The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 234 Darkness destroys the world

Thick roots take root in the universe, covering the sky. Under the control of Chi Cang, this world tree towers into the universe, and a single leaf can hold up the stars in the sky.

The bark of the old tree is cracked, filled with light and chaotic mist. The bark is like scales, with the atmosphere of creation, ancient and vicissitudes of life.

Wisps of complete avenue rules were released to suppress this place and interfere with the arrival of the glorious ancient palace.

Unfortunately, although this world tree is complete, it is still far from the truly powerful world tree in the ancient world. It is difficult to withstand this tyrannical ancient palace.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the sky, as if an ancient universe exploded. The universe was overturned, the sky collapsed, and the earth was torn apart. The entire ancient world was affected, as if it was about to turn over.

Chi Cang, Liu Shen, the three quasi-immortal kings, and a group of true immortals all looked solemn and stared at the sky intently.

The ancient Jieyin Palace, located in an unknown place, has truly opened the passage to this world and is about to arrive.

A majestic, terrifying, suffocating pressure and overwhelming oppression came, sweeping across the sky and the earth.

All creatures in this world feel heavy and difficult to breathe, and the premonition of impending disaster is extremely strong.

"What's going on? Is the end coming?" An unsuspecting monk covered his chest and said to himself with a pale face.

"Darkness will eventually destroy the earth, and everything will return to nothingness and fragmentation." An old man who knew the secrets could not bear the sense of oppression, coughing blood and lamenting.

At this moment, different creatures showed different appearances. Some were desperate, some were frightened, and some were hopeful.

Through the World Tree, Chi Cang was able to control thousands of avenues, and he had a panoramic view of all living beings. His face was cold and extremely serious.


The thunder in the sky was mighty, and the crimson lightning was like a real dragon, piercing the sky, dyeing the sky in the center of the ancient world red, as if the sky was bleeding.

What followed was an extremely suppressed destruction, the sky was roaring, the thunder was roaring, the world was destroyed and the world was punished.

This earth-shattering power of forbidden heavenly punishment shocked the three quasi-immortal kings present and couldn't help but tremble.

After walking out of the ancient world of the Immortal King, breaking through certain shackles, and being fed back by the Immortal King, he has grown a lot.

When Chi Cang exerted all his strength to activate the original symbols in the thunder pool, a bridge rose up between himself and the taboo heavenly punishment in the ancient world. His thoughts became lofty and transcendent, as if he were an omnipotent person. The ruler is the emperor and the king, who controls everything in the ancient world.

Those extremely violent and turbulent crimson thunders are the extension of Blazing Cang's limbs.

This state is extremely terrifying. As long as Chi Cang is willing, he can completely suppress the three quasi-immortal kings.

Of course, this is within the ancient world. Without the ancient world, Chi Cang cannot do this. After all, the power he shows relies on the entire ancient world. Without the ancient world, it would be like a rootless tree. At that time, he could only rely on himself.

"It's breathtaking..." Immortal King Mu Junzhun looked up at the sky, carefully sensing the destructive power released by Chi Cang, and couldn't help but sigh.

The surging thunder was like a stormy sea. Under this world-destroying thunder, the Quasi-Immortal King was like a small boat, swaying in the wind and rain on the waves.

"Okay! Good! Good! As expected of the Thunder Emperor, the Emperor of Thunder, the ancients have never deceived me." Another quasi-immortal king was inexplicably excited, thinking of the legend about the Thunder Emperor countless years ago.

He controls the thunder pool and executes the punishment for the heavens. Even an astonishing race like Lei Ling follows behind him. One can imagine his defiance of nature.

"There is hope. This feeling is just like the feeling Tianyang King gave me back then. He definitely has the combat power of the Immortal King level."

"Thanks to King Tianyang, after he became king and became the ancestor, he fed back the Mother Realm, which greatly improved this ancient world. Especially the last time, the Immortal King returned with obsession and integrated into the avenue of heaven and earth. The entire ancient world started an evolution. A feast that benefits heaven, earth and all spirits.

Without King Tianyang, this ancient world would never be as it is today, and the way of divine punishment would not be so powerful. "The quasi-immortal king sighed, his eyes full of hope, seeing possibility in Chi Cang.

"The way of attack is enough, the only thing we need to worry about is defense. How can my fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor, Dao Xing in the human realm, fight against the King of Darkness?

I have a piece of armor here, which is made from various immortal golds mixed with supreme immortal materials. It can protect the body and make it immortal. Fellow Taoist, take it and hope it can be helpful. "Mu Jun took out a pair of brilliant armor and handed it to Chi Cang. This was originally the armor he used for self-defense, but now, under special circumstances, he naturally has no selfish motives.

