The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 277 The Land of Creation

Chi Cang and Liu Shen are slightly moved. Can they buy a place where they can regain their peak time?

You know, their goal is to at least return to the Immortal King level.

For Liu Shen, it is not that difficult to return to the Immortal King level. He only needs to gather all the power of Nirvana left behind and release it together when the time is right.

As for Chi Cang, he was not a true Immortal King at his peak. Therefore, if he wants to become an Immortal King, he still needs to take another step on the basis of his peak.

All of this requires a huge amount of time. Even if he and Liu Shen hurry up, they probably won't be able to make it in time.

Where can we buy them enough time?

At this time, both of them had recovered their memories of their heyday, so they quickly locked the place mentioned by the Immortal Monk King in one place.

They couldn't help but look at each other and at the same time stated the characteristics of that place.

"Did Fellow Taoist talk about a place that connects to the sky, to spiritual beings, and to the past and present?"

The Immortal Monk King nodded slightly. Apart from there, where else could there be a secret place that could buy people a lot of time?

"The land that reaches the sky, the land of creation, the strange place, this is how the world evaluates that place. If these two Taoist friends are so blessed, they can find that place, enter it, and get the creation in it. I think, in a short time, It is not impossible to recover to the Immortal King within a short period of time." The Immortal Monk King spoke and spoke highly of that place.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen are not very optimistic about this, because they know that the place of creation is like the moon in the mirror and the flowers in the water. It is ethereal and difficult to grasp.

Throughout the ages, few people have been able to successfully enter the Land of Creation. In the past few epochs, several groups of unparalleled powerful people have found there, wanting to compete for the land of Creation. As a result, even the entrance has not appeared, let alone anything. Enter the matter.

However, among the immortal kings, there is indeed a legend about a place that reaches the sky. There, the sky can be reached, and the rules that transcend the heavens are embodied in it. It can also channel spirits, allowing those who die to enter the reincarnation. Reappearing thousands of times later, you can also connect to the past and present, experience endless years, and see the past and the future.

"Back then, I and fellow Taoist Gen Yi deduced that place, and believed that there was a living reincarnation there, which could lead to ancient times or the future. In short, it could give people an extra period of time, as if they had experienced A reincarnation." Liu Shen in the fairy mist said.

This is the result of the deduction of that place by the former lord of the restricted area, Gen Yi, and a group of Immortal King-level creatures. The authenticity is self-evident.

Of course, they couldn't really explain the secrets. They were just guessing. After all, they had no real experience.

"We will consider going there, but I don't know if we will have the opportunity." Chi Cang sighed.

This is not because he is not confident, but it is really not easy to enter that place, almost impossible.

Many Immortal King-level creatures long to defeat the King and become the Emperor, hoping to get a chance there, but they all failed.

And Chi Cang and Liu Shen are just human beings, and have little chance of success.

Liu Shen also understands this. She and Chi Cang have the same idea. They must go. Whether they succeed or not depends on destiny. There is no need to place all their hopes on that place. If it fails, You should also accept the results calmly.

The Immortal Monk King nodded. He also knew that the Land of Creation was difficult to enter, but it might be the only place that could buy the Blazing Willow God some time, so he should give it a try anyway.

He stretched out his palm, and a bright and dazzling red light burst out from it, filled with terrifying power and shrouded in mist.

There were actually two drops of bright red blood floating quietly above the palm of his hand.

Even if the Immortal Monk King had sealed blood, it would be difficult to withstand the essence and divine essence overflowing from the blood. It was too vast and of immeasurable value.

"Immortal King Essence and Blood..." Chi Cang and Liu Shen naturally recognized what it was.

This is a drop of precious blood essence of the Immortal King. It contains unimaginable mana and Tao. It is as red as a blood diamond, shining brightly through the sky, unparalleled. As soon as it appears, the sacred energy is crowded into the deepest part of the Buddhist world, making people unable to stop. Cast a glance.

Lian Juechen was shocked beyond measure. This was actually the blood essence of the Immortal King, and there were only two drops of it. It should be noted that the blood essence of the Immortal King was not only blood essence, but also full of fragments of the great avenues of the heavens. It was called incomparable. The price is rare in the world, but two drops appeared here in succession, making him swallow his saliva.

Such a shocking thing, once it enters the world, will definitely cause huge waves.

"These are the two drops of the Immortal King's essence and blood that I left behind before my death and reincarnation. They have the breath and Tao of the ultimate Immortal King. Please accept them, my two Taoists. They contain the Great Way of Reincarnation. Wait for the two Taoists to go there." When you reach the land of creation, you can use it.

