The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 195 The Lower Bound

These people are the supreme beings recruited by the four great remnant immortals from the three thousand states.

There is the great uncle of the contemporary Lord of Heaven, the ultimate ancient corpse from the underworld, and the original demon root of the Demon Sunflower Garden.

Legend has it that this magic root comes from a mysterious no-man's land, and is suspected to be a broken branch left over from a true immortal-level vine from the previous era. It is known as the Old Demon Lord and is the founder of the Demonic Sunflower Garden. It is somewhat similar to the experience of Qin Changsheng of the Immortal Mountain. It can be regarded as a kind of eternal disaster.

There is also a saying that the true ancestor of Western religion is that the contemporary leader of Western religion entered the ruins and received the inheritance of the ancient monks, and this is how the later Western religion came into being.

But in fact, the true origin of Western religion is this ancestor. He came to nirvana from a relic among the ashes left by the lineage of ancient monks in the Immortal Ancient Era.

These creatures are the oldest beings in this era. Relatively speaking, Qin Changsheng is much younger than them. He is a latecomer. Even though he is known as the Immortal Lord, he cannot fully understand the secrets.

Only the supreme beings like Canxian who followed the previous era know the true context of all this. Although they were seriously injured due to the attack on Kunpeng and had to hibernate, they have been overlooking the world.

One by one, the supreme beings sit cross-legged on the Taoist platforms on both sides of the hall, each breathing in the glow of the sun. It is the purest life essence, which can repair the scars left by the years.

For example, the master uncle of the Lord of Heaven, the ultimate ancient corpse of the underworld, etc. are all too old to look good. They survived in the world at the beginning of this era. By now, their essence and blood have long since dried up, and most of their bodies have died. earth.

If it weren't for the call of the True Immortal to help them recover their vitality and blood and regain part of their peak combat power, they might have died of old age and obscurity in this life.


Suddenly, in the center of the hall, on the highest seat, a hazy fairy light appeared, and a vague figure emerged. Everyone could not see his face clearly, but they could sense the true fairy light overflowing from his body. The terrifying spirit.

This is a remnant immortal, powerful in the nine heavens and ten lands, sweeping across the eight wastelands in the universe, the whole world is vast, and it is difficult to find an opponent.

You must know that no one has become an immortal in this era. The most amazing people in history have never achieved it. For example, Demon Lord, Ye Qianyu, etc. all fell on the path to immortality.

This shows how shocking it is for a true immortal-level powerhouse to appear.

The Immortal Mist was hazy, and the True Immortal of Sword Valley was sitting in it. Even though he had restrained his Immortal Qi, it still made this world and this universe tremble.

All the Supremes stopped what they were doing and looked over there.

That is a real immortal, and they all say that after reaching the Supreme, everything will be different. The life level of the monks will sublimate and jump, and the low-level monks will not be able to retrograde to defeat the Supreme.

However, how could it not be a heaven-defying leap to become a true immortal? The transformation from human beings to immortal beings is transformation and sublimation in the true sense.

To put it bluntly, if Canxian wants to kill these supreme beings at this moment, he doesn’t need to expend much effort at all. They can be destroyed with a snap of his fingers, which is not a level at all.

However, this kind of thing is unlikely to happen. Sword Immortal still needs these cannon fodder to help him explore the matter of Thunder Emperor and Kunpeng in the lower realm.

Both of them were supreme beings who should have fallen long ago. When they were at their peak, even the true immortals had to treat them with respect and did not dare to quarrel with them.

If they are alive, they will definitely become their enemies and will come to settle the matter one day. Therefore, the four great remnant immortals want to explore the situation in the lower realm in front of the upper realm and the lower realm. If these two ten evil men are still alive, they will completely Send them to hell.

Of course, it is impossible for them to go there in person. The stronger they are, the greater the price they have to pay to go to the lower world. Moreover, the siege of Kunpeng left a huge psychological shadow on the four of them. To put it bluntly, they are afraid of being beaten. The best way is to summon these supreme beings and let them fight for their lives.

When the time comes, they will resort to measures and will not come in person. After all, creatures like the Ten Fierce are very dangerous. Even if they are not at their peak, they are still extremely terrifying. No one wants to lose their life.

It is not easy to survive from the last era to the present, and the remaining immortals are very precious about their lives.

"The shift of the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth has been going on for some time. The most suitable time for the lower realm will come soon. You should be prepared." The sword fairy whispered. Although the voice was not loud, it was clearly transmitted to every supreme being. in the ears.

"Senior, we still don't know what we are going to do on this trip to the lower world. We have doubts. Can you tell us in advance so that we can be mentally prepared." The founder of the Western religion spoke out.

