The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 250 Daluo Sword Embryo

Chi Cang and Liu Shen checked the headless stone and the headless stone beast that fell on the ground, but found nothing useful.

The stone materials for casting stone men and stone beasts are very special and are constructed according to certain laws. After losing the core center, the magic of the stone disappears.

Therefore, even if the headless stone man is defeated, taking away these stones will be of no use.

After stopping for a while, they continued on the road to see what the so-called forbidden areas and cages were.

The ancient lamps dimmed slowly, flickering on and off indefinitely. In the eternally silent ancient cave, there was only the sound of undetectable footsteps.

After passing the headless stone man, the road became much empty on both sides, and there were no more ashes or stone fragments of the strong man.

This shows that the vast majority of intruders were stopped at the headless stone man level and failed to break through.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen carried ancient lamps and kept scanning the stone walls around the ancient cave. They did not miss every place, hoping to find some engravings or records that could give them a little understanding of the so-called "forbidden areas" and "cages". what exactly is it.

Unfortunately, the cave wall was empty, with only the marks of swords and axes.

They went deep and far.

Suddenly, a pile of ashes appeared on the road ahead, as well as familiar stone fragments scattered everywhere.

Seeing this situation, the two of them instantly became alert. The fact that a strong man fell here meant that there was danger here.

Looking at the gray and silent ashes, Chi Cang and Liu Shen sighed in their hearts. To be able to overcome the obstacles of the headless stone man and get here, the talent of the owner of the ashes should not be underestimated. It must be rare in ancient times. Chi Cang personally and the headless stone man came here. I have touched the stone man before, and I know how terrifying the stone man is.

In fact, the weakness of the headless stone man's soul is not as obvious as imagined. It's just that Chi Cang has the top treasure against the soul in his hand - the Immortal King's Changming Lamp, which is unstoppable when fully activated. In addition, Chi Cang has The mysterious method of the Supreme Yuan was achieved in one blow.

Without the Immortal King's Ever-Lighting Lamp, Chicang would definitely have to pay a heavy price if he wanted to get past the headless stone man.

"It is sad that a generation of talented people is buried in a foreign land."

Chi Cang sighed, this talented creature should be like him. After being warned by the headless stone man, he became interested in the "forbidden area" and "cage" and wanted to find out more, but ended up dead.

He was secretly vigilant and passed the first level, but still died later, indicating that there was a more powerful guardian.

Just when Chi Cang realized this, a huge noise was heard, echoing endlessly in the ancient cave.

Chi Cang's eyes were serious and he looked forward.

A towering figure walked out suddenly, taking on the shape of a human, with three eyes, tall and majestic, and carrying a huge stone sword. There was an overwhelming sense of oppression that made people suffocate.

"Another guardian of the forbidden area?" Xiaota was surprised. The huge figure standing in front of him should be the terrifying stone man who killed the owner of the ashes. It must be stronger than the previous headless stone man.


The stone man stepped forward, holding a huge stone sword, and dragged out a long shallow mark on the solid ground. You must know that the ancient cave is made of that kind of solid stone, and it is difficult to cause damage to it. However, this stone man has not yet taken action. , showing such terrifying power, it’s terrifying.

Chi Cang didn't hesitate and walked out directly, carrying the Immortal King Changming Lantern, to meet the new guardian for a while.

With this first experience, facing this kind of stone guardian, just attack its soul directly.

Seeing this, Liu Shen did not step forward. She and Chi Cang guessed that if both of them took action, it would most likely attract the second guardian.

These stone men are not only guardians, but also like a test. Only those who are strong enough can pass.


The stone man spoke, warning Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

Chi Cang, who planned to find out what was going on, was naturally unmoved. Like the headless stone man, after this tall stone man warned twice, he sensed that Chi Cang had not retreated and launched an attack brazenly.

The Sky-holding Stone Sword almost split the ancient cave space into two, and terrifying pressure swept every corner.

Chi Cang secretly said that indeed, this stone man is more powerful than the previous headless stone man.

He responded in the same way as before, using the Six Paths of Reincarnation to confront the opponent head-on, and then used the Immortal King's Changming Lamp to launch a spiritual attack, which contained ten evil treasures to attack the gods.


Earth-shattering fluctuations broke out. Chi Cang faced the stone man and used all his strength to shake the stone sword. As a result, he was almost overturned.

This made him look shocked. It had been a long time since he had met someone who could suppress him at the same level.

He felt that the red line of the combat power of these forbidden land defenders must have a realistic basis. In other words, he was actually fighting and competing with the existence of the guardians from a distance.

This is a battle that spans time and space, making Chi Cang's blood boil.


