The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 235 Turning the Tide


Chi Cang also stretched out his big hand, stretching upward, covering billions of miles of void.

The five fingers are surrounded by crimson lightning of different shapes, including real dragons, real phoenixes, sword grass... and even a large millstone composed of six reincarnations, which rotate endlessly.

This is the result of the combination of various supreme secret techniques mastered by Chi Cang and the way of divine punishment, all integrated into this attack.

At the same time, Chi Cang threw the five previously sealed true immortals to World Tree, as well as a large amount of Super Thunder Tribulation Liquid to restore World Tree's vitality.

How terrifying is the angry strike from the King of Darkness? Even if the World Tree relies on thousands of avenues in the ancient world, it will be difficult to resist it. After all, it is limited by the strength of this world and cannot compare with the most powerful World Tree.

At this moment, more than half of the branches of the World Tree were shattered by the heavy blow of the Lord of Darkness. The canopy, which was originally an umbrella-like canopy, was directly hit with a palm print, and was filled with terrifying dark matter, which was extremely miserable.

The damage to the World Tree caused drastic changes in this ancient world. The rules of the avenue were trembling and wailing. Many monks were shocked to realize that the avenue they cultivated was broken, and the road ahead was long and turned into an abyss.

However, when World Tree received support from Chi Cang, it immediately got rid of its dying state and regained strength.

"Oh no!"

When the seal was lifted, True Immortal Xingyue didn't have time to rejoice, so he screamed in horror and misery, because the branches of the World Tree entangled him, wrapping him around and around, so solid that he couldn't even struggle a little. Less than.

At the same time, a feeling of weakness surged into his heart, which was the feeling of life passing away. It became stronger and stronger. The origin of the immortal law that he was proud of was dissipating at an alarming speed.

The initiator of all this is the branches of the World Tree.

The other four true immortals were similar. When they really faced death and fall, even the true immortals could not calmly deal with it, and they all fell into panic and regret.

It should be understood that if there is no interference from external forces, as immortal beings and immortals, they can remain immortal and live forever. Even if the world collapses and the immortal material is exhausted, they can still rely on their own immortal origins to survive.

But now, this most important thing is moving away bit by bit, being taken away by the World Tree where they used to live together. What kind of hatred is this in life?

"No, I am Mi Tianxian, one of the guardians of this world. How can you do this?"

The five true immortals were all roaring hysterically, with ferocious and terrifying expressions, but it was useless. Even if they had interacted with World Tree before, it would not have any effect at this moment.

Because the World Tree at this time completely trusted Chi Cang and was controlled by his thoughts.

It didn't take long for the five true immortals to be devoured completely. They were originally full of flesh and blood, but now they were all skin and bones, with sunken eye sockets, and their fitted Taoist robes became loose and fell off.

Then, the strong wind blew by, and the five mummies scattered with the wind and turned into ashes.

A generation of true immortals has ruled the vast land for endless years and is respected by all living beings. However, the final ending is like this, which makes people sigh.


When the true immortal body died, the heaven and earth reacted, which was countless times more majestic than the heavenly crying vision that appeared when the supreme body died. However, the next second, these visions were shaken away by the shaking branches and leaves of the World Tree. It was as if it had never appeared.

The World Tree swallowed up the immortal path origins of five true immortals, as well as a large amount of Super Thunder Tribulation Liquid, and the lost vitality was immediately replenished.


Countless lightnings climbed up the branches of the World Tree and merged with every leaf. Those parts eroded by the dark matter were even more sparkling with lightning and filled with taboo aura.

The extremely difficult dark matter seemed to have met its natural enemy. It was defeated in front of this terrifying taboo punishment and was wiped out without a trace.

The World Tree was so powerful that the damaged tree crown was instantly replaced, and its whole body was wrapped with blood-red lightning, as if it was covered with a layer of blood-colored lightning.

It didn't stop and immediately headed towards the dark hand above the sky to kill.

In this instant, Blazing Cang's big hand collided with the Dark King's big hand, making a huge collision sound.


The void collapsed countless times in an instant, chaotic energy surged into the sky, and where the two big hands collided, everything was beaten into nothingness.


The next moment, Chi Cang's palm retreated, blood spurted out from his pores, and he couldn't stop it, and blood rained from the sky.

Although the Dark King's palm is also retreating, it can be clearly seen that Chi Cang is invincible.

There is no way, there is still a big gap between the two. Although Chi Cang has the body of the Immortal King, he does not have the matching spirit of the Immortal King. Now, his spirit is just the pinnacle of the human realm and is inferior to the Immortal King. There are too many. If there is no thunder pool to protect the soul, Chi Cang may turn into a walking corpse in the moment of the confrontation, and the soul cannot hold on at all.

