At the same time, a vast and majestic energy burst out from the tall figure, shaking the heaven and earth, and shaking the universe.

Looking at the figure in the light, Shi Hao's face was filled with shock. Is this the ghost master? It actually made him feel like an ant facing a giant dragon.

Even Shen Teng, who is at the peak level of Divine Fire, feels small and insignificant in front of Master Ghost.


The extraordinary god-seed gourd trembled slightly and continuously sprayed out chaotic energy, showing the unrest in Lao Teng's heart.

It knew that it was the senior who saved Master Gui back then, because it itself was resurrected by a drop of Thunder Tribulation Liquid.

At this moment, the darkness in the broken sword was completely cleared away, and it was brilliant. The interior was filled with mist, with thousands of rays of light, thousands of auspicious colors, and it was extremely sacred.

A tall figure stepped out of it, like a majestic ancient sacred mountain moving. His clothes were ancient and obsolete, full of the mottled atmosphere of time and endless vicissitudes. His gray hair was flying, covering his face, making him People can't see clearly, only a pair of sharp eyes like knives are revealed among the messy hair, shooting out extremely sharp eyes.

The ghost master, a dead soul left over from ancient times, was unwilling to end like this, and reappeared in this world under the effect of Blazing Thunder Tribulation Liquid.

Shi Hao looked over and looked into Master Gui's eyes. He seemed to see the terrifying scene of the stars turning and the birth and death of all things. He was convinced that Master Gui at this moment was almost at his peak, if not at his peak.

I don't know how much more powerful than the Venerable or Divine Fire.

Later, Shi Hao saw gratitude in Master Gui's eyes. Everything he did for Master Gui was seen by Master Gui.

"this world……"

The ghost master's gray hair was dancing in the air, and he let out a sigh, which contained an emotion that was difficult for ordinary people to understand. He met someone unkindly, made a big mistake, was expelled from the school, and then was betrayed, and died in the past. What kind of hatred in life is this in the hands of a deeply loved woman?

Even after countless years of death, there is still an unwilling obsession that lingers in the world.

Now, once again, those great hatreds in life and those bad fates and karma will all be resolved with my own hands, and those unfulfilled wishes will all be realized one by one.

Master Gui gave Shi Hao a gentle look, then raised his head to look at the sky. His gray hair calmed down and spread over his shoulders. His eyes were filled with awe and gratitude.

"Junior Wu Tianchong, thank you senior for your kindness."

He knew that the senior who dripped the Thunder Tribulation Liquid was overlooking the world from the sky and could definitely see it.

The next moment, Chi Cang's voice sounded in Wu Tianchong's ears: "He is the one you should thank."

Wu Tianchong knew who Chi Cang was talking about. If it weren't for Shi Hao, he might still be hiding in the Broken Sword and would completely disappear one day in the future.

"Thank you!"

He spoke to Shi Hao, very sincerely, and very emotional. Back then, when he was wandering in the Butian Pavilion, he noticed Shi Hao's extraordinaryness, and then he met him. He entrusted Shi Hao to help him find the broken sword. Who can Thinking that I would be reborn because of him later.

Shi Hao waved his hands quickly.

"Grandmaster, there is no need to be like this. I am a disciple of Butian Pavilion... It is also appropriate to do these things. Besides, Grandmaster's broken sword helped me a lot..."

Wu Tianchong smiled. It was Butian Pavilion's luck to have such a talented young man.

He then looked at the old vines that he had planted with his own hands. They were green and lush, sparkling and translucent, with steaming precious energy. They were growing very well and were almost reaching the realm of true one.

"Were you also saved by that senior?"

He noticed some aura in Lao Teng's body, which seemed to have the same origin as the drop of Thunder Tribulation Liquid that gave him a new life just now.

"Yes, back then my vitality was exhausted, my decline was irreversible, and foreign enemies were ready to attack. I thought that Butian Pavilion would disappear. As a result, that senior appeared and saved me and also Butian Pavilion."

Wu Tianchong nodded, knowing that without Chi Cang's help, Butian Pavilion might have become history.

His hair was flowing, his body was tall, and his shoulders were broad. He stood there like a big mountain, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

Looking at the ancient courtyard covered with green plants, Wu Tianchong showed a look of reminiscence. The dusty rubble and the broken and collapsed ancient walls all have his footprints. Unfortunately, now, they are all lost in the years. It has faded away and decayed.

He looked into the distance again, overlooking this pure land. There were groups of beautiful peaks, large clear lakes one after another, divine birds and precious animals living freely in the pure land, elixirs could be seen everywhere, growing on the roadside, one after another. The monk was full of energy and hope.

