The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 199 Ten Deities in the Lower Realm

This is a desperate plan from a foreign land. It releases darkness and weirdness to the nine heavens, causing the supreme geniuses in this world to perish one after another, causing the once glorious world to decline, never to return, only to return to this place in the future. In one realm, he can come to the earth as a king.

One day, Chi Cang will find the strange source of this world, destroy it, open this broken road, and create peace for all generations.


The large cracks shook and shook violently, as if a terrifying earthquake had occurred. The land in the wilderness was also affected. The cracks spread out one after another, and the endless mountains and land sank, falling into the dark abyss.

The universe is upside down, the stars are hidden, the sun and the moon have no light, strange changes in the sky reappear, and a huge wave of fluctuations comes from the cracks, as vast as the ocean, infinite, endless, and endless.

All the creatures in the wilderness, even mortals and beasts with little cultivation, have sensed the world-destroying energy. The monks and ferocious beasts who have successfully cultivated are even more terrified all day long. They are all horrified, their hearts stop beating, and they look up. The sky.

The large crack was clearly visible, as if a large hole had been opened in the sky. Chaos energy emerged and surged. There were sounds of wind, thunder and thunder, like stars exploding, and there was also the sound of metal colliding and clashing. Those were chains of order. Clanging.

Some powerful evolvers use their magical powers to see clearly the mystery in the big crack. Even if the corners of their eyes bleed, they will not look away. For them, the unknown is the most terrifying thing. Even if they are destined to die, they cannot Died inexplicably.

"This is the real catastrophe. Can that supreme being save the world?" A chi dragon in the divine fire realm hid in the secret mountain and shivered. It knew some of the truth about the catastrophe and specifically targeted the Venerable and above. Life, Chilong can do nothing at this moment. He can only pray in his heart that the supreme being from before can suppress all this.

This is also what many monks hope for. They don't care whether the person who suppressed the trouble is the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors, they simply recite the Thunder Emperor silently in their hearts and pray devoutly.

As for the leaders of the lower world, they all stopped what they were doing and looked at the sky in astonishment.

Most of the sect leaders are not aware of the actions of Sword Valley. In their view, the great catastrophe should just be the sect leaders who go down to harvest the world's great medicine or explore treasures.

Who would have thought that this time, a super big guy would come down.

The terrifying energy coming from the cracks spread to the sky and the earth. It was so high and terrifying that people couldn't help but want to kneel on the ground and worship.

This is a wave that belongs to the supreme realm. It is so eye-catching, like the glowing sun in the dark.

What is the supreme humanity? That is a creature that has reached the theoretical pinnacle of the human realm. The person who can achieve the supreme status must be the supreme genius. Because of this, there is a saying that the supreme being can be conquered irreversibly.

It is almost impossible to attack the Supreme Being with a non-Supreme Body, just like hitting an egg against a stone.

Therefore, the leaders were horrified that the Supreme Lower Realm was stronger than their combined total.

There are also some cult leaders with twinkling eyes and deep thoughts. If the Supreme can defeat the master of the supreme will, then the eight realms of the lower world will become disordered again, and then there will be a gluttonous feast.

In the Butian Pavilion, the six-story small tower shone brightly and dominated an altar, showing the scene in front of the big crack. Shi Hao, Gui Ye, and Lao Teng gathered around the altar to watch.

"This time, the person in the lower realm is not a leader, but the real invincible, the supreme, the last realm of the human realm, and the one who goes further is the immortal." The ghost master said solemnly, with some worry in his words.

The Supreme Being is so powerful that apart from the Canxian, they are the rulers of three thousand states.

As the most outstanding disciple of the Butian Sect, Master Gui clearly knew what it meant to be a Supreme.

"Senior, aren't you going to join the war?"

The ghost master couldn't help but ask. He knew Xiaota. Endless years ago, Xiaota had left many legends in the upper world.

The white bone tower is exquisite and small, showing the vicissitudes of life and overflowing with hazy light of chaos, which is very extraordinary.

