The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 232 Thunder Suppresses the Immortal

Originally, they planned to use the World Tree in this world to resist the coming Jie Yin Ancient Palace.

As a relatively complete world, this ancient world naturally also has the World Tree.

However, the World Tree in this world is still far behind and cannot be compared to the World Tree in the ancient world, which is truly powerful and has hordes of Immortal Kings.

Therefore, they are not sure whether they can really resist the erosion of darkness.

After all, there are no immortal king-level creatures in this world, and there is no confidence. But now, Chi Cang is in charge of heavenly punishment and controls the order of the world, as if he is a supreme existence that dominates the world.

If he could take control of the World Tree, he could unleash the tree's true power.

Although the World Tree supports an ancient world, it cannot control the power of Heavenly Punishment. The Thunder Emperor and the World Tree cooperate, and the effect is definitely much better than those of them, the quasi-immortal kings, who dominate the World Tree.

However, whether the Thunder Emperor is really willing to take huge risks to protect this world is a question.

You need to know that fighting against darkness can easily result in death. There are many immortal kings who have fallen under the iron hoof of darkness, let alone the Thunder Emperor who only has the fighting power of a true immortal?

In addition, some divine kingdoms in this world oppressed and became enemies of the ancient Xuan divine kingdom guarded by Liu Shen, and now they want to surround Liu Shen and Thunder Emperor.

Under such circumstances, the Thunder Emperor must have a very bad impression of this world.

If you want to ask the Thunder Emperor to take action, the only breakthrough can only be from Liu Shen, because she has ties in this world, but the Thunder Emperor does not, and no one has the right to blame him for leaving.

Liu Shen is different. She opened up the way of worshiping spirits and accepted sacrifices and offerings from the ancient Xuan Kingdom for generations. She should protect them.

Now the ancient world is facing a great crisis. In the crisis, God Liu, as a sacrificial spirit, should stand up and protect the ancient mysterious kingdom.

After thinking clearly about the cause and effect, the quasi-immortal kings looked at each other and probably knew what to say.

"Fellow Taoist, we have met before and discussed Taoism together, do you still remember?" The voice of a quasi-immortal king sounded in Liu Shen's ears.

At the same time, the power of the Quasi-Immortal King spread out next to Liu Shen, forming a layer of light curtain that blocked the Black Moon Field and Star Moon Field that shrouded the sky, preventing them from rushing in.

Liu Shen stands in the fairy mist, aloof from above, dressed in peerless white, and has an invincible demeanor.

After hearing the words of the Quasi-Immortal King, she nodded slightly.

"Of course I remember that back then I came here from the depths of the ancient road. Thanks to the permission of several Taoist friends, I was able to establish the ancient mystery." She sighed.

To be honest, this world is almost an ancient world controlled by a few top strong men. Outsiders must get their secret consent to establish a vast divine kingdom in this world.

Fortunately, Liu Shen established the Guxuan Divine Kingdom, and several quasi-immortal kings did not expel her. In the end, they sat down to talk and understood each other.

Relatively speaking, Liu Shen and these quasi-immortal kings are old acquaintances.

"Fellow Taoist still remembers our friendship back then, and he is a person we can befriend." Another quasi-immortal king said.

Later, the third quasi-immortal king directly expressed their thoughts. For existences like them, it is better to be straightforward, and beating around the bush may be counterproductive.

"Fellow Taoist, let me tell you the truth. The Jie Yin Ancient Palace has already turned into reality. Maybe it will really come to this world in the next moment. By then, this world will definitely be filled with darkness and corpses everywhere.

On this ancient road leading to the Boundary Sea, too many ancient worlds were destroyed in the invasion of darkness. If you guessed it correctly, there will be Immortal King series against the dark army in our world. Only We can't resist it at all, like a mantis using its arms as a chariot or hitting a rock with its eggs.

However, we have to stand here. Our avenue is deeply bound to this world. It is our mother world. If the mother world is damaged, we will also be affected. We may not be able to advance to the Immortal King for the rest of our lives. Although it is currently There is no hope, but the last thread must be kept.

Moreover, we have built many temples and palaces in this world for people to worship and worship. Naturally, we cannot just leave at the critical moment of life and death.

Therefore, there must be a battle between us humans and the darkness.

We don’t know what Fellow Daoist wants or what his thoughts are, but the Guxuan Divine Kingdom is one of the top powers in this world and was founded by Fellow Daoist. I think Fellow Daoist doesn’t want it to be burned down. .

Over the long years, the world has changed, and the ancient Xuan Kingdom has encountered many catastrophes, but it is still standing today. Among them, Taoist friend Zhuang Qing should know the details.

We have no other intention, we just hope that this fellow Thunder Emperor can use his ability to control the World Tree and fight against the King of Darkness who may come.