"I have a weapon here that can protect the soul. It is considered a high-quality weapon among the quasi-immortal kings. It has saved me many times. Fellow Taoist, you can put it on top of the soul." Another quasi-immortal king took out a soul Ling, the power of the soul fluctuates so vastly that just one look at it makes people fall deeply into it and unable to extricate themselves.

The third quasi-immortal king took out an ancient elixir. As soon as he took it out, there was an astonishing medicinal fragrance. There were Dao patterns on it, filled with the power of the rules of the Dao. There were faintly murmuring chants. The sound of sutra sounds.

This phenomenon appears on an elixir, and it looks miraculous no matter how you look at it, which is enough to show how extraordinary this elixir is.

"This is an ancient elixir I obtained from a ruins outside this ancient world. It seems to belong to Emperor Luo. It was refined by the Immortal King. It can protect people's lives. If you swallow it, fellow Taoist, it can save your life in dangerous moments. .”

Chi Cang looked at the treasure sent by the three quasi-immortal kings, smiled and shook his head.

"A few fellow Taoists are overthinking. Regarding the defense of the physical body and soul, I have my own means. I will not accept the armor and soul bell. The two fellow Taoists will need them later when they face the enemy.

However, this ancient elixir from the Emperor's Fall era might be able to play a huge role at a critical moment.

Of course, the premise is that it really has the heaven-defying effect that fellow Taoist said. "

After saying that, he took the magical ancient elixir, held it in his hand, and looked over it over and over. The sound of the scriptures reached his ears. In a trance, Chi Cang seemed to have glimpsed the mystery of life and death.

"Is that so? Since Fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor has such confidence, we can rest assured." Mu Jun nodded.

The quasi-immortal king who provided the Diluo Ancient Pill nodded affirmatively.

"I have studied the efficacy of this ancient elixir, and it is absolutely correct. Fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor, there is no need to worry."

Chi Cang nodded, and he also saw that this ancient elixir was not simple. Although he had a large amount of super thunder tribulation liquid, which could replenish his vitality at any time, facing a powerful opponent of the Immortal King level, it was impossible for the opponent to give him a chance to breathe. , the most taboo thing is to be killed instantly without even a chance to heal.

This kind of ancient elixir possesses the instantaneity that Thunder Tribulation Liquid does not have. Of course, the restorative effect of Thunder Tribulation Liquid is also unparalleled in the world. After all, it was refined by the Immortal King and contained the secret of life and death.

As he spoke, the passage above the sky exploded completely. In just a moment, the rules of the heaven and earth fell into chaos. The sun, moon and stars shook and became dim. The avenue was trembling, whimpering and wailing.

At the same time, the terrifying coercion rose to the extreme. Countless creatures in the vast ancient world could not bear it and shed blood on the spot. This was the King of Darkness unleashing his power without any scruples, and its power could be described as devastating. land.

This splendid ancient palace has truly arrived in this world. It hangs high in the center of the ancient world, with billions of chaotic silk ribbons hanging down. Each strand is extremely heavy, crushing the mountains and shattering the boundless earth.

It looks extremely sacred and brilliant, as if it is the residence of the gods, and has nothing to do with darkness.

However, this is all superficial. There are endless dark creatures hidden inside the ancient palace. Wherever they pass, not a blade of grass grows, and there is blood and water.


A sneer came from the ancient palace, resounding deep in the hearts of all living beings, extremely abrupt.

The three quasi-immortal kings and many true immortals were all terrified, their scalps were numb, and they felt an irresistible sense of powerlessness. They were convinced that the speaker was the dark king who controlled the ancient palace and opened a passage to kill him.

Chi Cang felt something in his heart and stared at the ancient palace. There seemed to be a pair of cold and ruthless eyes looking down at the earth.

"Darkness is the destination of all things in the world." The King of Darkness said indifferently.

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the dazzling ancient palace opened, and the power of darkness surged out like a tide, flooding the vast sky.

"Let the territory of darkness spread over every inch of this world." A dark quasi-immortal king roared, commanding a large number of dark creatures to attack the ancient world.


The dark creatures are endless, the black clouds are lingering, and the dark matter is surging, which makes people horrified. They avoid them like snakes and scorpions, not daring to provoke them at all.

That is one of the signs of darkness. Anyone who is infected by dark matter cannot escape disaster. In the end, the body will become a god.

Terrifying dark creatures rushed out from the Jieyin Ancient Palace like an overwhelming force, intending to destroy the world and turn it into a human purgatory.

