Arriving at the shore of Samsara, Chi Cang and the others looked ahead. They saw undulating mountains and hazy mist, filled with a sense of Zen. Indistinctly, Chi Cang seemed to hear a loud bell, which was deafening and made people feel at peace.

"The law of reincarnation ahead is more intense, mixed with Buddhism and Taoism, a two-pronged approach. Even if I can withstand the law of reincarnation, you will still face the test of the rules of Buddhism and Tao."

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Pan said worriedly that the law of reincarnation erodes the heart of Taoism, causing people to fall into reincarnation unknowingly. The same is true for Buddhism. Many powerful creatures in history have inexplicably converted to Buddhism, such as the white jade dragon elephant, the golden lion, and the golden lion. Winged Dapeng et al.

They were originally the kings of the mountains, extremely ferocious beasts, killing animals like hemp, and their hands were stained with the blood of countless creatures. But in the end, they all converted to Buddhism and their temperaments became gentle and peaceful.

The most frightening thing is that such a change happened in an instant. When many supreme figures mentioned these things, their expressions were extremely solemn and they did not want to say more. They just said that Buddhism is deep in water.

The three of them looked at each other and saw the solemn look in each other's eyes.

Liu Shen and Chi Cang had come into contact with the Immortal Monk King and knew that his Dharma was boundless and his Taoism was profound.

This is the place where he passed away, and the rules of Buddhism are far beyond those of previous Buddhist places. You must know that historically, among the practitioners of this lineage known as "monks", there are very few creatures who have stepped out of the Immortal King series, let alone Not to mention the Immortal Monk King who is almost becoming a giant.

"There is no need to worry, the Buddha's way tests the mind, not the combat power and attainment of the way of reincarnation like the way of reincarnation.

We have come this far from a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. How can we do it without some extraordinary character? "Lian Juechen spoke in a rather relaxed tone.

He has been alone on the ancient road for millions of years. He has entered the tomb of the Immortal King, excavated the most ancient ruins, stepped into the Immortal Family Cave, and even visited the ancient world of the netherworld. What scenes have he not seen? When it comes to character, he has absolute confidence.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen nodded, not to mention that they had experienced many deaths, nirvana and rebirth, returned to the state of seeds countless times, and then rose again, life after life, and their will was already as hard as iron.

The other is that the body dies and the soul disappears, the soul is blasted into nothingness by the immortal king, and finally, for some reason, lives another world.

Having experienced death and rebirth, Chi Cang can deal with it calmly no matter what he faces.

"Let's go, this can be regarded as a sharpening of the Taoist mind." Chi Cang said.

After the words fell, Chi Cang and the others no longer hesitated and stepped into the hazy mist.

Ahead, there is a dark shadow, tall and majestic. From above the black shadow, there are the sounds of chanting and the sound of bells, which cleanse people's souls.

The three people's moods involuntarily calmed down, becoming peaceful and peaceful.

His blazing eyes were shining, as if they were hiding the stars in the sky. He stared at the misty mountains, thoughtfully.

"This is a Buddhist mountain. It seems to have the energy of living beings. Let's go up and have a look."

In the place where a supreme Immortal King passed away, there are the voices of monks chanting sutras, and they seem to be still alive. This is puzzling. You must know that the countless creatures protected by the Immortal Monk King have fallen, and the souls have died. It turned into nothingness, leaving only empty shells floating on the bottom of the Sea of ​​Reincarnation.

Why are there living creatures here? Could it be that the monks in the temple located at the entrance to the Buddha Land used special means to reach the Buddha Land? And then survived here?

However, the place where the Immortal Monk King passed away cannot be opened so easily, and the rough sea of ​​reincarnation cannot be crossed by ordinary people.

However, it’s possible, because the sea of ​​samsara has two completely different situations for a body with Buddha nature and a body without Buddha nature.

Monks have been exposed to Buddhist scriptures for at least several decades. During these years, they have been shrouded in the Buddha's mind, and their bodies have long been saturated with the Buddha's mind. Their chances of survival in the sea of ​​samsara may be higher than that of true immortals.

Chi Cang was thinking about all the possibilities in his mind, and without stopping, he approached the towering black shadow with Liu Shen and Lian Juechen.

The closer we get, the clearer the sound of the scriptures becomes, as well as the sound of bells and the knocking of wooden fish, which are loud and clear, as if they can directly hit the soul.

Chi Cang and the others could even hear some monks whispering on the mountain.

"Are there really any living creatures?"

They found a winding mountain road, climbed up along the ancient stone platform, like devout pilgrims.

