The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 200 Is there any more?

Just like a mouse seeing a cat, his heart will be frightened.

At the same time, the four supreme beings had doubts in their hearts, and in this short moment, many confusions arose.

The Immortal Breaking Curse is said to be able to cut off the foundation of a true immortal and turn immortals into mortals. Once the curse is cast, they will die miserably in pain and torture.

This is also the ending of Kunpeng in their imagination, with only blood-stained feathers and broken bones left. But now, Kunpeng appears alive in front of them, which is really puzzling.

Logically speaking, he shouldn't have survived in such a weak state.

"Kunpeng, you are really lucky. Even the Immortal Breaking Curse can't kill you." The old Supreme of the Bronze Immortal Palace suppressed the fear in his heart and shouted coldly.

At this time, Kunpeng did not hide his Qi. From the perspective of combat power and Qi and blood, he could reach the level of the Supreme. That is, the state when he had just survived the Supreme Tribulation and passed the Supreme Road, and was in the same state as those who were deeply involved in the Supreme field. Compared with the old supreme of endless years, he is undoubtedly much worse.

The descendants of the four true immortals are all extraordinary supremes. Although they are not young and their energy and blood are declining, in terms of combat power, they are already close to the peak of the supreme, and they soon sensed Kunpeng's weakness.

This allowed them to overcome the fear in their hearts and have a bold idea. It turned out that the so-called ten evils were nothing more than this.

By the end, I was even slightly excited.

You know, this is the Ten Fierce Kunpeng, their true immortal master is so afraid of the terrifying existence that he can't sleep at night, but his current condition is so bad.

To put it bluntly, they can kill a person who has just entered the supreme realm with one hand.

If they kill the Ten Fierce Kunpeng here, they will definitely leave a mark in history and leave a mark in history.

After all, not everyone can kill ten murderers.

Now, such an opportunity is placed in front of them. Even if the four supreme cities are deep, they can't help but smile at this moment.

"Kunpeng, aren't you known as the Ten Evils? Why are you only like this now?"

"Haha, this is normal and in line with common sense. How can you survive the torture of the Immortal Breaking Curse without paying some price?"

"Well, I have to say that your sudden appearance really shocked me. It's a pity that the taboo in the past is so weak now. It's really disappointing." A descendant of the Broken Immortal shook his head. There was a sigh, and the fear and awe in his eyes had long since disappeared without a trace.

"Haha, why do I feel that the clouds all over the sky have become brighter?" The old supreme master of the Bronze Immortal Palace couldn't stop the joy in his heart and said with a leisurely smile.

When the six supreme beings who were recruited from the side saw the attitude of the true immortal descendants, they immediately relaxed a little and were no longer as nervous as before.

When facing the legendary Ten Evils for the first time, it is normal to have emotions such as nervousness, fear, and shock.

However, they were all frightened by the other party's reputation. If you really look into it carefully, you will find that the current ten evils are nothing more than this.

That Kunpeng is just a general who has stepped into the realm of the Supreme. Although the Thunder Emperor is unfathomable, he is still in the realm of the Supreme and has not stepped into the immortal realm. With more and less, they can at least draw a draw. After Kunpeng was dealt with, the ten supreme beings besieged one person, and the result was needless to say.

After learning this, they were no longer afraid, and each of them returned to their previous aloof attitude.

"Oh, it's a pity that Kunpeng, the best one to deal with, won't be waiting for my turn. That's a good opportunity to kill an immortal. Killing one of the ten villains, I'm afraid our name will still be spread in the world in hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of generations." The Supreme Old Killer of Heaven shook his head and sighed.

He had already expected that the four True Immortal descendants would leave the powerful Thunder Emperor to the six of them.

"It doesn't matter. Killing the Thunder Emperor is the same as killing Kunpeng. As long as we participate, we can become part of the legend." The old devil replied.

The Six Supremes also realized that the opportunity to "go down in history" has come. Facing the weak Ten Fierce, they have a great chance to become famous in one battle.

In Butian Pavilion, Xiaota, Guiye, Shen Teng, and Shi Hao looked at each other, always feeling that the situation in the picture was a bit strange.

"Why are you still laughing? Is it because you know you are going to die soon, so you let yourself go?" Xiaota said suspiciously, really confused.

