The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 196 Selling fake medicines


The silver creature was dragged down, but in the end it was unable to withstand the pull of the Divine Chain of Order.

This is a huge humanoid creature, with a radiant body that is extremely bright and dazzling. The energy emanating from him is like a landslide and a tsunami, or like a rolling star river, roaring in the vast wilderness.

Many monks looked up at the sky, feeling fear deep in their hearts. Is this the giant of the upper world?

The creatures in the Immortal Palace, hunting in silver robes, shine brightly in the sky. Their breath alone can collapse mountains, rivers and earth, sinking the wilderness.

But now, he is struggling desperately to break free from the shackles and imprisonment of the Divine Chain of Order.

Some monks also saw the clues. This supreme being who was originally going to destroy the imperial capital of the Fire Nation was currently bound by unknown chains and struggling to break free.

"I am the master of the contemporary Immortal Palace, who dares to kill me?" With no other choice, the silver creature had no choice but to move out of his backstage.

The next moment, a golden ray of light came from the distant sky, so vast that it tore apart the eternal sky. It carried unparalleled power, shattered the void, and killed at extremely high speed.

"Immortal Palace? Those who are killed are the people from the Immortal Palace."

A cold female voice sounded in the silver creature's ears, sending shivers down his spine.

In just a moment, he thought of a lot.

"Is it you? Still alive?"

"Impossible! No one can stop the Immortal-Breaking Curse." The silver creature yelled, not believing it. However, when he opened his eyes wide and saw the Kunpeng standing on the horizon, he had to admit this fact. If he is hit, he will die. The poisonous Kunpeng is really still alive.

The golden wings that cover the sky and the sun, after unfolding, are so big that they are boundless, filled with chaotic energy, like clouds hanging from the sky. He has seen such a scene in the ancient books of the Immortal Palace, and it cannot be faked.


The golden light struck at an extremely fast speed, and time eclipsed it in front of it.


How could a mere leader withstand the angry slash from a supreme being?

The poor contemporary master of the Immortal Palace, in order to seize the opportunity, couldn't wait to go down to the lower world, and ended his sinful life before he had time to shine.

The silver flesh and blood exploded and turned into the purest essence, which sprinkled on the barren wasteland and nourished the land here. A generation of giants spent their lives, but ended up becoming the nourishment of the lower world.

All the monks were shocked and speechless. A terrifying existence from the upper realm was destroyed like this.

In the Imperial Capital of the Fire Nation, the people who survived the disaster couldn't help crying with joy. They raised their hands and cheered, knelt on the ground and worshiped towards the sky. Just now they thought they were going to be trampled into dust by giant feet, but they didn't expect that there would be a golden light like this. Flying immortals from the sky came to save this place.

Suddenly, there was another strange movement in the horizon. Less than a breath away from the fall of the silver creatures, there was another being who broke through the boundary first and rushed towards the capital of the Fire Kingdom impatiently.


Lightning danced, the sky shattered, and a golden figure appeared, towering up to the sky and into the clouds, standing in the vast sky and earth, as if it had existed forever.

He wore an ancient crown and golden robes. His eyes were open and closed with golden light, like two big suns shining brightly. Chaos and mist shrouded his face.

A terrifying aura was overwhelming, sweeping across the sky and the earth. This creature was like an ancient emperor, commanding the gods, proud of the past and the present.

"Here comes another one." Xiaota whispered, very calmly, as if he had anticipated the fate of this creature.

The golden figure stands proudly above the nine heavens, overlooking the vast world. It has a great majesty that makes people want to worship it.

However, his prestige soon declined. The aura left behind by the current master of the Immortal Palace after his death is still there. It is the blood of the leader, which is horrifying.

"What? The old guy from the Immortal dead?"

The golden figure was horrified and realized something was wrong. Before he really approached the Fire Nation's imperial capital, he decisively turned around and wanted to return the way he came.

After all, there is not much difference between him and the fallen leader of the Immortal Palace. If there is any danger, he will not escape the fate of falling.

