The void is endless and boundless, with a vast galaxy embedded in it, as small as dust.

The stars are nothing, not even dust.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen traveled on this vast ancient road at extremely fast speeds, and it was only a matter of one step to cross the universe.

Along the way, there are piles of abandoned worlds that are deserted, deserted, and desolate. At a glance, you can see all kinds of ruins, the cold earth, and the dusty ruins, telling the story of the brilliance and glory of one civilization after another.

Among these civilizations, there are immortal civilizations, gods and demons civilizations, technological civilizations, and civilizations that combine them, and they are all diverse.

Walking among these abandoned universes, one can deeply understand what it means to be ruthless in time. No matter how great a civilization is, one day it will decline and end.

If you don't become an immortal, you will eventually perish. Even if you become an immortal, you will die involuntarily due to various reasons. Only by becoming the most powerful person, immortal, immortal, and immortal, can you truly control your own destiny.

The two walked together along the way, keeping each other company, delving into the path of becoming immortals from the world of mortals, and preparing for the future breakthrough. At other times, they were looking for the Dharma-ending world they needed along the way.

However, trying to find a relatively complete world in the Age of Ending Law is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack, because almost all of them are abandoned worlds. Chi Cang and Liu Shen walked for a long time and encountered few worlds with living creatures. indivual.

This road is the road that leads the geniuses of all heavens and worlds to rush towards the boundary sea.

From ancient times to the present, I don’t know how many people have embarked on the journey. Some people have successfully reached the end of this road and stepped into the sea without hesitation. Some people have failed in the competition and returned sadly. Some people are failing. Afterwards, he chose to stay on the spot and hibernate silently, hoping to make a comeback in the future.

Chi Cang and the others had previously learned from the minds of the real immortals behind the scenes that a considerable part of the so-called anglers were failed creatures, and they were unwilling to let things end like this, so they stayed on this road to accumulate strength.

The other part are existences with special purposes, catching fish for blood sacrifice, training, devouring, etc.

In addition, there are many aboriginal people from the ancient world along the way.

Such a complicated situation is naturally not so peaceful. Things like the birth and destruction of worlds happen all the time.

Therefore, the abandoned ancient world stretched into a vast expanse, and even at the speed of Chi Cang and Liu Shen, there was no sign of life for several months.


Chi Cang let out a breath, three months had passed since they killed the Immortal Demonic Tree. During this period, he and Liu Shen kept walking on this vast ancient road, and they didn't know how long they walked. Far.

At this moment, Chi Cang has already sharpened his Heavenly God Dao Fruit with the Immortal Breaking Curse. A month ago, the Immortal Breaking Curse could not do anything to his Heavenly God Dao Fruit and could not be killed. Therefore, Chi Cang no longer suppressed it and indulged in all his strength. Release, break through the gods and advance to the virtual path, and at the same time reach the sky in the realm of the virtual path.

In the realm of the Void Dao, one must merge with a complete seed. Using this seed as a medium, one can fully come into contact with the great avenues of heaven and earth, and comprehend the principles of the great avenues in heaven and earth.

For Chi Cang, the innate thunder pool is the most perfect seed. Originally, his thunder pool was still limited. It was similar to the thunder pools in other great realms and only corresponded to the laws of heaven's punishment in one realm.

However, after experiencing the transformation of the Boundary Sea, Chi Cang's Lei Chi was completely different, unique and beyond common sense.

If Chi Cang from the Immortal Ancient Era was one of the top talents in a great world, then now he has risen to the level of all heavens and worlds.

With the perfect seed that suits him and his deep understanding of the Dao, Chi Cang has no bottlenecks in the virtual Dao realm and keeps rising all the way up.

Similarly, Chi Cang is also suppressing the growth of Taoism in the Void Dao Realm, using the Immortal Breaking Curse to temper it, in an attempt to create the strongest Taoist foundation.

At this moment, the two stopped and looked ahead in surprise.

Broken universes and abandoned ancient lands have almost become a norm along the way, but now, they unexpectedly encountered a complete ancient world, located on the only path of the ancient road.

Although they were far apart, they could clearly see the existence of the boundary wall.

It is very complete, unlike those abandoned ancient worlds. It has no obstacles to external things and can be entered at will.

Moreover, this large world is full of vitality and auspicious atmosphere. When you look from a distance, you can see the purple light and the sacred auspicious clouds in the sky. These visions all illustrate the prosperity of this world.

The most important thing is that there is an inexplicable and terrifying energy faintly revealed in the boundary wall, which is breathtaking. In a trance, it seems that there is a supreme and powerful man who dominates the world and overlooks the world.

