The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 233 Jie Yin Ancient Palace

Chi Cang responded with indifference. This old man, because of Karma, blocked Zhuang Qing back then, putting him and Liu Shen in danger. Although in the end he used the method of divine punishment to rescue the siege and suppressed the five true immortals, it did not cause any irreversible consequences. , this old man’s behavior cannot be let go so easily.

You settle your karma, and I settle mine. There is no connection between the two.

Even if Yi Liangtian gives people the feeling that he can't help himself and is forced to do so, Chi Cang will not show any mercy.

However, so far, this cause and effect has not reached the point of killing the opponent. Even if he wants to kill him, he should be allowed to die in the battle of dark erosion, using the last remaining heat to contribute to the protection of this world.

"Of course I have to deal with you, you just need to understand it yourself. When the ancient palace arrives later, I want to see your figure at the forefront among the true immortals. Otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences." Chi Cang's words were extremely cold, like There is a killing sword that rushes into people's hearts.

Yi Liangtian's Taoist robe trembled slightly, sensing the killing intent of Blazing Cang, like a hurricane, and his fire of life was like a weak candle, dancing wildly in the hurricane, and it might topple at any time.

Yi Liangtian had no doubt that Chi Cang could kill him. The five true immortals from before were a lesson learned from the past.

"I understand. I will rush to the front and wash away my mistakes with the blood of the fallen immortal." Yi Liangtian leaned slightly towards Chi Cang. This is a kind of respect. It should be done when a low-ranking person faces a high-ranking person. Some actions.

But now, as a true immortal, Yi Liangtian salutes Chi Cang in the human realm without hesitation, which shows that Chi Cang's power has impressed him.

This is a world that values ​​strength. If you want to convince the other party, the best way is to show absolute and suppressive power.

If it were other true immortals, they might still be unconvinced because Chi Cang relied on the punishment from heaven in this world to relieve the siege of the true immortals. But Yi Liangtian was different. He was proficient in Yi numbers and calculations, and knew Chi Cang's fear and power. extraordinary.

After solving this matter, the danger of Guxuan Divine Kingdom completely disappeared.

Zhuang Qing breathed a sigh of relief, came to Chi Cang and Liu Shen, and made a grand ceremony.

"Thank you, Senior Thunder Emperor, for rescuing us."

Chi Cang nodded without saying anything more, looking at the boundless land of the ancient world.

"The Star-Moon Divine Kingdom, Mitian Divine Kingdom... Wuyue Mountain and other forces are all under your control."

He just said this.

Zhuang Qing was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was doing and quickly said yes.

As one of the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors, Chi Cang can suppress these enemy true immortals with iron-blooded means. However, Chi Cang cannot take action against the thousands of creatures in the Kingdom of God behind them, because many of them are innocent and those grudges The instigator is the real immortal, not them.

Relatively speaking, it would be most appropriate to let Zhuang Qing, the guardian of the Ancient Xuan Kingdom, handle the matter. After all, Chi Cang only became enemies of these true immortals because he helped Liu Shen. He is not a member of the Ancient Xuan Kingdom, nor does he belong to this world. Creatures.

After solving these matters, Chi Cang and Liu Shen came to Guxuan Divine Kingdom.

From a distance, you can see a giant willow tree that towers into the sky and is huge, standing in the ancient Xuan Divine Kingdom.

As it approaches, a majestic vitality rushes towards us, and its source is the giant willow.

At the same time, a sense of vicissitudes of ancient times permeates the territory of the Kingdom of God, giving people a sense of the passage of time.

The giant willow holding up the sky has been standing here for who knows how many years. It is motionless, with only hundreds of millions of green and crystal willow branches dancing in the wind.

Within the Kingdom of God, you can see many towering temples and ancient temples, in which stand the true statue of God Willow. From time to time, creatures come to the temples, offer sacrifices, and worship the statue of God Willow, showing their piety.

Liu Shen and Chi Cang walked side by side and saw the belief and respect for Liu Shen by the beings in the Kingdom of God. All of this was the result of Zhuang Qing and several other deceased immortals. They had always maintained Liu Shen in the Kingdom of God. Otherwise, it would be difficult for people to be convinced by the remains of a willow tree that does not manifest magic.

True Immortal Zhuang Qing did not follow. Under the instructions of the two of them, he went to deal with the five major forces that had lost True Immortals. He was not a vicious person, but he was not a Holy Mother either. Most living beings would be fine. Some damned creatures cannot escape the end of their demise.

Liu Shen approached, looking at his former remains, he was in a trance, and all kinds of old memories came to his mind.


Suddenly, the huge Willow God's relic shed light, overflowing with crystal glow, and the entire Guxuan Divine Kingdom was affected. People looked up at the sky in surprise. From the sky, endless life essence dropped down, blessing everyone.

At the same time, the statues of the Willow God in the temples and ancient palaces were also glowing, and there were faint sounds of ancient scriptures, helping people to enlighten themselves.