"But you have the body of a king, but you dare to compete with me?" The Dark King said coldly, attacking again, not giving Chi Cang a chance to breathe.

Chi Cang felt severe pain in his palms. Even if his soul was hiding in the thunder pool, it was still affected. He had a splitting headache and almost exploded.

Regarding all this, Chi Cang was not surprised at all. His opponent was a genuine Immortal King. Even in his heyday, he had to devote all his strength to compete with him, let alone now?

"Immortal King, it's so scary." He couldn't help but sigh, but Chi Cang was not afraid.

What are the ten evils? They are ruthless characters who are not as powerful as the Immortal King, but are as powerful as the Immortal King. Each one has its own special skills. If any random creature can match the ten ferocious characters, this famous title will lose its meaning.

Kunpeng's extreme speed, the berserk transformation of the Skyhorned Ants... are all taboo methods for them to fight against the Immortal King, and Chi Cang also has the same.

"The Emperor of Thunder..."

Chi Cang silently whispered in his heart, this is the ultimate secret of the Thunder Emperor's treasure technique, controlling thunder slave electricity and transforming into the absolute master of the thunder path, which shocked the past and the present.


The sky thunder rolled, the universe was majestic, and the true form of Chi Cang rose from the ground, turning into a thunder giant, towering into the vast universe, so huge that it towered over the sky and the earth. The entire ancient world's path of divine punishment surrounded him, and the dazzling The bright thunder is enough to illuminate the past, present and future.

Countless creatures looked up at the sky, shocked beyond measure and speechless.

"Lei Zhongdi, this is the Lei Zhongdi who appears to punish the darkness and restore light to the world." Many people showed their fanatical eyes. In the desperate situation, a supreme Thunder Emperor appeared in the world and attacked the darkness. King, turn the tide.

At this moment, Chi Cang's state has reached its peak, and his control over the ancient world's punishment has reached an unparalleled level.

His eyes were deep and sharp, and he controlled a realm of heavenly punishment to attack the King of Darkness.

The body of the Immortal King is dazzling, the way of heaven's punishment is lingering, and the forbidden thunder is added to his body. The current Chi Cang, except for the weakness of his soul, is not weaker than the Immortal King in other aspects.


Chi Cang shouted loudly, shocking the past and present, and the river of time was boiling.

"You have some skills, but they still can't hide your flaws." The King of Darkness' eyes flickered, and the power that Chi Cang burst out moved him. However, it was not to the level of shock. After all, Chi Cang has a weak soul. of this weakness.

The soul that has not reached the immortal realm is completely useless in the battle between the immortal kings, almost equivalent to nothing.

Originally, Blazing Light relied on the power of the body and would be crushed by the King of Darkness. The monk's combat power was reflected in the soul, body and avenue. If he wanted to exert his strongest state, the soul and body needed to be united. , spurring the avenue together.

If you only rely on one of the soul or the physical body, it will be more than a step weaker.

However, Chi Cang controls this world's Heavenly Punishment Avenue through the transformed Lei Chi, which is equivalent to relying on the power of a world. Only in this way can he make up for this shortcoming and fight against the Immortal King.

Chi Cang also knows this, so he needs to fight quickly. If it drags on, he will definitely lose. Even with the protection of the thunder pool, the soul cannot sustain it. He will definitely be the one who dies first.


An earth-shattering collision broke out, and the Godless Lord in the blazing thunderous path fought a life-and-death fight with the equally huge and boundless King of Darkness.

In just an instant, boundless cracks appeared in the starry sky, and all the stars turned into powder, without exception. The galaxies were destroyed and dimmed, and everything affected by the war became nothingness.

Chaos haze spewed out, and the void was destroyed and regenerated. Everything seemed to be brought back to its original point, and then the world was opened up again.

This is a battle in the realm of the Immortal Kings. The three quasi-immortal kings cannot intervene at all. They cannot even get close and will be destroyed to dust.

Only the World Tree is qualified to take action. It is controlled by the blazing thoughts. Its endless branches tower into the starry sky. The power of the world's rules spreads and thousands of avenues bloom, forming a terrifying field that envelopes the battlefield of the two powerful men. Use all your strength to interfere with the Lord of Darkness.


Chi Cang was severely injured and coughed up blood. His eyes dimmed in an instant and he lost his energy. This was the result of the Dark King's fierce attack on his soul.

The war in the realm of the Immortal King is like this. Any flaw will be infinitely magnified. The Dark King is not a fool. He pursues Chi Cang's weakness, pursues him fiercely, and takes advantage of his illness to kill him.

