The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 268 Another reincarnation

"Is this... a short reincarnation of time?" Lian Juechen didn't know that the child who received the tonsure was the young Immortal Monk King, but he also saw that this child was of great importance, and he had some guesses in his heart.

"It should be a memory of Senior Immortal Monk King. Although he passed away, this memory has been preserved and manifested by some kind of power.

However, the memory is fragmented, and time will not move forward, but will only start over and over again, forever staying on the day when he received his ordination. Chi Cang said solemnly.

"What about Lisha?"

"He seems to have become part of this embodied memory. Without external interference, he may never come out."

Chi Cang's answer made Lian Juechen feel chilled in his heart. Although he had been walking on the ancient road for millions of years, he had never seen such a weird thing.

You must know that Li Sha is a true immortal who is more powerful than him, so he is trapped in the memory fragments and cannot extricate himself.

How terrible is the owner of this place? Just a memory can make a true immortal fall.

For the first time, Lian Juechen became wary of practitioners of this lineage known as "monks". Now it seems that a firm Taoist heart may not be able to resist the enlightenment of the great Buddha's voice.

This made Lian Juechen feel uneasy.

"Let's go."

Chi Cang stopped staying and turned around to leave. Lian Juechen and Liu Shen followed closely behind him, turning back along the way they came and going down the mountain.

Now that they know that it is a fragment of embodied memory, there is nothing to explore. And the fisherman and executioner named "Lisha", they cannot pull him out of the abyss. If he is not a kind person, let him Just fend for yourself.

At the foot of the mountain, the fog is hazy and visibility is not high. Even if Chi Cang and the other two have true immortal combat power, they can only move forward in this fog.

Thinking of the time when the temple bell rang, the endless fog came in and flooded the temple, and then everything returned to where it started.

Chi Cang became interested in the floating mist.

Originally, they couldn't see anything. How could a true immortal understand the place where the supreme immortal king passed away?

But now, they focused their attention on these fogs that showed nothing unusual.

Ordinary means are useless. Perhaps from the moment they enter the Buddhist world, their spiritual eyes have been blinded by a force.

Chi Cang stretched out his hand and stirred up the mist in the void. The next moment, three flowers of the avenue appeared above his head. Suddenly, the energy was billowing and dense. The sacred light flowed from the flowers of the avenue and poured on the sky of the sky. middle.

Lian Juechen next to him was shocked. This was a cultivation system that he had never seen before. Moreover, the three flowers gathered on the top of the head, which were consistent with the great road.

The most surprising thing is that on each of the three flowers of the avenue rooted in the void, there is a small figure sitting cross-legged.

A blur, with fragments of time flying around, hazy, as if living in the distant past.

The other one is exactly the same as Chi Cang, with surging blood and majestic posture, representing invincibility in the world.

The situation of the third one is somewhat similar to that of the first one, except that he lives in the future, and his whole body is filled with unpredictable symbols, which is mysterious and powerful.

This is the blazing third-generation Taoist flower, which can also be called the third-generation Taoist body. It spans the past, present and future, and has all kinds of incredible abilities.

Now, three flowers gather at the top, providing secret power to cleanse the blazing soul, making his spirit clear and unobstructed by the fog barrier.

Finally, Chi Cang saw through the essence of the mist. It was a form of extremely powerful spiritual power, mixed with the power of time, that could affect the flow of time and even reverse time on a small scale.

As for the owner of the spiritual power, it goes without saying that he must be the Immortal Monk King.

He was seriously injured back then, and his condition must have deteriorated to an unimaginable level. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for him to release such terrifying spiritual power.

It should be noted that once the Immortal King has reached the ultimate level of cultivation, his origin will be difficult to erase. It is impossible for an opponent of the same level to erase his opponent's origin in a short period of time. Only giants have this ability.

Judging from this fog, the Immortal Monk King's injuries were more terrifying than imagined. For an almost immortal being to die alone, it was clear that that battle was terrifying.

Chi Cang, Liu Shen and the Immortal Monk King were once creatures from the same world and had fought side by side, so they naturally had a certain understanding of them. He himself never used Buddhism to forcibly save people, and the Buddhist temple where Chi Cang and the three of them met just now But he helped Li Cha, hoping to save the world of refining.

It can be judged from this that this is an out-of-control area and is not controlled by the Immortal Monk King.

