The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 364 Suppressing the Golden Retriever

The two-story white bone tower and the small tower are perfectly integrated, and there is no gap in the connection. Even if they are separated for endless years, they are still one.


The small tower has been restored to the eighth floor, and its momentum is even more amazing. It was able to fight against immortals at that time, but now, it is only one floor short of returning to its peak, and it can already compete with beings like the Ten Fierce.

Like the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, it is special, comparable to a monk, and is not completely dependent on its master, which is why it is so powerful.

Without the control of the owner, the power of ordinary weapons will be greatly reduced.


The eight-story bone tower released a pure white light, and a catalog of all spirits appeared under the tower. There were real dragons, Kunpeng, Qiongqi, and Taotie... all of them were extremely terrifying existences. At this moment, they suddenly opened their eyes. , as if coming to life.

A pair of cold, emotionless eyes looked at the middle-aged man in gold robes, with murderous intent and no concealment.

This is the anger from Xiaota, the great cause and effect of countless years ago.

"Years ago, you took away my two-story tower and I was almost doomed. Today, this debt must be settled, and you will die." The small tower was shaken, and it could be seen that it was very angry.

As the words fell, the eight-story bone tower emitted immeasurable light, and chaotic mist surged, covering the void.

Countless terrifying giant beasts rushed out, roaring to the sky and the earth, killing the owner of the Immortal Ridge. There was a kind of madness and undying determination.

The leader of the Jie tribe changed his color. This bone tower with mysterious origins was already threatening him. The eight-story tower was so arrogant. What if it could be restored to its full nine-story state?


The golden light was billions of meters long, and a majestic energy and blood made the entire void tremble and scream. Indistinctly, it seemed that a giant dragon covered with long golden hair rising up to the sky let out a world-destroying roar.

The terrifying fluctuations covered the giant beasts made of runes, causing them to be wiped out inch by inch.

The small tower's attack was neutralized, and it had just recovered after all. The two-story tower had been refined in the opponent's hands for many years, and it had a certain impact.

"Fellow Taoist, why do you need to use weapons? There must be a way to compensate." The master of the Immortal Ridge said indifferently.

He can suppress the small tower, but it is impossible to resist the blazing power behind it. Those who know the current affairs are heroes. Therefore, the master of Death Immortal Ridge decided to give in and see what kind of price the other party would ask. Even if the lion opened his mouth, he would not You will still be satisfied.

"You almost killed me, how can you compensate me?" Xiaota was angry.

Back then, it was besieged and was about to escape. As a result, a golden light struck and delivered a fatal blow, causing it to disintegrate on the spot. Not only did it lose two layers of the tower, its soul also suffered heavy damage, and it never recovered.

Later, he was chased by a mere leader and lost two more layers of the tower.

This is a life-and-death feud, irreconcilable.

The middle-aged man in golden robes' eyelids twitched slightly. He felt that something bad was going to happen to this tower, and Chi Cang might take action because of this.

"Let's do this. You can ask for fairy gold, treasures, etc., and I'll try my best to satisfy you. How about that?" The owner of the Immortal Ridge asked. He felt that the most missing thing for a incomplete artifact like the small pagoda was all kinds of fairy materials. With such conditions It should be enough to calm the other party's anger.

However, what he didn't expect was that Xiaota followed Chi Cang and Liu Shen to many unimaginable treasure places and obtained all kinds of rare fairy materials. There was no shortage of these for a long time.

"This matter cannot be uncovered. Unless you pay the due price, it will never end." Xiaota was trembling with anger. If it hadn't been for that blow back then, it might be in a different situation now, and it might have been gathered long ago. The tower was restored to its peak.

"Small tower..." Shi Hao from behind whispered. He hadn't seen the small tower so angry for a long time. There must be a deep cause and effect between it and the owner of the restricted area.

Just because the other party has been in charge of the two-story tower these years, it is difficult to resolve it.

It is conceivable that if Chi Cang were not here to control the tower, the owner of the suppressed forbidden area would not dare to raise his head, and the small tower would not be able to get back the lost tower body.

Xiaota wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Chi Cang. This artifact had been with him for so many years and had a good relationship with Liu Shen and Shi Hao. Chi Cang had no reason not to help it.

He is very clear about the virtues of the owner of the penalty area in front of him. He bullies the weak and fears the strong. If he can give you such a knife at the critical moment and knock you into the abyss, he will definitely be very willing.

Chi Cang didn't come with good intentions, so there was no need to be polite.

"The cause and effect of Xiaota must be calculated carefully. In addition, there is another cause and effect involving Ao Sheng's bloodline. I think as the leader of the clan, you shouldn't know everything, right?" Chi Cang said coldly. , mentioned a cause and effect.

