The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 243 The Mystery of Life and Death

"Is it just a giant?" Xiaota asked doubtfully after hearing Liu Shen's judgment and Chi Cang's sigh.

The stone pillars standing around the altar clearly indicate that there are Immortal King-level powerful men in the mother realm of the altar builder.

It can be seen from the original flame of the Immortal King that has been burning for eternity in front of the altar that the creatures in this world must be capable of fighting and powerful. Otherwise, it would be impossible to capture the Immortal King.

In such a powerful ancient world, it would be unreasonable to say that the entire world would worship a supreme being, just a giant.

Hearing this, Liu Shen and Chi Cang looked at each other and did not answer immediately.

When they browsed those pictures and carvings earlier, they realized that a civilization with an Immortal King built an altar to worship a supreme being. They could not imagine how terrifying this supreme being was.

Liu Shen's guess that Jiuyou Zhan is a giant is just a conservative estimate. In fact, the realm and combat power of the Jiuyou Zhan stone statue itself should be no weaker than that of the giant.

Suddenly, an idea suddenly appeared in the minds of several people, and they couldn't help but feel frightened.

"Is it possible that this Jiuyou Zhan is a quasi-immortal emperor?" Chi Cang asked, shocked by his own words.

"How is that possible?" He then said with self-doubt.

Quasi-immortal emperor, that is a realm that countless immortal kings can only dream of. Throughout the ages and endless epochs, only one lord of heaven has succeeded, while the rest have failed.

Suddenly, I received a piece of information that the ancestor of the Jiuyouzhan clan was a quasi-immortal emperor. No one could believe it.

"The water in this world is too deep, and the long river of time is flowing. In that remote and ancient upstream, there must have been many strong men who shocked the world and wept ghosts and gods.

It’s just that the merciless years have erased the remaining traces, and future generations will not know the major events of the past.

Even in the relatively recent era of Emperor Luo, many things have become blurred now. Perhaps in a few eras, Emperor Luo will be buried in the long river of history and will no longer be mentioned by the world. Liu Shen said with a sigh.

Why do some people say "Nothing in this world is eternal"? It is because time is so ruthless that it never stops for anyone. All civilizations will be destroyed into ruins after their glory and splendor, and time will bury everything.

"So, the owner of this Nine Nether Stone Statue is really a quasi-immortal emperor?" The small tower was glowing with light, and it could be seen that its heart was very uneasy.

If this guess is true, it is really earth-shattering. A quasi-immortal emperor is enough to overthrow everything in the world and be invincible in the past, present and future. For most people, this is a realm that exists in legends. It is awe-inspiring at the same time. It’s also desirable.

Liu Shen shook his head and denied this speculation.

"It shouldn't be less than the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to climb to the top of the altar with the pressure. A creature of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor's level, even if the stone statue is cracked and broken, is unimaginable.

Of course, it is probably not far away from the real quasi-immortal emperor. This is consistent with the fact that all immortal kings worship it.

It should be noted that the Immortal King is a field with a wide span. Even giants may not be invincible among the Immortal Kings. Among them, there are also ancient world giants, world sea giants, etc.

According to the description of the stone pillar carvings, their mother realm does not have too many immortal king-level creatures, because the interface scale is limited, such as the mother realm of Tianyang King. The limitations of heaven and earth have meant that only one statue has emerged from this realm in endless years. The powerful Immortal King.

However, this is not absolute. Although some ancient worlds are small, they are the strongest who have stepped out of the invincible sea of ​​worlds.

Generally speaking, interface factors still have a great impact on monks.

In addition, this world often fights with other ancient worlds, and the Immortal Kings are destined to fight hard, and losses are inevitable. Unlike the original Nine Heavens, Immortal Realm, and Foreign Realm, there is enough time to accumulate an astonishing number of Immortal Kings.

Under such circumstances, for the safety of the Mother Realm, it is normal for the whole world to worship a supreme Immortal King. "

"The Supreme Immortal King?" Xiaota, Six Paths of Reincarnation, including Chi Cang, are all unfamiliar with the field of "The Supreme Immortal King".

The former two are because the body is incomplete and the memory has not been restored, and the latter is because the strength has never touched that level, which is too far away.

At his peak, Chi Cang could fight against the Immortal King, but if he faced the senior Immortal King, he would be a little powerless. After all, he had shortcomings and flaws in his soul.

Facing the top Immortal King, giants, etc., Chi Cang is even more unbeatable, the gap is too big, let alone the top Immortal King.

"The Supreme Immortal King is almost the pinnacle of the Immortal King in the true sense. He is much more powerful than the giant. He can subdue the giant with just one face-to-face meeting.

