After doing all this, Chi Cang and Liu Shen once again stood in front of the stone pillars and interpreted the carvings on the stone pillars.

Finally, they found a key adjective, which was the honorific title given to Jiuyou Zhan by all the spirits in the ancient world.

"Creation God."

Chi Cang murmured to himself, as if he saw the grand scene of endless creatures worshiping the Jiuyouzhao statue standing on the altar.

This title is undoubtedly the greatest affirmation of the strength of the Nine Nether Beast.

The word "Creation" is ancient and mysterious, and means a lot. Chi Cang even suspects that the mother realm of these altar builders was opened by the most powerful Jiuyou Zhan. Otherwise, why would it be called so?

Thinking of the weird stone statue, Chi Cang no longer thought about the whereabouts of the Jiuyou Zhan. He sighed, maybe only by reaching the level of the Lord of Heaven can he be qualified to understand these taboo secrets.

The two left this majestic altar and returned to the land shrouded in chaos and mist.

In the distance, there are dark shadows, all towering into the clouds. They are somewhat similar to the altar that Chi Cang and the others are on, but they are all blurry and cannot be seen clearly.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen decided to explore one by one. Perhaps every huge black shadow is such an altar.

The one they explored enshrined a terrifying Nine Nether Dragon, and other altars might enshrine other powerful beings.

The two of them stood side by side, their bodies shrouded in hazy light, opening up a piece of pure land, isolating the terrifying pressure from the outside world.

The fairy mist was shrouded, with occasional thunder flashing in it. Two slender figures walked through the extremely harsh environment, but they walked on the ground as if they were true immortals coming to the world.

They walked forward on foot, like devout pilgrims, slowly approaching a "giant mountain" that was no less large than the altar where the Jiuyouzu stone statue was located.

During this process, neither Chi Cang nor Liu Shen felt the huge pressure belonging to the Immortal King, and the journey was uneventful.

The two looked at each other and communicated in their eyes.

"Isn't this huge black shadow an altar and has some other purpose? Or is it just an altar, but the creatures enshrined on the altar are completely dead and the stone statues are broken into pieces without releasing any pressure?" Chi Cang asked himself doubtfully, only these two possible.

They quickened their pace and quickly came to the "Juyue". A majestic and majestic altar lay in front of them, towering into the sky, like a star-catching tower.

Judging from the specifications, it is no worse than the one dedicated to Jiuyou Zhan. It is definitely on the same level.

However, the current situation of this altar is obviously not as good as before. It does not exude the great pressure belonging to the Immortal King, nor does it have the original fire of the Immortal King that burns for eternity.

Here, there is an atmosphere of antiquity and time. Walking on the steps of the altar, every step you take will leave a distinct footprint on the ground.

As time passed, the altar lost its magic and was left unattended. Over time, it became covered with dust, not only the steps but also the stone pillars at the entrance to the altar.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen walked among these towering stone pillars, blowing away the dust on the surface of the stone pillars, and looking at the patterns and ancient texts engraved on them.

Under Chi Cang's explanation, Liu Shen also gained some understanding of the ancient characters of this civilization and no longer knew anything about it.

Just like the Jiuyouzu Altar, the stone pillars here also record some important events in the home world of the altar builder. There is no image of the owner of the altar on the engraving, which is easy to understand.

What they enshrine is the most powerful person, a supreme being, and a taboo. Naturally, it is impossible to engrave his image on a stone pillar casually.

At most, it is mentioned in the form of ancient characters, such as the "Creation God" that appears on the stone pillars of the Jiuyouzhan Altar.

Although the two of them cannot understand all the ancient characters of this civilization, it is enough to vaguely understand half of them.

"The God of Killing."

Liu Shen whispered and saw the key point.

"Jiuyouzhan is the God of Creation. What kind of ancient race is this God of Killing?" Chi Cang was very curious.

"The altar is so desolate, which means that the God of Slaughter is completely dead. Compared with the two, the Nine Nether Dragon makes people think deeply." From the brilliance of the Dharma behind God Liu, came heard the sound of Xiaota.