As for Chi Cang and Kun Peng, they have been fooled by these ant supremes and are a little confused.

He is so weak, but he still likes to think about it. Instead of thinking about how to escape, he actually wants to kill them and use their fame to rise to the top and make his name immortal.

I don’t know what these supreme beings think. They don’t really think they can kill ten murderers, do they?

"Ants often cause trouble."

Kunpeng shook his head, looking at these supreme beings as if he were looking at a group of dead people, as if he had anticipated what was about to happen.

Chi Cang said indifferently: "Kunpeng and Thunder Emperor are the ones you ants can call directly?"

"Haha, Senior Thunder Emperor, it must have been very difficult to survive from the last era. You must have paid a heavy price, but you are not even an immortal.

I think, senior, you'd better accept the reality and don't live in the past. Your era has been turned over with the passing era. "

"Yes, the years are changing, and it is no longer the time when you were invincible."

"Each generation has its own geniuses, each leading the way for millions of years."

The Six Supremes spoke with a relaxed smile, not panicking at all. In their opinion, as long as Chi Cang did not return to the level of an immortal, they did not have to be afraid.

"Oh, really? A bunch of frogs in a well." Chi Cang smiled. It seems that the Ten Fierce Men have faded out of history so long ago that the world has forgotten why they were named "fierce".

Even if the tiger falls in peace, it is not a mere wild dog that can be bullied. No, to be precise, these supreme beings are not even dogs, they can only be regarded as dust, which can be destroyed with a flip of a hand.

"Are you saying that we are a frog in a well? I think you stood at a high place for too long and suddenly fell down. You are a little uncomfortable and are still immersed in the dream of the previous era." A Supreme sneered.

Now, they must have a battle with the Ten Evils. Even if they are defeated, they still have to fight. If they leave the battle without permission, what awaits them will be the anger of the four great immortals. How can the Supreme One withstand the anger of the true immortals?

"Okay, in that case, fellow Taoist Kunpeng, let these ants review what the ten evils are." Chi Cang said calmly.

Kunpeng naturally had no objection. His black gold armor trembled all over, and he was struck by the huge divine power. He continued to clang, and the yin and yang qi transformed, colliding into a pair of brilliant wings of chaos, which stretched out like clouds hanging from the sky.

"Hmm, Kunpeng Wings? I've heard about the terrifying power of this great power for a long time, and I'm about to learn a lesson." The descendant of the Sword Immortal stood with his hands behind his hands and nodded, as if he was affirming the combat power displayed by Kunpeng.

The same goes for the old supreme master of the Bronze Immortal Palace, who smiled brightly, because with Kunpeng's conduct at the moment, even the use of the Ten Evil Treasures could not pose much of a threat to them.

The descendants of the Four True Immortals all stand proudly, with stern eyes and very conceited. For them, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If the Ten Fierce were in their heyday, they might not even have the qualifications to look up to them, but now, they can Looking down to your heart's content, that sense of superiority is better than anything else and makes people intoxicated.

Which supreme being in history dared to look down upon the Ten Evils? They dare now.

"Hahahaha, you are worthy of being one of the Ten Fierce Ones, very good power."

"We are blessed. The ten evil treasures are like thunder piercing our ears. If we can get them, they will be of the same level as Zongheng."

Several supreme beings nodded and commented, and were very interested in Kunpeng's ten evil skills.

However, all the smiles were frozen and frozen with the appearance of a spurge.

It was an unimaginable thing. A terrifying killing weapon that was about to advance to the Immortal King Soldier. It was stained with the blood of countless great beings, and imprisoned the souls of countless immortal creatures. Its killing intent was overwhelming, and it turned the past, present and future upside down.

The top ten supreme beings who were laughing and discussing just now had their faces frozen, their hearts beating wildly, and their eyes showing horror.

Because, wisps of immortal energy flowed out of Tianhuang, far beyond the realm of humanity, and were enough to crush them.

"Tian... Tianhuang? Wasn't it broken into three parts and destroyed? How could it be intact?" The successor of Sword Immortal was shocked, took a breath of cold air, and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

The old Supreme Being of the Bronze Immortal Palace was also frightened and regretted saying those words just now. He was too proud too early.