"Master Sacrifice Spirit has appeared."

Billions of living beings were so excited that they couldn't help themselves. They looked up at the giant willow and worshiped it devoutly.

This was specially done by Liu Shen to let all living beings know that their spiritual sustenance - the sacrificial spirit - is still alive.

As the majestic life essence spilled out, the Kingdom of God was thriving. Breakers appeared one after another on the spot, and many seriously injured creatures were cured directly, which was more effective than the elixir.

These blessings have made the creatures of the Ancient Xuan Kingdom stronger and stronger in their belief in God Liu. This is reflected in the three thousand light groups behind God Liu.

They look like groups of light and fairy flames. Each group and each path contains many divine kingdoms. There are endless innate gods sitting cross-legged, all extolling the name of the Willow God.

At this moment, the group containing the Ancient Mysterious Divine Kingdom was exceptionally bright and brilliant, like a sun shining across the sky, glowing and heating.

Chicang's sharp eyes stared at the light group, thoughtfully, this is the way of God Liu's sacrifice to the spirits. It is not only a direction of faith power, but also transcendent. Even if these ancient countries are destroyed, God Liu will not be affected. Impact, the combat power will not decrease, as if it has been solidified in history and time.

He followed Liu Shen all the way to a special ancient palace. This place was located in a forbidden area of ​​the Guxuan Divine Kingdom, and ordinary people were not allowed to approach it. He accidentally saw a few figures who were also important figures of the Guxuan Divine Kingdom.

The cold main hall is filled with the smell of incense. In the empty hall, you can see the towering immortal tablets at a glance, which are still entangled with the laws of immortality.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen came to the longevity tablet and stood silently for a long time.

Chi Cang knew that these were several extraordinary creatures that Liu Shen had single-handedly cultivated when she was guarding the Ancient Xuan Divine Kingdom. After she left the ancient world, they all became true immortals.

At that time, the Guxuan Divine Kingdom, which had several true immortals, was the most powerful divine kingdom except for the forces controlled by the Quasi-Immortal King and the Tianyang King. It was the most powerful kingdom for a while.

It is a pity that in the long years that followed, the true immortals of the Ancient Xuan Divine Kingdom had accidents one after another and fell into the long river of history.

As of now, only Zhuang Qing is still alive, struggling to support himself until Liu Shen returns.

For those fallen true immortals, Zhuang Qing set up longevity tablets for them and has been enshrining them. Their descendants and families have been protected by the Guxuan Divine Kingdom for generations.

After standing for a long time, Liu Shen shook her head, with a somewhat sad look in her eyes. She had watched these creatures grow up, and now that Yin and Yang were separated, she naturally felt sorry for them.

However, she has experienced too many such separations of life and death. She is not only the sacrificial spirit of Guxuan Divine Kingdom, but also the sacrificial spirit of many other divine kingdoms. She has gone through the vicissitudes and hardships of the years and has become indestructible.

"Let's go, the aura of Jie Yin Ancient Palace is getting stronger and stronger. It won't be long before it comes to this world." Liu Shen said with a sigh.

There is no time to be sad, there is still a life and death battle waiting for them ahead.

She knew how terrifying the Jie Yin Ancient Palace was. She had gone deep into the Boundary Sea, encountered it, and had horrific battles with dark creatures.

There, there are not only the ancient palaces, but also blood-stained ancient ships, which are all symbols of darkness. Whenever you encounter them, a bloody battle is inevitable.

It is unknown how many Immortal King-level creatures have fallen under the Ancient Jie Yin Palace. It itself is extremely hard and difficult to destroy, just like the ancient temple of chaos that Liu Shen and Chi Cang entered in the Sun God Tree. It was originally the Ancient Jie Yin Palace, but later It was knocked down by the blond woman's grandfather and snatched away.

It contains multiple terrifying magic circles, both offensive and defensive. Before it is defeated, it can be connected with the dark place. Moreover, there are endless dark creatures in the ancient palace. When it comes to an ancient world, darkness will Creatures will emerge one after another, causing the ancient world to flow like a river of blood.

Liu Shen took away the power of Nirvana hidden in the remains and stored it as a foundation. Afterwards, the two of them talked about the introduction of the ancient palace and went all the way to the center of the ancient world.

Here, three quasi-immortal kings stand tall, with more than a dozen powerful true immortals standing behind them. A towering ancient tree holds the sun, moon and stars. Under the leadership of these powerful men, a dragon-like tree stretches out. The branches bombarded the ancient palace that was about to arrive, trying to interfere with it.

However, the creatures that control the ancient palace are so powerful that they cannot be stopped even if the quasi-immortal kings and true immortals control the World Tree to kill them.


The darkness was overwhelming, covering the sky, and a splendid ancient palace exuded a bright fairy light. It was extremely sacred and gradually turned into reality. A terrifying aura filled the air, making even the quasi-immortal kings tremble and uneasy.

