The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 187 The True Immortal Decree

At this moment, the upper realm is already full of rain, the rules of heaven and earth have shifted, and the obstruction of the boundary wall between the upper realm and the lower realm and the power of chaotic order have been reduced to the extreme. It is a rare opportunity to come to the lower realm in a hundred thousand years. Chance.

Cross-border things, the more powerful the creatures, the harder it is to do, and the greater the price they need to pay. This is related to the completeness of heaven and earth. If the world is complete, it will naturally be able to accommodate powerful creatures.

Nowadays, the so-called upper realm is in dilapidated state, not to mention the eight realms of the lower realm. The obstacles between the two realms are terrifying to the extreme. Only when the rules of heaven and earth shift, can the powerful leader of the upper realm come to the eight realms. , looking for good fortune.

Therefore, all directions are moving, and the leaders of the powerful forces who are able to participate are all actively preparing to ensure that they can successfully open the boundary wall and gain enough benefits to achieve their goals.

Such opportunities also appeared in the ancient times. Several great catastrophes occurred. The leader level existed in the lower world, harvested batch after batch of sacred things, explored many mysterious places, and gained a lot.

Therefore, the sect leaders in the upper realm do not want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Especially some sect leaders who are so old that they are about to die will choose to come to the lower realm for a last ditch effort.

Relatively speaking, the success rate of seizing the eight realms of the lower realm is much higher than rushing into no man's land to find the sacred medicine. That place is too dangerous, and maybe a piece of yellow mud on the roadside can kill a leader-level expert. .

Since ancient times, the chance of survival of old cult leaders who rush into no man's land is pitifully low. Even if they survive, their life span will be exhausted and die in a short period of time. There are very few who can actually find something to extend their life and come out alive. .

At Burao Mountain, a terrifying and terrifying figure arrived, dressed in a golden Taoist robe and a mysterious figure, with bright eyes and majestic appearance, like a magnificent ancient sacred mountain, standing outside the gate of Burao Mountain.

The Qin monks were inexplicably shocked. Some strong men recognized this person's identity and all came to pay tribute.


Before the leader of the Qin clan could say anything, the majestic creature spoke coldly.

"Fellow Daoist Qin! Is Kunpengzi out of trouble?"

A whisper echoed between heaven and earth, like the sound of heaven, deafening and enlightening.

Not long after, a sigh came from the Everlasting Mountain.

"Fellow Taoist, please come back. I have nothing to say about the matter in the lower realm."

"Really? I advise fellow Taoists to think about it carefully. It concerns all the senior True Immortals." This figure answered like this, implying a threat, wanting to use the power of True Immortals to suppress the Immortal Mountain.

"Even if the true immortal comes, I still have this answer. Burao Mountain has no fear of intruders." Qin Changsheng sat cross-legged in the depths of Burao Mountain, with no wavering on his young face.

Hearing this, the stalwart figure's eyes overflowed with suffocating murderous light. He did not expect that even the immortal would not be accepted by the immortals if they moved out. He looked confident and confident, which made him very angry.

But in the end, he did not have an attack. He thought of the instructions from the True Immortal when he came, that the secrets of Burao Mountain are unpredictable and he should not offend or become an enemy easily.


He snorted coldly and walked away.

In the deepest part of the Immortal Mountain, Qin Changsheng looked at the direction he left. His eyes seemed to penetrate through the layers of void, and he saw the powerful leaders who were eager to prepare for the lower world.

Thinking of what happened to the lower realm not long ago, Qin Changsheng shook his head slightly. He knew that a huge storm that would affect the entire upper realm was coming.

"got windy."

In a valley full of flying fairy swords, the sword energy is vertical and horizontal, easily cutting through the void. The artistic conception of the sword is extremely vast, as if it can cut through the sea of ​​stars and destroy the universe.

This is the behemoth that stands among the Three Thousand Daozhous - Sword Valley. It is unknown how many years it has existed. There are rumors in the world that the heel of Sword Valley was extremely ancient in the era of immortals. In the entire Three Thousand Daozhous, there is no Several forces dared to offend Jiangu.

At this time, in the forbidden place in the deepest part of the Sword Valley, a hazy figure with fairy light sat cross-legged. Opposite him, there were several brilliant decrees hanging high, with complicated fairy words flowing out, which seemed to be in harmony with them. comminicate.

The figure in the fairy light suddenly opened his eyes, cold, ruthless, aloof, and as deep as the stars. There was a blood-red fairy sword floating inside, filled with terrifying energy.

"The person after me projected into the lower realm and was struck by a golden light. He exploded and fell on the spot. Those who can do this must have reached the supreme realm.

Moreover, the owner of the golden light came to rescue Kun Pengzi. There were various signs that the woman was still alive and she was the one who took action.