As far as the poor monk knew, in order to open that place, at least the blood essence and blood of the Immortal King would be needed for sacrifice. "As he said that, the Immortal Monk King cast a spell to seal the two drops of Immortal King's essence and blood layer by layer, and then sent them to the hands of Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

The two of them did not refuse, because it was indeed the case. You could not enter that place if you wanted to, and you had to pay a certain price.

The Immortal King's Essence and Blood Sacrifice is one of the possible ways to open the land of creation in the deduction.

After putting away the precious essence and blood of the Immortal King, Chi Cang and Liu Shen reminisced with the Immortal Monk King.

A smile appeared on the face of the Immortal Monk King when he learned that the True Dragon, True Phoenix, Kunpeng and one of the Seven Border Kings were still alive. These were all comrades in arms during that eventful period. .

Back then, they resisted the foreign army together and fought against the Immortal King until the sky fell apart and the sun and the moon lost their light. Unfortunately, they failed in the end. The vast Mother Realm also collapsed a lot, and the largest remaining piece was split into nineteen pieces. Known as the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

At this time, Liu Shen also explained why he did not return with reinforcements at the critical moment.

She has always felt a sense of self-blame in her heart, feeling that she should be responsible for Jiutian's defeat.

When the original Jiutian needed her the most, she was far away in the fairyland and did not appear. Therefore, later, Liu Shen, out of grief and anger, entered the foreign land and entered and exited nine times.

In response to this, the Immortal Monk King shook his head, already relieved, and even said that he had never blamed Liu Shen.

"At that time, Taoist Fellow Ancestral Sacrifice Spirit did not return after asking for help. Two Taoist Fellows, Six Paths of Reincarnation and Wu Ending, had already guessed that Fellow Taoist Sacrifice Spirit of Ancestral Sacrifice might have been frustrated in the Immortal Realm and could not help himself. Therefore, no one ever complained about Fellow Taoist .

Asking for help is just an uncertain attempt. The darkest turmoil in history is approaching, and the possibility of the Immortal Realm sending troops is very small. We have anticipated this situation early on. "

"Everything has passed. The only things that have passed away are memories. There are still things that need to be cherished more. We should seize the moment." Chi Cang said.

Liu Shen also understood this truth and nodded gently.

Finally, the Immortal Monk King recalled the quasi-immortal kings and true immortals in the foggy area, and they all came to the deepest part of the Buddhist world.

There are four quasi-immortal kings and five true immortals in total.

Except for the two quasi-immortal kings who were worried, the other seven people had already entered Buddhism. All of them had their hands clasped together and their expressions were peaceful and peaceful.

Chi Cang nodded secretly, this was considered a considerable force. You must know that in today's Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the strongest ones on the surface are the few residual immortals, and there is not even a complete true immortal.

These powerful men who have taken refuge under the Immortal Monk King's sect can very well fill the vacancies in the field of true immortals.

If the Immortal Monk King advocated forcibly saving people, I am afraid there would be more powerful people under his sect.


Lian Juechen looked at an old man with a shaved head and a cassock with a complicated expression on his face. He was the first true immortal who had been converted into a god that he and Blazing Willow God met in the foggy area.

He originally thought that Li Cha would be trapped in the cycle of reincarnation forever in this life and would never be able to get out. However, he turned out to be the disciple of a powerful immortal king. It was really unpredictable.

"Several donors, we meet again." The old monk named Lisha clasped his hands and said hello with a smile.

Chi Cang and the other three nodded. In the future, there will be opportunities for them to get along with each other in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

The Immortal Monk King recited a Buddhist name and ordained the two people who chose to stay on the spot.

A powerful creature of the Immortal King level personally ordained them, which once made the two would-be Immortal Kings restless and extremely anxious.

However, when the black hair fell to the ground and all worries were gone, the two of them gradually became calmer and no longer full of hostility.

The Immortal Monk King also gave them Dharma names, fonts, etc. Perhaps they were infected by the Zen spirit naturally revealed by the Immortal Monk King. After being tonsured, they also had the Buddha's spirit in their bodies.

At this point, everything is over, and it’s time for Blazing Willow God and the others to leave.

Everyone left the Buddhist world and returned to the world shrouded in darkness.

Because of the opening of the Buddhist world, the temple in the darkness is no longer there and has become a smoke in the past.

The Immortal Monk King stood in the void, with memories in his eyes. He spent a lot of time in this temple, and naturally he had feelings.


He cast a spell to collect the Buddha Realm, which contained the remains of many original Nine Heavens creatures from the Immortal Ancient Period. The Immortal Monk King could not resurrect them by turning the reincarnation, but he should at least send them back to their hometown of Nine Heavens.