This kind of Butian Pavilion is exactly what he expected. It can be called a true pure land. The practice atmosphere is clearly different from that of other great sects.

In a cruel world where strength is valued and everything needs to be fought for, such a great teaching is really rare, like a fairyland.

At the same time, he also saw the elders of Butian Sect sitting cross-legged in the resting place. Needless to say, he already knew the intention of these people.

"Butian Sect..."

Wu Tianchong was full of emotions and couldn't help but sigh. Being expelled from the sect, embarrassing and humiliating his master, this was his biggest regret in life. If he could do it again, he would never let his master down.

"It has always been a wish of mine to join the Butian Sect. Back then, I was the most outstanding disciple of the Butian Sect and the proud son of Heaven among the three thousand people in Daozhou. I was like a brilliant sun, hanging high in the sky. .

If I hadn't fallen from the altar because of that incident, I might be a giant now. "Wu Tianchong murmured to himself, his words full of confidence, his eyes sparkling like two golden lamps, blooming with divine light.

When Shi Hao heard this, he was a little shocked. The past of the founder of Butian Pavilion was so glorious. The upper world was such a vast world. Compared with it, the eight realms of the lower world were just a tiny corner.

There is no doubt about Wu Tianchong's talent in the upper world, and he is definitely one of the few people who could achieve such an achievement. If he had not died young, he would surely be among the giants and become the invincible leader of the party.

It's a pity that what happened in the past can't be undone, everything that should have happened and everything that shouldn't have happened happened.

"I know that you are obsessed with returning to the Butian Sect. Now is an opportunity. They have given a promise that as long as the Butian Pavilion is merged into the Butian Sect, your spirit can be placed in the Butian Sect. Put it together with your master's." Old Teng said.

"Is that so? If Butian Pavilion merges with Butian Sect, my wish will be fulfilled." Wu Tianchong said to himself, scanning this fairyland on earth. No one knew what he was thinking.

"Spiritual position, it seems that my master passed away. He was already in his old age that year. After experiencing the blow of that incident, his hair turned gray overnight. I'm afraid he will grow old faster." He was a little sad, with memories and sighs in his eyes. .

Shi Hao looked at the Patian Pavilion Patriarch silently, saying nothing, waiting for his decision.

To a certain extent, there are two reasons why Wu Tianchong can retain his obsession and linger in the world. One is to make a break with the woman from the Kingdom of Heaven, and the other is to return to his master's sect and make his master happy.

Now that he is new to life, he is no longer the confused and dying obsession with little fighting power. He can fulfill his long-cherished wish with his own hands. However, his master has passed away and is no longer in the world.

There is quite a feeling that a child wants to be nourished but cannot be treated by relatives.

"Then what is your decision? Butian Pavilion was created by you, and its future is under your control." Lao Teng Biye shook his head and asked.

“The past can never be undone, and my master is no longer here, so what’s the point of me joining the Butian Sect?

Today's Butian Pavilion is a pure land. This atmosphere is really good. It is the result of the joint efforts of all Butian Pavilion monks. Therefore, Butian Pavilion is everyone's Butian Pavilion. This decision should not have been made by me. Dead people who have passed away and turned to ashes will do it. "Wu Tianchong gave this answer.

"So, you don't agree with this? But this is your obsession, your wish, have you really let go?" Lao Teng knew Wu Tianchong very well, and had heard him say countless times that he hoped to return to Butian Pavilion.

Shi Hao was also a little surprised, he didn't expect Master Gui to answer like this.

"Returning to Butian Sect should be my personal matter and not related to Butian Pavilion."

Obviously, Wu Tianchong did not want to destroy the peace of the Pure Land, but this did not mean that he did not want to return to Butian Sect.

"If you reject the annexation, will they agree to your return?" Lao Teng was a little worried and felt that this matter was a bit uncertain.

"I don't have any complaints whether I agree or not. My wish now is to find that person to resolve the cause and effect. If she hadn't died, she should be a powerful person by now."

Both Shi Hao and Lao Teng knew who Wu Tianchong was talking about. It was the female assassin from Heaven who used and betrayed him, the Goddess Tianyi.

Although the killer is notorious, often in trouble, and very dangerous, Goddess Tianyi's qualifications and potential are so strong that she must still be alive.

However, after going through this long period from ancient times to today, Goddess Tianyi will definitely not stand still, but will grow and become much stronger than before. It will be difficult for Wu Tianchong to defeat Goddess Tianyi in his current state.

"Well, in that case, let's reply to the visitors from Butian Sect." Lao Teng sent a message and informed the master of Butian Pavilion of this decision.