For example, the Pu Demon King we killed together with the True Dragon Taoist Fellow was considered a leader among the giants, but if he competed with the Supreme Immortal King, he would definitely be crushed.

The creatures at this level have reached the end of the Immortal King, and the next step is to consider defeating the King and becoming an Emperor.

In comparison, the giants and even the Immortal Kings below are far behind.

Although the immortal king creatures have their own pride, each of them is the strongest in a period of time, but according to the situation of endless battles in this world at that time, it is not incomprehensible to worship the supreme immortal king. "Liu Shen gave a detailed explanation.

"That's it." Xiaota and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk suddenly realized.

If this Jiuyou Zhan really is a quasi-immortal emperor, perhaps the broken stone statue could shock the real immortal to death.

Chi Cang showed a thoughtful look on his face.

"The Supreme Immortal King is so powerful that his stone statue is broken. What happened to this powerful Jiuyou Zhan? Has he fallen?"

He murmured to himself, feeling doubtful. He always felt that this stone statue was not simple.

All living beings chant the Immortal King's true name and worship the Immortal King's statue, which can strengthen the Immortal King's spirit and speed up his practice. At the same time, the Immortal King's own state will also be reflected on the statue.

Generally speaking, when the Immortal King is robbed, the statues associated with him will be cracked.

The stone statue of Jiuyouzhao in front of him has split eyebrows and vertical eyes. There is a black line that bisects the vertical eyes from the center. There are many cracks in the scales all over the body, especially a super large crack that runs through the waist and almost cuts it off at the waist. , In addition, three of the nine ferocious tails behind Jiuyou Zhan lost their heads and fell on the altar, full of gravel and stone chips.

From an objective point of view, with the stone statue damaged like this, the owner of the stone statue, that is, the Jiuyou Zhan who ascended to the top of the Immortal King, should no longer be alive, and his body and soul have disappeared.

However, this stone statue is very strange. It is obviously cracked so seriously, but it is still exuding the unparalleled power of the Immortal King. When Chi Cang and the others reached the top, they suffered extremely terrifying pressure, which even a true immortal would have difficulty surviving.

It was as if there was a living immortal king releasing his power and pressure without any scruples.

Chi Cang is not sure whether the owner of the stone statue is still alive. He prefers to be alive. Although there is no actual evidence to support this feeling, Chi Cang has a premonition in his heart.

"Liu Shen, do you think it is still alive?" Chi Cang asked Liu Shen, wanting to hear her opinion.

"The stone statue is broken, which means that the Nine Nether Dragon has been robbed. There is a high probability that it was besieged by a powerful enemy and died." Liu Shen thought for a while and said this.

"Could it be that the statue was broken because it tried to defeat the king and become an emperor?" Chi Cang asked.

"It is also possible that it is very dangerous to defeat a king and become an emperor. I have seen supreme beings prepare for this for dozens of epochs, but in the end, they fell short and were turned into ashes on the spot.

Any creature that attempts this will either die or be injured. Even if it is lucky enough to survive, it will take a long time to cultivate. Liu Shen replied.

"So, the reason why the ancient world was destroyed was because Jiuyou Zhan, who was in the realm of the ultimate Immortal King, attacked the Quasi-Immortal Emperor and suffered severe damage, unable to respond to his prayers. This led to the destruction of their ancient world?" Xiaota reacted.

"Not necessarily, what we are talking about now is just speculation." Chi Cang's eyes flickered, staring at the Jiuyou Stone Statue.

"But, if this is really the case, this Nine Nether Dragon might still be alive." He thought thoughtfully.

If what Jiuyou Zhan encountered was not the siege of a powerful enemy but the result of his defeating the king and becoming the emperor, then it might still be alive. So, at this time, has it broken into that realm?

When he thought of this, Chi Cang suddenly shuddered for no reason.

His eyes instantly became serious. As a monk who was comparable to a true immortal, shivering was not a good sign.

"A bit evil."

Chi Cang's heart palpitated as he thought of many possibilities. Finally, he changed the topic and no longer discussed the taboo field of Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

"We can't move the stone statue. There is a huge cause and effect. The only valuable thing that can be taken away from the top of the altar is the half of the incense. Maybe there is some shocking secret hidden in it. Don't miss it."

Chi Cang spoke and decided to return. The Jiuyou Stone Statue was a bit strange, so it was better not to move it.

Naturally, Liu Shen had no objection. Her spiritual sense was very keen, and she also felt strange when facing the stone statue.

They did not stay, and returned the same way. When they came to the ancient desk, Chi Cang let go of his defenses and walked over step by step. He wanted to take away the half of the incense that had not yet been burned out.