"Fire Cloud Cave? It's the same as the Immortal Palace."

Next to Chi Cang, Kunpeng's eyes were cold and murderous. The golden figure came from the Fire Cloud Cave. In the background was the Sword Immortal, one of the four great remnant immortals. Kunpeng would naturally not let go of this leader.


A terrifying and terrifying halberd was born, and was held in Kunpeng's hand. She had a slender figure, proud curves, and looked very weak. When she held the great halberd, she gave people a strong sense of contrast. How could a weak woman be so powerful? The power to wheel a heavy spurge?

If you think so, you are totally wrong. Kunpeng is known as the Ten Evils, and it is not called for nothing. With a wave of his hand, the whole world will be overturned.


Tianhuang was unstoppable, directly piercing through the layers of void and killing the golden figure.

It was so fast that the leader of Huoyun Cave didn't even have time to react. Tianhuang had already rushed forward.

The dead souls of countless terrifying creatures roared and circled around Tianhuang's halberd blade, telling its glorious past.

The golden figure recognized this fierce weapon and was frightened.

"Heavenly wasteland?"

He was horrified, and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but suddenly, a halberd pierced the center of his eyebrows, blasting the soul sitting inside, causing it to explode on the spot.

Countless golden lights shot out in all directions, like a golden meteor shower. Many creatures in the wilderness saw this spectacular and beautiful scene and were amazed.

Soon, people were surprised to find that the concentration of spiritual energy in the wilderness rose sharply, and soon reached an astonishing concentration.

"Haha, don't these people treat the lower world as a medicine field and come to harvest it from time to time? Now, the two cult leaders are used as fertilizer to nourish the land here and make an indelible contribution to the growth of the "spiritual medicines".

This is the cycle of cause and effect, retribution. Xiaota said with a smile.

Shi Hao stood in Butian Pavilion, together with Master Gui and Lao Teng, and witnessed this shocking battle through a magic circle.

The two cult leaders were really, as Xiaota said, not qualified to be cannon fodder. They were bombed without even being able to use their magic, which was shocking.

The ghost master couldn't help but sigh: "That is the master of the Immortal Palace and an old leader of the Fire Cloud Cave. In the past, it was a taboo existence that could not be discussed casually in the upper world, but now it is like a piece of grass, being crushed to death at will, never thinking about it. Even the leader will have this day."

"Will anyone come down?" Shi Hao asked.

Xiaota gave an affirmative answer.

"Of course, these leaders are just little shrimps. The obstacles in their lower world are smaller than those of the big guys, and they are easier to adapt to the obstacles, so they can come down quickly. However, coming down quickly also means they will die faster. Why? Let’s just say, I’m just in a hurry to come down and die.”

Gui Ye, Shi Hao, and Shen Teng were all speechless. They suddenly felt that these sect leaders were a little sad. They had lived for a long time and had the power to dominate the three thousand states. They should have continued to be glorious in the world, but in the end, they were like moths rushing to the flames. , ended up dead.

However, this is all their own fault. They look down on the world, but they don't know that they are also being looked down upon by others.

As soon as Xiaota finished speaking, another strong person from the lower realm appeared in the wilderness. This time, there was more than one. They tore open the boundary wall, took their true form to the lower realm, stabilized the void, and then stepped towards the ground.

Their goal is very clear, it is to plant the first spiritual root in the medicinal capital of the wilderness.

In front of the super crack, Chi Cang sensed the auras of these sect leaders and turned over his hands to take out a small crystal bell. It was the Bell of Endlessness that he had snatched from the hands of the Forbidden City Supreme.

Endless years ago, the creature in the restricted area participated in the great catastrophe. He came to the lower world and planted the amazing immortal plant known as the first spiritual root in the upper world in the wilderness. He also arranged countless magic circles to create a killing trap, just to wait for it. A catastrophe caused the leader of the cult, whose life was short, to use their blood and souls to water the spiritual roots and restore them to their former divinity.

