The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 198 Girl with Double Eyes

Under the shock of absolute strength, many sect leaders who came from across the border honestly searched for treasures in this vast wilderness. Whenever they encountered tribes, ancient countries and other places, they all stayed away and did not dare to cross the border in the slightest. Killed by the master of the supreme will.

They had just clearly sensed the disappearance of those old sect leaders whose longevity had dried up. It was like throwing a stone into the sea, unable to even stir up the waves.

Some of the cult leaders who wanted to harvest the world's great medicine were even more frightened and did not dare to do anything out of the ordinary.

This kind of scene also happened in the other seven domains. Chi Cang's seven spiritual bodies had already reached the sky above the seven domains before they crossed the border.

However, before being used as a deterrent, Chi Cang killed the chickens to scare the monkeys. Those leaders who wanted to pick up the powerful medicine were suppressed just before they could get it, and their blood spattered the ground, becoming fertilizer for what they thought was the medicinal field.

Such iron-blooded methods frightened all the masters of the great religion who came down from the world, and they did not dare to do anything even if they had that idea.

A boundless catastrophe was resolved in this way, and many venerables and divine fires of the Immortal Sect were surprised, because this was different from the imaginary Shura Hell, and it could be called the most bizarre catastrophe.

The strong men who knew the truth about the catastrophe breathed a sigh of relief. They no longer had to go to great lengths to hide. The supreme strong man suppressed all the chaos.

In the wilderness, a heart-stopping aura burst out from the big crack, quickly sweeping across the entire wilderness, bringing with it a bone-chilling killing intent, ushering the world into a harsh winter.

Shenhuo and Venerable, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, became nervous again. The real catastrophe was only beginning now. The leader was just a shrimp, and those who came next were the heavyweights.

Just when everyone's attention was focused on the big crack, a sudden change occurred over the calm Yaodu, and a huge wave of fluctuations came, which surprised all the leaders who came to the wilderness.

The scene where the old master of the Demonic Dragon Dao Sect and a group of old cult leaders were killed in an instant is still vivid in his mind. That place has become a forbidden area. Who dares to plot the first spiritual root?

But now, someone who is not afraid of death has appeared. To attack the fifth killing formation, he must break through the formation and intercept the first spiritual root.


A beam of light burst out from above the clouds and hit the large hole in the fifth killing array that had not yet completely healed. It contained the supreme power of creating the world, and in an instant, it was torn open again.

The breath of the first spiritual root overflows, the sound of the avenue roars, and the fragrance of the fairy spirit makes people intoxicated and enlightened.

"Double eyes?"

A leader recognized that this ground-breaking magical power came from a man with double eyes.

They opened their spiritual eyes and looked at the horizon. Through the heavy clouds, they saw the owner of the terrifying beam of light.

It was a woman, sitting cross-legged on the nine heavens. She was covered in simple gray clothes, with peerless elegance and stunning beauty. Her pair of blazing double pupils were like two bright suns.

"Is it her? Still alive?"

Some of the sect leaders who had participated in the ancient catastrophe were taken aback. Some of them had fought against the woman with double pupils and suffered heavy losses at her hands.

I thought that this stunning woman had died in ancient times and disappeared from the world. However, after endless years, she reappeared in the world.

"In ancient times, this woman with double pupils killed many sect leaders and was known as the undefeated myth." Someone recalled the past with solemn eyes.

With double pupils, this woman might really be able to succeed, because they know that double pupils are unfathomable.

Chi Cang had actually been paying attention to Yaodu for a long time, because he knew that the woman in gray with double pupils had not yet appeared. She came for the Dao flower above the first spiritual root and would not give up easily.

Moreover, when Shi Hao went to Medicine City, he met a woman with double pupils. She had already made arrangements at the location of the first spiritual root before the great catastrophe.

There was a killing situation arranged by others, and she was planning on top of other people's arrangements, just to capture a Taoist flower.

Even though her cultivation is not comparable to that of the top leaders, her methods are very clever and she is better than those old leaders.

Even Chi Cang didn't notice where she was sitting cross-legged, and it wasn't until she took the initiative that it was exposed.

Sure enough, the woman in gray clothes and double eyes was well prepared. She spent so many days in Yaodu was not in vain. She used special means to infiltrate hundreds of guardian arrays and the fifth killing array, and connected to the first spiritual root. The most mysterious third Dao flower.

It can be seduced at a critical moment to make the flower of the avenue fall off. All she has to do is catch it and then run away.

But it is a pity that the first spiritual root owner has been replaced by Chi Cang, who has long expected all this.

