The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 363 The king comes to the Immortal Mountains

The journey back is very far, not too close. The White Bone Continent alone is far away from Jiutian. Fortunately, with the supreme giant Chi Cang here, we can cross the endless universe in an instant.

After several months, they returned to the familiar Nine Heavens and Ten Lands.

Although everyone's Taoism has not changed much and they are still in the realm of escape, the hidden dangers and defects left by their practice of ancient methods have been made up for, and everyone has taken turns to comprehend the six seeds, and they all have great achievements. gained.

Qi, blood, body strength, etc. have been enhanced to a certain extent, laying a solid foundation for impacting the Supreme.

However, it is basically impossible for them to attack the Supreme in a short time, because the Supreme line of 500 years is not as simple as casual talk. Once broken, it will be an eternal myth.

Among the young geniuses present, only Shi Hao has this ability and has the hope of breaking the taboo line.

There is no other reason. The one who gained the most from comprehending the six supreme seeds was Shi Hao. He had already practiced the Immortal Sutra and had an extremely powerful body. Coupled with the blessings brought by these ancient seeds, Shi Hao originally The powerful Qi, blood and Taoism began to rise again, as if there was no limit or end.

This kind of power makes giants like the Bone God General nod secretly.

If you want to break the taboo line, you must have extraordinary combat power. Shi Hao is walking on this road and moving forward steadily.

At the same time, after he understood those peerless Tao seeds, he began to perfect and develop the method in his heart, and often consulted Chi Cang.

The wheel of life and death, the five internal organs with gods, the four arms like the four poles, the spine like a dragon, the soul sitting on the immortal platform, etc., have planned the entire human body into five great secret realms, leading directly to the true fairyland.

Of course, this is just Shi Hao's current idea, and everything needs to be realized after he reaches the supreme level.

However, Chi Cang still sees a rising invincible system that develops the secret realm of the human body and continues the path of using the human body to breed. Perhaps it can be feasible in the barren age of the end of the law.

At this moment, Shi Hao has preliminarily built the first secret realm of the human body. He compressed the only cave sky at a very fast speed and became the extreme point, and then exploded, accompanied by the two qi of yin and yang. This is the secret realm of the wheel and sea. In the abdomen of the human body, it is a source of life. Give birth to magic power and control life and death.

It can be said that he has taken a crucial step towards success. Next, it is time to develop the five internal organs. The five internal organs have gods. There are dense "doors" there with powerful potentials. Once opened, they will surely gain massive amounts of potential. Secret power.

The Five Elements Seed obtained from the Five Elements Sealing Demon Land was of great help to Shi Hao. After he briefly fused with it, the Five Elements Seed not only helped him enhance the potential of his five internal organs, but also helped him understand the countless hidden powers in his five internal organs. portal.

At that time, the secret realm of the human body will not need to be as aggressive as the opening of the wheel sea. It can be opened in a targeted manner. In this case, the harm to the human body will be much less.

In short, Chi Cang supported Shi Hao in developing a new system. In this way, he is the founder of a new system. If he continues to practice and develop along this system, his future achievements will be limitless.

Moreover, this kind of cultivation system that develops the potential of the human body is very suitable for the Age of Dharma Ending. By then, after the construction of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is completed, this system can be popularized and more talented creatures can be cultivated. Of course, the premise of everything is that Shi Hao can successfully create the law. .

When everyone returned to Jiutian, the Bone God General immediately proposed to go to all heavens and worlds to take a look.

Of course, Chi Cang couldn't stop him, but he just told him some things. With the powerful combat power of the Bone God General, he would basically not encounter any danger when walking in the sky.

Afterwards, the Bone God General left, silently, to see if anything familiar to him remained in this new era.

"Senior Divine General will not be gone forever, right?" Shi Hao asked. This is a powerful giant that can rival Wu Shang and others. If he never returns, it will be a huge loss.

"He will come back because he wants to find out what happened in that lost era, but he is not qualified to touch it with the strength of the giant." Chi Cang answered.

"Uncle Chi Cang, where should we go next, back to Diguan? Or the eight lower realms?" Shi Hao asked. Chi Cang said that he wanted to go back to Shi Village.

"Let's go to the restricted areas above Jiutian first. The establishment of these restricted areas is not necessarily a good thing for Jiutian.

Although they vowed not to be stained by the mortal world and to be aloof from the world, how easy is it to achieve this?

If Jiutian enters the end of the Dharma, this place will become their ideal place to escape disaster. At that time, the number of monks in the world will decrease sharply, and they will become even more arrogant and can dominate the world with just a thought.