Everyone was lost in thought. The scale of the altar can intuitively reflect the power of the creatures being worshiped. From this point of view, the combat power of the God of Creation and the God of Slaughter should be similar. However, after endless years, the difference between the two altars is so different. It's so big, which seems to imply something.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

They got the information they wanted and knew the title of the supreme being enshrined in this altar, so they stopped lingering and stepped upward towards the top of the altar.

Soon we reached the top.

It was also an altar standing in the clouds. Its layout and structure were no different from the one they explored before.

The sacrificial pool was full of ashes, and the table with the incense burner was filled with the scent of sandalwood.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen came closer and found no unburned incense in the incense burners.

Then, they crossed these places and walked to the flat square. As the most important place, it was also covered with dust.

Looking back, there are two lines of faint footprints stretching into the distance.

The two came to the place that symbolized the supremacy and saw the stone statue of the so-called "God of Killing".

Different from the cracks and small-scale damage of Jiuyouzhao, this powerful god of killing has been shattered into pieces. The whole body collapsed and turned into a pile of rubble, covered with dust.

It is hard to imagine that the owner of this stone statue was once a supreme being in the realm of the Immortal King.

Era after era passed, the supreme powerful man who once dominated the heaven and earth, known as the "God of Slaughter", ended up being so desolate, with the stone statues covered with dust, which made people sigh and lament.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen looked at each other and stepped forward to take a closer look at the fragments of the stone statues.

They saw fragments in the shape of claws, scales, feathers, fangs and other shapes, which showed that the race of the owner of the stone statue was not human.

Because the damage was so serious, many places were completely shattered, and Chi Cang and Liu Shen were unable to restore it. Therefore, the race to which this "God of Slaughter" belonged was destined to remain a mystery and would never be known to anyone.

The two of them no longer try to recover. The ancient years and the supreme past have fallen, so let them pass with the wind in silence.

They walked through every corner of the altar, looking for precious things that might be left behind.

In the end, only an indestructible stone was found among the ashes of the sacrificial pool.

Needless to say, this must have been the stone excavated by the builder of the altar, which was used as a tribute and offered to the God of Slaughter. However, the God of Slaughter died before he could take it away.

Leaving the altar, the two of them walked towards another huge black shadow.

As expected, this is also an altar. Compared with the previous two, the specifications are similar, and the condition is the same as the one dedicated to the God of Slaughter. It is also covered with dust and does not have a strong coercion.

"The God of Time."

They were all surprised when they found the title of the owner of this place on the stone pillar.

Time is a powerful law. In history, the most powerful men who are proficient in this law have almost all left a great reputation and a glorious life.

For example, the Infinite Immortal King of the original Nine Heavens controls the Infinite Bell, enters foreign lands, and destroys royal families and royal families. As if he is in an uninhabited land, he can cut off the long river of time with a single strike.

Another example is the ferocious immortal king known as the beast of time - the Red King. This is an immortal giant, terrifying and boundless. He once commanded the fierce soldier Red King Furnace and took away an immortal king from the Nine Heavens. It can be said that he has a fierce reputation. Hehe.

Here, a God of Time actually appeared. Judging from the God of Creation and the God of Killing, "God" was the supreme title in that era.

In other words, the God of Time can be regarded as the most powerful person in the Law of Time.

It's a pity that the creature that controls time finally comes to an end in the long river of time and perishes into dust.

When Chi Cang and Liu Shen climbed to the top of the altar, what they saw was a pile of debris. The God of Time did not know what kind of disaster he had suffered, and the statue was so completely shattered.

They searched the altar again and found some strange materials, which contained the laws of time. They are still well preserved to this day.

God Blazing Willow is not surprised by this result, because this is only an altar to worship these supreme beings, not a permanent place for the supreme beings. The things they can find are nothing more than the things enshrined by the builders of the altar.

If they were exploring the relics left by these supreme beings, they would definitely gain more than that.

Next, Blazing Willow God explored other black shadows shrouded in the mist of chaos.

Without exception, they are altars, each dedicated to a supreme god.

From the God of Creation, God of Slaughter, and God of Time at the beginning, to later the God of Space, Moon God, Sun God, Blood God, etc.

The number of "gods" is staggering, reaching more than double digits.

Comparing the scale of the altars to which they belong, the conclusion is extremely shocking. Most of them are existences of the level of the Supreme Immortal King.

This result is heart-stopping and makes people think about it.

