The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 197 Killing and Red Line

In the sky above the Medicine City, several old sect leaders whose lifespans were dying were fighting to occupy the spiritual root. They were much older than the current sect leaders of the upper world sects, and they had lived for an extremely long time.

If there is no breakthrough, or if a great medicine to extend life is found, they will die of old age.

The leaders of the past dynasties who have lost their longevity will join forces to explore the no-man's land. There are too many secrets hidden there. Some people have seen the wonders of flying immortals, some have seen traces of the elixir of longevity, and some have seen immortals disappear in a flash. Pure land.

However, along with great opportunities are terrible dangers. Walking in no man's land, except for some areas that have been explored, other mysterious areas will easily kill people. Countless blood lessons have made the leader-level beings discouraged. .

Therefore, the first spiritual root became their last hope. For this reason, they did not hesitate to go down to the lower world and risk their lives.


Layers of ancient formations were destroyed in the leader-level battle, and hundreds of layers of ancient formations only lasted a few breaths before disappearing into thin air.

The sky was shattered by the killing of several old cult leaders, the sun and the moon were dim, and the eyes were red. Even people from the same era, even old acquaintances, were insignificant in front of spiritual roots. Living is the truth.


An old leader revealed his true form. It was not a human form, but a dragon. It was huge. Each scale was several feet long. A pair of blood-red eyes looked like two blood pools. They lay across the sky, as if they were A vast mountain range stretched across the sky, with blood-colored fog and light.

"Old guys, can your life bear the first spiritual root? Let me do it, there is no way I will get close to the real dragon." The dragon spoke out, spitting out a blazing beam of light, hitting the other few. Blood flowers bloomed on the shoulders of the respected leader.

"Old demon dragon, you still want to evolve into a real dragon? You are wishful thinking." A leader shouted murderously, mobilizing all the energy and blood in his body to kill the giant dragon.

Just as several cult leaders were fighting in a melee and fighting for their spiritual roots, a huge golden hand came across hundreds of millions of miles of void and grabbed the giant dragon as if it were an earthworm.


The giant dragon is the old master of the Demonic Dragon Dao Sect. He was powerful in three thousand Daozhous for countless years and was called the invincible leader.

But now, it is like a small earthworm being held in the palm of that big hand, showing its insignificance and powerlessness.

Feeling the shocking power of the big hand, the demon dragon's painful wail was extremely sad.

This scene frightened its opponents. It was a giant leader, and it was a legend in the upper world. But now it was crushed like this. How could it not scare people?


The next moment, the big hands closed together, and the majestic force caused the leader-level demon dragon, which had escaped a line, to be crushed instantly. Countless pieces of flesh and blood flew out, shining with brilliant light and extraordinary divine power.


At this time, a suction force came from the place where the first spiritual root was rooted, and the demon dragon's flesh and blood that should have been shot in all directions quickly flowed backwards and submerged into that land.

Then, the first spiritual root in the center shimmered, as if absorbing endless divine power and energy.

The remaining old leaders were shocked by the scene and wanted to retreat. After all, beings at the same level as themselves were easily crushed to death, which meant that they were also ants at the mercy of others.

However, a few people did not retreat in the end. They had no choice but to have their lifespan dried up. This time, the lower world has already put their lives aside. If they don't succeed, they will become benevolent. To a certain extent, it is the same as exploring no man's land.

Creatures at their level also have various restrictions on their true bodies in the lower realm. They cannot stay for a long time unless they cut off the foundation and start over again. This is the protection mechanism that exists between heaven and earth to protect all spirits in this realm and maintain balance. Even if they are The leader must also comply.

Therefore, they don't have much time.

They didn't care what happened to the big hand, and they didn't continue to fight. Their eyes were red and they rushed towards the first spiritual root. The death of the demon dragon made them understand a truth. Good things are only real when they get them.

Chi Cang looked down at the area of ​​Yaodu. The big hand just now was not from him, but from Kunpeng.

Like the Fire Cloud Cave, the Demonic Dragon Dao Sect is backed by swordsmen, and they are also the factions that clamor for sinners and convict the descendants of the Seven Kings. Kunpeng hates the monks from these factions the most, and will kill them whenever he sees them. Of.

Because these forces are so bad, nothing is good from beginning to end.

Through the Endless Bell, Chi Cang felt that there was an ultimate magic circle arranged in the valley where the first spiritual root was located, killing everyone in the sky, smashing chaos, and destroying thousands of realms.

From the perspective of an ordinary leader, this formation shows no traces of man-made changes. It is completely natural, as if it was born from heaven and earth and was conceived automatically, rather than being carved by monks. It contains the power of heaven and earth.