Besides her, who else would have such great hatred for me, Sword Valley? "He spoke softly, with a cold tone that contained murderous intent.

"Logically speaking, in her current state, it is impossible to survive the Immortal-breaking Curse. It would be more or less the same if she were at her peak." The voice came from a decree covered with green patina. It was the Broken Immortal from the Bronze Immortal Palace. , back then, it was he who planted the Immortal Curse that was struck by the Ten Evil Kunpeng.

"There is indeed something strange. According to the news from the lower realm, there is a suspected Ten Fierce Thunder Emperor, a supreme being who is in charge of heavenly punishment, appearing in the Virtual God Realm. Could it be said that the person who took action is the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperor? Based on his relationship with Kunpeng, if It's normal to take action while alive.

However, in that battle that year, the death of the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors was confirmed by all parties, and there was no way it could be false. He should have no bones left.

This series of events is so weird that it makes people feel uneasy. "Another decree representing Canxian came out, expressing his worries.

Each of the ten evil spirits is proud of the heaven and the earth. Their power is immeasurable. The worst can fight against the Immortal King. If any of the ten evil spirits are still alive, knowing that the four of them took advantage of the danger and besieged Kun Peng who returned from the battlefield. If you persecute those who have made meritorious deeds, you will definitely be punished by them.

The hearts of the four great remnant immortals were heavy with an unknown premonition.

"This time, we must attach great importance to the slaying of the sinful clan ants in the eight regions. It is not enough for each family to produce one supreme. The four of us drafted a decree together and asked the hidden supremes among the forces in the three thousand states to help together.

The former Ten Evils were indeed unparalleledly powerful. However, they have survived so far and there are not many Daoxing left. Otherwise, they would have wiped out our family in the lower realm and killed three thousand Daozhou. The reason why they are dormant in the lower realm is to save money. strength.

Naturally, we cannot give them time to recover. This time all the Supreme Beings descend to the lower realm. If that woman is still alive, let her die again and die completely. If the Thunder Emperor is still alive, let her return to where she belongs. The place.

Of course, we can't be careless, and we need to provide real immortal means just in case.

The era of the Ten Evils has long since passed away in ancient times. The dead should stay in their graves and never climb out. "The residual immortal of the Bronze Immortal Palace suggested this.

The Sword Immortal and the other two Remnant Immortals sitting cross-legged in the secret room all expressed their support when they heard this.


"In addition, we have to make two preparations. We will contact the fellow Taoists in the Nine Heavens Forbidden Zone to explain the cause and effect in the past. If there is a disaster, please help me and others to protect you at the critical moment. I don't believe that you didn't take precautions back then to form a cause and effect with the creatures in the restricted zone. ." The residual immortal from the Bronze Immortal Palace continued.

"It's natural. We spend a huge price to form a karma with fellow Taoists in the forbidden area just so that we can use it one day in the future." You Canxian replied.

"Okay, this matter has been decided."

Soon, a decree bearing the life marks of the four great remnant immortals was carried by a master who had escaped to the top of the mountain. He went to the places where supreme-level creatures were hiding in various parts of the Three Thousand Provinces, and ordered them to conquer the lower realms and confirm the fate of Kunpeng and Thunder Emperor. life and death.

At the first stop, he came to the Kingdom of Heaven, which was a mountain range with misty clouds and mist, quiet, peaceful, and quiet, without a trace of murderous spirit.

No one could have imagined that the murderous and infamous heaven known as the executioner would be found in such a pure land.

The creature from the Sword Valley stood high in the sky, holding a true immortal decree, and wisps of immortal energy overflowed, shattering the endless void.


The boundary wall of a small world was cracked open, and the kingdom of heaven located in it appeared in the eyes of the Sword Valley monks.

"Bold, who dares to invade my heaven?" In the small world, someone roared with murderous intent.

Many gold-medal killers wanted to rush to the sky to deal with the invading enemies, but in the end, the overwhelming power of the true immortal fell down, pouring a basin of ice water on all the killers, freezing them from head to toe.


The Lord of Heaven was frightened and hurriedly appeared and asked the strong man from Sword Valley about his purpose.

"The True Immortal has issued a decree, ordering your teaching supreme to go to Sword Valley immediately and respond to the call."

The next moment, the true immortals' decrees flew across the sky, and the life marks of the four true immortals glowed, condensing into a vague light group, releasing an unparalleled will that transcended the realm of humanity, and suppressed the world.


The Lord of Heaven was shocked and quickly explained: "Did you make a mistake, fellow Taoist? There are no real supreme level creatures in our heaven."