When you look at it from a distance, it is obscured by the fog, so you can't see it clearly. Only when you actually climb up can you see the full picture of this Buddhist mountain.

The majestic mountains are full of vitality, full of greenery, verdant and fresh, and the crisp sound of Buddha is floating around. When you come here, your mind will be at peace involuntarily, as if there is an invisible hand soothing people's hearts.

They walked up the steps, and when they were halfway up the mountain, the three of them saw the temple sitting on the top of the mountain, as well as some monks walking through.

There are sweeping monks, warrior monks, old monks, and innocent and pure novice monks.

Everyone is lifelike, with a glowing face and full spirit, and is a living person.

At the same time, the three of them heard the monk's discussion because of their powerful soul.

"I heard that a special child came to our temple. He is endowed with wisdom and is destined to be my Buddha. Even the abbot was alarmed and wanted to ordain him personally."

"What? The abbot tonsured him personally?"

Some monks took a breath, what kind of existence is the abbot? He is the person with the highest virtue and Buddhist cultivation in the entire temple. He personally ordained a child, which shows that he attaches great importance to this child.

"The new elders who entered the temple are also here. Let's go and have a look." A monk said.

This sentence attracted the attention of Chi Cang and the others, "A new elder entering the temple"?

This place is isolated from the outside world, and the temple has no fresh blood at all. Where do the new elders who join the temple come from?

They had a bad guess in their minds.

The three of them went to the temple, but were stopped by the gatekeeper at the door. After asking why they came, they were welcomed in.

Naturally, Chi Cang would not say that he came to explore the reality of this place. He just said that he wanted to observe the profound Buddhist teachings of this temple.

After entering the temple, the three of them headed towards the place of tonsure. Although the monks in the temple looked familiar to them, they did not ask too much, because they were used to the fact that people from this world often come to the temple.

Arriving outside the place of tonsure, Chi Cang and the other three stood there, looking ahead, somewhat surprised.

There, there was a kind-faced old man, holding a string of Buddhist beads and clasping his hands together, looking like an eminent monk.

What surprised the three of them was that not long ago, they saw a warship driven by this creature from a distance on the Samsara Sea.

Why did he convert to Buddhism and become an elder here in just a few days?

"It's really surprising. He has a murderous streak on the ancient roads and has a notorious reputation. He has killed countless innocent creatures under his hands.

He also controlled many ancient worlds and used them as so-called "medicine fields", picking them from time to time.

How is it possible for such a person to become a monk in just a few days? "Lian Juechen couldn't believe it.

The old man with a peaceful face in front of him was clearly a murderous demon, but now he turned into an elder of a temple. This was too outrageous.

At the same time, a chill ran down Lian Juechen's spine and he could no longer calm down. What happened in front of him was much weirder and more terrifying than what he had experienced before.

Among the creatures that can traverse the ancient road, which one is not a person with a firm mind? The old monk in front of him was a bit more powerful than him, but in the end, he still entered Buddhism.

"Are you still Li Sha?" Lian Juechen couldn't help but send a message, wanting to confirm something.

When the old monk heard this, he clasped his hands together, leaned slightly, and recited the Buddha's name.

"It turns out to be the almsgiver."

Lian Juechen's brows furrowed even more, as the other party actually still remembered him. In other words, his conversion to Buddhism was voluntary, and Li Sha's memory had not been erased.

"There is no more separation in the world, only Dingli."

"How can an executioner like you lay down his butcher's knife?" Lian Juechen asked, his eyes shining, recreating the horrific scene of Li Sha slaughtering Xinghe, until the sky was filled with blood.

The old monk was very calm, but his eyes were full of compassion, as if he was repenting and lamenting for the lives he had killed in the past.

"In the past, Lisha killed too many lives. Now, Lisha has fallen into hell, and Dingli has entered Buddhism. In the future, the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng will recite scriptures for the deceased hundreds of millions of times and transport them to the next life."

The three of them were speechless. They were convinced that this executioner and fisherman had really entered Buddhism.

Just like Buddhism is as deep as the sea, from now on the mortal world is just a passerby.

Lian Juechen felt a little horrified. He had truly seen the power of Buddhism. It was really unbelievable that he could save such a vicious and evil person in such a short period of time.

They secretly communicated through messages, guessing that the previously dense laws of reincarnation may have been eroding their Taoist hearts.

After crossing the sea of ​​reincarnation, he was baptized by Buddhism and Taoism. In the end, his Taoist heart was broken and he fell completely.

"Where are the others? I remember there were four people in the ancient ship you were in." Lian Juechen asked.