"I can't intervene even if I go there. I have just merged the two layers of the tower, and I haven't recovered much yet. The battle between the supreme creatures might break me into two pieces again." The little tower told the truth, it really hasn't recovered yet. Recovery is good.

Then it said: "Don't worry, they are two of the ten evils. Do you know what the ten evils are? Those true immortals in the upper world were defeated by Kunpeng. Even if Kunpeng is far from the peak now, he can still beat the Supreme.

Not to mention the Thunder Emperor. That time at the Immortal Mountain, even the Five Elements Mountain at the True Immortal level was suppressed by him. This time, no matter how many Supremes came down, it would be in vain and they would die. "

"Is this so..." Master Gui was so shocked that even immortals were suppressed. This must be amazing.

Shi Hao next to him was very calm. He was at the scene during the battle at Bulao Mountain and saw how powerful Chi Cang was, so he was not worried at all.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the sky, like some kind of chain being torn apart, and the last obstacle to the Supreme Lower Realm collapsed.


Like a volcano erupting, like the vast sea raging, a pure upper realm path rushes into the wilderness along this super passage, quickly spreading to the wilderness. This is a vast torrent, and many evolvers are wandering in this transcendental realm. In the fragments of the Tao of the rules of the lower world, I was so mesmerized that I understood the mystery of the Tao.

There are also some creatures whose cultivation has been stagnant for a long time. They take this a step further and realize the Tao on the spot, and their whole bodies burst out with brilliant brilliance.

The entire Desolate Territory has benefited from this. In addition, the monastic environment in the Desolate Territory is not weaker than that of the other seven domains, and is relatively better. As you can imagine, it is absolutely After heaven and earth are connected, the wilderness will become more prosperous and no longer as neglected as it once was.

Of course, only the creatures below the Venerable are immersed in enlightenment. How can the creatures above the Venerable be in the mood to enlighten? It's a matter of life and death, and they're all focused on the big crack in the sky.

Following the Dao of the Upper Realm, there were also extremely powerful supreme beings. They broke through the shackles of heaven and earth, stepped forward in their true form, and walked down the passage.

One by one, the supreme beings who were invincible in the world and invincible in their respective peak years recovered from their withered and weak state and released their own energy and blood without any scruples.

An indescribable and unparalleled pressure permeated the world.

In the realm of humanity, this kind of coercion is supreme, enough to crush all living beings in the world of mortals.

The terrifying chaotic light enveloped their true bodies, with only a pair of ruthless and indifferent eyes exposed, radiating an icy gaze that was horrifying.

All the venerables and creatures at the divine fire level looked up to the sky, their souls trembling, and their bodies shaking non-stop. Facing the power of the Supreme, they felt fear from the depths of their souls.

Everyone could see that these powerful beings from the upper world came with murderous intent without any cover-up. Their cold-blooded gazes made the temperature of the entire wilderness drop a lot.

In the gray world, chaos is raging, and the chains formed by the laws collide from time to time. One after another, bright and dazzling light groups emerge from the cracks, approaching the wilderness.

Finally, a figure took the lead in entering this realm. He was really strong. His supreme pressure was overwhelming and swept in all directions. He only needed to release his Qi, and without using his hands, he could cause the physical bodies of monks in other realms to break apart and their bodies to die.

This is the absolute dominance of the humanitarian field, and the feeling of oppression is indescribable.

In this world, there are some words circulating that describe the terror of the Supreme Being.

The Supreme Being was angry and laid down hundreds of millions of corpses, bleeding and floating in the oars.

The Supreme Humanity, a single drop of blood can wash away the top-level orthodoxy in the upper world, destroy the vast star field, destroy the majestic galaxy, and refine countless sun, moon and stars with just a raise of his hand.

If the existence of this series has the intention to kill, it can kill groups of Dunyi in an instant.

Now, a supreme being has descended to the lower realm, overlooking the vast land, and is about to carry out a great cleansing. How terrifying is this?

"Hmm! In the wilderness of the lower world, I once descended on this place countless years ago to harvest the sacred."

The figure in the chaotic light group scanned the magnificent mountains and rivers below, his eyes as bright as two suns hanging high in the sky, dazzling and dazzling, making it impossible to look directly at him.