"The fifth killing array." Chi Cang said to himself. He naturally knew what it was because he had that memory.

It is said that the fifth killing formation is the fifth most powerful killing formation since the creation of the upper world. It is a naturally-born rune. The formation map was obtained by later generations. It is not created by man. Its power is astonishing and its killing power is monstrous.

But this is what people in the Upper Realm say. The specifics are open to debate. After all, the so-called Upper Realm is just a small piece of the original ancient world, one of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

These powerful magic formations, which are said to be innate and ranked based on their power, are most likely remnants of the previous era.

At this moment, several old leaders were in trouble. When they rushed towards the first spiritual root, they were intercepted and enveloped by the fifth killing array that had been arranged.

There, chaos energy filled the air, sword energy criss-crossed, and runes were densely covered. Every inch of space was filled with magical runes, like stars in the sky. With the power of the sky, the mist spread, and the blood of the leader splashed out, bright red and dazzling.

The fifth killing formation is so terrifying that even the creatures who have escaped to the next realm will suffer disaster and see blood.

However, they are all desperadoes at this moment, and they don't care about these injuries at all. Their eyesight is only the first spiritual root, and they are already crazy. They will not hesitate to damage themselves and use self-destruction to bombard the fifth killing array.

Under the repeated bombings of several old leaders, the Fifth Killing Formation was really blown out of a big hole. Immediately, the immortal energy curled up, and the sound of the avenue continued. When they heard it, they felt as if they were about to realize the Tao on the spot. .

"The first spiritual root!"

Their breathing became rapid, the sacred elixir was in front of them, it was their hope to continue living.

It is a pity that Chi Cang has no intention of giving up this spiritual root, and these old leaders are destined to despair.


Chi Cang mastered the endless bell and made it ring. The bell vibrated and turned into a layer of ripples visible to the naked eye, washing the world and moving towards the medicine valley.

The speed was so fast that the cult leaders could not react at all and were swept away by the ripples.

In an instant, the world fell silent, and time seemed to freeze. Several extremely excited leaders also fell silent and stood motionless.

Their eyes were wide open, full of disbelief. At the same time, there was horror and despair, and even more regret, because the distance from the first spiritual root was really not far away, just a short distance away.


Their divine bodies exploded like that, and they ended up like the old master of the Demonic Dragon Dao Sect, being absorbed by the first spiritual root.


The first spiritual root absorbed the huge divinity and vitality of several old cult leaders, and glowed all over. The whole small tree was dripping with light rain, which was very brilliant.

The motionless third Dao flower became even more mysterious, and the surrounding fairy mist became thicker and thicker, as if it was pregnant with something amazing.

Maybe killing one or two more big ones can replenish the damaged part of the spiritual root.

In fact, Chi Cang has many ways to repair the damage to the first spiritual root, such as dripping his own blood, or using Super Thunder Tribulation Liquid for irrigation. The endless vitality of creation can restore the spiritual root to its peak. It should be no problem.

But considering that this spiritual root is not simple, it has a big cause and effect. It is one-sixth of the person who claims to sell fake medicine. He can use his own blood or drip the thunder calamity liquid into it at will. It is unpredictable, and the blood and thunder calamity liquid are unpredictable. There is a part of Chi Cang's great power contained in the liquid. It is okay to give it to oneself, but you need to be cautious if you give it to a stranger and a strong person.

You must know that the person who sells counterfeit medicine is one of the most powerful immortal king creatures, and can be called the supreme giant in the world sea.

In his peak period, Chi Cang was only able to fight ordinary immortal kings, and the gap between him and selling fake medicine was really huge.

Although he has the confidence to reach the highest peak, he is still far from it at the moment. He must be cautious in everything he does to form a cause and effect with such supreme beings, and try to use the creatures from the lower world as fertilizer to nourish his spiritual roots.

It would not be too late to pay anything after truly reaching a mutually beneficial consensus with the First Spiritual Root.

When Kunpeng saw that the old leader of the lower realm in Yaodu had been eliminated by Chi Cang, he stopped paying attention and turned to look at the super crack ahead.

She could feel that there were several extremely powerful life forms trying to reach the lower realm, and Kunpeng vaguely heard the clanking of the fairy sword.

Kunpeng was all too familiar with this kind of sword sound. When she returned from the battlefield with serious injuries, she witnessed her leader and many comrades die under foreign butcher knives. She was in a trance and defenseless. As a result, a fairy sword appeared like a flying fairy from the sky. The stabbing left horrific injuries on her body, which are still painful to this day.

She knew that the Sword Immortal must be opening a passage, preparing to let the existence beyond the leader reach the lower realm. As for the purpose, needless to say, it must be for her.

