The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 251 Messenger of the Emperor of Heaven?

At this moment, Chi Cang also recognized the sword body. Although it was made of stone, its characteristics were as dazzling as a blazing flame in the dark night.

The sword has never been sharpened, it is very round, gray, and has no luster. However, once it explodes, the sword light shines brightly, covering the sun and moon, and slicing through endless galaxies.

On the gray sword body, there are fine textures, and there are scenes of humanoid creatures and flying immortals, surrounded by dark spots and some fog-like textures.

Whenever the humanoid stone statue activates the sword embryo, the gray sword embryo will bloom with gorgeous and bright light. The humanoid creature on it seems to come to life, and the mist-like texture is filled with white fairy air, which is extremely sacred.

There are rumors in the world that the material used to make the sword body is extremely precious, it is Da Luo Immortal Gold. This kind of thing is difficult for even true immortals to find.

However, some insiders have other explanations, saying that the sword tire may be refined from some kind of leftover materials, with a shocking origin. Some people also say that he is the supreme being who left footprints on the sandy land of the Dam Realm during the Emperor's Fall. weapons.

Chi Cang didn't know if the rumors about the scraps were true, but he was convinced that the Great Luo Sword Fetus was definitely not the weapon of the Lord of Heaven, because he had been fortunate enough to witness the history of that ancient era, and knew that the Lord of Heaven had another weapon. things.

Now, in this ancient cave in Kuangjie, which is older than the era of Quasi-Immortal Emperor Jiuyouzhan, Chi Cang saw the stone Da Luo sword embryo. This shows that the origin of the Da Luo sword embryo is deeper than anyone had guessed. It is much older, almost dating back to the source of history.

The humanoid stone statue has bright eyes and is very spiritual. It holds a large stone sword in its hand and slashes Chi Cang. The attack is like a gust of wind and rain, giving Chi Cang no chance to breathe.


With a loud noise, the stone Daluo sword body collided violently with the thunder pool. Chi Cang, who controlled the thunder pool, was affected and could not help coughing up blood.

He has been forced into a desperate situation by this humanoid stone statue, and can only rely on the thunder pool to block the sword embryo's attack.

In the fierce battle, Chi Cang pushed the original symbols in the thunder pool to the extreme. Countless forbidden lightnings gathered into a thunderous ocean and drowned the humanoid stone statue. This caused some trouble to it and relieved Chi Cang's pressure, but it also limited.

When the gap in strength reaches a level that is enough to crush them, even if they are in charge of Forbidden Thunder, it will be difficult to achieve anything.


Chi Cang's arm, which had struggled to recover, was chopped off again. This time, it was broken directly at the shoulder. Moreover, a strange law invaded Chi Cang's wound, affecting his condition.

Fortunately, Chi Cang was well prepared and used massive power of divine punishment to extinguish the laws left behind by the stone Great Luo Sword Embryo.


Chi Cang shouted, and the six treasures rumbled and turned, forming a terrifying six-color millstone, as if to crush everything and turn the world upside down.

This attack was enough to be respected among those at the same level, even in ancient and modern times, but it was still unbeatable and was split in two by the Daluo sword that bloomed with peerless brilliance.

The fairy mist is hazy and white, and there is a strange scene of humanoid creatures and flying fairies inside.

His body changed color, his body trembled violently, and blood spurted out from the pores all over his body, which was bright red and dazzling.

The flying fairy vision, with its majestic power, was unstoppable and knocked Chi Cang away at once. He was like a kite with a broken string, hitting the wall of chaos. Suddenly, the sound of broken bones continued. .

When Liu Shen saw this, the fairy mist surrounding her body continued to roll. Obviously, she felt very uneasy in her heart, not only because the power of this human-shaped stone statue was too much beyond the ordinary and made people despair, but also because Chi Cang had no power to fight back. The situation of defeat is revealed, and if there is no improvement, we will really die there.

"How can we fight here? Do we really want to watch him die here?" Xiaota was very anxious, but it was of no use. Even if it was a true immortal weapon that the world respected, it could do nothing against the invincible humanoid stone statue. .

"Wait a little longer." Liu Shen said, knowing that taking action would only make the situation worse.

The only thing that can be done now is to believe in Chi Cang.

This unrivaled genius, who has long been known as the youngest in the history of the Ten Fierce Men, cannot continue to be beaten passively like this.

Under the wall of chaos, the two forces of black and white surged around Chi Cang, evolving into yin and yang. This is Kunpeng's method. There is no other reason for this. After Chi Cang was knocked away, the humanoid stone statue followed. If he did not avoid it, Will fail here.


The sword body was chopped down, and the wall was immediately cut open, leaving a huge gap.

Chi Cang avoided it dangerously and dangerously.