"Sure enough, the King of Darkness is about to come." A quasi-immortal king sighed.

Generally speaking, when dark creatures want to invade a certain world, they will send troops based on the situation in that world.

In this world like theirs, only one Tianyang King has emerged in the endless years. The rest either left this world and pursued the great road and disappeared without a trace, or they stayed to accumulate strength just like them.

In an ancient world where the most powerful person is only a quasi-immortal king, the dark creatures will send out a dark king to obliterate everything just in case.

Therefore, if the ancient world wants to survive this time, it must have the ability to resist the King of Darkness. Moreover, just resisting is useless, it must be repelled, otherwise it will be a waste of money to quench its thirst.

Therefore, the three quasi-immortal kings and a dozen true immortals came here with the determination to die.

Sensing the arrival of Chi Cang and Liu Shen, the eyes of the three quasi-immortal kings brightened slightly, as if they saw hope. For them, Chi Cang is the only ray of light in the darkness. If this world wants to be immortal, it must rely on it. Chi Cang has the ability to control heavenly punishment.

"Mu Jun has met two fellow Taoists." A quasi-immortal king said hello and began to describe the current situation.

“The other side of the ancient Jieyin Palace is immeasurably far away from the ancient world, so it spends so much time opening up the passage.

Although we tried our best to interfere during this process, we had little effect and had almost no effect.

In other words, the arrival of the ancient Jie Yin Palace is a foregone conclusion, and the next battle is related to the fate of hundreds of millions of creatures in the ancient world, as well as our lives.

If the guess is correct, a King of Darkness will appear. Defeating him will be the key to victory in this battle. When the time comes, we will have to rely on Fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor. "Mu Jun said sincerely.

Later, he explained to Chi Cang the dangers of competing with the King of Darkness.

Back then, after King Tianyang became the Immortal King, the three quasi-immortal kings had discussions with King Tianyang and were not completely ignorant of the realm of the Immortal King. Therefore, they truthfully informed Chi Cang of the danger.

"Although fellow Taoist can control the heavenly tribulation, what kind of existence is the Immortal King? If you walk out of one of them at will, you can be invincible. With your current Taoist behavior, you may be wiped out by the pressure released by the Immortal King and be wiped out."

"Yes, we won't force you to go or stay. It's all up to you to decide."

The three quasi-immortal kings sighed. They did not want to trick Chi Cang, a creature with such an extraordinary future, and who also aimed to suppress the darkness. It was a pity that such a person should not end up here.

"Even if the three fellow Taoists don't remind me of this, I know it. Thanks to the three fellow daoists for their honesty, I know it well." Chi Cang replied.

If he didn't have the body of the Immortal King, it would be impossible for him to take over this matter, because if the body was not strong enough, it would be impossible to fight against the King of Darkness, and a single collision would turn him into ashes.

Fortunately, he has the body of an Immortal King. When encountering a life or death crisis, the seal of the Immortal King's body will be unlocked, releasing terrifying power. This is Chi Cang's capital against the King of Darkness.

As for the soul, Chi Cang also has methods.

"In this case, we won't say anything more. We just hope that fellow Taoists can take care of themselves. On the battlefield in the future, supreme beings like you will be needed to destroy the darkness and create peace for all generations." Mu Jun, the quasi-immortal king, spoke earnestly. said.

Chi Cang nodded and had some good impressions of this ancient world. These quasi-immortal kings were all people with world-minded ambitions and high status. According to Liu Shen, such creatures would not survive in this ancient world leading to the world sea. There are very few on the road, almost none.

In a world where the strong are respected, strength is everything, but if you want to survive in a cruel world, you have to be selfish. If you don't do it for yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth.

Most of the creatures entrenched on this ancient road are like this. In order to evolve, they are willing to do whatever it takes.

"Then, the important task of taking charge of the World Tree will be handed over to fellow Taoists."

A quasi-immortal king spoke and gave up his position. Behind him, a towering ancient tree stood, with a leaf holding a star. The sky was filled with the energy of chaos, as if it could hold up the eternal blue sky.

Chi Cang nodded, stepped forward, stretched out his palm to touch the tall and majestic World Tree, and communicated with it.

In just an instant, World Tree recognized Chi Cang and was willing to be controlled by him. No outsider has ever been able to do this. A creature that was not born in this world can be directly accepted by World Tree.

The next moment, the Blazing Cang Yuan Shen glowed and connected with the World Tree. Suddenly, a wonderful feeling came to my heart. The tree trunks were as thick as dragons, the winding branches and the chaos energy lingering in it. The leaves have become an extension of Blazing Cang's body and sight, and he seems to have merged with the World Tree.

It is not easy to do this. The conditions required are extremely harsh. The World Tree must completely let go of its mind and let people control it.

Chi Cang did it. Through the World Tree, he touched the thousands of rules of the ancient world. Now, he can not only control the way of heaven's punishment, but also control countless rules of heaven and earth and use them to fight against the enemy.

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