There is no need for such things as restricted areas in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. I will uproot them one by one. If I can take them for my own use, I will take them for my own use. If I can’t take them, I will forcibly drive them away. In short, I cannot establish a restricted area in the Nine Heavens. In this world, I It is of great use to create a good environment for future generations of geniuses to grow. Chi Cang answered.

Shi Hao showed a thoughtful expression, agreeing with Chi Cang's idea that those Nine Heavens Forbidden Zone, once they are born, will put the world's creatures into a tense situation. There is no way, they are too powerful, and they can dominate the world at will.

The last time the one-legged old man riding a big cock came to Diguan, everyone was cautious, fearing that they would say the wrong thing and offend the forbidden area, and be wiped out by the creatures in the forbidden area.

This feeling of being inferior is really uncomfortable.

"In addition, these forbidden creatures have witnessed the great catastrophe in the last years of the Immortal Ancient and know many secrets. There are some things you can ask them."

At this time, Shi Hao remembered something. When he and the Skyhorned Ants went to search for the Immortal Sutra, they only found four levels on the Immortal Mountain. A crow told him that the rest were in the Immortal Mountain. The land has now become a Jiutian restricted area.

He immediately told Chi Cang about this.

"The Land of the Immortal? I know this place, but it is now a restricted area of ​​life. So, our first stop is there." Chi Cang nodded.

Later, he led a group of geniuses to follow the old memories of the Immortal Era and found the so-called Land of the Immortal.

This place is located in the Great Red Sky, and there is no human habitation within millions of miles. Therefore, it is said that there is a great evil hidden in this place. If you approach it without authorization, you will lose your life.

Throughout the ages, many creatures who were curious about this place entered to explore, but they all disappeared forever. Over time, no one dared to trespass anymore, so this place became a veritable forbidden area of ​​​​life.

Chi Cang led a group of young geniuses to the Land of the Immortal.

The huge mountain range stands as high as the sky. It is gray and has no vegetation at all. Silence and tranquility are its eternal themes.

It is so vast, with several mountains intertwined together, forming one of the most terrifying restricted areas of life in the Nine Heavens.

Legend has it that even if true immortals attack this place, they will sink into the sand and perish. Therefore, these huge mountains are called the Immortal Mountains.

Over the long years, countless creatures have died in front of the mountain. Anyone who breaks into this area without authorization will be regarded as a provocation by the restricted area and will be killed without mercy.

It can be seen that under the first mountain ridge, there are endless bones of all races. They are all creatures who did not listen to the advice, approached the restricted area, and were mercilessly killed. Their bones were left behind, casually. They were piled there as a warning to those who came after.

Everyone stared at the thick layer of corpses, many of which were great monks who had escaped to the first level. However, they were randomly discarded there with no one paying attention to them. It was like a burial ground, which was horrifying.

If it weren't for Chi Cang's presence, they would not dare to approach the restricted area of ​​life, because the restricted area is indiscriminate, and approaching without authorization is a provocation and will lead to robbery.

They claim that they want to transcend the mortal world and stand in the supreme pure land. Naturally, they will not let people in the mortal world get close to them. However, when they want to interfere with the affairs of the world, they will forget this. In short, it is a double standard.

The root of all this is that they possess powerful power that makes the world fear and tremble. Therefore, in this world, power is everything.

When you have power, you have the initiative.

Now, Chi Cang's fist is bigger than the owner of the restricted area, so he has nothing to worry about.

Chi Cang led everyone up to the height of the mountain and looked into the interior of the Death Immortal Ridge.

The depths of the restricted area are not as desolate as they appear on the outside. There are immortal auras permeating the mountains, shrouded in fairy mist, and there are several lush areas full of vitality. There is a vague fragrance of fairy medicine. And out.

There is no doubt that the owner of Death Immortal Ridge also found something like the elixir of longevity and planted it in the restricted area, always by his side.

"Is this the Death Immortal Ridge, a terrifying restricted area of ​​life that makes people blush when they hear it?" The geniuses were filled with emotion.

This was the first time they saw the true appearance of the restricted area.

In fact, the restricted area of ​​​​life is no different from ordinary sects. It is even more elegant and quiet, and the internal scenery is more pleasant.

The only difference is that the owner here is moody and will kill people at every turn, which is horrifying.

"Where is the Lord of the Jie clan?" Chi Cang stood at the front, with fluttering clothes and deep eyes. He had an extraordinary aura. Now, he is in the realm of the supreme giant and has suppressed countless immortal kings. Every move of this creature possesses great majesty.

