Shi Hao stopped, stopped where he was, and turned to look in the direction where the fairy light was flying. Now Shi Hao was in the formation realm. He had cultivated his divine eyes at a young age and already had the prototype of the martial arts heavenly eye.

Symbols flickered in his pupils, extending his sight.

That holy fairy light turned out to be a kind of flying magic weapon, with figures and many creatures standing on it.

One of them, Shi Hao, was no stranger. She was Yue Chan, the saint of Butian Sect.

This woman is really special. She has a kind of fairy spirit. She is clear and peaceful, standing quietly. Her figure is slender and beautiful, like a divine flower blooming, flowing with divine clouds, releasing a holy breath.

Beside her stood a group of elders from Butian Sect. This trip to Butian Pavilion was obviously not something she could handle alone.

After all, Butian Pavilion is also a giant in the wilderness. With that old vine, it is much stronger than Zhulu Academy and others. The Saint of One Sect alone is not enough to have a dialogue with Butian Pavilion.

"Eh? That's... a small stone?" The elder of Butian Sect discovered Shi Hao standing outside Butian Pavilion. Although he was only fifteen years old, he had a tall figure and handsome features. After experiencing enlightenment during the great tribulation, Shi Hao became more and more... When he was born, he was like a banished immortal coming to earth, with his clothes fluttering and filled with a faint holy light.

Nowadays, Shi Hao has a great reputation. He defeated Shi Yi in the two-stone battle, explaining what it means to be invincible at the same level. Later, he fought with Dao Yan to fight against magic weapons. In the end, he defeated all enemies from outside the region and gained the reputation of being invincible. Spread throughout the eight realms.

What makes people even more frightened is that the strong man behind Shi Hao is suspected to be the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors. This time, the catastrophe was forcibly suppressed, which was unprecedented in ancient times and modern times. The existence of suppressing the catastrophe points to the man behind Shi Hao. Strong, therefore, no big religion dared to bully Shi Hao.

Even if Shi Hao is covered in treasures, any of the Kunpeng treasures, the True Dragon treasures, the grass-character sword art, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Skill, etc., are enough to attract the prying eyes of the powerful forces, but now, no one dares to touch him for fear of attracting the attention of the powerful. The calamity of killing.

"Yue Chan..." The elders of Butian Sect frowned a little. Before they came, they had considered various factors that might prevent Butian Pavilion from being merged into Butian Sect. Among them, even the witches of Jietian Sect were included. There was no way. This woman and Yue Chan are not on the same page by nature, and they always appear in the same place. They can be called enemies on a narrow road, especially for a disciple of Butian Pavilion like Shi Hao, who has no good impression of Butian Sect.

Unexpectedly, instead of seeing the witch, he saw Shi Hao.

At this time, the elder of Butian Sect was in a bit of a dilemma. This Shi Hao seemed to be full of treasures, but in fact he was just a big hedgehog with thorns all over his body. Whoever touched him would get hurt, which was a headache.

Therefore, he could only turn to his saint Yue Chan for help. After all, Yue Chan had met and spoken to Shi Hao before, and had a certain understanding of Shi Hao.

Yue Chan looked at Shi Hao standing on the ground, his face was calm, neither sad nor happy, but there was a strange color deep in his eyes.

Obviously, Shi Hao now gives her a headache.

Speaking of which, the relationship between Yue Chan and Shi Hao was not a good one. She was Shi Yi's most valuable supporter during the Two-Stone War back then, because Shi Yi had personally promised to join the Butian Sect.

But in the end, Shi Hao won, crushing Shi Yi with absolute strength and breaking the supreme myth of double pupils.

The two were never in the same camp, they were vaguely hostile.

However, when the elder of Butian Sect spoke, Yue Chan had no choice but to accept the matter. She knew that if Shi Hao was around, this trip to Butian Pavilion would probably be aborted.

"Elder, leave him to me. You go in and communicate with the senior officials of Butian Pavilion."

"Okay, try your best to hold him back." The elder of the Butian Sect breathed a sigh of relief. With the help of the Holy Girl, he should be able to hold off Xiao Shi for a while. By then, he can finish the important matter with Butian Pavilion.

It seemed that Shi Hao had just arrived here and had not gone in yet. They came just in time.

Shi Hao looked up at the sky and met Fairy Yuechan's watery eyes.

"Butian Sect, Butian Pavilion, is this the change that Uncle Chicang said? Do you want to disturb the peace of this pure land?" The moment Shi Hao saw Yue Chan, he completely understood that Butian Sect wanted to He took over Butian Pavilion and used it as his minions in the wilderness to find treasures.

This is Shi Hao's second place of spiritual sustenance. How could he just watch this happen?


Before Shi Hao could speak, there was a hum in the fairy light, and a holy figure came from the void, standing face to face with Shi Hao, facing each other from a distance, silent for a long time.

The elders of Butian Sect fled toward the mountain gate of Butian Pavilion on their magical weapons.

Shi Hao noticed this and did not stop him, nor did he get angry. He was very calm.

"Is it useful?" Shi Hao broke the silence.

