After plundering the Burao Mountain, everyone did not stay here for long, and returned to Stone Village in a blink of an eye.

Looking at the giant willow towering in the sky in Shicun, Shi Ziling, Qin Yining, and Qin Hao were all shocked and speechless, as were the immortal creatures.

This ancient tree is so majestic, standing tall against the sky, with willow branches hanging down all over the sky, filled with glistening green clouds, as if it has opened up a vast world.

Willow God became more and more sacred and powerful, disturbing the vast wilderness near Shicun with great power, forming a super strong field that even the creatures in the upper world and the lower world could not detect here.

"Is this still the lightning-struck tree from back then?" Shi Ziling and Qin Yining looked at each other, not hiding the shock in their eyes.

Back then, when they carried the weak Shi Hao to the first ancestral land, they saw the Willow God who had not yet recovered. At that time, the Willow God had only one branch. Except for this branch, the rest of the place was charred and black, without a trace of it. vitality.

At that time, both of them saw how extraordinary the willow tree was, but what they didn't expect was that in just the past fifteen years, the lightning-struck tree had recovered to this extent.

"When I was in the upper world, I heard that there is a willow tree that reaches the sky. It has great magical powers. It comes from no man's land and is suspected of having fairy roots." Kun Pengzi whispered.

"He is the sacrifice spirit of the Ancient Immortal Ancestor. He is your senior. He is far superior to me in terms of seniority and strength." Kunpeng next to him said.

Kunpengzi nodded, understanding what his mother meant.

When everyone stepped into this mountainous area, they felt the rich energy in the void, full of vitality, and the scent of medicine. This meant that extraordinary medicine was taking root here, and there were super spiritual veins hidden under the earth.

Qin Hao took a deep breath, with some surprise on his face. This place was obviously more suitable for cultivation than the outside world, and it was better than the best secret cultivation realm in Bulao Mountain. It was really amazing that his brother actually grew up in a place like this.

Looking around, the lakes and mountains around Shicun are all full of life. All kinds of spiritual birds and auspicious animals live here, such as five-color luan birds, silver-white unicorns, etc., it is like an isolated paradise.

Whenever he returns here, the hostility in Shi Hao's heart will disappear. No matter what kind of hardships and killings he has experienced outside, when he returns to Shicun, his heart will calm down and feel particularly relaxed, because this is the place where his soul rests.

"Xiaohao and the others are back."

The villagers noticed the people approaching, and they all stopped what they were doing and gathered around.

Soon, the patriarch Shi Yunfeng, Shi Linhu, Shi Feijiao, the village aunts, and the naughty naughty children all gathered at the head of the village, as well as Huo Ling'er, Yun Xi, Nine-Headed Lion, Fire Crow and other guests from Stone Village.

When Shi Hao came closer, those naughty children rushed towards him and hung on him, one by one for Uncle Hao.

When Shi Ziling and his wife saw this scene, their eyes became moist unknowingly. It was really good for their eldest son to live in such a peaceful and peaceful village. Thinking about it carefully, it was much better than living in the complicated Prince Wu's Mansion.

It was both unfortunate and lucky to have his bones dug up by people of his own clan.

The group of people walked towards each other, and Kun Pengzi looked in another direction with shocked eyes. He vaguely saw a huge thing, which seemed to be standing in the void, with dragon aura lingering and an extraordinary appearance.

He couldn't help but feel horrified. Just now, he learned from his mother that there was a true dragon's nest near Shicun, where the true dragon, the first of the ten evils of the ancient immortal world, lived, as well as his parents and children.

At the back of Stone Village, on an old jujube tree, there is a real phoenix with the Immortal King Dao Fruit in Nirvana. It is also one of the ten ancient evils.

In the small stone village, four of the ten evil spirits of the ancient immortals were gathered together, as well as a so-called invincible ancestor sacrifice spirit. It was simply shocking. It was really unimaginable that there would be such a place in the eight barren lower realms. It was beyond common sense.

Qin Hao, who came to Shicun for the first time, looked around from time to time, and was very curious about this place, because his brother was very powerful, truly invincible at the same level, and the tyrannical energy and blood like a real dragon lay dormant in his body. , even the slightest hint of it is frightening.

Although he has immortal bones, he feels inferior. When two brothers compete at the same age, he will definitely be the one who is crushed.

Of course, Qin Hao would not admit it verbally, he was very strong.

"Are you...the two people from back then?" Patriarch Shi Yunfeng suddenly stopped smiling and looked at Shi Ziling and Qin Yining in surprise.

He would never forget that day. A young couple came here, holding a baby who was waiting to be fed. He was much smaller than an ordinary baby. Shi Yunfeng had never seen such a young child, curled up in his mother's arms, sickly. Yes, his face was pale, without any blood.

When he learned that the child was already one year old, he couldn't believe it. Generally speaking, children of this age could already walk, but this child could not even do basic movements.