His words were not concealed, and there was a rumbling sound. Many creatures heard it, and they felt a cold air rushing straight to the Tianling Cap.

This supreme being was actually one of the executioners who had brought down great catastrophes. His hands must be stained with blood and innocent souls, which made people's hair stand on end.


Suddenly, a cold laugh suddenly sounded, echoing in the sky of the wilderness.

Another ball of light appeared, murderous and undisguised, so cold and heart-stopping.

"The flowers are different every year, but the people are the same every year. In my eyes, this place is still the same." He sighed and sighed.

"Life is too fragile and sacred. Just like the elixir, after one harvest, the roots or fragrant seeds left behind will flourish again." Someone else stepped out and descended into the wilderness, speaking out.

These words, reaching the ears of those hiding divine fires and venerables, were like a bolt from the blue, making people feel cold in their hearts.

There is no doubt that these supreme beings are cold-hearted and cold-blooded. After living for an extremely long time, they have long since become ruthless and regard life as dirt.

Butian Pavilion, in front of the ancient altar, the small pagoda is counting.

"One, two, three...ten, ten supreme beings. The remnants of the upper world are spending their money this time." Xiaota was a little surprised.

The ghost master next to him was even more shocked. One supreme being was already a legend. This calamity has befallen ten supreme beings. Is this going to destroy the world?

The six ancient supreme beings who were the pawns came first and stood in front of the great rift. They felt sad there and lamented that time had passed and youth was no longer there. Even invincible creatures like them could not withstand the passage of time and had only survived to this day.

Fortunately, a true immortal took action and regained part of their longevity for them, which could last for a long time.

Following behind were the supremes from the forces belonging to the four great remnant immortals. They were very cautious and only followed after seeing that the six supremes were not robbed in the lower realm.

A total of ten terrifying creatures stood in the sky above the wilderness. Their majestic pressure crushed the sky, cracked the void, and shattered the boundless mountains and rivers.

Every supreme being is shrouded in the dazzling radiance of chaos. This is their avenue, released to resist the restraints of heaven and earth.

The huge divine consciousness belonging to the Supreme was spread out overwhelmingly, and in an instant, the wilderness was under control.

Whether it is the vast ancient kingdom, the barbarian tribes, or the ancient sacred mountains, they are all under their gaze.

Including the astonishing first spiritual root, they also saw it, but no Supreme One came to fight for it. They were different from those leaders in the lower realm this time. They came with the order of the True Immortal to carry out a great cleansing of the eight regions. Other things need to wait until the cleaning is completed.

The ten supreme beings are like the ten brilliant suns, causing all worlds to collapse and the earth to dry up.

They have no scruples at all. The supreme aura covers the world, saying that they want to eliminate the creatures of the lower world and above. But in fact, the true immortal's request is just to leave the fragrant seeds for subsequent harvest, so that the descendants of the sin-blood clan can live forever. Becoming the target of harvesting, one harvest after another, endless torture.

In other words, they only need to leave some of them alive, even if they reopen this world.

You must know that among the six supreme beings who were used as pawns, one came from heaven and was a cold-blooded executioner. Not to mention others, he alone had no idea of ​​letting go of the creatures in the eight realms of the lower world.

All the Supremes showed smiles. They had been dormant for too long and were given great medicine by the True Immortal to restore some of their vitality. Now, the lower realm is taking action for the first time after endless years.

As for possible dangers in the wilderness, they were alert enough as soon as they walked out of the passage. However, except for some leaders, they sensed nothing.

Out of an abundance of caution, they remain vigilant but have relaxed a little.

With their lineup, who can rival them in the humanitarian field?

"I seemed to hear the cries of all sentient beings, the desperate roars and cries of endless beings."

The old killer with blood-red eyes and a skinny face looked intoxicated, enjoying the fear he brought to others.

This is the killer's favorite thing, wandering in the gaps between darkness and void, spreading fear and despair.

The other Supremes looked down at the world with cold eyes. One after another, fresh faces passed through their sights. There were old and young, men and women. They were very vivid. The worldly world and all kinds of life could not let them. No mood swings at all.