The rule of the world, coupled with the punishment of heaven, its power cannot be underestimated. It may be able to fight against the King of Darkness. If they are defeated, the two Taoists can leave at any time.

If fellow Taoist agrees to this matter, we will immediately deal with these true immortals on behalf of fellow Taoist. When the time comes, we will do our best to deal with the ancient palace of Jingyin. "

These words are all told truthfully, without any calculation. The three quasi-immortal kings just hope that the Thunder Emperor who came with Liu Shen will take charge of the World Tree and try to fight against the King of Darkness. In this world, there is hope for it. There is only Thunder Emperor, and all others are useless together.

You know, that is the Immortal King, and it is completely different from the real immortal. It is impossible to fight against it. Don't even think about it.

Because every creature who has become an Immortal King is the best in one era or even several eras. There is no simple one. They have climbed up the ranks all the way and pushed down enemies of the same level. After advancing to the level of Immortal King, their combat power is so terrifying. Trembling, how could it be possible for a true immortal to go retrograde and defeat the immortal?

Therefore, beings who are not at the Immortal King level are basically unable to fight against the Immortal King. Creatures like the Ten Fierce are an exception. They all have their own unique abilities. After they are used, they can fight against the Immortal King and defy the heavens. Because of this, They have a name that shocks the past and the present - the Ten Fierce.

But not every creature has the ability of the Ten Evils.

Liu Shen did not answer immediately, but fell into silence, seeming to be thinking about something.

This transmission did not exclude Chi Cang, so he heard everything.

Before Liu Shen could give an answer, Chi Cang spoke.


When Liu Shen heard the words, she was slightly dazed. Resisting the Jie Yin Ancient Palace was really too risky for Chi Cang and her. They have not grown up yet, and they are not immortals in the world of mortals. If they provoke the darkness, they might get into trouble. When the body dies, the Tao disappears.

However, as the quasi-immortal king said, Liu Shen is the sacrificial spirit of Guxuan Divine Kingdom, and it is impossible to watch the demise and annihilation of Guxuan Divine Kingdom.

Therefore, she was worried.

Unexpectedly, Chi Cang took it on himself, and because of Liu Shen, he directly took over the life and death responsibility of a head-on collision with the King of Darkness.


As soon as Liu Shen uttered a word, he was interrupted by Chi Cang.

He stood on the sky, his whole body filled with red forbidden lightning, and he kept attacking the three true immortals below, causing their bodies to be scorched black and their immortal blood to fly.

At this moment, he is blazing and majestic, with big stars one after another rotating around his body. He is like the center of the universe and the galaxy, the absolute master.

"I know that you are bound in your heart and cannot abandon Gu Xuan. The people of this Kingdom of God do need such a complete ancient world.

In this case, we will work together to repel the darkness. Even if the King of Darkness comes, as long as I am here, this world will not be broken. "

"That is the King of Darkness, a true king-level creature." Liu Shen sighed. If she could break the seal, swallow the power of nirvana for several lifetimes, and return to her peak, the arrival of the ancient Jingyin Palace this time would be nothing at all. It can be wiped out in an instant.

However, reason told Liu Shen that he could not do this. A small impatience would mess up a big plan.

That is what she needs to hit a higher realm. If it breaks out in advance, all the preparations made through the vicissitudes of eternity will be in vain.

"So what about the King of Darkness? I am the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors. Even if I am no longer at my peak, I only have the skills in the human realm, I can still fight against the Immortal King."

Liu Shen said no more, his face was shrouded in hazy fairy mist, and only a pair of smart eyes were exposed, as if he could speak.

It can be seen that Chi Cang's actions touched her a little deep in her heart. At this level, who doesn't think about herself?

Regardless of the Great Tribulation of the Ancient Immortal Era, all the Immortal Kings shared the same hatred and fought against foreign lands. This was all driven by the general environment. At other times, the Original Nine Heavens were no different from other ancient worlds. There were many long-cherished wishes among the strongest, and no one Being willing to risk life and death for others without any reason or condition.

This will only happen if there is a deep bond between the two, or if there is cause and effect to be repaid.

Chi Cang's firm and powerful words were like an indestructible shield, creating a calm harbor for Liu Shen, which made people feel at ease.

"Okay, okay, this dark catastrophe, we all rely on fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor." Several quasi-immortal kings received a positive answer, and they were very excited, as if they saw hope.

At this time, Liu Shen opened his mouth to clarify something in advance.

"If he can't resist the King of Darkness, then we are powerless. At that time, all of you fellow Taoists can only wish for your own blessings. We still have important things to do and cannot fall here." Although Liu Shen's voice said It is like the sound of nature, gentle and melodious, but there is a heaviness in the words.

The three quasi-immortal kings felt the heaviness from these words, just like when King Tianyang left.