Later, the child was left behind, and the couple entrusted the villagers to take care of it while they went to the Taikoo Sacred Mountain to search for the holy medicine.

I thought this young and heart-wrenching baby could not be saved, but in the end he managed to survive and returned to life, explaining the miracle and greatness of life.

Now, the child has grown up. He is extremely healthy and powerful. He is even better than a real dragon cub, and he also cares about his family. Shi Yunfeng is very pleased. However, he knows that Shi Hao has a problem, that is, he has grown up since he was a child. He has never enjoyed the love of his father and mother, which is also the knot of Shi Yunfeng's heart.

Now, Shi Hao has returned with his parents, and Shi Yunfeng is really happy for Shi Hao.

"It's us, uncle, thank you!" Shi Ziling and Qin Yining hurriedly stepped forward and saluted the clan leader and the elderly in the village. If they hadn't taken him in back then, how could Shi Hao be where he is today?

"They are really Xiao Hao's parents." After the villagers found out, they were all happy for Shi Hao, and they were filled with joy.

Everyone came to the village and sat on the stone benches. They talked about what happened over the years and Shi Hao's past, which made Shi Ziling and his wife laugh sometimes and cry sadly. It was very complicated.

Qin Hao and others did not speak, but listened.

When I heard that Shi Hao was still weaning at the age of eight or nine, some people saw Shi Hao at this age secretly brewing animal milk in the patriarch's yard, and others saw Huang Jin Suanni secretly brewing animal milk for Shi Hao to drink. , everyone couldn't help laughing.

Even Qin Hao, who was taciturn, couldn't help himself and was very interested in what the villagers had to say.

"Uncle, what other interesting things happened to my brother when he was a child?" Qin Hao asked curiously.

"That's right, uncle, tell me. We all want to hear it." Huo Ling'er and Yun Xi also agreed. Just now, they were laughing from ear to ear.

The two girls had been manipulated by Shi Hao before, but now that they heard about Shi Hao's childhood embarrassments, they naturally would not let them go.

Shi Hao's face felt a little feverish and he couldn't stand it anymore.

"Uncle Lin Hu, you should save some face for me. After all, I am the future Emperor of Heaven. Do you have the heart to leave a stain on the future Emperor Haotian's life?"

As soon as these words came out, the nine lions and fire crows nearby couldn't help laughing.

Shi Linhu said with a smile: "Xiao Hao, he is your biological brother, they are your friends, the two girls are your wives, and there are no outsiders, what can you say?"

When Shi Hao heard this, he knew that he could not stop Shi Linhu, so he responded: "Okay, what I said is right."

He spread his hands and looked helpless.

At first, the two girls were very interested in what Shi Linhu was going to say, but they quickly came back to their senses.

"Who is your wife?"

"Huh? These two are..."

Not far away, Qin Yining's sharp eyes saw the two girls confronting Shi Hao. As a woman and mother, she was keenly aware of some "abnormalities", so she pulled Shi Ziling towards this side with a smile on her face.

"They are Hao'er's unmarried wives."

Shi Yunfeng's explanation on the side made Qin Yining and Shi Ziling's eyes light up. They didn't expect that the eldest son's life-long events had already been settled, and they were both one-in-a-million beauties.

"Senior Fire Emperor's daughter?" Qin Yining walked over, very graceful. You know, she was once the stunning Saint of the Everlasting Mountain.

"Huo Ling'er has met Auntie." Huo Ling'er, who was wearing a fiery red dress, had slightly red cheeks and a fast heartbeat. The atmosphere here and Shi Hao's parents walking towards her made her want to escape directly.

"Senior Fire Emperor has great wisdom and is a rare person. His daughter is not bad either. Not only is she talented and intelligent, she is also a symbol of life, just like the person walking out of the painting. The country is beautiful and fragrant." Shi Ziling didn't know what to say. But Qin Yining is different. She is a saint of a generation. How can a woman who can sit in this position be simple?

"Auntie is too complimentary." Huo Ling'er's cheeks turned red with embarrassment.

"Are you... the granddaughter of Senior Yun of Tianshenshan, Yunxi, the pearl of the Celestial Clan?" Qin Yining looked at the girl in purple clothes beside her.

"Yes, this junior has met Aunt Qin..." Yun Xi originally called Qin Yining the Holy Girl of Qin, but felt that it was a little strange, so she finally called her aunt.

"Skin as thick as gelatin, ice-cold muscles and jade bones, she is as beautiful as a celestial being." Qin Yining praised her repeatedly, admiring her son's vision.

The styles of these two women are so different. One is lively, fiery, and the other is quiet and happy. Both in terms of qualifications and appearance, they are unparalleled. As a mother, Qin Yining is very satisfied and looks at the two girls with a smile. , nodding from time to time.

Not far away, Qin Hao looked at the two women who might be his future sisters-in-law, and was a little surprised, because he felt a tremendous pressure.

