The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 227 The secret of rebirth, three lives and three lives

As soon as this figure living in this world appeared, Chi Cang's whole body began to boil. His blood, flesh, bones, soul, etc. all exploded and burned.

He was bathed in the flames, and his Taoism was rising steadily, and he soon pushed the realm of gods to the extreme.

As soon as you break through, you reach the peak, and there is no trace of emptiness in your realm and conduct.

Throughout history, no one dares to say that such a speed of cultivation is second.

At this moment, the vague little man on the second flower of the avenue is also glowing, as if echoing the original body of Chicang. In addition, the primordial energy entwining outside the thunder pool is also sensing it, and is interacting with the little man who represents the current world. There is an extraordinary connection between them.

After all, this path of bringing supreme power to oneself and controlling the order of heavenly punishment in the world was born in this world. It has a special meaning and means that Chi Cang will be invincible in this world.

Chi Cang closed his eyes lightly and realized the various mysterious changes that had taken place on himself. He controlled the trend of Tao Xing's continued growth and stopped it when it was about to advance to the virtual Tao.

This is because the Dao of the Heavenly God realm has grown rapidly in a short period of time, and has not yet been cut by the Immortal-breaking Curse. Chi Cang needs some time to let the Immortal-breaking Curse refine the Heavenly God's Dao Fruit, and then advance to the next level when there is no way to cut it. False way.

This process does not take long. Chi Cang is already familiar with the use of the Immortal Breaking Curse. It only takes a month or two to perfect the Dao Fruit.

With Chi Cang's suppression, the vision on his body, the figure on the second flower of the avenue, and the primordial energy surrounding the thunder pool all slowly returned to calm.

Everything calmed down and everything was silent.

However, just when Chi Cang thought that this breakthrough was about to end, the third flower of the avenue suspended above his head suddenly bloomed with brilliant brilliance, so dazzling that people could not look directly at it, as if it was going to illuminate the long river of time and the world. Past, present and future.

The willow god above was slightly shocked. The figure on the first flower of the avenue symbolized the past, the creature on the second flower represented the current world, and the third flower, needless to say, naturally represented the future.

Logically speaking, Chi Cang's future should be uncertain. For powerful people like them, there are countless possibilities in the future, and no one is sure what it will be like.

In other words, under normal circumstances, Chi Cang's third flower of the avenue will not burst out with visions, and the future will be written step by step by the current Chi Cang.

But now, on the third flower of the avenue above Chi Cang's head, the fairy mist is thick and condensed into a ball, and the appearance of a humanoid creature slowly appears vaguely.

This is a trend that represents the future, which surprises Liu Shen. Is Chicang's future certain? Has fate already arranged everything for it?

While thinking about it, the third blazing flower of the avenue shot out a bright fairy light, and the human figure really appeared, sitting cross-legged on the flower of the avenue, looking extremely mysterious.

Chi Cang himself was stunned, what does this mean? Does it represent your future?

He sensed it carefully, and the result was a bit unbelievable, because this humanoid creature that represented his future body was actually very weak, no different from a mortal.

Chi Cang was confused for a moment. Does this mean that he will lose everything and become a mortal in the future?

Could it be that fate had already secretly planned everything, and that on the road to quelling the darkness and chaos, he was doomed to fail, and all his efforts were in vain?

How can this be?

Chi Cang tried to understand this figure more deeply. In a daze, he saw a water-blue planet, high-rise buildings, a torrent of steel and countless mortals.

Such a scene made Chi Cang even more confused, why is this phenomenon happening? Does it mean that this strange environment and world is his final destination?

Chi Cang frowned slightly. He did not believe in the so-called determinism of fate. He always believed that manpower was better than nature. As long as he was strong enough, he could rewrite history and reverse the outcome.

When such thoughts appeared, the mortal-like figure sitting cross-legged on the third flower of the avenue suddenly became blurred, distorted, and might turn into a dream at any time.

Seeing this situation, Chi Cang became more convinced of his idea. As long as he was strong enough, he could rewrite the established future.


The humanoid creature representing the future body on the third flower of the avenue received some kind of impact and exploded to pieces, transforming into wisps of immortal energy again.

When Liu Shen in the distance saw this scene, he was shocked at first, and then thoughtful.

"The established future has been shattered, which means that he has reversed his destiny. From now on, everything in the future is uncertain."

Chi Cang remained silent. When the figure exploded into pieces, he couldn't help but feel relaxed, as if some kind of shackles wrapped around his body had broken and he was released.