Fairy Yuechan looked at the handsome Shi Hao and remained silent. This man's eyes were too fiery, revealing a sense of confidence and a bit aggressive. Even though she came from the upper world and her status was indescribable, she felt a heavy weight when facing Shi Hao. pressure.

It was really hard for her to imagine that a creature that grew up in the lower world was even more unnatural than the creatures in the upper world. She didn't know how he grew up.

"How do you know if you don't try? Butian Sect and Butian Pavilion have the same origin. Now they are unified. It is the general trend and the aspiration of the people. It is also the wish of the founder of Butian Pavilion." Yue Chan replied, her voice With a kind of magnetism, it touches people's hearts.

Her beauty is otherworldly, she is perfect in every aspect, her body is crystal clear, her snow-white dress is fluttering, she is like a flying fairy, her agility is aloof.

It is difficult to find another such a flawless woman in the world. The witch who is always against her is one, the girl in gray clothes with double pupils is another, and there is Kunpeng.

"If you only say that the founder of the sect wants to return to Butian Sect, then I still believe that it is a general trend and what people want, then that is a bit far off.

General trend, what is general trend? Do you think you can really understand what the general trend is? Think you come from the upper world and can overlook the lower world from above?

Look at the fate of those who fell into calamity. The masters of the three major chaos magic weapons, even though their origins were astonishing, were still damaged and died. "Shi Hao's eyes were shining, and he had an attitude of looking down on the world, very domineering.

Yue Chan's heart was shaken. Shi Hao's words shocked her. From this, she was sure of one thing. The person who suppressed the great tribulation was the existence behind Shi Hao.

"Don't talk about the general trend or the people's hearts. This trip is just to fulfill the wish of the founder of Butian Pavilion. If Butian Pavilion agrees to be included in Butian Sect, then there must be some members of the ancient generation of Butian Sect. The spiritual position of this senior.

If the teacher has passed away, it can also be placed together with the spiritual tablet of the teacher. "Yue Chan spoke.

When Shi Hao heard this, he couldn't help but sneer.

"If you really want to fulfill the Patriarch, why do you need to link this matter to Butian Pavilion? It's disgusting."

"That's wrong. How do you know what the founder of Butian Pavilion thinks? After he was expelled from Butian Sect, he established Butian Pavilion in this barbaric land. Wasn't it to make some achievements and let his master See, fortunately, you will get a chance to return to Butian Sect in the future?" Fairy Yuechan's white face has an inexplicable charm, and it is shiny and translucent, which can be called a beauty.

Without waiting for Shi Hao to speak, she stepped forward, her snow-white dress fluttering, and her black hair like a waterfall, passing by Shi Hao, with a fragrance that lingered on the tip of Shi Hao's nose.

I have to say, regardless of what Yue Chan does or says, she really deserves the name of a fairy.

Unfortunately, what Yue Chan said made Shi Hao very angry.

"You and I are old acquaintances, how about you accompany me for a walk?" What Yue Chan was thinking about was dragging Shi Hao, not letting him disturb the elders of Butian Sect and the senior officials of Butian Pavilion discussing important matters, and leaving him here.

How could Shi Hao not know her thoughts? However, he is not in a hurry. The elders of Butian Pavilion are not fools, nor are the sacrificial spirits. They will not be easily taken advantage of by others.

The only worrying thing is that the spiritual vine was planted by Master Gui himself, and the relationship between the two is very deep. Master Gui must have told these things to the divine vine before, and it understands Master Gui.

Maybe he would agree to this matter and fulfill the ghost master's wish.

However, Shi Hao had Ghost Master's broken sword in his hand, which had extraordinary significance. He did not believe that the Spirit Sacrifice Divine Vine would ignore it.

The two of them stand side by side, both of them have a transcendent temperament, transcending the mortal world, like a couple of gods and immortals.

The moon cicada is light and beautiful, and there is a scent like orchid and musk that fills the air, mixed with body fragrance, and has a Taoist charm.

This was a manifestation of physical enlightenment, which made Shi Hao a little surprised. She was worthy of being the saint of Butian Sect. She was indeed amazing. She also received great benefits during the great tribulation and underwent some baptism.

"Brother Shi, now you are like a real dragon trapped in shallow water. Why don't you leave this world and go to the upper world to show your talents? There are many races there and there are endless talents. It is suitable for a truly proud person like Brother Shi." Yue. Cicada suddenly said this, stretching out her white hands and stroking her hair.

"I will naturally go to the upper realm, but before I go, I have to deal with the matters in the lower realm, such as some people who have evil intentions and want to disturb the peace of the pure land."

"Are you referring to me, the Butian Sect?"

"What do you think?"

Shi Hao's eyes shone with divine light and fell on Yue Chan, giving her a sudden pause.

"Brother Shi, do you think you can capture me here? I also have Dao Fruit. In this lower realm, no one at the same level can do it." Yue Chan sensed the powerful pressure erupting from Shi Hao, Said with a chuckle.