The sky shines brightly, and falls into the palm of Kunpeng. This beautiful woman is holding a big halberd that holds the sky, weighing as much as a billion, giving people a strong visual impact.

The four supreme beings who were so proud and arrogant just now are now frightened.


The great halberd flew across the sky and sliced ​​open the void without even moving, causing a huge crack in the sky. Its majestic power was clearly evident.

Kunpeng grabbed the big halberd, with murderous intent, and stepped towards this side. The wings of chaos behind him intertwined with the supreme law, and the aura comparable to that of an immortal was released, destroying the world and destroying the earth, which was horrifying.

"Senior, wait a minute, what I just said is a bit harsh. In fact, we are here with good intentions."

"Indeed, Senior Kunpeng, our master feels guilty for what happened back then, and this time the lower world is here to make amends."

The four supreme beings felt their necks go cold, and they hurriedly explained, trying to stabilize Kunpeng, because they knew that once Kunpeng's extreme speed was deployed, their heads might fly up in an instant, and there was no possibility of reaction.

"Your master has done a good job, and it's not wrong at all. It's just that they deserve to die. It will be their turn soon." Kunpeng said indifferently, raising the halberd in his hand high, and the sharp light almost engulfed the outside world. The stars fell down.

"Kunpeng, you dare."

The descendant of the Sword Immortal was heartbroken, and he quickly took out the backhand that the Sword Immortal had given him. It was a decree with an immortal light. As soon as he took it out, infinite immortal power burst out.


A majestic figure appeared from the decree, covered with immortal runes. A pair of indifferent eyes slowly opened, overlooking the world, transcending the world of mortals, unparalleled immortal power bloomed, proud of the nine heavens and ten earth, shaking the inner world. Eight deserts.

This is the brand of the Sword Immortal. It is poured with the essence of the Sword Immortal. It can resist immortality and can easily kill the Supreme Being.

As soon as he appeared, he understood the current situation and saw Kunpeng holding Tianhuang intact, as well as the Thunder Emperor over there.

"Kunpeng, Thunder Emperor, you are indeed still alive." Sword Immortal Xuying's eyes are cold and solemn. He is a creature from the Immortal Ancient Era. Of course he knows how defiant these two people are, especially Thunder Emperor, who is known as the youngest. The ten evils, if nothing unexpected happens, will definitely become the king and ancestor in the future. In other words, as long as the Thunder Emperor does not die, he will definitely be the Immortal King.

"The ten evil spirits are really difficult to kill. In that state of near death, he was hit by my Immortal-breaking Curse and still survived. This kind of vitality is impressive."

Another voice came from the Old Supreme of the Bronze Immortal Palace. He also took out the True Immortal Edict at the bottom of the box.

In the glorious decree, eight heavenly horses pulled a mottled silver chariot. With the eternal energy, the mist of the immortal path filled the air, covering the entire wilderness, making the entire universe They were all trembling slightly.

This is not over yet. The four supreme beings all carry true immortal decrees. This kind of thing is against the heavens and difficult to bring to the lower realm. Just as a precaution, Sword Immortal and others paid a huge price to successfully send it to the lower realm.

The ten supreme beings are actually nothing. The four true immortal decrees are the real back-up tools.


The other two true immortal decrees also erupted, and two majestic figures rose from the ground, standing in the sky, filled with immortal energy, and the power of the immortal path shocked the past and the present.

The six supreme beings who were recruited almost cried. They were really frightened by Kunpeng holding Tianhuang just now, and thought they would die in the lower world. Who knew that the four true immortals had backup plans? It was just a timely help.

At this moment, the power of the True Immortal overwhelms the past and present. The Supreme Beings present could not stop trembling. They deeply understood the gap between the human way and the Immortal way. They are not at the same level at all. After becoming an immortal, the level of life will jump and jump, and they will be different in all aspects. in the past.

Only Kunpeng and Lei Di could remain calm.


The Tianhuang in Kunpeng's hand was shaking, conveying a kind of anger and murderous intention to Kunpeng. At the beginning of this era, Kunpeng returned seriously injured, and was suddenly attacked by these four people, suffering fatal injuries, and then was planted with a poisonous curse. Causing her to die in pain.