In the situation laid out by that creature, the Endless Bell is a key link. There is a crystal divine chain on it, which is connected to the first spiritual root. As long as Chi Cang is willing, he can immediately recall the first spiritual root.

"That Immortal Root is not simple, it has great cause and effect. I have heard of its name in the Ancient Immortal Era. It is one-sixth of a forbidden creature. It is said to sell fake medicine and is invincible in the world sea. It's best not to get involved with it, cut off the divine chain, and let the people from the upper world take it away." Kunpeng naturally also saw the situation in Yaodu.

Several old leaders with dried up longevity rushed towards the first spiritual root, waving their palms, destroying layers of ancient magic circles, trying to pocket the first spiritual root and use it to extend their lives.

"These people are all wishful thinking. Is this spiritual root so delicious?" Kunpeng knew many secrets. Back then, some people couldn't help their curiosity and tried to touch the first spiritual root, but died tragically inexplicably.

Chi Cang stared at the first spiritual root, with a terrifying scene of the birth and death of the most powerful taboo symbol in his eyes. He was exploring the secret of the spiritual root.

It was a small tree over a foot tall, with a hazy white fairy mist lingering around it, and divine radiance all over it, like a galaxy. There were three flowers in total on the tree, which seemed to correspond to the meaning that the Tao gave rise to one, and the three gave rise to all things. It was wonderful and indescribable. .

Under Chi Cang's gaze, the three flowers suddenly changed. One of them suddenly dispersed and turned into a rain of light. When they came together again, they turned into a small man the size of a fist, jumping around. Bounce.

The second flower also changed, turning into a magical instrument filled with Taoist charm. It was very hazy and could not be seen clearly, like a tower, a bell, or a tripod.

The third flower is the most mysterious, shrouded in mist and motionless.

The fist-sized little man was very spiritual. He turned somersaults and then sat cross-legged under the tree, as if he was practicing spiritual practice. He looked like a majestic treasure.

Then, the mysterious magic weapon transformed into the second flower of the avenue came to the head of the villain, and made a roar like a bell, which was deafening.

Faintly, there seemed to be the sound of chanting sutras, which contained the true meaning of the Great Dao. The villain sat cross-legged under the magical instrument, as if he was enlightening.


The magic weapon flows downward like a river of stars, like lava, and falls on the head of the villain for tempering. Only the third flower of the avenue remains motionless.


With a roar of the Dao, the villain and the magic weapon were all shaken away, turned into a rain of light, returned to the original place, and became the flower of the Dao again.

Chi Cang's eyes gradually became solemn. The three flowers of the avenue, each with its own merits, seemed to mean something.

At this moment, he is in the Holy Sacrifice with the Dao Fruit of this world, sitting and looking at the gods. In the realm of gods, the three immortal energies should turn into three flowers of the avenue, which is known as the Three Flowers Gathering at the Top.

There seems to be a kind of trajectory and coincidence somewhere.

Chi Cang felt that this first spiritual root was destined to him and was suitable for his enlightenment at this moment.

As for the big cause and effect of selling fake medicines that Kunpeng said, he didn't care. He didn't want to eat it alive, he just used it to gain enlightenment.

The relationship between the two is not necessarily hostile, but can complement each other.

“This spiritual root is damaged, the third flower of the avenue has been robbed, and it needs to replenish its divinity.

The area of ​​Yaodu was originally the place where the divinity of the Desolate Territory was, and it could raise true godly warriors. However, after the first spiritual root was planted, the divinity of the Desolate Territory was swallowed up by it, which caused the Desolate Territory to become one of the Eight Realms. The most barren area.

I have a destiny with this first spiritual root. This time, the beings in the upper world and the lower world are the perfect nutrients to replenish the spiritual root’s divinity. Chi Cang whispered, deciding to take back the first spiritual root and not let it go.

Kunpeng heard the words and said nothing more. He just advised Chi Cang to be cautious, because in history, there were too many people who did not believe in evil and had a great cause and effect with the counterfeit medicine seller, and finally died tragically.

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