Her smile was so bright and peerless that even Shi Hao almost fell into a trance. Her beautiful and divine face made people's hearts tremble.

"Upper Realm, Lower Realm, do you really think that you are superior because you come from the upper realm?" Shi Hao really planned to capture this fairy and give him a good education. The last time he helped Shi Yi, he was already his enemy. Before the cause and effect were resolved, she came to Butian Pavilion again and disturbed the tranquility of the Pure Land. Based on this alone, Shi Hao had reasons to suppress her.

Even if the elder of Butian Sect is in the Butian Pavilion in front of him, Shi Hao is not afraid. He thinks that he is invincible at the same level, but he can push past him. Even Yue Chan, who has extraordinary origins and is extremely powerful, is useless and cannot stop him. Got it in a short time.

Yue Chan knew that Shi Hao was powerful and mastered many supreme treasures, but she also had a kind of confidence that even if she was defeated, she would not be captured.

Until now, she is still like a proud swan, with a smile on her lips and looking very calm.

Shi Hao gritted his teeth. This fairy stood too high. It seemed that only by knocking her down could he speak properly.

"Are you really planning to take action?" Yue Chan opened her red lips lightly, moved her lotus steps, and moved a little away from Shi Hao.

Although she was calm, she thought that Shi Hao would not be able to take her down in a short time. By then, some elders would notice the situation here. No matter what, Shi Hao would not be able to succeed. However, being too close to Shi Hao was still a bit dangerous. You must know that Shi Hao is Mastering the Kunpeng Technique, which is known as the fastest in the world, his speed is so fast that no secret method in the world can match it.

"Then there is still a lie? The last time I helped Shi Yi deal with me, I haven't forgotten it. This time he came to mess with me again.

I happened to be short of a maid to serve tea and warm the bed. You came just in time and solved my urgent need. "Shi Hao said.

Yue Chan frowned slightly and pulled away. She was convinced that Xiao Shi really planned to take action. As for the maid Shi Hao said, she didn't care at all. That was impossible. She was a saint of the First Order.

"It's too late, this time, I have to suppress you." Shi Hao showed his power, and he had great magical powers as soon as he came up.

Ten caves emerged and connected into a ring, releasing supreme secret power, forming a terrifying field and imprisoning everything.

And Shi Hao himself, overflowing with Kunpeng power, stretched out a pair of sky-covering wings from his back, and came to Yue Chan in an instant.

Yue Chan had already dodged as fast as he could, but he still underestimated Shi Hao. He didn't look like an array king, he was so powerful beyond imagination.


Yue Chan was in a daze. During the last two-stone battle, she watched the whole battle, and she had estimated Shi Hao's combat power in her mind, but it was all just talk on paper. Shi Hao could never use his full strength to defeat opponents of the same level, and his deep foundation was terrifying.

If Chi Cang hadn't thought that the Incomplete Law of the Lower Realm was very hard on him and hadn't used the Thunder Pond Law to baptize Shi Hao, Shi Hao would have destroyed the world and overstepped his ranks in various ways.

Now, in order to capture Yue Chan in a short period of time, Shi Hao directly used all his strength. He was simply unstoppable in the realm of the King of Arrays. Coupled with many heaven-defying treasures and amazing fighting instincts, Yue Chan couldn't resist it at all.

For the first time, she felt panicked. She had never seen such a powerful genius. Even compared with the top geniuses in the upper world, he was not much different. He might even be stronger. It was really unimaginable that he would go to this place. What kind of waves will be caused after going to the upper world?


Shi Hao's chest bloomed with light, and the sound of chanting came out, as if there was a little man sitting cross-legged in it, chanting the scriptures. At the same time, the symbols of reincarnation engraved on his flesh and blood also lit up. In an instant, Casting the extremely terrifying magic of reincarnation.

Yue Chan was so frightened that he directly used the secret technique at the bottom of the box. It was the sky patching technique that Shi Yi had used back then. It claimed to be able to change the ending, make up for regrets, and start over.

However, under the suppression of Shi Hao's Ten-hole Heavenly Ring, the Heaven-Mending Technique was actually affected, and another earth-shattering Reincarnation Treasure Technique impacted Yue Chan's body.

It almost caused Yue Chan's sky-repairing technique to fail.

Fortunately, she succeeded and had the opportunity to start over again. However, what shocked Yue Chan was that she was actually affected by the terrifying reincarnation magic. Her whole body became much smaller, and the greenness on her face was clearly visible. He looks ten years old. At this age, even wearing a braid or something is not against the rules.

"Shi Hao!"

Yue Chan exclaimed. What drove her crazy was that her voice had become a little more immature. Needless to say, her cultivation level had "regressed". This kind of reincarnation magic was so unbelievable that she couldn't bear it. There was a chill in my heart.

"Hehe, I can't use the Heaven-Mending Technique anymore. Let's see if you have any backup plans."

Shi Hao chuckled, and Kunpeng activated it very quickly, covering Yue Chan in an instant, imprisoning her, and putting her into the World Treasure Box obtained from Medicine Valley.

A generation of fairies were captured by Shi Hao like this.

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