, moon, stars, and the birth and death of the universe.

"The higher the level, the more emphasis is placed on cause and effect. As long as the stronger the cause and effect associated with Qin Hao, the less dangerous this bone is to him. Do you understand what I mean?"

Shi Ziling is not a mediocre person, he can be regarded as a genius of a generation. Although he is only like this in the lower realm, he can still understand what Chi Cang means.

"Senior, what you mean is that the stronger the power behind Qin Hao, the more powerful the Immortal Bone will be, even if it has a will, it will be afraid of cause and effect and will not dare to do anything to it?"

"That's right." Chi Cang nodded slightly.

"Father and mother, don't worry. As long as I'm here, my brother will be fine." Shi Hao secretly transmitted the message.

Qin Hao was very sensitive now, and Shi Hao didn't want him to hear this.

Shi Ziling and Qin Yining secretly responded and breathed a sigh of relief. There was no need to question the words of one of the Ten Fierce Persons. On the surface, Qin Hao had only the Immortal Mountain behind him, but if one calculated carefully, there was a real brother Shi Hao. Now, the power behind Qin Hao is terrifying. Such cause and effect is enough to make the will behind the Immortal Bones fearful. Even if Qin Hao relies on the Immortal Bones to rise, nothing will happen.

"By the way, that crystal white baby, do you know his identity?" Chi Cang suddenly asked.

Qin Changsheng nodded.

"He is not from the Three Thousand States, but from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. He is named Wang Changsheng in the Wang Family of the Changsheng Family. He has the terrifying power of the pinnacle and is only one step away from becoming an immortal.

This is what Mu Changsheng told me. When he found me, his conduct was no worse than that of Wang Changsheng. "

"Wang Changsheng." Chi Cang said to himself, remembering this name, and one day he will go to Jiutian to find this person and investigate clearly.

You know, Qin Changsheng said just now that after having immortal bones, he often saw some strange scenes, such as seas of blood, immortal battles, and dark universes. Moreover, next to the snow-white baby named Wang Changsheng, there were horny skin and black Nails, Chi Cang suspected that Wang Changsheng might be related to dark creatures.

Of course, this is just a guess and needs to be verified.

When the Immortal Bone incident happened, a big stone fell from everyone's heart.

At this time, Shi Hao looked at Qin Changsheng and asked aloud: "Senior, are the change of power in Bulao Mountain and the behavior of the monks in Bulao Mountain in the lower realm under your watch?"

After asking this question, everyone knew that Shi Hao wanted to seek justice for his parents being put under house arrest, losing his freedom of life, and for his younger brother being bewitched by the Qin people, who tried to alienate him from his relatives.

In addition, he also learned from his parents that his grandfather, the Great Demon God, came to Burao Mountain to rescue Shi Ziling and Qin Yining, but in the end he was seriously injured, stepped into the magic circle, and disappeared in Burao Mountain.

These are the cause and effect between him and the Qin people in the Bulao Mountain. In this world, power is justice. With two elders of the Ten Evils here, Shi Hao naturally has the ability to find justice and settle the cause and effect.

Qin Changsheng shook his head.

"I don't care about worldly affairs. Things inside Burao Mountain have always been left to their own devices. Among the things that happened in Burao Mountain in the lower world, I just passed down the immortal bones.

When a person becomes powerful and comfortable for a long time, some problems will arise, including flowers, sunshine, and ants. "

This answer is already obvious. Qin Changsheng is not the leader of all this, and there is no need for him to do these things in his capacity.

Shi Hao nodded: "Thank you, senior, for clarifying my doubts. If the junior wants to clean up some ants, what will the senior do?"

Qin Changsheng smiled bitterly, what can he do if your two elders are here? Even without Chicang, Kunpeng, or Xiaota, Qin Changsheng would still turn to Shi Hao, because this young man's potential is impressive, and compared to it, the Qin clan's several divine fires are nothing.

However, he will not kill anyone, after all, he is a descendant of the Qin clan.

"If there is really cause and effect, you can end it yourself." Qin Changsheng's projection replied.

After saying that, Chi Cang did not erase the projection. In any case, Qin Changsheng had just answered everyone's questions truthfully and his performance was pretty good.

The causes and effects of the past have all been settled on the Five Elements Mountain, and have nothing to do with Qin Changsheng. In the future, when Shi Hao goes to the upper realm, he will eventually meet Qin Changsheng.

It’s just a wisp of projection, it doesn’t matter if it’s gone or not.

"Let's go." Chi Cang said calmly.

Qin Changsheng's projection saluted Chi Cang: "Thank you, senior."

After the words fell, Qin Changsheng's projection glowed, disappeared into the void, and disappeared.

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