The three quasi-immortal kings looked ugly, so it was naturally impossible for them to really let these creatures rush out.

However, before they could take action, terrifying forbidden thunderbolts descended from the sky, striking the dark creatures, causing them to vanish into ashes and disappear in an instant.

It was Chi Cang who took action, wiping out everything with his thunderous thunder. Even the Dark Quasi-Immortal King could not escape the disaster, and he did not even have time to grunt.

However, when those thunderbolts landed on the Jie Yin Ancient Palace, they disappeared like mud cows into the sea.


The darkness was hurt, and the King of Darkness in the ancient palace snorted coldly and stood up from sitting cross-legged.

The power of the Immortal King level shakes the heaven and the earth, the universe explodes, the stars fall, and the avenues of heaven and earth are wailing.

You can see a huge and suffocating dark shadow slowly walking out of the ancient palace.

This is an extremely terrifying creature. The power it releases can even interfere with time and space. A pair of eyes, high above, overlooking the world, there is no cruelty or madness as imagined, but only cold-bloodedness and ruthlessness.

Through this King of Darkness, we can see that civilization also exists in dark places, and not all of them are weird and terrifying.


Between heaven and earth, the rules of the great avenue were completely swept away. Even the ancient world itself sensed the huge crisis and responded.

It's a pity that the King of Darkness is too powerful, surrounded by dark laws, holding up a sky, and these laws of the avenue can't do anything to him.

"What a weak world, full of ants and insects." The King of Darkness glanced around and found that the strongest people in this world were just three quasi-immortal kings, which he could destroy with a flip of his hand. Therefore, he shook his head and sighed.

When he saw Blazing Cang, the King of Darkness' gaze suddenly stopped, and his eyes shone brightly, emitting brilliant light in the darkness.

"The sealed body of the Immortal King? Interesting."

The King of Darkness seemed to have spotted a prey and suddenly became interested.

The quasi-immortal king may not be able to see through the secrets hidden in Chi Cang's body, but the immortal king is different. How sharp is the spiritual sense of a strong man of this level? The body of the blazing Immortal King cannot be concealed.

"Were you the one who caused those thunders just now? It's very interesting. Follow me back to the darkness and give you the power of immortality." The King of Darkness said indifferently, actually trying to lure Chi Cang back into the darkness.

Chi Cang looked at him without any fear. Faced with the invitation from the King of Darkness, he had nothing to say.


Under Chi Cang's thoughts, the World Tree merged with the rules of the Heaven and Earth Avenue. The thick trunks grew wildly and broke through the sky, like real dragons shaking their heads and tails, killing the King of Darkness.

"hold head high!"

The loud roar of the dragon seemed to come from the long river of time, and it had a great majesty.

This is a blow that Chi Cang controls the World Tree and combines it with the True Dragon Treasure.

At the same time, red blood-colored thunder struck down like a downpour, densely packed without leaving any gaps, shrouding the King of Darkness.

Feeling the crisis, the Dark King no longer despised it, but became serious.

He didn't expect that this weak creature could trigger a world of heavenly punishment. In addition, the world tree controls thousands of fused avenues, which is enough to threaten him.


The forbidden thunder was extremely domineering, and together with the True Dragon tree trunk, it split the dense black mist around the King of Darkness, fell on his body, broke through the thick thorn armor, and injured his true body.

The blood of the Dark King drips and consumes endless stars. One drop of blood can destroy a large galaxy.

"You can actually hurt me? I can't remember the last time I was injured how many epochs ago." The Dark King said to himself indifferently. Although his words were calm, you could hear that he was very angry.


Without warning, the figure wrapped in dark matter suddenly stretched out its big hand, and suddenly grabbed the World Tree and Chi Cang. The terrifying fluctuations of the Immortal King series broke out in full force, and the entire ancient world was trembling, as if the next second It's about to fall apart.

This was a furious blow from the King of Darkness, which crushed billions of miles of starry sky and turned everything it passed into nothingness.


The trunk of the World Tree collapsed inch by inch, countless leaves turned into dust, and the sun, moon and stars supported on it also disappeared.

Chi Cang's body sensed the crisis of life and death, and a secret power belonging to the Immortal King awakened from the deepest part of the blood factor.


The seals on the body of the Immortal King were fully opened, and the physical power jumped up, reaching an unattainable realm.

In a daze, Chi Cang seemed to have returned to the Ancient Immortal Era and became the omnipotent Thunder Emperor.

However, his Yuan Shen did not have that kind of Dao Fruit, and appeared extremely weak in front of the Immortal King. He had already anticipated this, and his Yuan Shen entered the thunder pool early.

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