The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 276 There is a place

At this time, the Immortal Monk King still had no anger and a peaceful face, but there was a biting cold wind in his words.

"Of course, the poor monk will give them one last chance."

After saying that, the Immortal Monk King clasped his hands together, and the huge spiritual power surged out overwhelmingly. It was much more powerful than the True Immortal, and it was not at the same level at all.

The next moment, the seven quasi-immortal kings who were fleeing into the foggy area stopped at the same time and stood there frozen, with a look of horror on their faces.

The gentle words of the Immortal Monk King rang in their ears.

The general idea is to persuade them to put down their butcher knives and convert to Buddhism.

The breathing of all the quasi-immortal kings became rapid. You must know that these are the words of an ancient monk at the level of the immortal king, which makes people have to pay attention and think deeply.

Should I listen to the Immortal Monk King and enter Buddhism and become an ancient monk?

This is what the seven quasi-immortal kings are most struggling with at this moment. They are all living beings who have traversed the ancient road for tens of millions of years. Under the erosion of time and years, they have long become cold and ruthless. At the same time, they are also on the run. only.

Even if there is a creature of the Immortal King hanging high above their heads, they will not just let it go, especially since the Immortal Monk King has an opponent of Immortal King level. In their expectation, it is impossible to get out so quickly.

Of course, there are also quasi-immortal kings who understand current affairs and see the reality clearly, knowing that this may be their last chance.

The other quasi-immortal kings are determined to escape. They believe that the innate essence with immortal king-level combat power can buy them enough time to escape from the Buddhist world.

Therefore, most of the quasi-immortal kings were just stunned for a moment, and then immediately moved forward, treating the words of the immortal monk king as nothing.

In the end, only two quasi-immortal kings chose to stay. They felt that their innate energy would not last long. When the time came, the immortal monk king would turn around and easily deal with them, making it impossible to escape from the Buddhist world.

It is better to choose to convert to Buddhism and at least survive.

In the deepest part of the Buddhist world, the Immortal Monk King has already learned of this result and told Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

He silently recited the Buddha's name and prepared to take action.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen were not surprised by this, because although the Immortal Monk King has the terrifying ability to save the world, he never forcibly saves people like other ancient monks. He advocates that all those who enter Buddhism must do so voluntarily.

Because of this, the Immortal Monk King allowed the seven quasi-immortal kings to make their own choices.

In the end, five quasi-immortal kings chose to ignore it, and only two chose to stop and take refuge under the sect of the Immortal Monk King.

This is equivalent to choosing whether to live or die.

Suddenly, Chi Cang opened his mouth and asked the Immortal Monk King something.

After getting the affirmative answer, Chi Cang explained the cause and effect to the Immortal Monk King.

"I see. Since there is a benefactor who wants to take the last blow in his life, the poor monk can naturally satisfy him." The Immortal Monk King agreed to Chi Cang's request.

Hearing this, Chi Cang no longer hesitated, fished out the quasi-immortal king's head from the small world, and informed the quasi-immortal king's head of the current situation.

Chi Cang didn't tell everything, but just told the Quasi-Immortal King Head that he was going to kill the Quasi-Immortal King creature who gave him the final blow. Therefore, Chi Cang wanted to fulfill his promise and let the Quasi-Immortal King's Head achieve its final brilliant bloom.

The quasi-immortal king's head, which had recovered somewhat due to Chi Cang's Thunder Tribulation Liquid, no longer looked as pale as before, but his mood was not as high as he imagined.

Maybe it's because I know that I can actually survive, but it's impossible, so I feel depressed.

"I know, I still have to thank my fellow Taoist for helping me, otherwise, I would have been submerged and completely melted by the pool of blood at this moment."

He sighed, then stopped talking, silently waiting for death to come.

In response, Chi Cang nodded. He felt that there was nothing to sympathize with. He had already learned the information about this quasi-immortal king who only had his head left from Lian Juechen.

If the roles were reversed, Chi Cang believed that this creature would not give people a chance like him. Relatively speaking, he was already kind.

And kindness is a taboo on this ancient road.

The Immortal Monk King took action and took the quasi-immortal king's head over. A vast ocean-like force enveloped the head, making the quasi-immortal king's head instantly feel its own insignificance.

"You are..." The quasi-immortal king was shocked. He looked at the young monk again. He suddenly thought of something and showed a smile that he didn't know was a bitter smile.

"It turned out to be you. In this case, everyone has failed."

"Yes, no matter how hard you work on something that doesn't belong to you, it's all in vain." The Immortal Monk King said calmly.

Then, he left Immortal King-level power on his head, enough to kill a would-be Immortal King in an instant.