He wiped away the blood from the corners of his mouth, his eyes like two bright suns staring into the eyes of the humanoid stone statue.

At this time, Chi Cang has been forced into a desperate situation. If he continues like this, he may die here like the owners of those ashes.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the brilliant sword body fell with a crash. Chi Cang dodged, and the humanoid stone statue followed closely, unwilling to let go.

Chi Cang had no choice but to resist. As a result, his bones cracked and he was almost broken at the waist.


A large amount of blood spurted out, splattering all over the walls of the ancient cave.

His eyes narrowed slightly, knowing that he couldn't go on like this.

Taking advantage of the humanoid stone statue to kill, Chi Cang suddenly became angry, his eyes were dark and devouring people's minds.

His two pupils are each inlaid with an ancient lamp of the Immortal King, releasing a terrifying Yuan Shen force field.

The two pairs of eyes looked at each other, and the figure of the humanoid stone statue suddenly froze for a moment.

Chi Cang seized the opportunity, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk bloomed with divine power. A murmur sounded, and a vast and fuzzy world appeared, covering the humanoid stone statue, as if to drag it into the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

At the same time, Chi Cang held the thunder pool and magnified it. The dense thunder mist lingering at the entrance of the thunder pool slowly dissipated, revealing a vast and boundless space, ancient, vicissitudes of life, and filled with terrifying lightning and thunder.

This is the inner world of Lei Chi. Only Chi Cang knows what is inside. This is the first time it has been shown to the world.

Under Chi Cang's control, Lei Chi was like a mouth that swallowed the sky, swallowing the humanoid stone statue that had not yet recovered.

In fact, Chi Cang didn't know if this was possible. Inside the Lei Pond, there were his most important secrets. If people were brought in, there was no guarantee that something unexpected would not happen.

But now, the moment of life and death has come. If a person dies, there is no use keeping secrets.

Therefore, he did this. Apart from this method, Chi Cang had no other means.

"This, swallowed into the thunder pond?" Xiaota was extremely surprised when he saw this.

Liu Shen also stared straight ahead. Did Chi Cang, who had always been passive, finally start to fight back?

After swallowing the humanoid stone statue, the thunder pool quickly shrank and was held by Chi Cang in his hand. Then, he remained motionless and his soul was immersed in the thunder pool.

At the same time, the blazing body was rumbling and vibrating, emitting brilliant brilliance, and all the places engraved with original symbols were glowing, echoing the original symbols in the deepest part of the thunder pool.


Inside the thunder pool, endless forbidden lightning struck down, filling every inch of space.

Each one is as thick as a mountain, as if a real thunder dragon is shaking its head and tail in the void, roaring to move the mountains and rivers.

The humanoid stone statue's combat power was overwhelming, and it soon broke through the shackles of the Immortal King's Ever-Lighting Lamp. The six reincarnations were useless, and the vast, vague and illusory world was instantly shattered.

"It's just ridiculously powerful."

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk opened its mouth, and it followed in to assist Chi Cang in fighting the enemy.

"Yes, but once you reach the thunder pool, it is my home court." The blazing Yuanshen stood in the thunder and said coldly.

As soon as the words fell, the world of thunder became violent. All the thunder rushed towards the humanoid stone statue, roaring and trembling, as if the end of the world was coming.

In the deepest part of the thunder pool, a symbol that contains the destiny of the heavens and the ultimate punishment of the heavens shines brightly, releasing the supreme secret power.


The humanoid stone statue was robbed, and a huge world rule oppressed it, making it fall into the quagmire and unable to move even an inch.

This is the internal world of Lei Chi, not the ancient cave space anymore.

Everything is under Chi Cang's control. If the humanoid stone statue is swallowed up, it will naturally be restrained.

However, it is also remarkable. The sword in its hand is unparalleled. It does not have a sharp edge but has peerless sharpness. It constantly cuts apart the thunder that strikes.

The eyes of Chicang Yuanshen sparkled, and he did not hesitate to expend his original power to activate the two Immortal King Eternal Lights. The faint fire made people fall involuntarily after just one look, unable to extricate themselves.

The humanoid stone statue was already prepared for this, but it was still stunned for a moment. In this moment, it was struck by countless violent forbidden thunders. With the blessing of the original symbols, the thunder power in the inner space of the thunder pool increased greatly, and the stone statue was blown away. The body was battered and bruised.

The Chicang Yuanshen showed his power and activated the Mystic Technique. A particle of dust fell from the sky and rushed into the Tianling Cap of the humanoid stone statue.


A series of attacks, coupled with the suppression of the internal space of the thunder pool, the humanoid stone statue suffered heavy damage and was broken in many places.

However, it could still move, holding the stone Great Luo Sword in its hand, bursting out billions of rays of light, slashing towards the wall of the Lei Pond in the endless distance, actually preparing to forcefully break through the Lei Pond and rush out of the inner space.