"They can't see the future clearly. They are still struggling and have already gone down the mountain. But one day, they will also convert to my Buddha." Dingli said slowly.

Then, he said something that shocked Lian Juechen.

"Fellow Taoist practitioner, the mortal world is so vast and brings troubles to people's hearts. It is better to shave off three thousand worries and enter this Qing temple to be with the ancient Buddha Qing Deng. It is worse than having the cause and effect add to your body, committing serious sins, and finally being thrown into hell."

These words seemed to resonate with the Buddha statues standing in the temple, implying the sound of Buddhism and enlightenment.

Lian Juechen's eyes glazed over for a moment, then he took a step forward and almost agreed to the other party's "suggestion" and went inside to get shaved.

Fortunately, Chi Cang shouted and woke up the confused Lian Juechen.

"Hiss, I almost got hit." Lian Juechen was frightened for a while. If Chi Cang hadn't woken him up, the consequences would have been disastrous.

He is a true immortal, but he can't resist the Buddha's voice, which is simply terrifying.

"Li Sha, what do you mean by this? Do you want to forcibly convert me and stay like you and become an elder?" He asked questioningly with anger in his heart.

"The almsgiver's words were wrong. The poor monk just tested the benefactor's affinity with Buddhism."

"Buddha fate? So what is the final result?" Lian Juechen's eyes were sharp, piercing people's souls.

"The final result is that the donor is destined to be my Buddha, but the time has not come yet." The old monk replied unhurriedly. He did not feel embarrassed at all because the previous method was resolved, but he was plausible.


Lian Juechen sneered, who would believe such perfunctory words?

Just when he was full of hostility towards Lisha, the abbot's voice came from the place of tonsure, intending to let Lisha in, and the tonsure of that eye-catching child was about to begin.

Li Sha leaned slightly again, bid farewell to the three of them, and walked into the place of tonsure.

Chi Cang and the other three also followed in.

At this moment, there were many monks standing inside, surrounding a child. The so-called abbot was an old monk with gray eyebrows, beard and hair. He was wearing cassock and was highly respected.

With the arrival of Libra, the tonsure officially begins.

The eyes of Chi Cang and Liu Shen were all attracted by the child wearing ill-fitting monk clothes.

His face was so pure, his eyes were as clear as water, full of the light of wisdom.

Although he was still a child, the two of them saw the shadow of a young monk from the outline of his face.

After repeated confirmations, they finally determined that the protagonist of the tonsure ceremony in front of them was the young Immortal Monk King.

The two of them were suspicious, how could there be a young Immortal Monk King here? He had passed away, so why did he rejuvenate and become a child?

Their first reaction was that this temple was an illusion, so they tried their best to break through the illusion and confusion.

Unfortunately, they all ended in failure.

After all, the two of them only have the fighting power of true immortals. They are too insignificant in front of the power of the supreme immortal king. How can a mayfly shake a tree?

They had no choice but to accept the result of being blinded by inexplicable power.

Later, together with Lian Juechen, they witnessed the whole process of the young Immortal Monk King shaving off his hair and joining Buddhism.

All the monks sang praises and chanted sutras together. Amidst the murmuring of sutras, their hair fell to the ground, and a beautiful young novice monk came into view.

Then, receive the novice ordination, the disciples will worship the master, and then the abbot will give lectures.

The abbot of this temple is worthy of being a virtuous and eminent monk. Every word he says introduces Buddhist scriptures, causing flowers to fall from the sky and lotuses growing in the sky. The young novice listens very seriously, and a seed of Buddhism arises in his heart.

Soon, the sun set on the west mountain. Although Chi Cang and others did not see the sun, the light above the temple gradually dimmed.

As a loud bell rang, the fog surrounding Foshan rushed in, drowning everything.

In order to prevent accidents from happening, Chi Cang and the other two people gathered together and prepared themselves.

Soon after, the fog unexpectedly faded away, and the temple on the mountain became clean again.

Chi Cang Liu Shen and others were surprised to find that they, who were originally in the temple wing, were now standing at the intersection of the road up the mountain, but they clearly did not move an inch.

Suddenly, the familiar sound of discussion sounded in my ears again.

"I heard that a special child came to our temple. He has wisdom and is destined to be my Buddha. Even the abbot was alarmed and wanted to ordain him personally..."

The three of them were stunned on the spot, looking at the peaceful and peaceful temple. Lian Juechen, who had almost been converted, felt a little scared. If he really entered a Buddhist temple like Li Sha, wouldn't he have to stay in the ordination of that child forever? one day?

The cycle starts over and over again, with no end in sight. Such a result makes people feel chilly.

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