The Master of Butian Pavilion, who was talking with the elders, heard Lao Teng's message, his eyes shone, and he couldn't help but smile.

"Pavilion Master, is it true?"

An elder noticed the change in the pavilion master, guessed something, and asked quickly.

"Well, Lord Sacrificial Spirit has made a decision to reject the Butian Sect's proposal." The master of the Butian Pavilion nodded and said.

"Very good."

"It's so good. This place will always be a pure land without any competition from the world."

"Lord Ji Ling's decision saved Butian Pavilion."

All the elders smiled, and their anxious hearts finally fell.

Among the topics they were talking about just now was the issue of how they would deal with themselves after Butian Pavilion merged with Butian Sect.

Most elders have the idea of ​​retiring. They know that they can only reach the current level in this life, and they just want to enjoy their old age and watch the next generation grow up.

If Butian Pavilion changes, it will be difficult for them to have the same sense of belonging they had before.

There are also elders who choose to stay because it is difficult to be a casual cultivator. With the sect behind you, everything will be easier. Of course, the atmosphere is definitely not as comfortable as before.

Fortunately, in the end, this matter was denied, and they no longer had to worry.

Soon, the master of Butian Pavilion came to the resting place in person and gave a reply to the venerable elders.

When they heard that Butian Pavilion rejected their proposal, the elders of Butian Sect were a little unbelievable.

"Fellow Taoist, I advise you to consider it again and join the Butian Sect. Various resources are not a problem. We guarantee that the overall strength of the Butian Pavilion will be raised to a higher level in a short period of time.

Don’t doubt this. Our sect is connected to the upper world. There are many god-revering fire realm elders in the sect. Their strength is enough to respect the eight realms. Except for those supreme sects that are also backed by the upper world, all other sects are not one and the same. enemy. "A powerful Elder of Butian Sect said in a deep voice, using both soft and hard words.

Other elders of Butian Sect also released their energy slightly, deceiving the master of Butian Pavilion that he was not a venerable person.

However, the next moment, a terrifying aura came, making all the venerable elders of Butian Sect feel like they had fallen into an ice cellar, and their whole bodies were chilled.

These elders were horrified, knowing that it was the Divine Fire Realm divine vine that was showing its power.

"Senior, I don't mean any harm. I was just a little emotional. I hope Haihan will do it."

Since there was no divine fire expert to follow this time, only the Venerable, they had no choice but to surrender.

In the ancient courtyard, Ghost Master Wu Tianchong looked at this scene and shook his head slightly. If Butian Pavilion did not have a powerful divine fire expert, Butian Sect might not be so willing to give up.

From here, it can be seen that Butian Sect and Butian Pavilion are two completely different teachings.

However, Wu Tianchong was not surprised, because the same was true for Butian Sect back then.

If you want to stand firm in this cruel world and not fall down, you must either have a strong man who can dominate everything and suppress all parties, or you must have cruel competition doctrines and iron-blooded methods.

Forces like Butian Pavilion are in the first situation. Shen Teng, the peak divine fire expert, suppresses all parties, so no one dares to commit a crime.

"Fellow Taoist, please come back. Butian Pavilion has nothing to do with the world and does not want to be involved in disputes." The master of Butian Pavilion said calmly, looking at those venerables without fear.

The two sides looked at each other for a long time, and the expressions of the elders of Butian Sect changed. They were a little unwilling, but there was nothing they could do.

On this trip to Butian Pavilion, not only did he lose the saint, but she was also rejected by Butian Pavilion. It was really depressing to lose both his wife and his troops.

"Well, I still hope that your pavilion will think about it again. You must know that the divine fire creatures cannot dominate this land. Chaos is about to break out. It will be difficult for you to protect this place with only the sacred fire of your senior sacrificer."

The master of Butian Pavilion replied with a smile: "I don't need to worry about the safety of Butian Pavilion. Please come back."

How could he not hear that the elders of Butian Sect emphasized that there is only one divine fire in Butian Pavilion? It was vaguely threatening. However, he and the elders of Butian Pavilion were not afraid of foreign enemies, even if they paid their lives for it.

"Hmph, let's go."

The elder of Butian Sect was frustrated, looked deeply at the master of Butian Pavilion, and left angrily.

In the upper realm, Three Thousand Daozhou, Sword Valley, in a vast ancient palace, there are huge figures sitting cross-legged, towering like mountains, each one is terrifying, and anyone who walks out can dominate the nine heavens.

Alas, there are a lot of things going on today, and I’m still a little confused. That’s it for this chapter.

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