The tranquility of the Immortal Mountain was broken by his words. Immediately, two immortal creatures appeared outside the mountain. They were both middle-aged men. At this moment, they looked uncertain and solemn.

Because the master of Death Immortal Ridge, their clan leader, is an ancient race in the Immortal Realm - the male leader of the Jian clan, not many living beings in Jiutian know about this matter.

This means that the person who came is an equally ancient being. You can tell from the tone that he is a creature of the same level as their clan leader.

"Who are you……"

The two middle-aged people at the True Immortal level looked at Chi Cang with horrified expressions. The clan leader's worries came true, and the most powerful Immortal King came to the door.

Although he is the only one who deserves attention, the others are young people who have escaped to the first level, but one person is better than thousands of troops.

They immediately felt a little guilty, because there were some causes and effects between them, the Immortal Ridge and Chi Cang.

Many years ago, Canxian used his past favors to obtain a great medicine from a true immortal in the Immortal Immortal Ridge, and restored his immortal body. However, Canxian, Chi Cang and Liu Shen had a great cause and effect, and they would not stop until death. Therefore, if the true immortal who sent the great medicine from Death Immortal Ridge had a causal relationship with Chi Cang.

Chi Cang also knew about this, and when Xiao brought Canxian to him, he informed him of the details.

Therefore, during this trip, Chi Cang also had the idea of ​​settling the cause and effect.

"Stay back and let your clan leader come to see me." Chi Cang said coldly.

Today, he is no longer the top ten villains of the past. With different identities, his status is naturally different. If the former Thunder Emperor came to the Death Immortal Ridge, he would be at the same level as the owner of the Death Immortal Ridge. Now, the leader of the Jian clan would call him " Calling him "senior" is not too much.

"Lord Thunder Emperor, please calm down. I will go and report to the clan leader now." The middle-aged true immortal was frightened. From Chi Cang's tone, it seemed that the person who came here was evil.

The master of their Jian clan is a majestic being who can fight against the Immortal King. He should be respected by all the people in the world and surrendered by all directions. However, when he encounters Chi Cang who has conquered foreign lands, no matter how strong he is, he has to give in.

Therefore, not only did he not feel disgusted with Chi Cang's words, he actually took them for granted.

"No need."

A low sound of vicissitudes came from the Immortal Ridge, and an aura belonging to the Immortal King level spread overwhelmingly, coming from the master of this restricted area of ​​life, the hero of the Jian tribe.

Then, a middle-aged man with vicissitudes of eyes came out, stepped forward, and came to Chi Cang.

He was dressed in a golden robe, which was the same color as his hair. He looked majestic, majestic and profound, and extremely mysterious.

Of course, this is how it looks in the eyes of the young prodigy. In Chi Cang's eyes, the Lord of the Jian clan is nothing more than an Immortal King creature with a defective Taoist fruit, who can be destroyed with a flip of a finger.

"It's you?"

Suddenly, an angry voice sounded, coming from Chi Cang's arm, where a white bone tower was sealed. It was the small tower that followed Chi Cang out of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk.

Seeing the Six Paths of Reincarnation restored to its peak, it had long been filled with envy and wanted to find the lost tower body. Now, seeing the leader of the Jian clan, the memory buried deep in Xiaota's heart emerged.

Back then, a ray of golden light came out halfway and took away its two-story tower. Xiaota witnessed that scene with his own eyes. It had never been sure about the identity of the golden light. It was not until today that Xiaota was sure of the identity of the Jinguang after seeing the leader of the Jian clan. The living being is the master of Death Immortal Ridge in front of him.

The leader of the Jie clan was a little surprised when he saw the small tower rushing out of Chi Cang's arms. He thought of a lot in just a moment.

"Give me back the tower!"

The small tower shouted angrily, although it could not defeat the master of the Immortal Ridge, but with Chi Cang's presence, it could be suppressed with a flip of the hand. Today, the lost two-story tower must be found no matter what.

Chi Cang was very cooperative. After Xiaota shouted these words, he unleashed the power of the supreme giant, almost crushing Eternal Qingtian.

The leader of the Jie clan was shocked. He was convinced that Chi Cang had surpassed a large number of old antiques and became an invincible giant, perhaps comparable to the oldest creatures.

Under this situation, he could not refute Xiaota's words at all, so he could only hand over the two layers of Chaos Tower obediently.


The small tower shouted excitedly, rushed over, and collided with the two-story tower, emitting a dazzling light.

The third chapter is not finished yet, so I’ll leave it for tomorrow. Anyway, there will be more.

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