Then, the Immortal Monk King waved his hand, and the broken mountains instantly returned to their original state, and a quiet ancient temple appeared in its original place.

Everything was restored by the Immortal Monk King with great magic power. When everyone saw this familiar scene, they inexplicably remembered the previous scene when the powerful men surrounded the ancient temple, as if they were in another world.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in the temple. It was the little novice monk who had been sent down the mountain by the Immortal Monk King before. Suddenly he returned to the temple, his face covered with confusion, and he didn't know what happened.

The master had warned him not to go to the temple, but now, he was directly pulled back by an inexplicable force. The little novice was so anxious that he almost cried. At the same time, fear filled his heart.

Although he is young, he also knows the danger that is coming in the temple.

Just when the little novice monk was about to cry, the Immortal Monk King came to him.

Seeing the arrival of a kind-hearted young monk, the little novice suppressed the tears in his eyes again.

He clasped his two little hands together and greeted the Immortal Monk King according to what his master taught him. The other person looked like an enlightened monk, so he should naturally be respected enough.

The Immortal Monk King smiled and said nothing, looking at the little novice monk with a smile on his face.


The little novice monk had a pure heart and a kind of wisdom in his eyes. He soon saw something familiar in the Immortal Monk King.

"You are... a young master?" The little novice monk was a little incoherent and realized something.

The Immortal Monk King nodded and said the name of the little novice monk.

"Master, how come you have become younger?" The little novice monk was extremely surprised. He was originally worried about the safety of his master, but now he finally felt relieved.

Master and disciple were reunited, and everyone was very happy. The three people, Blazing Cang Liu Shen, looked at this scene with smiles unknowingly showing on their lips.

Then, the four quasi-immortal kings and the five true immortals all came over. Each of them had shaved heads, wore cassocks, and put their hands together.

"They are..." The little novice monk was a little afraid of strangers, but the row of bald heads made him feel very friendly.

"They are your senior brothers." Immortal Monk King replied.

"Senior brother? I have a senior brother?" The little novice monk was very excited. In the past, the temple was deserted, with only him and the master. Now, nine new senior brothers have arrived, making it much more lively than before.

The three Chicang people looked at this happy scene, silently sent their blessings, and then turned and left.

The vast black curtain covers the boundless land, and there is no daylight. However, in the darkness, there is a temple standing quietly, exuding the light of peace and tranquility.

Above the sky, the figure of the Immortal Monk King appeared, saying his final farewell to Chi Cang and the others, and at the same time, he had to do one thing.

He took out an alms bowl that was full of cracks and about half of it was missing, and turned the mouth of the alms bowl downwards.

Immediately, the essence fell down like a majestic waterfall, pouring on the boundless earth, like a trickle flowing into a long rushing river. The depleted heaven and earth slowly became full, and all living things felt this. Suddenly, they knew that this was a rare opportunity.

In the dark forest, the undulating mountains, and the vast land, all kinds of joyous cheers resounded through the sky. It was the joy of breakthrough and evolution that was indescribable.

There is no doubt that this is an evolutionary feast. In the alms bowl, there is the essence of the death of several quasi-immortal kings, which is enough to make this world different.

Seeing the barren dark world gain vitality, everyone felt a lot more relaxed.

"Fellow Taoist, let's just say goodbye. If nothing else happens, the next time we meet will be in Jiutian." Chi Cang said goodbye to the Immortal Monk King.

Liu Shen also said goodbye, and she and Chi Cang will continue on their endless journey.

Only Lian Juechen remained silent and a little reserved. The monk in front of him was a powerful Immortal King, so he naturally did not dare to say anything to avoid offending the other party.

Of course, after experiencing these things, he also understood a little about the Immortal Monk King's personality, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was the kindest Immortal King.

However, Lian Juechen was in awe from the bottom of his heart when he thought of those extremely powerful quasi-immortal kings being crushed to death by the immortal monk king like ants.

"See you in nine days."

The Immortal Monk King nodded and made an agreement with the Blazing Willow God.

Finally, before leaving, the Immortal Monk King gave Lian Juechen a incomplete Immortal King Sutra, which he had obtained while exploring the ruins. It belonged to an extremely ancient Immortal King.

Lian Juechen was flattered, holding the Immortal King's Treasure Sutra, a little at a loss.

He hurriedly saluted the Immortal Monk King, and at the same time, he also sent a message to thank Chi Cang and Liu Shen. Lian Juechen knew in his heart that the Immortal Monk King did this mostly for the sake of the two of them.

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