"Sure enough, the two Taoist friends are determined to reach the Boundary Sea and embark on this long journey to find the source of darkness."

"The ambition of the swan is admirable."

Suddenly, the voice of True Immortal Xingyue sounded.

"Several seniors have too much time to take care of themselves, so it's better to concentrate on handling the matter of the ancient palace. It is related to the survival of this world and must not be careless."

"Yes, I will come to help after I deal with these outsiders, so senior, it is better to just sit back and watch this matter."

Hearing this, the three quasi-immortal kings had cold faces, and they wanted to take action, using the power of thunder to kill these true immortal beings who couldn't see the situation clearly.

However, he was stopped by Chi Cang.

"There are only a few true immortals, so you don't need to bother other people's hands." Chi Cang looked down at the earth like a thunder king.

The forbidden thunder in one hand turned into the nine-day calamity light, which loomed over the four directions and fell on the bodies of the three great immortals, causing their skin to be torn and their flesh to be torn apart, their immortal blood to splatter, and they were extremely miserable.


"Thunder Emperor, do you dare to fight with us with your true strength?" A true immortal is about to go crazy. In the sky, there are all red thunders that make the true immortals avoid snakes and scorpions. It is so terrifying that he is really about to bear it. He couldn't help it, he had never experienced such a terrible punishment from heaven, it was much more terrifying than his immortality calamity.

The same is true for the other two people. Even if the true immortals claim to be immortal and the true immortals, they cannot withstand such attacks and consumption. They are about to reach their limit.

Chi Cang ignored it and made a killing move. For a moment, there was a thunderous thunder, and lightning as thick as a mountain, smashing down on his head and face. Suddenly, there were screams one after another below.

The three true immortals never thought that they would have such a day.

In the end, out of unwillingness and regret, the three true immortals were suppressed, their bodies were charred, tattered and weak.

Afterwards, Chi Cang rode non-stop to rescue Liu Shen from the siege, repelling the Xingyue True Immortal and the Wuyue Mountain True Immortal, and brought them to him.

He repeated his old tricks and used the thunder pool to take charge of the forbidden heavenly punishment in the ancient world and judge the two true immortals.

In just an instant, they suffered a catastrophe and experienced the feelings of the three true immortals before.


Whether it was the stars, the sun, the moon or the dark moon, they were all destroyed by the overwhelming thunder and lightning, exploded on the spot, and turned into powder.

The two great immortals looked up at the Thunder Emperor, who was so high above them, and felt a sense of horror in their hearts.

Controlling the heavenly calamity and substituting the heavenly punishment, what kind of heaven-defying method is this? How could such a creature appear in the world?

It's a pity that no matter what they think, it's useless. In the face of the terrifying power of heaven's punishment, the true immortal is useless and can only be suppressed.

"Thunder Emperor..." Xingyue True Immortal's hair was disheveled, and half of his body was blown to pieces. Before he could recover, he was ruthlessly suppressed by Chi Cang.

The True Immortal of Wuyue Mountain was so powerful in the secret arts of cursing that it made people frightened. However, he was completely restrained here and had no use for it. Not surprisingly, he ended up with the same fate as the Xingyue True Immortal.

Since then, the five true immortals have all been solved by Chi Cang and sealed. Their life and death depend on Chi Cang's thoughts.

The three quasi-immortal kings and the true immortals standing behind them were all speechless for a while. Who would have thought that the five true immortals would attack two human beings, but the final result would be that the true immortals were completely defeated. It was simply incredible.

"After all, they are the true immortals in this world. Let them make some contributions to protecting this world." Chi Cang whispered.

The words were a little cold, which made the other true immortals from the ancient world feel cold. They could already imagine the final outcome of the five suppressed true immortals. They must have no bones left.

Then, Chi Cang and Liu Shen turned their attention to the old man who was sitting cross-legged above Gu Xuan, playing chess with Zhuang Qing.

His name is Yi Liangtian, and he is proficient in Yi numbers and calculations. When he was young, he owed a favor to the Immortal Mi. This time he was invited out to intercept Zhuang Qing so that the five Immortals could concentrate on killing Chi Cang and Liu Shen. .

Although the old man knew that doing so would cause more consequences, he had to pay back what happened in the past, so he bit the bullet and dragged Zhuang Qing into the game.

Who knows, before they finish a round, it will be over outside. The five true immortals end in defeat, and the final winners are Liu Shen and Chi Cang.

In this way, he is bound to form grudges with Chi Cang and Liu Shen for intercepting Zhuang Qing.

"Alas, what is supposed to come has come. I will let my fellow Taoists handle it. I just hope that it will not harm others." Although Yi Liangtian can make calculations and can rely on these to turn disaster into good, but here in Chi Cang, those Things are useless. He is the master of order and the incarnation of heaven. How to calculate it?

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