The overflowing spiritual power no longer contains the will of the Immortal Monk King himself, but only memories. These spiritual powers form a mist of their own, and embody some memory fragments in the mind of the Immortal Monk King. This is the place where "reincarnation" occurred. The nature of the temple event.

Once you fall into the fragment, no one will save you, and you will be trapped in it forever and ever until you wither and fall.

“This kind of power of time does not belong to Senior Immortal Monk King himself.

It can be mixed with his soul power to form this foggy area. The essence of the power of time is immeasurably powerful, not weaker than the senior Immortal Monk King at all.

As far as I know, the great defeat that year started when the two leaders were killed by the wheel battle. It is impossible for Master Wu Zhong to attack the senior Immortal Monk King, so these time powers must come from the Immortal King of the foreign land. "

"The way of time is elusive and unpredictable. Among the immortal kings of foreign lands, the one who is proficient in this way is none other than the Red King. It is known as the beast of time and is a giant. If you guessed it right, it is the power of time here. Remain.

The Immortal King who besieged the Immortal Monk King must have had it. Liu Shen said.

"Red King? Giant?"

Lian Juechen was confused, but he also vaguely guessed something from the conversation between the two.

Thinking of Chi Cang's calmness when he faced the Immortal King before, his heart was slightly shaken.

"Brother Chi and fellow Daoist Liu Shen, are they re-cultivators?"

Lian Juechen muttered to himself, but did not say it directly. He felt that this guess was very close.

The two of them and the Mother Realm where they live must have experienced some kind of catastrophe. After they suffered heavy losses, they chose Nirvana to rebuild.

Chi Cang didn't know what Lian Juechen was thinking, and it didn't matter even if Lian Juechen knew their identities.

Part of his attention was on the conversation with Liu Shen, and the other part was on the surrounding foggy environment.

Under the gathering of three flowers, Chi Cang could see farther. It seemed that there was an inexplicable power coming from the distant ancient times and the future to bless him.

"Another Buddhist mountain." Chi Cang whispered.

He saw another peak sitting in the mist ahead, and the sounds of bells and chanting could be heard intermittently.

"Foshan again?"

Lian Juechen was surprised. He was very afraid of Foshan now because his first trip to Foshan was not very good and he almost fell into Taoism and was converted.


"Then we want to go up?"

"Let's take a look."

Lian Juechen was speechless. Although he didn't want to go up, seeing that both Chi Cang and Liu Shen were planning to go up the mountain, he had no choice but to go up.

When they came to the foot of the mountain, they were surprised to find that the layout here was exactly the same as the one they visited just now, with only some minor differences.

The three of them climbed up along the path thoughtfully.

Sure enough, there was a temple standing on the mountain, which was the one they entered. However, the two temples were at different time points.

Just like before, the three of them successfully entered the temple for the purpose of observing the Dharma.

The doorman has not changed, but it has changed a bit compared to before.

Soon, they were received by the monks in the temple.

Chi Cang let go of his huge consciousness and enveloped the entire temple.

He successfully found the young Immortal Monk King, who was sitting cross-legged in front of the Buddha, quietly chanting scriptures and beating wooden fish.

In the peaceful Buddhist temple, candles were lit and burning quietly, with only the knocking sound of wooden fish echoing.

It can be seen that at this time, the Immortal Monk King is no longer as clueless as he was when he first ordained. He is proficient in Buddhist scriptures and chants scriptures with his eyes closed. His whole body is shrouded in a hazy light, which is very sacred.

That is the result of the intertwining of Buddha's light and wisdom's light.

At this time, Lian Juechen asked the monk who received them if there was an elder named Dingli here.

The answer was no.

There is concentration, distance, truth, and determination, but there is no concentration and separation.

Although this result was expected, it still made Lian Juechen feel chilled.

Li Sha really only fell into one memory fragment, and there was no trace of him in other memory fragments.

After understanding some things, the bells representing the end and beginning of reincarnation came as expected, and the mist surged and flooded the temple.

Chi Cang and the others returned to the intersection going down the mountain.

"It's reincarnation again."

Chi Cang shook his head slightly.

The three of them left this Buddhist mountain and continued to move deeper into the mist.

Along the way, they met multiple Foshans, all at different points in time.

It records the entire process of the Immortal Monk King from being ordained as a monk at a young age to growing into a great eminent monk.

In fact, the Immortal Monk King already had boundless Dharma and high prestige at a very young age. He was the most dazzling monk in the lineage of ancient monks, and was also a famous and supreme genius in the original Nine Heavens.

