"Haha, I'm going to bother that old man." Saint Honghu said with a smile.

The Divine Fire Bird next to it also quickly thanked him. It was cautious when facing Shi Hao, for fear of offending Shi Hao.

Who doesn’t know the name of Xiaoshi in the Eight Realms? It naturally knows.

Originally, this divine fire bird was still a little arrogant. After all, his master was a divine bird in the divine fire realm. In the eight realms of the lower realm, the venerable could overlook the earth and respect him, let alone the divine fire.

After arriving in Stone Village, it discovered that Divine Fire was nothing in this village. Big bosses gathered here, and strong men emerged in endlessly. There were several pure-blooded creatures in the Light Divine Fire Realm, and in terms of combat power, they were more powerful than its master, Honghu Sheng. Even stronger.

Especially the big willow tree used for worshiping the spirits in the village is vast and unpredictable, with no depth at all.

As a result, the Shenhuo Bird's mentality changed, its tail that was raised to the sky fell down, and it became very honest in both words and deeds.

Shi Hao nodded, found a place for them to live in the village, and explained the rules of the village. It was okay to live there, but they had to abide by the rules. Saint Honghu had been here and should understand.

"Don't worry, I will definitely discipline it well."

After receiving the assurance from Saint Honghu, Shi Hao left with peace of mind.

At this moment, the outside world was already stormy, and the panic was not as intense as when the three weapons were in the lower realm before, but the oppressive and heavy atmosphere still did not weaken, permeating the hearts of the monks.

The most terrifying thing in this world is the unknown. The occasional changes in the sky seem to indicate that the danger has not gone away and may happen at any time. Many people who don't know why are worried.

There was a lot of discussion from all sides about the great catastrophe. Everyone held their own opinions and had different opinions. Many strange and strange opinions appeared, making it difficult for people to distinguish the true from the false.

Until later, someone revealed a shocking secret, which was almost the same as the truth. It shocked the listeners and spread it from one to ten, then to a hundred, like a hurricane sweeping through the entire wilderness.

"There is something incredible in this lower realm, which attracts giants from the upper realm to come to the lower realm to look for it. It has been like this for thousands of years, but it has never been succeeded.

There were divine wars in ancient times and ancient times, all for this reason, and the current catastrophe is just a reincarnation. "

“It’s just that there are also supreme beings in the lower realm, such as the supreme being who appears in the Virtual God Realm and is suspected of being the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors, as well as the Chaos Divine Disk, the Crystal Ancient Tower, etc.

This time, thanks to the supreme being's intervention, this catastrophe was suppressed. Otherwise, all living beings in the wilderness would be devastated.

Of course, there must be grudges and causes and effects unknown to the world. In short, a world-shattering catastrophe was strangled in a cage. "

This statement is almost a fact. Some great religions that have been passed down since ancient times have confirmed this. Obviously, in addition to those ancient traditions, there are many living beings who know the truth about the great tribulation. Tell the facts and let those who do not know the truth know the truth. The person will not die in confusion.

The only uncertainty is the identity of the creatures that suppressed the catastrophe. When Chi Cang collected the three major chaos magic weapons that day, the fluctuations of divine power distorted the sky. Even ordinary people could not see through even the divine fire. The monks only knew the three major magic weapons. The weapon disappeared, the great catastrophe disappeared, and nothing else was known.

Some people speculated that it was done by a powerful man who was suspected to be the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors who once showed great power in the Virtual God Realm. Others speculated that it was a giant that survived the ancient times. There were endless disputes among all parties.

In history, this is not the only time a great catastrophe has occurred. For the powerful in the upper realm, every great catastrophe is a gluttonous feast, and all the sacred things are harvested like grass.

In the eight realms of the lower realm, except for the Venerables and Divine Fires who have orthodox forces in the upper realm who can survive, the other saints can only rely on luck if they want to survive.

When this news spread, all the venerables and the creatures in the divine fire realm were frightened for a while, and their hearts palpitated to the extreme. They were almost harvested as medicinal herbs, and they were kept in the dark. They didn't know about it, and they might be confused. died in.

As a result, many creatures began to explore the possibility of leaving this world, hoping to avoid the catastrophe that was not yet over. Some creatures believed that the supreme being suppressed the three major chaos magic weapons, and the subsequent catastrophe might also happen. suppressed by it.

However, no one wants to put their hope in other people's hands, they dare not gamble.

At this time, the great sects began to get busy. They spread the news and claimed that there were extra places to go to the upper world, which attracted the attention of the venerables and the divine fire beings. There were even some lofty and talented beings who were interested, and they all contacted the I contacted the university where I heard the news, hoping to get a place.