The powerful magic weapon technique, under the cover of the Immortal King's Changming Lamp, rushed into the stone man's control center just like before, causing the stone man to be briefly confused.

Chi Cang seized this opportunity and killed him with one blow.

In the end, the stone man fell, unable to block Chi Cang's attack.

The two did a brief inspection and set out again.

After walking through the empty ancient cave, they actually saw the pile of ashes again, which showed that someone had passed the first two levels.

This time, what appeared was a nine-headed stone beast with a ferocious aura. There was no so-called warning at all, and it came up to kill Chi Cang.

Chi Cang struck with all his strength, but was knocked away with the first blow. He could clearly sense that the defender's power was gradually getting stronger.

After some twists and turns, he defeated the nine-headed stone beast at the cost of vomiting blood and passed the third level.

Next, the fourth level, the fifth level...the ninth level.

Before reaching the ninth level, Chi Cang and Liu Shen stopped. After making it all the way through the level, Chi Cang smashed eight guardians of the forbidden area, each one stronger than the last. In the later stage, he could not block the attacks of the guardians at all, and was completely defeated. Suppression, if it weren't for the presence of the Immortal King Changming Lamp, Chi Cang would have been defeated and turned into ashes.

Even so, he was almost killed in the eighth level. Needless to say, this ninth level must be stronger than the eighth level. If he continues through it, Chi Cang might end up sleeping here like the owners of those ashes.

However, since Chi Cang has already made it here, he will not stop.

After passing through the levels continuously, they also discovered some strange phenomena. For example, before the first level, there were a lot of ashes, and before the second and third levels, there was only a pile. At four, five, six, and seven o'clock, there were no ashes, and seven and Between eight and now in front of the ninth level, ashes began to appear again.

The two speculated that the owner of the ashes that appeared later might be a creature inside the "forbidden area" or "cage".

"Do you want to continue? The Eighth Forbidden Land Guardian almost killed you. If you continue..." Xiaota asked, hesitating to speak.

Although the guardian has a weakness in his soul, the further he goes on, the less obvious this weakness becomes. After all, when he is strong enough, his weakness is no longer considered a weakness.

"We have already killed eight of them, how can we stop here?" Chi Cang asked, expressing his determination.

"Let me handle this level."

Liu Shen opened his mouth, his temperament was aloof, his clothes were as white as snow, and his elegance was unparalleled.

Chi Cang shook his head.

"I have a lot of experience, so let me do it. If I die in the battle, you will turn around. At that time, the crisis in the Nine Heavens will depend on you, Liu Shen."

After saying that, he moved forward firmly and came to the area where the ninth level was located.

Looking around, there are a lot of ashes and gravel piled up on both sides of the road in the ancient cave. The number is even more shocking than before the first pass.

This is definitely not someone who broke through from the first level. It must be left by the creatures in the so-called "forbidden area" and "cage". It can be seen that they want to break through and break out of the confinement and restraint.

Unfortunately, these guardians were too powerful. One level after another, even the top geniuses had no hope of getting through.

"There should be a difference between the outside to the inside and the inside to the outside. Our ninth level is their first level." Chi Cang said, without stopping, he soon arrived at the place where the ashes were.


His intrusion triggered the rules there, and a stone man the size of an ordinary human stepped out step by step. The other features of his face and body were exactly the same as those of the human race. His eyes were shining brightly in the darkness, like a god.

The ninth guardian does not have a huge size or special body structure, but it gives Chi Cang the most dangerous feeling.

The human form is a form that is most in line with the avenue of heaven and earth. It has extremely ancient origins. At the end of evolution, many creatures who are not human beings have chosen to maintain the human form, which is enough to illustrate the specialness and importance of the human form.

The human-shaped stone statue in front of you is majestic and majestic. Every move affects people's hearts and minds, giving people a terrifying sense of oppression, as if they are facing an insurmountable mountain.

Chi Cang's heart sank slightly and he was under a mountain of pressure. However, since he decided to trigger the ninth level, he naturally had the will to go all out.

He adjusted his state to the peak, with three flowers of the avenue hanging high, flowing down endless essence. It was the power of the past, present and future, which came from the ethereal and flowed into the blazing body, giving him infinite fighting power.

The two Immortal King Eternal Lights, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, and Chi Cang's natal immortal species - Thunder Pond, were all taken out. This was a last-ditch battle, so naturally there was no reservation. A slight mistake could mean life or death.

The humanoid statue's eyes were shining as it looked at the intruder Chi Cang. Unlike the previous guardian who was dull and dull, Chi Cang actually saw the spirit in it.

A feeling of horror arose in his heart. The previous eight guardians of the forbidden area were not like this. They were all mechanical existences.