If these remnant immortals knew that she was still alive and had not completely perished under the Immortal-breaking Curse, they would not even be able to calm down and gain enlightenment.

This is exactly what Kunpeng wants. She wants to make them panic and live in fear. When the time comes, she will send them to hell.

At this moment, in the crack, there was chaotic light flying, and the terrifying Order Divine Chain clanging, all aimed at the Supreme.

The more powerful the creatures in the lower realm, the greater the constraints they will be subject to. However, with the sword immortals opening the way, those supreme beings will soon be able to descend into the wilderness.

They each stand at the entrance of the passage. Their bodies are not very tall, but they give people a sense of vastness.

Behind these supreme beings, there are four supreme beings, who are the descendants of the four great immortals. During the era when the immortals retired, they did not leave behind to cultivate their own power.

Among them, Sword Immortal is the most interested in this matter. He is the person behind Fire Cloud Cave, Demonic Dragon Gate, and Sword Valley.

This time to clean up the lower realm, the supreme beings recruited were regarded as pawns. If there was danger, they had to be at the front, while the descendants of the four great immortals followed behind. In this way, they could save themselves at the critical moment.

"There has been a change in the lower realm. The life breath of some sect leaders has disappeared, blooming like fireworks, and then extinguished." The sword fairy whispered. He stood in a fairy light, and the brilliant runes were added to him, covering him and isolating everything. Even the time and energy from the outside world cannot corrode it.

The other three remnant immortals are just projections, and their true bodies have not yet arrived, but they are still terrifying, shrouded in fairy mist and hazy.

"A leader of my Bronze Immortal Palace died and was dragged down by life."

"Is it her?"

"Maybe it's the Thunder Emperor. These creatures were too powerful in life, and it's really troublesome to die without freezing." A residual immortal spoke, with fear in his eyes.

The same is true for other remnant immortals. If the person who killed the leader in the lower realm is really the Thunder Emperor or Kunpeng, they will definitely be restless and have done something wrong, and naturally feel guilty.

Therefore, it is best to kill the two ten evil men completely before they have fully recovered.

The Sword Immortal once again emphasized the purpose of the lower world to these supreme beings, and also gave some instructions to the four supreme beings.

Although the Sword Immortal's tone was very calm and nothing could be heard, the Supreme Lords' hearts were still beating wildly and they couldn't help frowning. They had an ominous premonition. They knew that things in the lower world were not so easy to escape from.

In the wilderness, apart from the Fire Kingdom Imperial Capital and Medicine Capital, there are also leaders coming down from other places.

Their purposes are different. Some want to find the great creation hidden in the lower world, such as the secret realm of Baiduan Mountain. Some people do not compete for sacred things, but only come for the great medicine in the human world.

However, after arriving in the wilderness, all the creatures became more honest, no longer as high-spirited as when they arrived, and all were low-key and shameless.

This is because, in addition to the battles over the Fire Nation's Imperial Capital and the Yao Capital, and the tragic endings of several cult leaders that shocked people's hearts, there was also a supreme will that intimidated everyone, majestic, cold, and terrifying, as if there was a pair of The eyes are hanging above the sky, overlooking the world.

The master of this will is naturally Chi Cang. He coldly warned all the cult leaders from the lower world that it was okay to hunt for treasures, but it was not allowed to disrupt order or massacre the creatures in the lower world. Those who violated the rules would be killed without mercy.

The reason why we let these people go without taking action is because there are some beings who do not do it to harvest leeks or pick the world's great medicines, nor do they have any ulterior motives, but they really come to the lower world to find the land of creation.

Such a leader really doesn't have any serious crimes that require death, and Chi Cang is not a person who kills indiscriminately, so he just gave a warning and set a red line. If he dared to cross it, he would be seeking death.

There are really many treasures hidden in the lower realm. In the wilderness alone, there are great creations such as the inheritance of the Supreme Palace, the Transcendence Chapter, the first spiritual root in the upper realm, and many undiscovered secret realms.

In ancient times, some people found Baiduan Mountain and fought there.

Master Bird and Master Jingbi told Chi Cang that the bodies of those dark creatures such as stone statues and earthen jars that were suppressed in the dark palaces of the False God Realm were buried in the Eight Realms. If they could be found, it would be huge. good fortune.

When fighting in foreign lands, this is what Jiutian looks like.

Liu Shen has high combat power and is the top laner.

Kunpeng is fast and plays in the middle.

True Phoenix has high output, bottom lane.

The real dragon has high attack power and can be used as a jungler.

Lei Di has a lot of milk, so it is helpful.

Emperor Huangtian is too young, so he is a substitute and the administrator of the water fountain.

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