He clasped his hands together, his eye sockets were sunken, and there were flames burning in his eye sockets, like two bright golden lamps. He was thin and thin, and his ribs could be clearly seen. His skin was pale golden, exuding a powerful physical power, which was stronger than that of Western religions. The leader's six-foot-long golden body is even more terrifying.

In the lineage of ancient monks, people at his level are called Arhats, who have supreme power, and the next step up is called Immortal Monks.

The sword fairy in the radiance opened his eyes, and in his pupils there was a terrifying sight of the sun, moon, and stars upside down.

A cloud of chaotic mist rose up and surrounded him. In a trance, there seemed to be clanging swords resounding throughout the sky and the earth.

The Supreme Being in the main hall was horrified. Listening to the sound of the immortal sword, he seemed to have seen the invincible and magnificent life of the sword immortal.

He dared to use swords against the Ten Evils and still survived afterwards. How could he be an ordinary immortal creature?

"Well, after you go to the lower realm, what you have to do is to destroy all the creatures above the Venerable level in the lower realm. No chickens or dogs will be left behind. As for the others, you can deal with them as much as you want, but you have to leave the fragrant seeds.

Those are all descendants of the sinful bloodline, and I want them to be harvested as grass and grass for the rest of their lives. "Sword Immortal said lightly.

"That's it. Thank you, senior, for clarifying my doubts." The old monk nodded, his blazing eyes flashing like golden lamps.

The others all had expressionless faces when they heard this.

If you can cultivate to the level of Supreme, how can you be so easy to fool? They are all beings who were killed out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. They are peaks built with countless human heads. They are thoughtful and familiar with human affairs.

The words of the Sword Immortal don't sound wrong, but if you think about it carefully, the meaning is somewhat unclear.

What does it mean to kill all living beings above the Venerable level? The lower world is barren, and being able to become a divine fire creature is enough to honor the earth and command the world. If you really want to kill a bunch of divine fire ants, why bother recruiting them, the supreme beings who are about to die?

Just send some true gods at will and you'll be able to sweep them all.

However, the lower realm is not simple. Many forbidden creatures have fallen there, and some existences may not be dead yet and are still alive.

From this, these supreme beings guessed the true purpose of the residual immortals, which was probably to let them eradicate the roots and eliminate the surviving supreme beings in the lower world.

But, how can that kind of character be so easy to kill? Most of them are related to the previous era. If you attack them, the cause and effect will be huge, and your body will be broken into pieces and your body will die.

Even if they guessed this, they couldn't refuse. After all, the great medicine provided by Canxian helped them recover a lot. Moreover, it is not a wise thing to refuse Canxian's request. The other party can wipe you out in a matter of seconds. , how to refuse?

After the words fell, the figure of the Sword Immortal slowly disappeared and dispersed out of thin air. Only then did the Supreme Beings realize that this was just a projection of the Sword Immortal, and the real body was probably even more astonishing.

Time flies. At this moment, the eight realms of the lower realm are undergoing a shocking change. The rules of the avenue of heaven and earth are shifting. The connection between the upper realm and the lower realm is being cut off bit by bit. All the magic formations leading to the upper realm have become unpredictable. , like a great abyss.

In the past, these magic arrays could be reused and were a transmission belt between the upper world and the lower world. Creatures like Yue Chan who were born in the upper world came to the lower world through this method. But now, the changes in the avenue of heaven and earth have increased. If the load of these magic arrays is exceeded, perhaps in a short time, these magic circles can only support one teleportation and will burst into pieces.

However, the great changes in the world have also made the boundary wall between the upper world and the lower world clearer, and are no longer shrouded by the terrifying power of the boundary wall and the rules of chaos. This gives the big men in the upper world the opportunity to go down to the lower world.

In the endless years, there have been only a few opportunities, which can be said to be once-in-a-lifetime. Naturally, those sect leaders are not willing to miss the opportunity to find good fortune.

At this time, the sky changes over the Eight Domains were still continuing, with heavy rain, lightning and thunder. People who didn't know why thought it was because of the bad weather. Only a few people knew that this was the beings from the upper world trying to break through the boundary wall. Descend to the lower realm.

Finally, on this day, an unimaginable bolt of lightning appeared in the sky in the wilderness. It was so vast that the entire sky was split into two, and all the mountains and mountains could only be regarded as dust in front of it.

Moreover, the lightning was still elongating, filling the sky, and even ordinary people noticed something was wrong, because the thunder was colorful, too weird, and different from the usual thunder.

"Here, a big shot is coming to the lower world." Shi Hao said aloud as a small white tower shook in his hair.

In Stone Village, the Willow God stands tall, dressed in stunning white, with a pair of calm and deep eyes looking into the distance.

In the real dragon's nest next to it, the real dragon stood with his hands behind his back, also watching. They all sensed something strange. Someone was bombarding the boundary wall to really come to this world.


With a harsh tearing sound, the sky instantly shattered, and a huge crack appeared, accompanied by the energy of chaos, destroying the sky and destroying the earth, covering the universe.