Even if his brother who was born with Supreme Bones is stronger than him, why did he find two sisters-in-law who are so fierce? This is so unreal.

He originally thought that he could defeat all invincible opponents of the same level in the lower realm, but looking at it now, he was not so optimistic. This place was simply a crouching tiger, hidden dragon.

As someone who had come before, Qin Yining took the two girls and started chatting with them. They had a lot of fun chatting with them. Sometimes she smiled sweetly, and sometimes she looked shy and her ears were red.

Shi Hao watched from the side and couldn't say anything. He couldn't help sighing that his mother was so powerful and worthy of being a saint. He closed the distance with just a few words, which made Huo Ling'er and Yun Xi less embarrassed and felt very uncomfortable. Comfortable.

On the other side, Shi Linhu began to tell the embarrassing story of Shi Hao's childhood.

"You're three years old and you're not breastfeeding, so you're chasing after little Haohao? Haha..." The nine-headed lion and the others laughed.

Black lines appeared on Shi Hao's forehead. Even though he was very thick-skinned, he couldn't stay any longer and hid his face and left.

The village was full of laughter and laughter, and it didn’t end until the sun set in the west and the moon rose. Later, Shi Hao took out the fragrant monkey wine, cooked it himself, and grilled golden barbecue. People sat around the campfire. , pushing cups and changing cups, laughing endlessly.

On the other side, Chi Cang, Kunpeng and others sat around under the willow tree, talking about the upcoming catastrophe.

"Harvesting the lower realm is as sacred as grass. Those in the upper realm really regard this place as a medicinal field."

“The sinful states in the upper realm are mainly divided into thirty clans, collectively called the sinful clans.

The ancestors of many tribes exiled here are the so-called "sinful tribes". Under the influence of some forces, the sins of the "sinful tribes" are unforgivable. The descendants of this lineage are even more targeted. Harvesting the lower world is nothing in their eyes. It's a matter of course. "

"Harvesting the sacred is only one of the reasons why they went to the lower realm. Many old leaders have little life and their lives are exhausted, so they take risks to seek opportunities in the lower realm. Although the eight realms of the lower realm are poor in spiritual energy, they have many secrets. Just say that the original true solution is transcendent. This article has left many people thinking about it.”

Xiaota floated in the void and said with a smile: "If they get the original true solution and transcendence, I'm afraid they will be even more desperate. They will become immortals in the mortal world. The so-called "mortal world", the environment of heaven and earth is much worse than the upper world. many."

Chi Cang nodded. The environment in the upper realm was much better than that in the Age of Ending Law. Even the eight realms in the lower realm were not comparable to those in the Age of Ending Law. Here, one could live for many years by lighting the divine fire, which was far from being cruel.

Under such an environment, those people can no longer hold on. If they lived in the Dharma End, I am afraid they would have become a pile of withered bones.

"We cannot stay out of this catastrophe. We need to help the two fellow Taoists regain part of their bodies, and some good fortune cannot be left to others.

Since it is unavoidable, then take the initiative and stop the so-called harvesting of the sacred. Many races in the lower realm are descendants of the Seven Queens. Some people in the upper realm have done something extraordinary. Chi Cang said coldly.

When Kunpeng heard this, his eyes shone with murderous intent.

"Leave the people from Immortal Palace and Sword Valley to me." Kunpeng whispered, and the others naturally had no objections. They all knew that Kunpeng's fall was inseparable from the ancestors of these lines.

He did not die in the hands of enemies from a foreign land, but fell into the hands of people from his own realm behind him, and was tortured to death by the Immortal-breaking Curse. Kunpeng had great resentment, and this resentment could not be resolved unless he killed his enemy with his own hands.

"After this time, it's time for us to leave. When the time comes, I'll ask the two Taoist friends to take care of us." Chi Cang said to Zhenlong and Kunpeng.

The reason why people from the upper realm choose to go to the lower realm at this time is because the rules of heaven and earth have shifted, and they have the opportunity to penetrate the two realms. However, after that, the upper realm and the lower realm will never be connected.

The world is in turmoil, and some great opportunities hidden for endless years will appear. This is the case in the ancient treasure world where the original gate is located.

At that time, Chicang, Liu Shen, Xiaota, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation will enter the original gate and embark on an endless journey.

"Don't worry, fellow Taoist, don't say that there is no connection between heaven and earth. Even if the upper world and the lower world are connected, this place will be fine."

I've been a little busy lately. I have to help cut vegetables in the vegetable shed at home. My parents are 64 or 65 and are too busy. Normally they should retire at this age, but they feel that their son is not married yet and needs money, so they are holding on. I'm working hard, and I'm a farmer. I don't have a pension, and I don't have any education. I can only farm. I can help if I can. Yesterday, I didn't go home for dinner until 10 o'clock in the evening. I wrote it in the middle of the night. I originally wanted to do it in the middle of the night. I posted it, but I fell asleep, sorry.

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