His path is difficult to copy and full of legend.

At the same time, Chi Cang and the other three also discovered true immortals who had converted to Buddhism in some of the temples.

Like Li Cha, they suddenly changed their temperament and claimed to atone for their previous sins, and then worshiped the Qingdeng Ancient Buddha.

Unfortunately, they are not destined to have a happy ending. They are trapped in endless reincarnation of memory fragments, repeating themselves forever until their origins wither and their bodies die.

When we came to the last Buddha Mountain, the situation was completely different. The Immortal Monk King returned with great success, and the temple took on a new look and became more magnificent.

Countless creatures came here to listen to the Immortal Monk King preaching Buddhism, and the place was surrounded by water.

At this time, the Immortal Monk King has become an Immortal King, but the Immortal King's Qi has not leaked out at all, just like an ordinary person.

His lips are red and his teeth are white, his appearance is delicate, his eyes are pure and flawless, his whole body is filled with Buddha light, and his temperament is beyond words, which is indescribable and impressive.

What surprised Chi Cang and the other three people was that among the people surrounding the Taoist platform, there were actually two quasi-immortal kings from the outside world. They clasped their hands and looked at the young immortal monk king with a lotus blooming on the Taoist platform, with a pious expression on his face. With a look of reverence, the moody and ruthless look he had in the past could not be seen at all.

"Even the Quasi-Immortal King has suffered, this is too evil." Lian Juechen whispered.

Considering the danger here, in order to prevent accidents, after careful consideration, Chi Cang and the others decided to withdraw from here immediately.

The person preaching in front of them was the Immortal Monk King at the Immortal King level. Although it was just a fragment of memory, it was not something they could resist.

The land of mist is not controlled by the will of the Immortal Monk King. God knows if there will be an accident and he will be saved here.

After going down the mountain, the three of them continued to move forward, and finally walked out of the foggy area soon after.

The sky here is much brighter, there is no fog blocking the view, and the vast space can be seen at a glance.

There seemed to be a battlefield ahead, with all kinds of terrifying traces all over the land. It was conceivable that a fierce battle had taken place here, and it wouldn't have been too long, just not long ago.

"It's those quasi-immortal kings. They broke through the foggy area and then stepped into the area ahead. They seemed to have encountered something and started fighting, or they discovered something important and were fighting for each other."

"Judging from the traces, we were about to catch up with them two hours ago."

The three of them stayed vigilant and stepped into the messy area. Traces of the fierce battles between the quasi-immortal kings could be seen everywhere. There were huge trenches cut by knives, axes, swords, halberds, etc., and they were bottomless.

"The Buddha's intention is strong in the void, and the treasure light is faintly visible. They probably discovered something here and started fighting." Chi Cang sensed the surrounding environment and said.

After hearing Chi Cang's words, Lian Juechen stared at the messy land. Even though there was great opportunity here, it had been plowed three feet away and nothing was left.

"Are we a little late?"

He was a little regretful. The opportunity that all the quasi-immortal kings were competing for was definitely not easy.

However, Lian Juechen is self-aware. He knows that if he uses his own strength to intervene in the fight between the quasi-immortal kings, he will definitely lose his body.

In this dangerous Buddhist world, the only ones he can count on are Chi Cang and Liu Shen. This is why he looks for them and seeks cooperation.

"It doesn't matter, we haven't reached the deepest part of the Buddhist world yet." Chi Cang was not in a hurry.

He guessed that what was hidden here was probably the fragments of weapons left by the Immortal Monk King, because the aura of the most powerful weapons was permeating the void, and it had not completely subsided and was captured by Chi Cang.

The fragments of weapons left behind by the Supreme Immortal King are definitely considered treasures for quasi-immortal kings and true immortals.

You must know that many Immortal Kings do not have weapons that match themselves. This shows how precious an Immortal King weapon is.

Once this kind of thing is discovered, a fierce conflict is bound to break out, but I don't know who will get the bowl and the wooden fish flower.

Compared to the average Immortal King, the Immortal Monk King is considered "wealthy". He owns two Immortal King artifacts. One is an alms bowl, which turns the world upside down when activated, and the other is a wooden fish. When struck, it brings great evil. Others will become docile and listen to the Dharma quietly.

The Immortal Monk King has two peerless Immortal King weapons, which are so powerful that they cannot be measured. They can compete with giants and will not be defeated in a short time.

If you give him some more time, it's not impossible to cross the chasm and become a true giant.

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