The middle-aged man in the golden robe knew what Chi Cang was talking about. Back then, the remnant immortal from the Bronze Immortal Palace came to the Immortal Immortal Ridge to ask for medicine. Due to the past love and cause and effect, a true immortal from the Immortal Immortal Ridge gave him the great medicine. Help the disabled immortal recover from injuries and repair the immortal body.

The remnant immortal of the Bronze Immortal Palace is the person that Chi Cang must kill, and there is irresolvable cause and effect.

Later, King Chicang returned and conquered the foreign lands. The true immortal who sent the great medicine became panicked and asked the middle-aged man in gold robe for protection.

In the end, the master of the Death Immortal Ridge did not have the righteous intention to kill his relatives and chose to protect him. He just let the true immortal who made a mistake go to the back mountain to face the wall and not be born again for a thousand years.

Now, Chi Cang came to the door and asked for that true immortal by name.

The middle-aged man in golden robe was speechless. They were his descendants after all, and it was impossible to watch him die.

"Fellow Taoist, I still say the same thing. There are no irresolvable conflicts in this world. Is there any solution? Our clan is willing to pay any price."

"Oh, so you plan to plead for him?" Chi Cang's eyes were extremely deep, showing no emotion or anger, which frightened the middle-aged man in gold robe.

"He has practiced for many years, and it is not easy to become an immortal being." The middle-aged man in gold robe spoke, expressing an attitude.

"Haha, you can't even protect yourself, and you're still worried about others." Chi Cang sneered.

As he spoke, he released the pressure of the supreme giant level. At this moment, the entire nine heavens and ten earths were trembling, and all spirits bowed their heads and trembled.

The ancient beings in the Jiutian restricted area all woke up and looked at Da Chitian in horror.

"It's the Thunder Emperor, coming to the Immortal Immortal Ridge."

They are all in danger, and even if they are not involved with Chi Cang, they are still frowning, because they are not stupid. Today, in Jiutian, the trend of integration is unstoppable. Sooner or later, these restricted areas will face the day of being cleared, but, they left Where can they go?

There is no way to return to the Immortal Realm, and there is no peace in other places. The great reckoning is coming, and all the worlds are battlefields.

The nine heavens that are about to end are an excellent hiding place for them, but they cannot stay any longer.

They want to return to the Immortal Realm, because the Immortal Realm is strong enough to resist outside invasion.

However, the current kings of the Immortal Realm do not accept them at all. They are afraid of being contaminated by dark substances. From the moment they walked out of the Immortal Realm, they could not look back.

Therefore, the creatures in the restricted area are struggling, hesitating, and waiting, unable to make up their minds.

"Friend Lei Emperor, what does this mean? If you have something to say, why go into a big fight?" The middle-aged man in golden robe tried to calm down the fire. If Lei Emperor really takes action, this small Immortal Immortal Ridge is really not enough for him. .

"There is nothing more to say. I have understood your attitude. Now, if I want to use absolute power to suppress you, should I surrender or resist?" Chi Cang stood in the void, and his majestic momentum made the long river of time emerge. , surrounded by stars, like the ruler between heaven and earth.

"What? You want to suppress me?" The middle-aged man in gold robe was frightened. This was a majestic creature from a foreign land. How could he stop the opponent's steps?

"What will happen if you surrender?" he asked tentatively.

"The past causes and effects have all disappeared. You, the Jian clan, belong to me, Jiutian, and become a sharp spear for me, Jiutian."

Chi Cang said it very euphemistically. In fact, to put it simply, they are the cannon fodder of Jiutian. If there is any war, the Yu clan must fight first.

The middle-aged man in golden robe is not a fool. He can understand the meaning of the words. Even if Chi Cang doesn't say it, he can also think of it. If the cause and effect are all eliminated, how can he not pay the price?

His expression was unbearable. What could the small body of the Jian tribe hold up? The war really broke out, and they died without knowing how.

"Impossible!" The master of Death Immortal Ridge immediately refused and did not accept such treatment.

"Then there's nothing to say."

Chi Cang was no longer silent, and his supreme magic power condensed into a huge hand that covered the entire Cangyu and Death Immortal Ridge, directly changing from day to night.

This power made the middle-aged man in gold robe tremble all over. It was too powerful. The combat power between the two was simply different.

Not to mention the supreme giant, even the supreme Immortal King like Ao Sheng can easily suppress him, while Chi Cang can easily suppress the supreme Immortal King. The difference between them is huge.

But the middle-aged man in the golden robe was unwilling to become a "Spear of the Nine Heavens". To put it bluntly, this thing would lead to death.