Suddenly, a monstrous wave came from behind the human-shaped stone statue, and a stream of light flew over and fell into the hands of the human-shaped stone statue.

It was a stone sword body. It was very special. It was obviously not sharp and had no edge, but terrifying sword energy overflowed and split the void. I couldn't imagine what a terrifying scene it would be when this sword body exploded.


The humanoid stone statue took action, swung the sword body, and in just an instant, billions of sword energy burst out, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, shrouding the sky.

Chi Cang's expression changed slightly. The terrifying sword body was much more powerful than the weapons of the guards he had met before. No edge was better than one with an edge.

He activated the thunder pool, which suddenly enlarged, and his whole body was submerged in it, resisting the all-pervasive sword energy.

When the sound of the sword energy chopping down the thunder pool stopped, the humanoid stone statue held the sword body and struck at the lightning pool at a very fast speed, striking heavily on the thunder pool.

Chi Cang inside suddenly vomited blood and trembled violently. After level after level of enhancement, he was no longer the defender's opponent. Even if he was in the same realm, he was still far behind. He could only use his soul attack to take advantage of the danger. And passed the test dangerously.

By the ninth level, it had been strengthened to an unknown extent. Chi Cang even suspected that this humanoid stone statue already had the fighting power of the Immortal King.

It is simply incomprehensible that the Immortal King's body and the peak human spirit can fight against the Immortal King.

In short, he can only be beaten passively now, going out of the thunder pool and colliding with the human-shaped stone statue, which is to hit the stone with an egg.

This is not the ancient world where Guxuan Divine Kingdom is located. Without the blessing of Heavenly Punishment from a Realm, he is definitely no match for the Immortal King.

The only chance to win is to attack with the soul.

With two Immortal King Eternal Lights present, he would have the opportunity to interfere with and confuse the opponent's "spirit".

Not long after, Chi Cang seized the gap and took action boldly. Two ancient lamps, with faint fireworks, released a terrifying Yuan Shen force field, which was as strong as a humanoid stone statue, but also slightly stunned.

He seized the opportunity and used God Strike, hitting near the center of the humanoid stone statue.

Seeing the humanoid stone statue's eyes dull and dazed, Chi Cang repeated his old skills, the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Forbidden Heavenly Punishment Technique - Immortal Killing Platform, and while imprisoning the humanoid stone statue, he beheaded it, not only the physical body, but also the soul.

However, the power of the humanoid stone statue cannot be measured by common sense. At the critical moment, the humanoid stone statue woke up and avoided its vital points. Only half of its body was shattered by the blast, and its central core was not damaged.

The remaining arm waved the sword body and slashed down at the approaching Chi Cang.

Chi Cang's heart was throbbing. He was hit in the head by this weird sword embryo. He had to shed a layer of skin even if he died. You must know that there is the residence of the soul, which is the most important. At the moment of life and death, Kunpeng exploded at an extremely fast speed. He swerved to the side and escaped the cut. However, under the control of the humanoid stone statue, the sword body moved down a few points. A large piece of Chi Cang's right shoulder was cut off, and his arm almost fell off, leaving only a little flesh. Adhesions.

He quickly dodged, but the humanoid stone statue refused to give in and slashed at it repeatedly, vowing to kill Chi Cang here.

Seeing that Chi Cang was in danger, Liu Shen took half a step forward, but immediately stopped. If she got involved, unpredictable consequences might occur, and the situation would probably be even more desperate.

"This stone man is too strong. At the same level, not even the Ten Fierce Thunder Emperors can resist." Xiaota was horrified and shocked.

Is there really such a rebellious creature in history, one who is above all others and aloof?

"That stone sword body looks familiar to me. I seem to have seen it somewhere before." Liu Shen stared at the battlefield and suddenly said this.

"Could it be...that unknown sword embryo?" Xiaota seemed to know the secret and said in surprise.

"Yes, Da Luo Jian Fei." Liu Shen spoke in a positive tone.

In the long years she has lived, she has seen the Great Luo sword fetus many times, and has also heard the unknown legends about the sword fetus in the world.

In history, all the holders and masters of the Great Luo Sword Embryo did not die well, and eventually died miserably, and no one could survive.

Therefore, it was called an ominous weapon by the world. In the end, the famous and powerful people did not dare to use it, and they would hide away when they saw it.

Unexpectedly, in this ancient Kuangjie cave, Liu Shen once again witnessed the unknown sword embryo.

Of course, the sword embryo in front of you is made of stone and is obviously not the real thing. The real Da Luo sword embryo is still circulating in the world and has never withdrawn from the stage of history.

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