This means that there are extremely powerful creatures in this world, which is frightening.

Chi Cang looked at the boundary wall, his eyes full of solemnity. From that energy, he felt a great majesty, which was definitely not something that a true immortal could possess.

"There are people in this world who can threaten us." He said with certainty.

Liu Shen next to her nodded. She could also feel that there were terrifying and powerful people in this world.

However, the way she looked at this place was a little strange, it didn't look like it was her first time here.

Chi Cang was keenly aware of this, but he was not surprised because Liu Shen told him about his past experience.

At that time, Liu Shen returned from the Immortal Realm seeking help, but was blocked by Ao Sheng, Taishi and other Immortal Kings of the Immortal Realm, and failed to catch up with the final battle of the Immortal Ancient Era.

When she returned, the original Nine Heavens had been shattered into pieces. A large part drifted to the unknown chaotic area and disappeared, leaving only nineteen fragments, which later became the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Liu Shen was filled with grief and anger, and at the same time, he was filled with self-blame. He shouldered the heavy responsibility and went to the Immortal Realm to seek reinforcements. However, he was a step too late because of his enemies' obstruction.

She screamed for nine days, and for the sake of the overall situation, she did not find trouble with the three fairy kings of the fairyland, but directed all her hatred towards the foreign land.

So, the unparalleled Liu Shen went in and out of the foreign land nine times and killed more than one immortal king. His white clothes were stained with blood and he returned with the immortal king's head.

However, at the moment of weakness when she suffered a heavy blow, the three most powerful Immortal Kings in the Immortal Realm bared their fangs, and regardless of the situation, they joined forces to surround Liu Shen.

The other immortal kings had scruples, so they all remained silent and did not stop him. Liu Shen fought alone, but was eventually defeated and forced to fall into Leiyuan.

Fortunately, he climbed up a thunder pond on the way and rushed into the thunder abyss. Otherwise, Liu Shen would have no chance of surviving.

Willow God climbed up the cobblestones and was on the verge of death. He used his last strength to struggle and shed a body, then turned into seeds and rushed towards an ancient road in front of the Thunder and Lightning Abyss.

That ancient road is exactly the one Chi Cang and Liu Shen are walking through now.

Liu Shen, after wandering on this ancient road for an unknown amount of time, returned to the Nine Heavens in the ancient times. Part of her three thousand divine kingdoms were what she experienced during this period of time.

Therefore, it was not surprising that she looked reminiscing when she saw this ancient world.

"Liu Shen, what's wrong with you? Have you ever been to this ancient world?" Chi Cang asked aloud.

Liu Shen in the fairy mist nodded.

"That happened a long time ago. I traveled through the worlds, passed through nirvana many times, and protected one kingdom after another. In this world, there is a kingdom of gods that I have protected. It is one of my three thousand kingdoms of gods. It is inherited. It’s still going strong to this day.”

Chi Cang understands clearly.

"I see."

He knew that Chi Cang's path of worshiping spirits had a certain relationship with her power of faith, and he could rely on the Fairy Flame Roulette behind her to know the current status of those kingdoms of gods.

For example, the Supreme Yin Yang Taoist in the upper realm felt that Liu Shen's divine kingdom was an eyesore, so he took action to destroy it. Liu Shen, who was far away in the lower realm, sensed this situation through three thousand fairy flames.

"It just so happens that your remains should be there." Chi Cang said.

They stepped into the path behind the primitive gate, on the one hand, to find the complete world in the end of the Dharma era, to try to become immortals in the mortal world, and at the same time, to find the remains of the Willow God, which contains the unimaginable power of nirvana. , combined in one place, possesses supreme power, allowing Liu Shen to reach higher realms, which is of great use.

Liu Shen nodded gently. After tens of millions of years, he returned to this world again, and all the old memories from that year came to his mind.

What happened to the creatures who had received her help now? Is it still there? The Kingdom of God is intact and still standing. Thinking about it, they should have become strong men who can stand upright and be able to stand alone.

Otherwise, given the cruelty of this ancient world, without the willow god's protection, the kingdom of God would inevitably be cannibalized by surrounding forces and completely destroyed.

"Let's go, this time, maybe we can see some old friends." Liu Shen said softly. In the long years she lived, she protected many ancient countries and experienced countless things, like the stars in the sky.

However, every divine kingdom is an unforgettable memory, and she has never forgotten it.

After the words fell, Chi Cang and Liu Shen began to approach the boundary wall.

As they approached, the energy became more majestic and vast. Even the real immortals seemed as small as dust in front of this energy.