At this moment, seeing his enemy, Tianhuang burst into anger, waiting for Kunpeng to turn around and smash these true immortals into meat paste.

Chi Cang's whole body was wrapped with terrifying thunder and lightning, and a king-like supreme energy spread out in all directions, surrounded by endless galaxies, and thunder stars rose and fell. The power of the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors exploded, covering the sky above the wilderness, and with great power, Separate this battlefield.

It is inevitable to take action. A battle between true immortals can easily lead to the destruction of the stars and the realm. The small wilderness really cannot bear it.

"Okay, okay, the two great ten evils have the fighting power of true immortals. The Supreme One alone really can't take them down. Fortunately, we have issued the decree. Otherwise, if I give you a chance, the future will become a big one." trouble."

In the silver chariot, the voice of the Broken Immortal from the Bronze Immortal Palace came out. It was very cold and without any emotion at all.

"The battle at the beginning of the era will be concluded today." Another Immortal Mark said, very coldly.

The fourth remnant immortal is the most direct. Where he stands, there are blooming immortal lotuses. The runes are like the sea, and the waves are vast, like huge waves in the sky, surging.


The sound of the waves roared, and one after another immortal stars condensed in the void, releasing their secret power and connecting together to form an extremely terrifying field, shrouding Kunpeng and Thunder Emperor.

"Immortal Killing Formation!"

Chi Cang muttered to himself, sensing the heels of the killing array in the field. These true immortals came from the previous era, and were in the same group as the top immortal kings in the fairyland. They knew a lot of supreme secrets, and their combat power was in the true realm. The field of immortality is considered top-notch.

Therefore, they are not much worse than the previous Five Elements Mountain True Spirits. Although they are branded, they have put a lot of energy and energy into them and can exert strong combat power in a short period of time.

"You and I will kill Kunpeng, and the other two fellow Taoists will kill the Thunder Emperor. We don't have much time, so let's fight quickly." The Sword Immortal said to the three immortals, and a dazzling fairy sword appeared in his hand, with that kind of fairy light. , seems to be able to illuminate the past, present and future. However, this fairy sword is broken and broken, and what makes it break is the arrogant heaven and earth.

"That's very good."

The true immortal in the silver chariot spoke out, stretched out a strong hand, and with the fairy light shining brightly, opened the curtain of the carriage, slowly stood up from sitting cross-legged, and walked out.

In an instant, the whole world was illuminated with brilliant brilliance, like an immortal descending into the world.

He came from the Bronze Immortal Palace, and he had mastered the magical power of cursing. Kunpeng received the Immortal Curse from him thanks to him.

According to the agreement, he and another residual immortal will besiege Chi Cang.

"Since that battle, I don't know how many years I haven't made a move." The sword fairy looked at the broken sword in his hand and murmured to himself, with endless emotions.

"Unconsciously, it has been an era since I came to this world." The residual immortal next to him also sighed.

"Yes, if we had not had bad luck and were selected to go to this realm to supervise the war, we might still be practicing well in the fairyland, and it would not be impossible to approach the legendary realm. Unfortunately, everything has become After realizing the established facts, now I just want to live, and only by killing these two people can I feel at ease." The true immortal of the Bronze Immortal Palace shook his head and sighed, with a sense of resentment and injustice in his eyes.

They originally lived well in the Immortal Realm, but were selected to come to this world to perform the duty of supervising the war. But in fact, the primitive ancient world at that time was in an irreversible defeat, and they were like funerary objects.

Fortunately, the four of them were wise and did not avoid the battle, so they escaped.

"Everything has passed. Now we only need to kill these two people and wait for the gate of the fairyland to open.

By then, we will be able to return, as the Lord of the Fairyland promised back then. "A residual immortal said full of hope.

Back then, when the four true immortals were supervising the war in the lower realm, they were all told by the big shots in the immortal realm to do something, such as convicting the sin-blood lineage and nailing them to the pillar of shame, or killing Kunpeng.

"Let's take action. The night is long and there are many dreams. It's not advisable to delay it any longer." The Sword Immortal stepped towards Kunpeng, the broken sword in his hand glowed and made a buzzing sound.