"Donor, please go on your way."

The Immortal Monk King's face was full of peace, and he opened his mouth to bid farewell to the head of the quasi-Immortal King.

"Is this the power of the Immortal King level? Haha, it is a blessing to disappear under such a brilliant blow." The head of the quasi-Immortal King seemed to be relieved.

Chi Cang, Liu Shen, Lian Juechen, etc. all watched this scene.

The next moment, the head of the Quasi-Immortal King disappeared from the place carrying the terrifying power of the Immortal King. You don't need to think about what his ending will be.

In the foggy area, the five quasi-immortal kings who decided to continue their escape felt anxious and fled frantically towards the way they came.

They passed over Buddhist mountains one after another, listening to the ringing of bells one after another, and soon saw the edge of the foggy area.

As long as you rush there, release the ancient ship, and sail at full speed, you will be able to return to the place where you entered the Buddha Realm before long, and then you can escape.

However, before they could rejoice, death suddenly came.

One of the five quasi-immortal kings was traveling at high speed. As a result, a bloody head suddenly flew over and appeared next to him.


The quasi-immortal king was shocked. Isn't this head the head of the quasi-immortal king he killed earlier? He should have been corroded into dust by the blood of the Quasi-Immortal King a long time ago. Why did he suddenly appear here?

Just when he was puzzled and had no time to react, the eyes of the Quasi-Immortal King's head spit out fire of hatred, coldly announcing his doom.

"Come on the road with me."

The pale lips opened and closed, spitting out a few cold words.

The quasi-immortal king who was running was about to scold and destroy the head.

As a result, the Quasi-Immortal King's head glowed brightly without any warning and exploded on the spot. A terrifying shock wave suddenly enveloped the other party. After an earth-shaking loud noise, both the head and the Quasi-Immortal King disappeared without a trace. Only a few weapon fragments remained, sinking and floating quietly.

Then, they trembled slightly, as if they had been summoned by some kind, and flew back at extremely fast speeds.

On the other side, the four quasi-immortal kings still didn't know what was happening here. They were about to reach the Sea of ​​Reincarnation, and an ancient warship appeared in their hands.

Unfortunately, there will never be a chance to use it. The danger does not come from the horizon, but from close by.

These quasi-immortal kings have more or less snatched the fragments of the Immortal Monk King's two Immortal King Arms. They actually know in their hearts that it may not be good to leave those fragments behind when the master of this world recovers.

However, due to greed, the Immortal King Soldier fragments can bring them a huge combat power bonus. With them, they can dominate the quasi-Immortal King realm after escaping from the Buddha Realm.

It was this huge temptation that made them reluctant to throw away the fragments of the quasi-immortal king they had obtained, and just wanted to take them out.

At this moment, under the control of the Immortal Monk King, the fragments buzzed and vibrated, bursting out with brilliant light.

The quasi-immortal king who was carrying the fragment sensed this change, and was suddenly shocked. He secretly thought that something was wrong. He quickly discarded the fragment and fled away as fast as possible, but it was already too late.

The fragments of the Immortal King's soldiers erupted in terrifying fluctuations, causing the fog in the foggy area to disperse. This scene terrified the fleeing quasi-Immortal Kings.

Who would have thought that the Immortal King's soldiers, which had been broken into pieces like this, could still be controlled from a distance. The realm of the Immortal King was too outrageous.

You need to know that they have put countless layers of seals on these fragments, but now they are like tissue paper, which can be broken with a poke.

The next moment, the wooden fish fragments made a rhythmic knocking sound, as if an ancient monk was sitting cross-legged in the Buddhist temple, knocking the wooden fish quietly, which made people feel peaceful. The fleeing quasi-immortal kings were affected by this sound and immediately He was drowsy, frozen on the spot, unable to move, and looked like he had lost his soul.

Then, the alms bowl fragments released infinite suction, which acted on the quasi-immortal king who was standing frozen on the spot, sucking them back.

None of the four quasi-immortal kings were spared. They were all robbed and captured into the fragments of the alms bowl.


The fragments of the alms bowl shook out with terrifying power, instantly turning the quasi-immortal king inside into powder.

At this point, the foggy area has completely calmed down, and only the sounds of ancient bells and chanting are still faintly circulating in the void.

It is a cycle that starts over and over again. Once you fall into it, you will never be able to get out without the help of external forces.

Entering the Buddhist world, among the creatures with the power of true immortals, except for Chi Cang and the other three, only the true immortals who were lost in the foggy area were still alive, and the others were cleared away by the quasi-immortal kings.