"This is the aura of the Immortal King. An Immortal King has emerged from this world?" Chi Cang was surprised. He was convinced that this kind of aura was not comparable to that of a quasi-immortal king.

Liu Shen thought about it. When she was guarding a kingdom of gods in this world, there were indeed several quasi-immortal kings in this world. After millions of years, someone might have succeeded in breaking through this barrier.

"It should be one of those people who broke the shackles and became the king and ancestor." Liu Shen replied.

Then, she added: "Although some people have become Immortal Kings, they are not the kind of unscrupulous fishermen. They are all people with great courage."

When Chi Cang heard this, he felt relieved. Immortal king-level creatures could pose a huge threat to them, enough to endanger their lives. If they were targeted at them, Chi Cang would definitely not be able to deal with it.

It is simply impossible for the Immortal King's body to be passively stimulated to compete with the Immortal King.

In this way, Liu Shen must give up the future, break out in advance, and return to his peak.

In this case, even if you kill the opponent, your future will be ruined, and you will have no hope of becoming a quasi-immortal emperor.

Chi Cang doesn't want to see such a situation, so when it comes to the Immortal King, he is very cautious and will not provoke him until it is absolutely necessary. When necessary, they need to stay away from the edge.

Liu Shen took action, and a few bright branches, like indestructible spears, suddenly broke through the solid boundary wall and opened up a large enough passage.

The two of them stopped staying and followed the passage into this vast ancient world.

The rich energy rushed to his face, and he could feel that the cultivation environment in this ancient world was very good, much better than that of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Even in the void, the rules of the avenue manifest themselves, and sometimes a ray of light can be caught, which contains the most original power of order.

This is by no means a normal state in the ancient world.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen noticed the abnormality immediately, and they all realized something.

"Sure enough, this Immortal King has great courage. After becoming a king and an ancestor, he is nurturing this world." Chi Cang sighed, there are only a handful of Immortal Kings who can do this.

Because the higher the realm, the more things you have experienced, the more you can see through the essence of things. This is a world where the jungle eats the strong. Only by being strong can you survive.

Feeding back to a world will have an impact on the Immortal King himself. In the future, he may be restricted by this. Unless he escapes completely and is not restrained by the great road of heaven and earth, otherwise, feeding back to his own mother world will be like giving birth to a child. I put a layer of shackles on myself.

Being able to achieve this step shows that this Immortal King is affectionate and righteous, not the kind of ruthless and indifferent strong man.

Liu Shen nodded. In her impression, this world was one of the few large worlds on this ancient road that made people feel comfortable. The strongest people did not expand disorderly and had big hearts. Even if someone became an Immortal King, Nor did he exclude dissidents and rule the world.

"Huh? No, why is there such a thing as decline and depletion in the midst of extreme prosperity?" Liu Shen said suddenly.

She practices the path of withering and prosperity and is very sensitive to these two states.

It is rare for the ancient world at this time to be so prosperous that one can touch the most original rules of the Tao without enlightenment. However, after the extreme splendor, it is desolate and exhausted.

Liu Shen sensed it and had a premonition in advance.

After Chi Cang heard the words, he once again realized the great road in this world. After a long time, he also had the feeling that Liu Shen said.

“The emperor’s star fell, the great road wailed, and some of the most powerful men perished.

If nothing else goes wrong, the Immortal King who fed back this world must have been damaged. Before his death, he insisted on returning to the mother realm to feed back one last time. Only in this way did he achieve this grand occasion. "

He guessed the general situation. The Immortal King died, and he wanted to return to the mother realm at the last moment, which was regrettable.

Liu Shen let out a long sigh.

Achieving the title of Immortal King is enough to traverse this ancient road. Why would his body and soul disappear?

Needless to say, he must be running towards the sea of ​​​​world, pursuing a higher path, and finally perishing.

"The Boundary Sea...the Boundary Sea, one after another, the supreme beings step into it without hesitation, without fear of life or death, and rush forward. In the end, what awaits them is a dark and desperate answer." Liu Shen shook his head, really Very sorry.

There are not many Immortal Kings who can feed the Mother Realm, and they are basically people they can befriend. Unfortunately, they arrived a step too late, and the creature died on the journey.

Suddenly, waves appeared in the peaceful world, just like a stone thrown into the calm lake water. The ripples spread and broke the silence.

Chi Cang opened his eyes and stared in one direction. The shocking change came from there, and it seemed to be related to the fall of the Immortal King in this world.

PS: Happy New Year’s Eve, brothers, and have a lively year.

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