The whole wilderness was felt, a slight vibration occurred, and a depressing atmosphere enveloped the hearts of all the monks, making people breathless.

People knew that a disaster more terrifying than the arrival of the three major chaos instruments was coming. Under such a catastrophe, they were as insignificant as weeds. They could not help themselves. They could only hope that the supreme power would be strong enough. Can suppress all chaos like last time.

Chi Cang and Kun Peng, who had been waiting for a long time, stood up at the same time and appeared in front of a crack.

There is not just one crack in the wilderness. All the sects in the upper world and those in the lower world who have the ability are taking action. This opportunity is once in a lifetime and no one wants to miss it.

The aura of the crack in front of Chi Cang was the most terrifying, exceeding the sum of the other cracks by countless times. The so-called giants of the upper world were like gravel under this aura.

Chi Cang knew that this was the work of the residual immortals in the upper realm. The last time Kunpeng took action to kill the projection of the Lord of Sword Valley, it must have made those residual immortals suspicious. This time, the lower realm will naturally target it with all its strength.


Before any life could emerge from the cracks here, vast fluctuations came from other cracks.

Over the capital of the Fire Nation, nine-colored thunder surged, and the sky exploded. A huge silver foot stepped down with difficulty. It was too huge, wider than the clouds in the sky, with nine-colored lightning and chaotic mist. Covering the sky and the sun, the divine power is unparalleled.

At this moment, in the Imperial Capital of the Fire Nation, countless creatures stopped what they were doing and looked up at the sky. Their pupils were wide open and they were horrified. A deep sense of powerlessness enveloped everyone's hearts, making people despair.

Huo Ling'er's father, the Fire Emperor, stood next to the ancient sacred tree in the Fire Kingdom, Xuanyi Xunxun, staring at the sky, with endless indignation in his eyes. If that foot stepped down, the imperial capital would be in ruins, and all living beings would be devastated. However, , he was helpless in the face of the absolute crushing power.

In the upper realm, the Immortal Palace, a silver creature's feet broke through the boundary wall and stepped on the Emperor of the Fire Nation, showing a superior attitude.

The reason for this is because they have already discovered that the inheritance of their old rival, the Supreme Palace, is hidden under the Imperial Capital of the Fire Nation.

Since ancient times, the Immortal Palace has been at odds with the Supreme Palace. There are many similarities between the two. For example, they will only cultivate one descendant in each life, and one person can rival a sect.

The descendants of the two major forces often confront each other and have feuds. The old Supreme of the Supreme Palace died at the hands of the Supreme of the Immortal Palace. He united with other Supremes to besiege them together, and finally the Supreme Palace disappeared and withdrew from the stage of history.

Because of this, facing the inheritance of the Supreme Palace, the creatures of the Immortal Palace are very powerful and trample on it with the soles of their feet, not only to seize the inheritance, but also to express contempt for their old rivals.

However, just when he was about to step down and turn this prosperous capital of a country into ruins, a cold voice came from the lower world and entered his ears.

"Did I let you step on it?"

The cold words, with the waves of the road, were like a sharp sword, filled with shocking murderous intent, piercing his heart.

The silver creature's heart ached, its whole body trembled, and it froze there. The huge soles of its feet that suddenly fell were also suspended in mid-air.


A large amount of silver blood spurted out and poured onto the Immortal Palace in front. It was absorbed by the green patina and shimmered.


He looked a little shocked, what is his identity? In the Immortal Palace, apart from the True Immortal and the Supreme, he is the most powerful and noble. He travels across three thousand states, overlooking the world, and no one in the world dares to disobey him. He is known as a giant in the upper world.

As a result, when he arrived in this lower realm, someone actually made a terrifying sound from the Heavenly Heavenly Way, which wounded him with just one word. Just hearing the sound made him feel weak, and he felt like he was burning inside. The strength of the speaker was definitely beyond imagination. .

The lower realm is indeed a crouching tiger, hidden dragon.

The silver creature came from the Immortal Palace and naturally knew some secrets. Thinking of the instructions from the Immortal Palace Supreme, he felt horrified and had a bad feeling. He wanted to withdraw his paws and stop this exploration.

However, it was too late. In the distant void, a crystal-clear chain of order stretched out at extremely fast speeds and entangled the silver creature's legs.

An unstoppable force acted on the silver creature's legs. He couldn't resist it and was pulled down directly.


The silver creatures were all dead, screaming in fear, and grasped the break in the crack in the boundary wall with both hands. Unfortunately, the force of the fall was so terrible that it was completely beyond his endurance.

At this time, he was filled with regret, and in order to seize the opportunity, he risked his life.

He felt as if he had fallen into an abyss, unable to use any strength at all. The proud leader was as small as an ant in his cultivation.

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