At that moment, some memories came into his mind in the form of pictures, allowing Chi Cang to understand what the so-called future body was about, and to understand the causes and consequences.

"In the Immortal Ancient Era, a supreme being named Chicang, known as the Ten Fierce Beings, was killed by the Immortal King of a foreign land. His soul was scattered, his soul was turned into ashes, and he died completely.

Endless years later, on a planet called Earth, an ordinary person named Chi Cang appeared. Like most mortals, he spent his life peacefully.

On his deathbed, he learned the cause and effect between himself and the Ten Evils Chi Cang, and agreed to go back to the past and reverse the established ending.

So, in the chaotic ancient era, the ten evil blazing souls returned to the flesh, wandered in the void, traveled through the void space, and came to Shicun.

A generation of ten evil men crawled out of hell and resurrected from destruction. "Chi Cang understood everything immediately.

It turns out that he is really like Liu Shen, Zhen Long, Zhen Huang, and Kun Peng said, he has been dead for infinite years and will never wake up again. If someone doesn't play the strings of time in the years to come, This ending has been changed, and the past, present, and future have been reversed. The ten evils are blazing and will never reappear in the world.

He understood a lot of things at once, why was his mind blank? That's because reversing time and space requires paying an unimaginable price. In his understanding, even the lord of heaven in the quasi-immortal emperor realm cannot do this.

Perhaps, the creature leading all of this is the true emperor among the immortals.

At the same time, Chi Cang carries memories related to Shi Hao in his mind. From the time when he was toddling in the stone village and drinking animal milk, until Shi Hao joined the Tianshen Academy and competed with the geniuses of the upper world, everything that happened during this period Chi Cang knows everything.

Originally, Chi Cang didn't understand why, but now, he understood a little better. This was a memory specially kept by the creature who dominated everything.

Blazing Cang on the earth has many memories in his mind. Other things dissipated as he traveled through the past, present and future, and they were hidden. Only the memory about Shi Hao was not affected.

When Chi Cang had just arrived in Stone Village and heard the word "Shi Village" from the mouth of the old patriarch Shi Yunfeng, these memories came to his mind like a tide.

"So that's it, I was supposed to be a dead person." Chi Cang smiled bitterly.

Anyone who knows his origins will shake his head and sigh.

However, Chi Cang is not a pushover. Rebirth is an unchangeable fact. In this case, why should he think about it so much?

It is better to practice well, cherish this opportunity, seize everything in front of you, and no longer leave the regrets of the Immortal Era, that is enough.

Although he has received the memories of the Ten Fierce Chi Cang of the Immortal Ancient Era and part of the memory of Earth Chi Cang, his thoughts are still based on the current world. Of course, Chi Cang will not specifically distinguish between them.

He was the youngest of the ten evil spirits in the Immortal Ancient. He was also the ten evil spirits who rose from despair in this world. He was also the mortal Chi Cang who grew old, became sick and died on earth.

In short, this life is the final chapter of Chi Cang, there will be no more reincarnations, he will go all the way up, reach the sky, and become the strongest in the world.

At this moment, the third flower of the avenue, which symbolizes the future body, that is, the blazing figure of the earth, has collapsed, indicating that the life of the blazing earth no longer exists, and the real future should be determined by the life of this life. Chi Cang wrote it himself.


The third flower of the avenue suddenly shines brightly again, with fairy mist lingering and chaotic energy filling the air. There are thousands of rays of light and thousands of auspicious colors, which is extremely sacred.

A vague humanoid figure gradually emerged. This time, even Chi Cang himself could not see through the reality of this figure. It was hazy, as if it existed, but also seemed not to exist. The aura on its body was deep and fascinating. , endless mystery, elusive.

Liu Shen looked at all this in surprise. Today, Chi Cang's breakthrough was full of twists and turns, which was really unexpected.

The shattered figure regrouped, and it was completely different from the ordinary one just now. Even Liu Shen had never seen such a situation before.

Under the small tree, Chi Cang stared at the three avenue flowers above his head and the vague figure sitting cross-legged above, trying to contact them and communicate with them.

The first two went well. After all, Chi Cang is awakening the Tao Fruit of the Ten Evil Thunder Emperors of the Immortal Ancient Era step by step, which is closely connected with the previous life. As for the current life, it goes without saying that the connection with Chi Cang is the closest, so he can follow it. Moved by his thoughts.