Facing Chi Cang's attack, he directly transformed into his true body, which was a beast. The whole body was covered with golden hair. It was ferocious and majestic, with energy and blood soaring into the sky, and a huge size.

Just one roar can shake down the sun, moon and stars all over the sky.

The attack of the small tower just now was defused by the Destruction of the World. At this moment, Jin Maohuan tried his best. The Immortal King symbol was as vast as the ocean, shining brightly, providing Jin Maohuan with overwhelming combat power and impacting the big hand across the sky.


Jin Maohuan shouted loudly, and anyone could hear it. There was a kind of despair in it. The Immortal King with a defective Taoist fruit, facing the supreme giant, was just throwing an egg against a stone.

When the creatures in the other restricted areas heard this roar, they all felt a chill in their lips and teeth. Normally, the restricted areas were well ventilated and basically communicated with each other. Some restricted areas even agreed to advance and retreat together.

However, facing a supreme giant, advancing and retreating at the same time has become a joke. Who dares to use Chi Cang's edge?


Jin Maohuan suffered a catastrophe, and even a powerful blow failed to stop Chi Cang's big hand. Instead, he was suppressed by the big hand that was knocked down. His whole body was shaking violently, and a thin mist of blood was sprayed from his pores.

Everyone saw such a shocking scene. A giant golden-haired cat as high as the sky was pressed there by a big hand. It was trembling and unable to move.

The true immortals in the Immortal Mountains were so horrified that they could not speak. The supreme ancestor of their clan was so easily suppressed.

The other creatures in the restricted area remained silent, having already anticipated the outcome.

A group of geniuses who had escaped to the first level were filled with emotion. For them, this was a sign of the end of the Forbidden Zone era. The mysterious and terrifying Lord of the Forbidden Zone once had to be respected by the world, and his words could make the world law.

Such an era is gone forever.

Jin Maohuan felt a sense of humiliation and struggled to get up, but he couldn't do it. The opponent was too powerful, beyond imagination.

"You look like you're still not convinced." Chi Cang said, and he sealed the golden haired animal, and will deal with it properly later.

As for the people of the Jian clan in the Death Immortal Ridge, Chi Cang has no intention of killing them. There are still a few true immortals anyway, so it would be a pity to kill them. It would be better to take them back to Jiutian.

After the verdict on the Jian clan was announced, how could the few true immortals of the Jian clan dare to say anything disobeying? They all responded. Next, they will stay in the penalty area and wait for someone to collect them.

After doing all this, Chi Cang led all the geniuses to the so-called land of immortality.

This place was originally a deserted place, full of dangers. Later, it was chosen by the Golden Retriever as a restricted area, and it became the Death Immortal Ridge.

They stopped in front of a huge mountain. The mountain in front of them was somewhat bare and lacked vitality. The peaks towered into the clouds, standing there, magnificent and majestic.

"How can there be any immortal scripture here? It's bare and full of rubble. Could it be that it's in some ancient cave and needs someone to dig it?" Cao Yusheng couldn't help but wonder after looking for a long time without seeing any heaven-defying scripture. .

"It's not that simple. Don't keep thinking about digging here and there." The Skyhorned Ant gave Cao Yusheng a white look.

It and Shi Hao used the bone key to open the Immortal Peak inheritance in that final trial place, and obtained the complete four-page Immortal Sutra.

However, they did not have the second bone key. The crow spirit only told them the location, but not how to open it.

Moreover, judging from the degree of preservation of this mountain peak, the people of Death Immortal Ridge failed to open up the inheritance here.

This can be seen from the fact that Jin Maohuan has not practiced the Immortal Sutra. If he obtains this supreme sutra, it is impossible not to practice it.

Chi Cang didn't speak, his eyes were like two bright golden lamps, with the most powerful symbol flashing in them. He was observing this bare mountain, trying to find a way to open it.

The Sutra of Immortality is a supreme secret method for the Immortal King. It is said that when one practices it to the extreme, the physical body will be immortal forever.

The Ten Fierce Sky-horned Ants had only cultivated the fourth level back then, and they were not yet at the complete fourth level. Without a few key verses, they were able to travel across the sky and the earth, which fully shows how unnatural this kind of verse is.

It seems to be born in heaven and earth. The scriptures are immortal. They will dissipate after being obtained by others, and will grow again in the past millions of years.

The peaks engraved with it can be called immortal peaks, and they can be reborn after being destroyed.

After thinking for a while, Chi Cang looked at Shi Hao. Perhaps Shi Hao, who had practiced the Immortal Sutra, was the key to unlocking the inheritance.

Otherwise, why would the Immortal Sutra be divided into two parts? You must have obtained the first four levels to qualify for the last five levels.

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