Since it is an incense used to communicate with the Nine Nether Dragon, it is naturally very important.

Soon, Chi Cang stood in front of the desk and stretched out his hand towards an antique stove. The whole process was calm and nothing unusual happened.

Finally, Chi Cang took away half of the incense remaining in the stove, held it in his palm, and returned to Liu Shen.

He breathed a sigh of relief, put the incense away, and would explore it later.

Then, the two of them walked side by side down the Tongtian Altar and came to the two quietly burning fires.

This time, it is impossible to be as calm and peaceful as when I took the incense, because this is the genuine original fire of the Immortal King. It is peaceful on the surface, but turbulent on the inside, containing the vast and majestic power belonging to the Immortal King.

Chi Cang did not go to get it right away, but took out a lot of fairy materials on the spot, including all kinds of fairy gold. Colorful fairy gold, bright fairy gold, void fairy gold, etc. are all top-notch materials.

He sat cross-legged on the spot, spit out a mouthful of flames as red as blood, and performed sacrifices on these materials.

"Liu Shen, come here too and give me a helping hand."

Chi Cang said, in order to save time and refine the immortal materials as soon as possible, he asked Liu Shen, Xiaota, Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, etc. to help.

Liu Shen nodded, came to a place very close to Chi Cang, sat down cross-legged, stood opposite Chi Cang, breathed out the original fire, and together with Chi Cang's flame, refined these suspended fairy materials.

Seeing this situation, Xiaota secretly laughed, and summoned the six reincarnation disks to take action together, lowering the chaotic fairy light to help Chi Cang.


These immortal materials were trembling. Under the combined efforts of the two people and two weapons, the Tao inside them was quickly refined, and the whole thing had a tendency to melt.

The unique principles of various immortal materials are intertwined to create powerful secret powers.

Under Chi Cang's control, the fairy material split into two groups, slowly deformed in the flames and chaotic fairy light, and the shape of the ancient lamp slowly emerged.

At the end, two ancient lamps with extraordinary aura were formed, and the aura of immortality overflowed from them. Obviously, they had reached the level of immortal weapons.

The whole process took ten days. If not for the joint efforts of several people, it might have taken even longer.

"Although it's just an immortal weapon, the materials used are extraordinary and should be able to carry the Immortal King's fire." Chi Cang said to himself.

After refining two ancient lamp containers, Chi Cang no longer hesitated and set off immediately.

He asked Liu Shen, Xiao Pagoda, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk to stay away from this place, keeping a safe enough distance, and then stepped towards a ball of Immortal King's fire.

The pure and bright firelight is quiet and gentle. The closer you get, the more warm you feel, making people drowsy.

Chi Cang's eyes were heavy and his skin was tight, ready to deal with possible accidents at any time.

He came to the fire without experiencing any twists and turns. At this moment, the origin of the Immortal King was within reach. It was floating in the deepest part of the fire, shining brightly like the stars in the sky.

Chi Cang took a deep breath and reached out to grab the core object.


As soon as his palm reached into the flame, he made a terrifying sound. Chi Cang felt like a mortal putting his flesh and blood body into the fire, and waves of severe pain came from his hand.

The skin was burnt black and the flesh and blood were blurred. Chi Cang could even see his white bones transforming into black charcoal.

He sucked in a breath of air. The fire was indeed extremely dangerous. It seemed calm, but it didn't explode even when he was so close. However, when he reached in, it burned his palm directly.

Fortunately, at the next moment, the body of the Immortal King was activated, and the potential and Tao Fruit hidden in the deepest part of the flesh and blood released great power, resisting the erosion of the Immortal King's fire.

Chi Cang did not dare to delay, and quickly went deep, grabbing the origin of the Immortal King that shone like a star, then grabbed it out and put it into the ancient fairy lamp that had been prepared.


The Immortal King's fire trembled wildly and exploded in the ancient lamp, making a terrible explosion. The whole ancient lamp was shaking violently, as if it would collapse in the next second.

This scene only lasted for a while, and then the fire calmed down and burned quietly in the ancient lamp.

The Immortal King's everlasting lantern is completed in this way.

Chi Cang followed suit and put the second ball of Immortal King's flame into the second ancient lamp.

Soon after, two ancient lamps were held in his palms and completely refined. The original burning fire of the Immortal King and the laws of the ancient lamps themselves were well integrated. The controller only needed a slight push to release them. The terrifying power of this kind of artifact is revealed.

"These two ancient lamps are so powerful that they are two great killers." Xiao Pagoda and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk sighed. In terms of power alone, they have surpassed them.

Chi Cang was very satisfied and handed the one in his right hand to Liu Shen, which happened to be one for each person.

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