In their long lives, they have seen too many such things.

However, just when the ten supreme beings were about to launch a plan to clear the lower realm, a cold voice came from the void not far away from them, causing the hearts of all the supreme beings to stop and send chills down their spines.

"Well, I also heard some sounds. They were the screams and wails of the Supreme, resounding throughout the world."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chi Cang walked out of nothingness, his whole body wrapped with dazzling lightning, densely packed, and making a terrifying crackling sound.

The top ten supreme beings were shocked. There was someone hiding so close to them, but they didn't notice it at all. This showed that the other party's strength far exceeded them.

After seeing clearly the appearance of the creatures in the thunder and lightning, the six supreme beings recruited felt like they were facing a powerful enemy. Their supreme aura burst out and they could take action at any time.

The descendants of the Four True Immortals opened their eyes wide and looked at Chi Cang in disbelief.


The Sword Immortal's heart felt cold, and he was speechless. He felt cold from head to toe, because what he saw in his eyes was so unreal. It had been confirmed by many parties that an immortal creature who died in the distant Immortal Era was actually alive. appeared before their eyes.

Is there anything more outrageous than this?

The old supreme master of the Bronze Immortal Palace looked at Chi Cang in disbelief. This familiar face slowly overlapped with the image of the Thunder Emperor that Can Xian showed him in his mind. They were exactly the same, exactly the same.

Coupled with the terrifying thunder and lightning all over his body, the identity of the visitor was already obvious.

"Thunder Emperor, you are still alive?"

Another descendant of the Broken Immortal made a horrified sound, feeling as if a huge boulder was pressing on his chest, making him somewhat breathless.

This was a living Ten Fierce. Appearing in front of them, even their ancestors, real immortals, were beaten and maimed by more and more people. It would be difficult for them to recover throughout their lives, and they would have to pay a huge price for even being born.

Can these supreme beings withstand the attack of the ten evils?

The old Supreme of the Bronze Immortal Palace suddenly thought of something. This time in the lower realm, Canxian had told him that in addition to the possibility that the Thunder Emperor was still alive, the Kunpeng they had besieged and planted the Immortal-breaking Curse might also be resurrected.

Their mission is to kill the two ten murderers who may be alive.

Now that the Thunder Emperor has come out, is Kunpeng still alive?

With this question in mind, he used his martial arts eyes and set his sights on Beihai. As the sworn enemies of Kunpeng's lineage, they naturally knew where Kunpeng's dormant place was.

On the turbulent North Sea, countless sea beasts rise and fall, swimming in the deep sea. In the deepest part of the mist, a majestic lair stands. Half of it is golden, and the other half is as black as ink. It has been cracked, and the ancient dojo inside is clear. visible.

How terrifying is the Supreme's gaze? It was instantly determined that the lair where Kunpeng once lived was abandoned and in a mess.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, the pressure that Kunpeng brings to people is much higher than that of Thunder Emperor. After all, Thunder Emperor died young and only his legend is heard, but his real person is not seen.

As for Kunpeng, at the end of Yuan Dynasty, they killed their true immortal master to the point of fear. They have a natural fear of Kunpeng. This is why after Kunpengzi appeared, they spared no effort to smear him and wanted to kill him. Of.

Fortunately, there are no traces of Kunpeng's activities in Kunpeng's nest. There is a high probability that she will not be resurrected and will completely die under the Immortal Breaking Curse.


The Old Supreme of the Bronze Immortal Palace exhaled. If it was ten against one, they might not have no chance of winning. You must know that Chi Cang does not have Immortal Qi in his body, which means that he is still in the realm of humanity.

However, just as he breathed a sigh of relief, a cold voice sounded from behind him.

"Are you looking for me?"

The cold and beautiful Kunpeng appeared, blocking the gap between the ten supreme beings and the big rift. His face was charming and his eyes were stunning. At this moment, if the ten supreme beings wanted to escape back to the upper realm, they had to break through Kunpeng's line of defense.


The four supreme beings were quite frightened. This feared and terrifying immortal giant had left such a huge shadow on their lines that they are still unforgettable to this day.

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