If there hadn't been a substitution, the girl in gray clothes with double eyes would have really succeeded, because everything she did in Medicine City was done without anyone noticing, and the original holder of the Endless Bell was not aware of it at all.

Chi Cang was different. With the memory in his mind, he had predicted this in advance.


The girl in gray clothes with double eyes activated her arrangement, and the most mysterious Dao flower on the first spiritual root trembled for a while, and seemed to be about to break away and fall down.

She had already prepared the magical power of Double Eyes and the means to escape, just waiting for the flower to fall off.

However, the flower did not move at all, no matter how hard I tried, it was of no use.

The complexion of the woman with double eyes changed slightly, and then she saw that there were slender divine chains of order on the Dao flower, locking the third Dao flower, making it impossible for her to succeed.

This was the Divine Chain of Order that Chi Cang had laid down after he killed those sect leaders. Since his strength was much greater than that of the woman with double pupil, the woman with double pupil was completely unaware of it.

Although she has double pupils, which can detect the origin of the world, they are of no use when facing Chi Cang who can suppress immortality.

The beautiful face of the girl in gray clothes with double eyes showed a look of shock. Her heart was racing, and when she knew what had happened was revealed, she turned around and left.

The existence that planted the first spiritual root is by no means an ordinary creature, and killing her is more than enough.

Previously, the lower realm of the three major chaos weapons was suppressed by a supreme being. The girl with double pupil also knew that, but this had no direct connection with the first spiritual root. The girl with double pupil did not know that the holder of the big bell was the one who planted the first spirit. Rooted creatures.

If you knew it, it wouldn't be called layout.

Just now, when she saw those old leaders being killed instantly, she knew that this time the plot to be the flower of the road was very likely to fail, and now she was taking risks out of desperation.

At this moment, the plan failed. The woman with gray clothes and double eyes was very decisive and prepared to escape. A black paper boat appeared in her hand. As long as there was a terrifying attack, she would use the secret power in the black paper boat to resist and help her. Escape.

Just when she turned to leave, her footsteps suddenly stopped because a blazing voice appeared in her ears.

The double-eyed woman's spiritual sense was extremely sharp, and she realized that the person who made the noise had no ill intentions, and immediately guessed that Chi Cang was the supreme being who suppressed the three chaos magic weapons.

"Senior is the strong man behind that young man?" asked the girl in gray clothes with double eyes.

This news is not a secret in the Eight Realms. It has been spread since the last two-stone battle that took place in the Virtual God Realm.

"You can think so." Chi Cang replied.

The girl in gray clothes with double eyes was surprised. As expected, the strong man behind Shi Hao suppressed the great calamity.

Not only the three magic weapons for the first time, but also the following time, she had double eyes and could see all over the wilderness, so she naturally saw the sect leaders who were trembling and did not dare to mess around.

"Senior, this first spiritual root..." The double-eyed girl thought of a lot in a short period of time. She could kill many sect leaders instantly and let the spiritual roots swallow up the divine essence and essence. I am afraid only Chi Cang can do it.

You know, the creatures that come to the wilderness are either killed or frightened, and they dare not act rashly. Who dares to take action at will except Chi Cang?

"It's mine. It originally belonged to the Lord of the Bell, but now it belongs to me."

The girl in gray clothes with heavy eyes was surprised. It turned out that the first spiritual root in the upper world was planted by the creature in charge of the big clock, and the fifth killing formation was also his handiwork.

Unfortunately, he was defeated by Chi Cang and even lost the big bell, so his spiritual roots naturally returned to Chi Cang.

The girl with double eyes felt Chi Cang's kindness and wanted to ask Chi Cang to give her the flower of the avenue, which would be of great use. However, she could not say these words. Maybe the other party was just because of the relationship between her and her when they were in Yaodu. Shi Hao had a history of cause and effect, so he didn't care about her conspiracy.

Otherwise, she would have no choice but to rely on the black paper boat to escape.

Under such circumstances, there is no reason at all to tell this supreme being about giving Dao flowers. Why should the other party give her such a precious thing?

Therefore, she was very confused, and it all showed in her eyes.

In fact, what Chi Cang thought was different from what she imagined. In the memory of Shi Hao, this girl in gray clothes with double eyes saved Shi Yi, and she did not become hostile to Shi Hao because of Shi Hao's victory over Shi Yi. She even Most of them are considering the talent of future generations, deliberately cultivating them, and taking a high perspective.

Now, as a senior, Chi Cang is a high-level combat force on Jiutian's side. When he sees a junior with unparalleled talents, he naturally wants to support him.