In fact, it is not too difficult to travel from the lower world to the upper world. What is difficult is that the upper world comes to the lower world. Only after the heaven and earth are connected, it is difficult to travel between the two worlds.

In addition to the way to the upper world through great religions, there are many other ways, such as the unknown ancient teleportation array. Many great religions that were very glorious in ancient times once had magic arrays to go to the upper world, but later fell into disrepair. , and became a hidden clan.

There is also the most famous battlefield of hundreds of tribes. As long as you win the first place, you will get the opportunity to go to the upper world. However, this is a good thing that only people who don’t know the truth believe. People who know the truth know that the battlefield of hundreds of tribes is just the upper world. It's just a place where some big forces choose their mounts. Those who reach the final level and go to the upper world basically become the mounts of the big shots or ancient beasts that pull carts, or for other purposes.

To put it bluntly, Hundred Clans Battlefield is a scam.

In the wilderness, above the sky, Chi Cang opened his eyes, which were very deep and vicissitudes of life. His consciousness was huge and boundless, and it could cover the entire wilderness in just an instant.

He looked down at the world and witnessed this chaotic scene. The catastrophe was approaching. In order to survive, all living beings were scrambling to escape from this world, doing whatever they could to escape, and even caused many bloodsheds.

Fortunately, some big forces came forward to maintain the stability of the wilderness, including Butian Pavilion, which Chi Cang once saved. After many years, the old vine has refined the Thunder Tribulation Liquid given by Chi Cang, and has improved in all aspects. One floor, one step away from the real one.

This kind of Taoism is enough to traverse the wilderness and remain standing.

In this chaotic moment, Butian Pavilion took action one after another, calming down one disaster after another, stabilizing people's hearts, and making that area as peaceful as a pure land.

If Chicang had not taken action to suppress the catastrophe, the wilderness would have become even more turbulent at this moment, and many human emperors from ancient countries would have been robbed. The Great Sect of the Upper Realm would have difficulty descending to the lower realm, and needed to have enough power to search for treasures for it in the lower realm. Therefore, all forces All will come to compete for the power of a country.

In his memory, Shi Hao would set foot in the palace of the Stone Kingdom, fight against all forces on his own, protect the foundation of his ancestors, and eventually become the emperor of a country. Finally, he would capture the saint Yue Chan of the Butian Sect. During the subsequent journey to the upper world, Shi Hao There is constant cause and effect between the moon cicada, and even...

However, the direction of history has changed. The Stone Emperor of the Stone Kingdom has not been robbed, and the same is true for the Fire Emperor of the Fire Nation. The fight for imperial power will naturally not happen.

But Yue Chan still appeared, active in the wilderness. This time he came not for the throne of the Stone Kingdom, but for the Butian Pavilion.

She is the saint of the Butian Sect. There is only one word difference between the Butian Pavilion in the Wilderness and the Butian Sect, so there is naturally an extraordinary connection between the two.

The ancient strong man who opened the Butian Pavilion was the abandoned disciple of the Butian Sect, the previous master of Shi Hao whose sword was broken - Master Gui.

At that time, Master Gui was expelled from the disciples because a heavenly woman became an abandoned disciple of the Butian Sect. Later, he came to the wilderness and established the Butian Pavilion. It can be seen from the name of this sect that Master Gui had regrets. He never forgets the Butian Sect.

Later, the ghost master was assassinated by the heavenly woman who hurt him and others, and died in the lower world, passing away miserably.

This incident is too long ago and belongs to the ancient past. Most people are unaware of it. However, there are ancient records in the Butian Sect, and some old antiques from that era are still alive and have not forgotten this past incident.

You must know that in his youth, Master Gui was a well-known young talent in the upper world, and he left his own legends everywhere. Unfortunately, he was trapped by love in the end, and his feelings were taken advantage of, and he ended up unwilling to do so.

He fell in love with the notorious Heavenly Woman and ultimately made a big mistake, which shocked the entire Butian Sect. People of that era were naturally deeply impressed by this incident.

Nowadays, the Taoism in the upper realm is difficult for the lower realm. They all want to support puppet forces in the lower realm and help them search for treasures. Butian Pavilion has not been destroyed and is considered a giant among the sects in the wilderness. Of course, Butian Sect will not miss this opportunity.

Yue Chan came with a purpose this time, hoping to persuade Butian Pavilion to offer sacrifices to the spirits and merge Butian Pavilion into Butian Sect.

Chi Cang understood all this, and before he could think about it, suddenly, a mysterious and mysterious path lingered in his heart. Chi Cang felt something in his heart, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes, and his hands danced in the void, infinitely. The symbols of order are arranged in front of it, blooming with supreme power.