"I am only responsible for conveying the will of the True Immortal. Whether it is implemented or not has nothing to do with me. However, I would like to remind fellow Taoists that if you disobey the will of the True Immortal, the consequences will be unbearable." After finishing speaking, the monk from Sword Valley turned around and left. , continue to the next place.

The face of the Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven was extremely ugly. I couldn’t understand how Sword Valley knew that there was a Supreme Being left in the Kingdom of Heaven? Could it be that true immortals really have vast magical powers and are omnipotent?

His figure flashed for a while, and he came to the center of heaven, in front of a pond.

The blood-red pool spurted out brilliant red clouds and overflowed with huge vitality. It could be seen that this was a blood pool, and the blood surging in it seemed to have life and once belonged to a true immortal.

A skinny figure sat cross-legged next to the Immortal Blood Pool, covered in pitch-black mist. Immortal blood mist constantly seeped into it, providing life energy to the skinny figure, extending its lifespan, and ensuring its immortality.

"Uncle Master..." The Lord of Heaven spoke respectfully.

"Hmm...I know.

Haha, the four great remnant immortals issued an edict together and commanded the Supreme. It was really majestic. "The skinny figure sneered, his voice hoarse, like a candle in the wind, as if it would be extinguished at any time.

"Then what has Master Uncle decided to do?" the Lord of Heaven asked. The man in front of him was the real Supreme, not the pseudo-Supreme who claimed to be Supreme but was actually just a fugitive. It was just that he was too old. He is old and his blood has dried up. He has been unable to do without the fairy blood pool here since ancient times.

The skinny figure sighed.

“You can only go once, if you disobey, the kingdom of heaven may be razed to the ground.

The recruitment of true immortals should be for the eight realms of the lower world. If I go, I will definitely be a pawn and die.

However, you have to have enough capital to be a pawn. My blood is dry, and I can only rely on this immortal blood pool to breathe. Those true immortals want me to play a role, and they will definitely help me reverse the years. Hehe, maybe I would be a blessing in disguise. "

After the master uncle of the Lord of Heaven finished speaking, he stretched out a dry palm and absorbed a large amount of immortal blood mist. Then, the figure suddenly disappeared from the spot.

In another place, the underworld, the creatures from the Sword Valley chanted the will of the true immortal as if they were in heaven, turning into the immortal sound of the avenue, floating in the vast underworld.

Here, there is no life, no grass grows, and even the soil is pitch black. Legend has it that this place was an ancient burial ground in the past, and too many creatures were buried there. This made the place gloomy and filled with all kinds of zombies and ghosts.

"True Immortal's decree?"

A terrifying corpse filled with chaos energy broke out from the underworld, exuding an extremely powerful aura. This was a chaotic corpse. It was not simple in life. After death, it turned into a supreme master and ruled the vast territory of the underworld. .

The monk from Sword Valley didn't say much. After leaving the words "Those who disobey will bear the consequences", he left like that.

The Chaos Corpse looked solemn as he walked towards the deepest part of the underworld and stopped in front of an inconspicuous withered grave.


He called softly, turning everything he just learned into mysterious symbols into the withered tomb.

Not long after, the withered tomb shook, then cracked, bursting out with bright golden light. An old corpse with only skin and bones sat up from the tomb, with sunken eye sockets and shriveled skin. It was very scary, and its whole body was glowing with light golden color. light.

"I already know, let's get on the road." The old corpse was very direct and decided to go to Sword Valley immediately. Since there is a true immortal sending a decree to Netherland, it means that the other party knows his existence. If he ignores it, he will most likely be destroyed. Netherland can't bear it. Live the anger of the true immortal.

In the upper realm, many major forces are performing such things. The true immortal decree spread throughout the three thousand states, and the recruited supremes set off one after another to gather in Sword Valley.

Most of them are just hanging on, with little life left, relying on heaven-defying materials to survive until today. Now, they are all blown up by the True Immortal's decree, and they want to conquer the lower world together.

The Four True Immortals were not stingy and paid a huge price to help some supreme beings who were about to be unable to survive. Although they were not cured, they were still more than enough to be cannon fodder.

Naturally, it was impossible for them to let their own supreme beings rush to the front. The reason why they recruited these foreign supreme beings was to allow them to withstand the attack and work for their lives.


Three Thousand Daozhou, Tianzhou, a crisp bell rang in the sky, and a vague figure stood high in the sky. He held a crystal-clear bell and looked down on the world.

This bell is extraordinary, simple and natural, and is engraved with mysterious symbols one after another.

"Zhong Hun's energy disappeared here."

His eyes flickered as he stared at the earth, seeming to be thinking and sensing something.

After a long time, he shook his head slightly: "That's all, let's go take a look at the fairy roots in the lower world. The time to water them has come."

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