The immortal light filled the sky, dimming all the stars in the sky. The four true immortals were divided into two parts, facing Kunpeng and Chicang respectively.

The violent energy swept across the sky and the earth, and a shocking war was about to break out.

"Kunpeng, accept your death. I will send you to hell this time." The sword fairy waved the broken sword and raised his hand to perform a forbidden yin-yang slash. The two-color energy flowed and shattered into thousands, as if he was about to reopen this world.

Kunpeng was fearless, and the Tianhuang in his hand trembled slightly, not from fear, but from excitement.

"Have you forgotten how the sword with which your life is bound was broken?" Kunpeng said coldly, mentioning the past events that the sword fairy did not want to recall.

He is known as the Sword Immortal, and he has been accompanying this sword all his life, traversing the world and looking down upon the wilderness. However, the sword was interrupted by Tianhuang when he besieged Kunpeng. It was like the Taoist heart was broken, and it became a permanent shadow in his heart.

After the scar was torn open, the sword fairy's expression became ferocious, and he went crazy. He swung the broken sword and slashed out one after another of Chaos Immortal Cleavage, which was enough to shatter a universe.

Kunpeng responded, and an unprecedented light erupted from the Tianhuang Halberd Blade, accompanied by chaotic thunder, tearing apart the universe.


The vast expanse of heaven and earth almost exploded into nothingness in this attack. Fortunately, Chi Cang used great magic power to separate this battlefield and keep it away from the wilderness. Otherwise, it would have been a catastrophe.

The sword fairy fell back and resisted the powerful and heavy Tianhuang head-on. Not many people could do it. He only felt his arms numb and suffered heavy blows. If he hit him several times in a row, he might explode directly.


After the sword immortal struck, another remnant immortal seized the opportunity and pounced on Kunpeng, like a flying immortal from the sky, and took Kunpeng's head directly from his neck.

Although Kunpeng's footing was not stable, her mouth was bleeding, and she was injured by the power of immortality, her extreme speed was no joke. A pair of chaos wings that covered the sky spread out and flapped gently, like a bolt of lightning. Avoided the tricky attack.

Then, without stopping at all, she launched Kunpeng's extreme speed and fought against the two great immortals.

The ferocious soldiers of a generation showed their full power, like a violent storm, overwhelming the sword immortal and another immortal creature to the point where they couldn't breathe.

However, Kunpeng was also coughing up blood. After all, she was only the supreme body, and her Taoism was not profound.

She has already fallen, and it is already very good to be able to fight these remnant immortals with her mark body. She cannot ask for too much. Fortunately, Tianhuang, who is in peak condition, helps her. Otherwise, it would be impossible to fight the immortal creatures to this extent.

On the other side, Chi Cang also charged with his opponent.

The Canxian who arranged the shocking killing array violently gathered the killing array, compressed it, and completely strangled Chi Cang.

This person's weapon is a broken ancient axe. It is very terrifying. It is filled with chaotic energy and fairy light. It can shatter a vast galaxy with a single blow.

The silver creature that walked out of the chariot also took action, and a huge green copper palace descended from the sky. It was so majestic and full of green patina that it made people feel hairy in their hearts and couldn't help but tremble.

This is the Immortal Bronze Immortal Palace. Although it is not a real thing, it is just a projection, but it is also very scary. In a short period of time, it is no different from the original body.

Facing the attack of the two great remnant immortals, Chi Cang was calm and calm.

He has already been able to defeat immortals in reverse, and he can fight and suppress true immortals by relying on his own Dao Fruit. The mark of a mere true immortal has not caught his eye yet.

"Oh, that's it. It seems that you were also on the verge of death after besieging Kunpeng.

Living until now must have paid an extremely heavy price. " Chi Cang sneered, and the thunder around him suddenly intensified, becoming as thick as a mountain.

The terrifying electric light exploded, like a sun exploding. The tight killing array was instantly riddled with holes, with countless holes appearing.

The owner of the ancient yue is very impressive. He kneaded various killing formations together and created this peerless immortal formation. It is much more terrifying than the so-called first innate killing formation, the second innate killing formation... etc., and is enough to trap people. Living creatures in the immortal realm.