Even if there is a thunder pool to protect the soul, the soul is soaked in the Thunder Tribulation Liquid, and surrounded by infinite vitality, it cannot resist the Dark King's attack. Chicang's current soul is too weak, not even a true immortal, and it is like a ghost in front of the Immortal King. Ants.

However, Chi Cang is not a vegetarian. The field released by the World Tree and the powerful branches that combine the rules of the avenue and the taboo heavenly punishment constantly interfere with the movements of the King of Darkness. Chi Cang's own Thunder Emperor Law holds billions of thunder in his hands. Fighting with all his strength, the King of Darkness was unable to resist for a while. The black mist on his body was shattered, and the spikes on his body were cracked, and dark black liquid splashed out. That was his blood, containing curses and ominousness. One drop can infect a vast galaxy.


When Chi Cang stepped back and his eyes were blank, the King of Darkness was also robbed. One of his arms was almost torn off by Chi Cang, and the blood of darkness fell like a torrential rain.

He staggered backwards, black blood splattered all over the sky, and in his face covered by the dark substance, his indifferent, cold-blooded eyes were full of disbelief.

It was simply unbelievable that a creature who was not the Immortal King could hurt him to this extent. In the long years of his life, he had never encountered such a situation.


The sound of thunder interrupted the Dark King's thoughts, and Chi Cang recovered, his eyes regained their brilliance, but they were obviously not as radiant as they were at the beginning.

He had the sky above his head, stepped down into the nine secluded places, gathered hundreds of millions of sky thunders in his palms, and chopped down the ominous blood dropped by the King of Darkness.

"Everything within the reach of the thunder will be destroyed."


Every drop of dark blood is streaked with a bright, red lightning, destroying all the dark matter inside, leaving endless essence that flows into the void of the universe.

Seeing the black blood dripping from his body being struck drop by drop, the dark matter inside disappeared into thin air, as if he was cleaning up garbage. The King of Darkness' pupils shrank, and the black mist on his body surged violently.

Clearly, he was angry.

"Destroy this world, plunder all life essence, and leave no trace behind." The Dark King said indifferently, as if he was pronouncing the fate of this ancient world from a high position.

After the words fell, the ancient palace opened wide, and the roar shook the sky. It seemed that an army of darkness was ready to attack, and it had been waiting for a long time.

"Fellow Taoists, the moment of life and death for this world has arrived." Immortal King Mu Junzhun spoke out, already covered with brilliant armor.

The other two quasi-immortal kings stood side by side with him, and more than a dozen true immortals had solemn expressions on their faces, with fighting intentions rising into the sky. A life-and-death battle was about to begin.

Liu Shen, fluttering in white clothes, is independent and aloof from the world. He stands with them to fight against the army of darkness.

In the ancient world, many true immortals who were hesitant and hesitant saw an outsider like Chi Cang fighting against the King of Darkness for the safety of the ancient world. They were all inspired and inspired, and decided to stay and participate in the war.

In the vast ancient land, some true immortals who had been hidden in the general situation awakened from their state of wandering in the twilight realm. From time to time, true immortal energy burst out and rushed to the battlefield in the center of the ancient world for reinforcements.

Yi Liangtian was also there. He had settled down his family and came to fulfill the karma agreement he had made with Chi Cang. He wanted to be at the forefront of the true immortals and wash away his mistakes with the blood of the Dark Immortal.

Zhuang Qing, the only remaining guardian of the Guxuan Divine Kingdom, was also among the true immortals who rushed to the rescue. He killed some important figures among the five major forces and was closely related to the five deceased true immortals. As for the others, he did not Killer.

Winner or loser, those creatures at the bottom have no faults to begin with, so killing them without any gain will not bring any benefit at all.

The people who come are not only true immortals, but also supreme beings, sect leaders and other levels of beings. They know that when darkness comes, all the beings in the ancient world are like grasshoppers on a rope. We must win this battle, otherwise we can only wait for the dark massacre.

Most of the creatures knew the verdict of the King of Darkness, and the killing intent made the whole world tremble and tremble.

"Darkness is the destination of all souls." The leader of the dark army, a dark creature at the level of a quasi-immortal king, said indifferently, commanding the army behind him to charge in all directions.

"Don't even think about it."

The three quasi-immortal kings took action to seal the void where the dark army was, banish it, and transfer the battlefield to the endless dimensional turbulence.

Of course, this method is nothing more than drinking poison to quench thirst. For the dark quasi-immortal king, it only takes a moment to get out of the turbulent flow of the void. The only way is to truly defeat or resist them.

Update on the 11th.

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