The gods stand in the clouds, high above, holding all kinds of power, overlooking the vast world. What kind of magnificent era was that?

The most terrifying thing is that this is only the supreme existence worshiped by the creatures in this world.

Judging from the endless battles in this world, they also have many opponents. How could the ancient world, which they regard as their opponents, have no backers?

Looking at it this way, that era was so wild and terrifying.

Liu Shen felt this the most deeply.

In the era after the fall of the emperor, the strongest people from all realms entered the realm sea, and the strongest group of people disappeared for hundreds of thousands of years.

This resulted in ordinary giants being able to dominate the ancient world and claim to be invincible.

Unlike the era in which these altars were located, there were swarms of supreme immortal kings, gods and demons fighting in chaos, and it was bright and glorious.

Everyone's mood is hard to calm down.

If we hadn't found such an ancient road buried in endless chaos by coincidence, how could we have known that there was a glorious era where gods competed for hegemony a long time ago?

"The era of chaos between gods and demons is really terrible." Xiaota sighed.

This is much more terrifying than the fight for hegemony and the golden age within the ancient world.

The Immortal King is the strongest person in an ancient world for a period of time, let alone the top Immortal King.

When these creatures fight fiercely, all the heavens will be sunk.

"With so many supreme beings, all of them are at the level of the Supreme Immortal King. Why is the altar where Jiuyou Zhan is the only one not abandoned?" Xiaota asked another question that everyone has been thinking about.

The contrast is too obvious. There is not a trace of dust on the altar dedicated to Jiuyou Zhan. Most of the stone statues are still preserved. There are the original flames of the Immortal King on both sides of the entrance to the altar. The entire altar is enveloped by the pressure of the Immortal King, and ordinary true immortals cannot get close to it.

As for the other altars, they were dusty and dull, and the stone statues were so broken that they could not be restored to their original state.

They were deep in thought and had many thoughts in their minds, but they did not speak out because they had felt a sense of horror when they spoke at the Jiuyouzhan Altar.

This shows that their discussion is touching some kind of taboo, and if they continue to go deeper, they may suffer catastrophe.


Chi Cang sighed. He remembered that this race still existed in Jiutian and had descendants. When he returned to Jiutian, he must visit this ancient and mysterious race in person.

After exploring all the altars, they crossed the area and continued deeper into the area.

At this moment, Chi Cang was worried. After this civilization discovered the buried ancient road, it began to excavate it. Later, due to some accident, the mother world was destroyed and the excavation stopped.

Does this mean that they will face an unknown length of ancient road that is completely blocked?

If that were the case, they would have to dig themselves if they wanted to explore the end of the ancient road.

With just two people and two weapons, how long will it take to dig?

Chi Cang weighed it up, and if the situation was really not optimistic, then he could only temporarily give up the idea of ​​finding the supreme stone to build the Immortal Killing Platform.

Maybe you can dig here slowly after solving the Nine Heavens crisis and growing into an Immortal King.

However, before that, we still have to go to the front to see what the specific situation is.

The two of them were racing through the chaotic mist, like a beacon of light in the darkness.

I don’t know how long I walked, but the light began to darken, like an ancient road leading to hell, giving people a sense of eeriness.

Gradually, the chaotic mist became more and more serious, almost condensing into substance, like a thick wall, bringing huge resistance to Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

"Is it this chaotic mist that blocks the ancient road?" Chi Cang said to himself, his whole body crackling, and blazing thunder swirled around, condensed into a thunder blade, and opened the road ahead.

They walked very far in this environment, and they didn't stop until the chaotic mist really condensed into a wall-like thing, blocking the way forward.

"I don't know how long this ancient road is. It may take us a long time to go there." Chi Cang whispered.

Liu Shen knew what Chi Cang meant, but it would be a pity to look back like this after coming here.

"Let's go a little further."

She felt that if Chi Cang's Immortal Killing Platform could be refined before the war in the foreign land, it would surely amaze the world. Therefore, Liu Shen hoped that Chi Cang's trip would be successful.


Chi Cang nodded, knowing that Liu Shen had good intentions.

So, the two continued on their way, carving their way through the walls of chaos.

After walking for a long time, suddenly, there was a click, as if something was dug through in front of them, and they broke into a space.

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