At this moment, the Immortal Monk King revived, possessing the combat power of an Immortal King. He destroyed the foggy area with just a wave of his hand.

The fog that had been lingering all year round, mixed with the power of time and the power of the soul, disappeared.

And the memory fragments that drifted into the mist, embodied by the power of time and the power of the soul, also disappeared with the wind.

The ancient temple was so real that it could be mistaken for the real thing. The lifelike monks with flesh and blood turned into nothingness on the spot.

Only the lost quasi-immortal kings and true immortals were left.

The two quasi-immortal kings who chose to stop witnessed this shocking change with their own eyes, and, sensing the fall of the quasi-immortal kings, they were immediately glad that they had made the choice to stay.

The mist blew away, and the reincarnations disappeared one after another. The two quasi-immortal kings who had taken refuge under the Immortal Monk King's sect during the reincarnation and the five true immortals who had joined the Buddhist temple all woke up.

However, there was no violence in their eyes, and there was only peace and tranquility.

Reincarnation dispersed and they broke free from the prison, but there was no joy, only sighs and regrets.

The two quasi-immortal kings who chose to stay felt a chill in their hearts when they saw their expressions. Would they think so after converting to Buddhism?

Suddenly, the voice of the Immortal Monk King rang in everyone's ears, and for a moment, the regretful creatures regained their joy. They silently recited Buddhist scriptures, each one of them extremely pious, completely different from their previous cold and ruthless image. .

In the deepest part of the Buddhist world, the Immortal Monk King sighed, everything is over. Those who do not want to convert to Buddhism will respect their choice and send them to reincarnation.

The Immortal Monk King, who is well versed in the way of reincarnation, does not regard killing as he used to. In the way of reincarnation, death can be regarded as a new life. When a whale falls, all things are born.

The Immortal Monk King is going to use the essence left behind after the quasi-immortal king in the alms bowl is annihilated to give back to this dark continent that holds the Buddhist world. The essence here is so thin that the strongest person cannot even reach the Supreme. If there are these essences Nourish the world and things will surely improve.

Finally, the Immortal Monk King cast his sights on the vast sea of ​​reincarnation, where he had a huge regret.

He watched the people who had asked for his protection die in despair, but he was unable to do anything. Even if he created a disk of reincarnation, he could not really turn life and death.

They passed away after all, irreversibly.

"Fellow Taoist, you don't have to be like this. Life and death are fateful. I think before they died, they also knew about fellow Taoist's helplessness and would not blame him." Chi Cang knew what the Immortal Monk King was sad about. He saw with his own eyes a huge Palace of Reincarnation. The wheel rumbled and rotated on the bottom of the samsara, and countless lifelike corpses tumbled endlessly as the wheel rotated. The scene was unforgettable.

"The poor monk knows."

The Immortal Monk King nodded.

"What are the plans of Fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor and Fellow Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit?" he suddenly asked.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen looked at each other and replied: "We are pursuing the path of immortality in the world of mortals, and will continue to move forward on this ancient road leading to the Boundary Sea."

"The mortal world has become an immortal..." The Immortal Monk King heard this and was filled with emotion.

"That's just a legend. I've never heard of anyone becoming an immortal in the Age of Ending Dharma." He shook his head.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen shared what they saw and heard with the Immortal Monk King, which shocked him greatly.

Especially the fact that becoming an immortal in the world of mortals might be the pass to the quasi-immortal emperor made the Immortal Monk King let out a long sigh.

Throughout ancient times and modern times, countless immortal kings and giants all aspired to defeat kings and become emperors. They resolutely set foot on the sea of ​​​​world and embarked on an endless journey, but in the end, they all wasted their time.

Who would have thought that the conditions would be so harsh and disappointing.

Later, Chi Cang told the Immortal Monk King about the current situation of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. Foreign lands were about to attack, and the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths needed a powerful Immortal King like the Immortal Monk King to take charge.

"The Immortal Monk's sorrow will never be forgotten to this day. If the Mother Realm has a need, the Poor Monk will not shirk it." The Immortal Monk King nodded in agreement.

In fact, there is no need for Chi Cang to say that the Immortal Monk King will also return to Jiutian Ten Earth, but not so soon. Since Chi Cang has told the Immortal Monk King about the danger of Jiutian, then he will return when he is needed. Mother Realm.

At this time, the Immortal Monk King raised a question. Today's Chi Cang and Liu Shen want to recover or even surpass the peak period of their previous life before the foreign invasion. There is absolutely not enough time.

"Do your best." Chi Cang was also helpless. They really lacked time.

The Immortal Monk King thought for a while and said: "There is a place where we can maybe buy time for the two fellow Taoists."

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