However, it wasn't enough for Chi Cang. He directly unleashed his thunder power with all his strength, shattering it all at once and breaking the shackles.

As soon as they were freed from their confinement, the Bronze Immortal Palace and the Ancient Yue came to kill them. One fell from the sky and went straight towards the blazing Tianling Cap. The other broke through the void, carrying endless chaotic energy, and rushed towards the center of the blazing brows, intending to kill the sitting cross-legged person. The soul in it.

Chi Cang shouted loudly, the avenue roared, thunder and lightning surged wildly, and a kind of heart-stopping taboo lightning emerged, intertwined together, forming a thunder giant standing upright, opening up the endless sky.

The bronze immortal palace above the head was firmly grasped by a big hand and could not fall any further. The ancient ax that came out of the sky was grabbed by another big hand. No matter how violently it trembled, it could not break free.

The eyes of the ancient yue master and the silver creature flashed with horror. Is this the Thunder Emperor? The War Supervisor of the Lower Realm met him once, and then heard that he was besieged to death by many immortal kings and died young.

The world is full of rumors about how incredible he is, but they didn't realize it until today.

It is abnormal and beyond common sense to attack a true immortal with the pinnacle of human nature, and yet the Thunder Emperor actually has control over this taboo heavenly punishment.

Immortals like them, when faced with forbidden lightning, would avoid it like a snake or a scorpion. They had no choice but to do so, it was too terrifying, and if they were provoked, they might die.

The two felt deeply troubled, but they were determined to kill the Thunder Emperor.

"This man is so outrageous. As the rumors say, as long as he doesn't die, he will definitely become the king and ancestor in the future.

If we can't solve it today, we will be the ones who die tomorrow. "The silver creature from the Bronze Immortal Palace said harshly, controlling the Bronze Immortal Palace and suppressing it downwards.

Pieces of green patina fell off the walls of the Immortal Palace, drifting down, corroding the essence and Taoism, and it was terrifying.

This was the silver creature's method, and he wanted to corrode the thunder giant's palm. However, his thoughts failed. The forbidden thunder, as red as blood, was so masculine that it directly shattered all curses.

The ancient ax shook and shook down the stars in the sky. Endless stars fell like a downpour, covering the blazing sky, and then exploded.

It seemed as if an ancient universe was arising and dying, and its power was so powerful that it could destroy the heaven and the earth.

Chi Cang was speechless, his big hand grasped tightly, the five fingers emitted brilliant lightning, and a scornful aura burst out from them. This was the Thunder Emperor's Finger. Five fingers were more than enough to suppress an ancient axe.

"How is it possible? He has never been to the immortal path, so why is he so powerful? He is simply not inferior to a true immortal." The silver creature was puzzled, and its fear of Chi Cang rose to the extreme.

They went crazy and wanted to kill Chi Cang at the expense of themselves.


The blazing thunder emperor's magic was finally broken, and the thunder giant that reached the sky and the earth exploded on the spot, and the Bronze Immortal Palace and the ancient ax were freed.

"What a shame, we will no longer be at our peak after all. Otherwise, where would we get a supreme level of ten villains to punish the villains?" Silver Creature

Chi Cang was speechless. If he was at the top, what would he be like a true immortal?


The two remnant immortals went crazy, and all kinds of immortal secret techniques emerged one after another, and they bombarded Chi Cang head-on. Among them, there were even techniques given by big figures in the immortal realm, which were very astonishing.

Chi Cang responded by using real fire, using the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Skill and harnessing the six supreme treasures to directly blow up the smaller half of the ancient ax owner's body.

"Huh?" Chi Cang said softly, because the silver creature chanted a spell and cast out a terrifying black light. It silently followed the Bronze Immortal Palace, ignored the defense, and got into his arm.

"Hahahaha, Thunder Emperor, you are finished. You are very strong, but can you be stronger than the Immortal Breaking Curse?

Only the Immortal King can survive this. You are not even an Immortal. If you fall under my forbidden curse, just wait for death. "The silver creatures in the Bronze Immortal Palace roared excitedly, as if they had seen victory.

Chi Cang was not as panicked as he imagined, but looked at himself very calmly, and then said something surprising.

"Well, the Immortal-breaking Curse, is there any more? Just one might not be enough."

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