When it came to the third flower of the avenue, no matter how hard Chi Cang tried, he couldn't touch it at all, and finally had no choice but to give up.

He knew that this symbolized his unpredictable future. If he wanted to communicate with it, or even become one with his mind, he must first carve out a strong future.

Or maybe, in the years to come, he will be powerful enough to be on par with that leader, and he should be able to control the third avenue flower at will.

Chi Cang stopped his movements and stopped trying. He put away the three flowers of the avenue, turned them into three holy rays of fairy light, and disappeared into his Tianling Cap.

Since then, Chi Cang has completed the entire process of advancing to the level of a god. At this time, his eyes are shining, deeper, sharper and more attractive, and other powerful people would not dare to look at him.

At the same time, he also became deeper because he knew the secret of his rebirth.

Death and life come over and over again, just like the reincarnation of the human world.

The memories of the three generations are like three torrents, meeting and rushing in Chi Cang's mind.

Immortal and ancient memories are long and long, measured in millions of years. The memory of the current world, including before the death of Menghui Emperor, is as long as ten thousand years, while the memory of the earth is only a mere hundred years.

Each one is smaller than the other. Compared with millions of years and ten thousand years, the memory of the earth is really nothing, just like a snap of a finger. Therefore, he regards this memory as an accidental experience. As for the old memories of Immortal Ancient , Chi Cang regards it as the past, so he always focuses on the current world.

The mystery of the past, present and future has been solved in this way. However, Chi Cang still doesn’t know who the mysterious existence is who found Chi Cang, the Earth on the verge of death, informed him of the cause and effect, and sent his soul back to ancient times. What is the use of doing so? What purpose.

However, as time goes by, he will become stronger and stronger in this world. One day, these mysteries will be solved one by one and the answers will be known.

Chi Cang put away his thoughts, and there were lotuses growing all over the ground under his feet. Everywhere he walked, there would be traces of the Tao. This was something that could only be achieved if the understanding of the Tao was reached to the extreme.

He stepped towards Liu Shen, and in an instant he was beside Liu Shen, side by side with her.

After some delay, it was time for them to continue on their way.

"What happened to the human figure on the third avenue flower just now? What does it mean to you to be broken and reborn?" Liu Shen's voice sounded in Chi Cang's ears.

What made Chi Cang a little dazed was that Liu Shen's voice had changed slightly. It was originally very magnetic and ethereal. It was impossible to tell whether she was a boy or a girl just from her voice.

Now, Liu Shen's voice is still ethereal and ethereal, but in terms of timbre, it is obviously a woman's voice, sweet and sweet, like the sound of nature, as if a peerless beauty is whispering in his ear.

Just by listening to her voice, you can imagine a world-famous beauty in your mind.

After being slightly distracted, Chi Cang replied: "We'll talk as we walk."

Liu Shen nodded. She stood in the fairy mist, her white clothes fluttering, and she was extremely graceful. Together with Chi Cang, she broke through the wall of the great world and returned to the ancient path.

The two walked side by side, surrounded by fairy light and chaotic energy, like a pair of detached and immortal couples walking in the world of mortals.

Their speed is very fast. In an instant, they can move quickly, beyond imagination, and even the average true immortal is slightly behind.

During this process, Chi Cang told Liu Shen all the ins and outs of the matter without any reservations.

For Chi Cang, the only person in the world who could allow him to reveal these shocking secrets accurately was Liu Shen.

She is the person Chi Cang trusts the most, and Chi Cang can share this with her without any worries.

After learning everything, Liu Shen fell into silence. How terrible is it to reverse the past, present and future, and change the established facts of the past? I can’t imagine what kind of karmic backlash this would cause.

If it were targeted at an ordinary person, the backlash might not be that big. However, Thunder Emperor Chicang is not an ordinary person. If he is given a chance to achieve nirvana and be reborn, he will be out of control. No one can tell what he will be like in the future. How far can you go?

The creature that dominates all of this must be incredibly powerful, and neither fate nor cause and effect can do anything to him.

Who could it be? What is the purpose of doing this?

Liu Shen was puzzled, and when she asked Chi Cang, Chi Cang didn't know either.

After thinking for a while, Liu Shen temporarily put aside her doubts. She knew that they might not be qualified to explore this matter at the moment.

Everything is left to the future. When she and Chi Cang are strong enough, the truth will naturally come out.

PS: I wish you all a happy New Year's Eve, good health, all the best, and happy family in the new year.

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