On a bright and sunny day, a terrifying colorful thunder unexpectedly appeared. It was so weird that it struck Chi Cang's side and opened a large black hole in the void.

Even if Chi Cang is one of the Ten Evils and is known as the Emperor of Thunder, he is still a little frightened. If this thunder hits his body, even if he has the body of an Immortal King, a big hole will be ripped out.

Kunpeng, who was not far away, was also awakened. A pair of beautiful eyes were shining like gems, looking here.

"Cause and effect intertwine and turn into thunder? What you are deducing involves some kind of untouchable taboo. It's best to stop." As one of the ten evil spirits, Kunpeng obviously knows many secrets.

Chi Cang nodded, his face extremely serious. At this point, he could already touch the cause and effect a little bit.

Just now, a string seemed to be plucked in the dark, which made him feel something. Out of curiosity, he made some deductions, but who knew that this kind of terrifying thunder was triggered.

This shows that the source of cause and effect he deduced is taboo and cannot be traced.

"This cause and effect is the same as that memory. They are all related to Shi Hao. If we can explore it clearly, we may be able to know why I came to Shicun." Chi Cang sighed, with countless guesses in his heart.

He no longer tries to explore cause and effect. He feels that as long as he is strong enough, he will one day know everything.

The world in his memory and what he experienced were the same world, with two different results. Many things had changed because of his arrival. He didn't know what the meaning was. In short, just become stronger. Without strength, Before, no amount of speculation was pointless.

After calming down, Chi Cang opened his mouth and sent a message to Shi Hao.

Shi Hao's expression suddenly froze when he was with his relatives and friends in Stone Village, and the sound of blazing words rang in his ears.

"There are changes in Butian Pavilion. Prepare yourself and go there. There will be a cause and effect for you there."

"Hao'er, what's wrong?" Qin Yining was very observant and noticed the change in his eldest son's expression and asked immediately.

When the speakers around him heard this, they all stopped and looked at Shi Hao. Seeing his solemn expression, they thought something big had happened.

"I guess this guy is eating what's in the bowl and thinking about what's in the pot." Dao Yan, the man from Shen Yan, said sourly.

Everyone glared at him and he immediately stopped talking.

Shi Hao looked at everyone and said with a smile: "It's nothing big. Don't be so nervous. With Uncle Chicang and Liu Shen here, what big thing can happen?"

"That's good."

Seeing what he said, everyone felt relieved. Through Saint Honghu, they all knew that drastic changes were taking place in the outside world and that a catastrophe was coming. By then, the entire eight regions would be affected.

If you want to say which place is the safest among the Eight Realms, it is Shicun. Here, there is no need to worry at all.

On the other hand, Huo Ling'er and Yun Xi were a little worried about their families. Their elders were all venerable-level beings, equivalent to herbs in the eyes of the beings in the upper world.

It wasn't until Shi Hao told them that the great calamity would be suppressed by the strong men of Shicun that they felt relieved.

They also discovered that Chi Cang, who had given them a great opportunity, was not in the village recently. They knew without thinking that he was the strong man who suppressed the catastrophe.

Soon after, Shi Hao said goodbye to the villagers and went to Butian Pavilion alone.

Willow God knew the cause and effect, stretched out a willow stick, penetrated the void, opened an immortal passage, and sent Shi Hao directly to his destination.

The appearance of Butian Pavilion has not changed much, just like in the past. Shi Hao came to the outer area and saw the beautiful peaks. The mountains here are undulating, and ancient trees are everywhere, straight and towering.

Looking around, the mountains and forests are shrouded in clouds and mist, with a variety of auspicious animals appearing. There are also many clear lakes along the way, which are clear and clear. You can see that in the lakes, spiritual fish swim freely and sparkle. Sparkling and full of life.

Butian Pavilion is known as the ancient pure land. In fact, this place is also known as the pure land. It is Shi Hao's second place of spiritual sustenance besides Shicun.

This place has left him with too many memories. He has a very good relationship with his senior brothers, senior sisters, junior sisters, etc. The seniors at Butian Pavilion are also amiable.

Whenever he walked into Butian Pavilion, Shi Hao's heart would involuntarily calm down.

He stood here, recalling scenes from the past in his mind. At the same time, he also spread his consciousness to observe the differences in Butian Pavilion.

Chi Cang said that there was a change in Butian Pavilion, so what would be the change? In Shi Hao's heart, he really didn't want this pure land to get involved in any games or struggles. Since Chi Cang asked him to come, he must have thought that he could solve the problems here.

Shi Hao took a deep breath and was about to walk into Butian Pavilion to meet his fellow apprentices and the seniors who had treated him well. However, at this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a celestial light speeding from a distance. Come.

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