Unfortunately, after the transformation and breakthrough of the boundary sea, Lei Chi is completely different. Even the stone Great Luo Sword Embryo cannot be chopped open.


The two collided fiercely, and the thunder pool was shaken, but it did not break.

Naturally, Chi Cang couldn't just watch it turn the inside of the thunder pool upside down, so he attacked again and pressed towards the humanoid stone statue.

I don't know how long it took, but just when Liu Shen and Xiaota were looking at each other, Chi Cang's body finally made some movement.

He slowly opened his eyes, and bright red blood fell from the corners of his eyes, as well as from the corners of his mouth.

Then, his body swayed and he almost collapsed to the ground.

A slender hand supported Chi Cang, preventing him from falling.

It was Liu Shen who arrived in time, and she walked over directly without asking Chi Cang what the outcome was.

If Chi Cang had not defeated the ninth guardian, doing so would probably attract other guardians, but Liu Shen did it anyway without hesitation.

Chi Cang turned his head and looked at Liu Shen aside. His eyes were full of weakness. Even if they were open, they were trying to hold on.

"you made it."

Liu Shen spoke.

Since no other defenders came, it meant that Chi Cang lived up to everyone's expectations and eliminated the humanoid stone statue holding the Great Luo sword.

Chi Cang blinked hard and then lost consciousness.


The thunder pool in his hand glowed, and a passage appeared. A broken and shapeless stone statue fell out, as well as a complete stone Daluo sword.

At the same time, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk also rushed out.

"This battle is too difficult,"

The Six Paths of Reincarnation sighed.

"His soul was almost wiped out."


Liu Shen and Xiao Ta were surprised for a moment, and then they checked Chi Cang's sea of ​​consciousness. Sure enough, the soul was almost turning into nothingness, full of cracks, and looked terrifying.

"This humanoid stone statue was completely suppressed and we were sure of victory. However, it suddenly broke out and no longer used only the sword to chop it like before.

All kinds of unheard-of supreme methods catch people off guard, and their power is terrifying.

Even the internal space of the Thunder Pond could not be suppressed. Fortunately, after a bloody battle and paying some price, it was still defeated. "

"It seems like there's nothing wrong with him. It's just that his injuries were a bit serious. He opened up the Yuanshen Cave and will not be able to heal himself all the time. It just takes some time." Liu Shen said.

She placed Chi Cang in her Dharma image, where there was a piece of flawless pure land, where grew a giant willow that stretched to the sky and the earth, filled with gleaming brilliance.

Chi Cang was lying under the willow tree with his eyes closed and his breathing steady, as if he was asleep.

"Keep moving forward. If you guessed correctly, the ninth level should be the final level." Liu Shen took the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk and the intact stone Great Luo sword and walked towards the depths of the ancient cave.

After passing the ninth level, there were more and more ashes on both sides of the road. They were piled up like mountains. What was different from the first level was that ancient words were inscribed in front of these piles of ashes.

Liu Shen and Erqi browsed all the way, thinking that those ancient characters might be the names of the strong men who were buried here.

Compared with attacking from the outside in, the creatures inside the forbidden areas and cages have their own groups. Unlike outsiders, most of them are lone wolves. Even if they die, there is no one to help carve their names in life.

After walking through the ashes piled up like a hill, Liu Shen came to a relatively empty journey.

The walls here are also different from those in the outside world. There are many shallow marks on them, which are very old. Some are words and some are engraved with pictures, which seem to be telling some ancient secret history. It is a pity that because the inscriber has limited strength, in that kind of It is still too reluctant to inscribe on solid and immortal stone.

Liu Shen walked unhappily and kept looking at these incomplete engravings, trying to find useful information.

Unfortunately, due to intermittent times, the harvest was not as much as expected.

Suddenly, Liu Shen discovered an abnormality. The dark ancient cave seemed to be much brighter. Although there was no light source, he could feel that the darkness was fading away little by little.

She suddenly quickened her pace, and after passing a corner, a soft light source appeared at the end of the ancient cave.

Liu Shen knew that it must be the exit of the ancient cave.

The next moment, Liu Shen rushed out of the ancient cave and appeared in a brand new world.

She stood in an open space outside the entrance of the ancient cave, looking at the world from a distance.

The sky is still bright, but the sun cannot be seen. The earth is barren and bare, without any green. In the void, the essence is thin and almost undetectable. The rules of the avenue are ethereal and lofty, not suitable for practice.

At this time, several humanoid creatures appeared not far away. When they saw Liu Shen standing in front of the cave entrance, they were shocked and spoke ancient words that Liu Shen could not understand.

However, through mental fluctuations, she still understood the meaning of these creatures.

"Is this a messenger sent by the Emperor of Heaven?"

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