Needless to say, the talent of the girl in gray clothes with double pupils has been great. She killed everyone in ancient times and created the myth of being invincible with double pupils. If she is given a chance, she may be able to make great progress in the future and soar on the road of evolution.

"Are you planning to use the flower of the avenue to save people?" Chi Cang asked calmly.

The girl with double pupils was surprised.

"How did senior know this?"

The first thing she thought of was "other minds". When she was in Medicine City, she used this magical power to detect Shi Hao's thoughts that deserved to be beaten. Could it be that this senior also had "other minds"?

But immediately, she rejected this guess, because she has special magical powers. If someone uses his mind power on her, she will not be able to sense it.

"You have double eyes, and Shi Yi also has double eyes. His body was originally placed in the Demon Spirit Lake, but was snatched away by a woman in gray. Thinking about it, that person is you.

In the Virtual God Realm, Shi Yi's soul was killed by Shi Hao using soul-killing needles, soul-killing towers and other forbidden weapons, leaving only one eyeball. Under such circumstances, it was not easy to resurrect him. "

The girl with double pupils sighed in her heart. It turned out to be this reason. It was difficult to have secrets in front of these terrifying and powerful men.

"Yes, I competed for the Flower of the Avenue on the first spiritual root, indeed to save that young man.

His talent is rare, and there are really very few people with double pupils. If he grows up, he will be one of the few strong people in the world and can make great contributions to this world.

It would be a shame to die like this. "What she said came from the bottom of her heart. Although she had just entered Escape, her vision was very broad and she knew she wanted to cultivate talents for this world.

Chi Cang couldn't help but nodded, such a person made people feel very comfortable, and was much better than those selfish people.

Of course, everyone has his own ambitions, and you cannot use morality to restrain others. If you don't serve yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth. Those who should be despised are those who engage in backstabbing.

In short, he admired this junior very much.

"The first spiritual root is of great use to me and I cannot give it to you."

The double-eyed girl sighed in her heart when she heard this. This result was actually what she had expected. That spiritual root was not only the first spiritual root in the wilderness, but also the first spiritual root in the upper world, and its uses were endless.

One tree and three flowers correspond to the Tao giving rise to one and the three giving rise to all things. Splitting out a Tao flower would destroy that Tao charm.

"However, I can give you other divine objects." Chi Cang said with a change of voice.

Suddenly, hope ignited in the girl's heart.

Her purpose was just to save Shi Yi. It didn't matter what method she used. With Chi Cang's ability, maybe there was a way.

The next moment, the double-eyed girl was slightly stunned. The void next to her was distorted, and two blazing light groups emerged there, overflowing with unparalleled vitality.

Her eyes were bright, looking directly at the two light groups, the endless mysterious symbols flickered, giving her amazing eye power.

She saw the dazzling stars, the vast sea of ​​thunder, the heavens and the world, and all the spirits in creation.

It's so sacred. Two drops of Thunder Tribulation Liquid seem to contain two vast worlds, breeding endless vitality.

The double-eyed girl's heart trembled. This thunder calamity liquid was so extraordinary that it exhausted all the mysteries of heaven and earth. It had never been seen in ancient times. It was probably even more amazing than the legendary elixir of longevity.


"Put it away. This world is not peaceful. With your talent, you will have to go through those hardships sooner or later. If you don't have some foundation, you may fall into darkness." Chi Cang said.

He believed that the girl with double pupils would definitely encounter darkness and strangeness in the future, and like those supreme geniuses in the past, he hoped that the Thunder Tribulation Liquid could help her survive the calamity of death.

"Junior understands, thank you senior for giving me the divine object." The girl with double eyes saluted in the direction of the super crack. She felt a little warm in her heart. It turns out that there are still such beings in this world who have such a heart for heaven and earth. She said that she was not alone.

Putting away the Thunder Tribulation Liquid, the double-eyed girl saluted over there again. This kindness was too great. Of course she knew about dark and strange things. This thing might be able to save her life.

Saying goodbye to Chi Cang, the double-eyed girl's eyes were bright, she opened a passage, stepped into it, and disappeared.

In front of the big crack, Kunpeng looked at the direction in which the double-eyed girl left and cast an approving glance.

"It's really rare to see such a talented person in the lower realm. With your drop of Thunder Tribulation Liquid, she may be able to break through and become an immortal."

Kunpeng spoke highly of the girl with double pupils and thought she could become an immortal.

"Yes, becoming an immortal is weird. It has stumped so many geniuses since ancient times."

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